
Defines functions ggplot.cv plot.cv summary.cv print.cv cv.evmOpt cv

Documented in cv cv.evmOpt ggplot.cv plot.cv print.cv summary.cv

#' Cross-validation for a model object
#' @param object A model object.
#' @param folds The number of cross-validation folds to use. Defaults to
#'   \code{folds = 10}.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed through to methods.
#' @details The function is generic. At present, only objects of class 'evmOpt',
#'   as returned by \code{texmex::evm} can be used.
#' @seealso \code{\link{cv.evmOpt}}
#' @export cv
cv <- function(object, folds = 10, ...){

#' Cross-validation for the shape parameter in an extreme values model
#' @param object An object of class 'evmOpt' as returned by \code{evm}.
#' @param folds Integer giving the number of cross-validation folds to use.
#'   Defaults to \code{folds = 10}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @param penalty String specifying the type of penalty to use. Defaults to
#'   \code{penalty = "gaussian"} which is equivalent to using a quadratic
#'   penalty. The other allowed value is \code{penalty = "lasso"} and an L1
#'   penalty is used.
#' @param range A sequence of values for the penalty parameter. Defaults to
#'   \code{range = seq(1, 25, length.out = 25)}.
#'   The values are taken to be the reciprocals of the prior variance so must
#'   be strictly positive.
#' @param shape String giving the name of the shape parameter. Defaults to
#'   \code{shape = NULL} and the function tries to guess.
#' @details Only the shape parameter is assumed to be penalized. The penalty
#'   can be thought of in terms of the variance of a prior distribution, which
#'   is equivalent to a quadratic penalty. Because the shape parameter will
#'   usually be between -1/2 and 1/2, a prior N(0, 1/16) distribution will
#'   likely be a good starting point, so values that span 16 will usually be
#'   appropriate.
#'   Note that the procedure appears to frequently prefer larger penalties over
#'   smaller ones, effectively driving the shape parameter to zero. However,
#'   if you are fitting distributions that can model long tails, there is
#'   probably a good reason for that and you should use your prior knowledge
#'   to determine if non-zero values of the shape are plausible, rather than
#'   rely solely on an automated procedure.
#'   Also note that small numbers of observations can have a big impact on
#'   parameter estimates. Because cross-validation involves randomly assigning
#'   values to folds, the results are generally different from one run to
#'   the next. These to features combined can produce quite big differences
#'   between cross-validation runs and it is advisable to use either
#'   leave-one-out (by setting \code{folds} to be the same as the length of
#'   the data), or to run the procedure several times and average over them.
#'   @note At present, only models without covariates are implemented.
#' @method cv evmOpt
#' @export
cv.evmOpt <- function(object, folds = 10, ..., penalty = "gaussian",
                      range = seq(1, 25, length.out = 25), shape = NULL){

  theCall <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)

  f <- object$family
  fn <- f$name
  parNames <- names(f$param)

  y <- object$data$y
  n <- length(y)

  if (folds > length(y)){
    stop("Number of cv folds is greater than the number of observations")
  } else if (folds < 2){
    stop("folds must be at least 2")

  if (min(range) <= 0){
    stop("range must be positive")

  nRange <- length(range)

  if (fn %in% c("GPD", "EGP3", "GEV")){
    shapeName <- "xi"
  } else if (fn == "CGPD"){
    shapeName <- "eta"
  } else if (is.null(shape)){
    stop("You need to tell me the name of the shape parameter")
  } else {
    shapeName <- shape
    if (!(shapeName %in% parNames))
      stop("shape not in names of family parameters")

  sindex <- (1:length(parNames))[parNames == shapeName]

  dat <- data.frame(y = y, index = 1:n,
                    fold = sample(rep(1:folds, length.out = n)))

  param <- cverror <- rep(0, nRange)

  cost <- function(d, m){
    co <- matrix(coef(m), nrow = 1)
    -mean(m$family$density(d, co, model = m, log.d = TRUE))

  if (penalty == "gaussian") {
    pp <- list(rep(0, length(parNames)), diag(c(rep(10^6, length(parNames) - 1), 0)))
  } else {
    pp <- list(rep(0, length(parNames)), diag(c(rep(10^(-6), length(parNames) - 1), 0)))

  p <- rep(-99, times = folds)

  for (i in 1:nRange){
    pp[[2]][sindex, sindex] <- 1 / range[i]
    for (j in 1:folds){

      m <- evm("y", dat[dat$fold != j, ], family = f, th = object$threshold,
               penalty = penalty, priorParameters = pp, cov = object$cov.method)

      cverror[i] <- cverror[i] +  cost(dat$y[dat$fold == j], m)
    m <- evm("y", dat, family = f, th = object$threshold,
             penalty = penalty, priorParameters = pp, cov = object$cov.method)
    param[i] <- coef(m)[paste0(shapeName, ": (Intercept)")]

  res <- data.frame(penalty = range, error = cverror, estimate = param)

  res <- list(cv = res, data = dat, best = res$penalty[res$error == min(res$error)], call = theCall)
  class(res) <- "cv"

#' @rdname cv
#' @method print cv
#' @export
print.cv <- function(x, ...){

  mm <- x$best
  cat(paste("\nMinimum error with penalty", round(mm, 3)))

#' @rdname cv
#' @method summary cv
#' @export
summary.cv <- function(object, ...){

  cat("\n", max(object$data$fold), "-fold cross-validation", sep = "")
  mm <- object$best
  cat(paste("\nMinimum error with penalty", round(mm, 3)))

#' @rdname cv
#' @method plot cv
#' @param x,y Arguments to plot method.
#' @export
plot.cv <- function(x, y, ...){
  d <- x$cv
  plot(d$penalty, d$error, xlab = "Penalty", ylab = "Negative CV log-likelihood")

#' @rdname cv
#' @method ggplot cv
#' @param data,mapping,environment Arguments ggplot method.
#' @export
ggplot.cv <- function(data, mapping=NULL, ..., environment = parent.frame()){
  d <- data$cv

  ggplot(d, aes(penalty, error)) +
    geom_point() +
    xlab("Penalty") + ylab("Negative CV log-likelihood")

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