
Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "") # Prevent R CMD check failure with parallel
tol <- 0.12

for(Family in list(gpd,gev)){

  pst <- function(msg) texmex:::texmexPst(msg,Family=Family)

  u    <- switch(Family$name, GPD=30, GEV=-Inf)
  data <- switch(Family$name, GPD=rain, GEV=portpirie$SeaLevel)

  fit <- evm(data, th=u, family=Family, penalty="none")
  boot <- evmBoot(fit, R=200, trace=1000)
  co <- coef(fit)
  rep <- boot$replicates
  scaleColumn <- switch(Family$name, GPD=1, GEV=2)
  rep[, scaleColumn] <- exp(rep[, scaleColumn])

  # Compare bootstrap standard errors with those given by Coles
  # pages 59 and 85 for GEV and GPD resp

  bse <- apply(rep, 2, sd)
  cse <- switch(Family$name,GPD=c(.958432, .101151),GEV=c(0.02792848, 0.02024846, 0.09823441))

  expect_equal(cse, unname(bse), tolerance=tol,
               info=pst("evmBoot: bootstrap se of parameter estimates matches Coles"))

  ## Check penalization works - set harsh penalty and do similar
  ## checks to above

  pp <- switch(Family$name,GPD=list(c(0, .5), diag(c(.5, .05))), GEV=list(c(5, 0, .5), diag(c(.5, .5, .05))))
  fit <- evm(data, th=u, penalty="none", priorParameters=pp,family=Family)
  boot <- evmBoot(fit, R=1000, trace=1100)

  bse <- apply(boot$replicates, 2, sd)
  rse <- bse / fit$se
  rse <- ifelse(rse < 1, 1/rse, rse)
  expect_true(max(rse) < 1.1, info=pst("evmBoot: SEs with xi in model, with penalty applied"))

  best <- apply(boot$replicates, 2, median)
  fest <- coef(fit)
  rdiff <- abs(best - fest)
  # Do 80% test
  expect_true(all(rdiff < 1.281552*fit$se), info=pst("evmBoot: medians in line with point ests, with penalty applied"))

  # models with covariates. Due to apparent instability
  # of the Hessian in some cases, allow some leeway

  n <- 1000
  mu <- 1
  phi <- 5
  xi <- 0.05
  X <- data.frame(a = rnorm(n),b = runif(n,-0.1,0.1))
  th <- switch(Family$name,GPD=0,GEV=-Inf)

  test <- function(boot, fit, txt){
    bse <- apply(boot$replicates, 2, sd)
    rse <- bse / fit$se
    rse <- ifelse(rse < 1, 1/rse, rse)
    expect_true(max(rse) < 1.5, info=pst(paste("evmBoot: SEs with covariates in", txt)))

    best <- apply(boot$replicates, 2, median)
    fest <- coef(fit)
    rdiff <- abs((best - fest)/fest)

    expect_true(all(rdiff < 0.25), info=pst(paste("evmBoot:medians in line with point ests, covariates in", txt)))

  param <- switch(Family$name, GPD=cbind(2 + X[, 1], xi), GEV=cbind(mu, 2 + X[, 1], xi))
  start <- switch(Family$name, GPD=c(2, 1, xi), GEV=c(mu, 2, 1, xi))
  X$Y <- Family$rng(n, param, list(threshold=th))

  fit <- evm(Y, data=X, phi=~a, th=th, family=Family, start=start)
  boot <- evmBoot(fit, R=200, trace=201)
  test(boot, fit, "phi")

  param <- switch(Family$name,GPD=cbind(phi,0.1+X[,2]),GEV=cbind(mu,phi,0.1+X[,2]))
  start <- switch(Family$name,GPD=c(phi,0.1,1),GEV=c(mu,phi,0.1,1))
  X$Y <- Family$rng(n,param,list(threshold=th))

  fit <- evm(Y,data=X,xi=~b,th=th,family=Family,start=start)
  boot <- evmBoot(fit, R=200, trace=201)

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