
for(Family in list(gpd,gev)){
  pst <- function(msg) texmex:::texmexPst(msg,Family=Family)

  # no covariates

  u    <- switch(Family$name, GPD=14, GEV=-Inf)
  data <- switch(Family$name, GPD=rain, GEV=portpirie$SeaLevel)

  r.fit <- evm(data, th=u, family=Family)
  co <- coef(r.fit)

  if(Family$name == "GPD")
    expect_equivalent(u, predict(r.fit, M=1/r.fit$rate)$obj[[1]], info=pst("predict.evmOpt: GPD retrieve threshold"))

  expect_equal(predict(r.fit)$obj[[1]], rl(r.fit)[[1]],
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: predic with type=rlg ives same as direct call to rl with default arguments"))
  expect_equal(predict(r.fit, type="lp")$obj[[1]],
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: predict with type=lp gives same as direct call to linearpredictors with default arguments"))

  r.fit$rate <- 1
  prob <- c(0.5,0.9,0.95,0.99,0.999)
  for(p in prob){
    expect_equivalent(Family$quant(p, t(co), r.fit),
                info=pst("predict.evmOpt: est ret levels no covariates"))

  # with covariates

  n <- 1000
  M <- 1000

  # boundary cases with single covariates in only one parameter
  mu <- 1
  xi <- 0.05
  X <- data.frame(a = rnorm(n),b = runif(n,-0.1,0.1))
  param <- switch(Family$name,GPD=cbind(X[,1],xi),GEV=cbind(mu,X[,1],xi))
  th <- switch(Family$name,GPD=0,GEV=-Inf)
  X$Y <- Family$rng(n,param,list(threshold=th))
  fit <- evm(Y,data=X,phi=~a,th=th,family=Family)
  AllCo <- predict(fit,type="lp")$obj$link[,1:length(Family$param)]
  pred <- predict(fit,M=M)$obj

  expect_equivalent(X$a, pred[[1]][, -1],
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: ret level correct reporting of covariates for single cov in phi only"))
  expect_equivalent(Family$quant(1-1/M, AllCo, fit),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: ret level estimation with covariates in phi only"))

  mu <- 1
  sig <- 2
  param <- switch(Family$name,GPD=cbind(log(sig),X[,2]),GEV=cbind(mu,log(sig),X[,2]))
  X$Y <- Family$rng(n,param,list(threshold=th))
  fit <- evm(Y,data=X,xi=~b,th=th,family=Family)
  AllCo <- predict(fit,type="lp")$obj$link[,1:length(Family$param)]
  pred <- predict(fit,M=M)$obj

  expect_equivalent(X$b, pred[[1]][, -1],
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: ret level correct reporting of covariates for single cov in xi only"))
  expect_equivalent(Family$quant(1-1/M, AllCo, fit),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: ret level estimation with covariates in xi only"))

  # covariates in all parameters
  param <- switch(Family$name,GPD=cbind(X[,1],X[,2]),GEV=cbind(X[,1],X[,1],X[,2]))
  X$Y <- Family$rng(n,param,list(threshold=th))
  fit <- switch(Family$name,
                GPD = evm(Y, data=X,        phi=~a, xi=~b, th=th,family=Family),
                GEV = evm(Y, data=X, mu=~a, phi=~a, xi=~b, th=th,family=Family))

  AllCo <- predict(fit,type="lp")$obj$link[,1:length(Family$param)]

  expect_equivalent(Family$quant(1-1/M, AllCo, fit),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: ret level estimation with covariates in all parameters"))

  # check multiple M
  M <- c(10,50,100,500,1000)
  target <- sapply(M,function(m,AllCo,fit) Family$quant(1-1/m,AllCo,fit),AllCo=AllCo,fit=fit)
  current <- predict(fit,M=M)$obj

  for(i in 1:length(M)){
    expect_equivalent(target[, i], current[[i]][,1],
                info=pst("predict.evmOpt: ret level estimation multiple M"))

  # new data
  nx <- 20
  M <- 1000
  newX <- data.frame(a=runif(nx,0,1),b=runif(nx,-0.05,0.05))
  AllCoNew <- predict(fit,type="lp",newdata=newX)$obj$link[,1:length(Family$param)]

  expect_equivalent(Family$quant(1-1/M, AllCoNew, fit), predict(fit,M=M,newdata=newX)$obj[[1]][,1],
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: ret level ests with newdata"))

  expect_equal(dim(AllCoNew)+c(0, 3), dim(predict(fit,ci=TRUE,newdata=newX)$obj[[1]]),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: dimension of return object for c icalc"))
  expect_equal(dim(AllCoNew)+c(0, 2), dim(predict(fit,se=TRUE,newdata=newX)$obj[[1]]),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: dimension of return object for se calc"))
  expect_equal(dim(AllCoNew)+c(0, 4), dim(predict(fit,se=TRUE,ci=TRUE,newdata=newX)$obj[[1]]),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: dimension of return object for se and ci calc"))

  Labels <- switch(Family$name,GPD=c("a","b"),GEV=c("a","a","b"))

  expect_equal(c("RL", "2.5%", "97.5%","se.fit", Labels), colnames(predict(fit,se=TRUE,ci=TRUE,newdata=newX)$obj[[1]]),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: colnames of return object for se and ci calc, default alpha"))
  expect_equal(c("RL", "5%", "95%","se.fit", Labels), colnames(predict(fit,se=TRUE,ci=TRUE,alpha=0.1,newdata=newX)$obj[[1]]),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: colnames of return obejct for se and ci calc, alpha=0.1"))

  # alpha

  alpha <- c(0.01,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.5,0.9,0.99)
  z <- matrix(qnorm(c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2)),ncol=2)

  for(a in 1:length(alpha)){
    p <- predict(fit,alpha=alpha[a], ci=TRUE, se=TRUE,newdata=newX)$obj[[1]]
    expect_equal(colnames(p)[2:3], c(paste(100*alpha[a]/2, "%",sep=""),paste(100*(1-alpha[a]/2),"%",sep="")),
                info=pst("predict.evmOpt: labelling of confidence intervals"))
    expect_equal(p[,1] + z[a, 1]*p[,4], p[,2],
                info=pst("predict.evmOpt: ret level Conf Interval calc for different alpha"))
    expect_equal(p[, 1]+z[a, 2]*p[,4], p[,3],
                info=pst("predict.evmOpt: ret level Conf Interval calc for different alpha"))

  # linear predictors

  expect_equivalent(c(nx, switch(Family$name, GPD=6, GEV=9)),
              dim(predict(fit, newdata=newX, se=TRUE, type="lp")$obj$link),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: dimension of return object, linearpredictor, se calc"))
  expect_equal(c(nx, switch(Family$name, GPD=8,GEV=12)),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: dimension of return object, linearpredictor, ci calc"))

  nameCI <- switch(Family$name,GPD = c("phi", "xi", "phi.lo", "phi.hi", "xi.lo", "xi.hi","a","b"),GEV = c("mu","phi", "xi", "mu.lo","mu.hi","phi.lo", "phi.hi", "xi.lo", "xi.hi","a","a","b"))
  nameSE <- switch(Family$name,GPD = c("phi", "xi", "phi.lo", "phi.hi", "xi.lo", "xi.hi","phi.se", "xi.se","a","b"),GEV = c("mu","phi", "xi", "mu.lo","mu.hi","phi.lo", "phi.hi", "xi.lo", "xi.hi","mu.se","phi.se", "xi.se","a","a","b"))
  expect_equal(nameCI, colnames(predict(fit, newdata=newX,ci=TRUE,type="lp")$obj$link),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: colnames for linear predictor return object"))
  expect_equal(nameSE, colnames(predict(fit, newdata=newX,ci=TRUE,se=TRUE,type="lp")$obj$link),
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: colnames for linearpredictor return object"))

  # unique

  newX <- data.frame(a=c(0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4),b=c(-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1)) # checks for duplicates in one and both covariates.
  U <- !duplicated(newX)
  expect_equal(predict(fit, newdata=newX, type="lp")$obj$link,
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: functioning of argument unique, for linear predictor"))
  expect_equal(predict(fit, newdata=newX)$obj[[1]],
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: functioning of argument unique, for return levels"))

  # check standard errors - this takes a while since using bootstrap

  M <- c(10,100,500,1000,2000)
  newX <- data.frame("a"=rep(c(1,-1,2,-2),2),"b"=c(rep(0.1,4),rep(-0.1,4)))
  fit.p <- predict(fit, newdata=newX, se=TRUE, M=M)$obj
  fit.seest <- unlist(lapply(fit.p, function(x) x[,2]))

  o <- options(warn=-1)
  fit.b <- evmBoot(fit, R=1000, trace=1100)
  fit.bp <- predict(fit.b, newdata=newX, all=TRUE, M=M)$obj
  fit.seb <- lapply(fit.bp, function(X) apply(X, 2, sd))
  fit.seboot <- unlist(fit.seb)

  # Testing for similarity of bootstrap SEs of predictions and the SEs estimated
  # from the ML fit seems incongruous. Part of the point of using the bootstrap
  # is that we don't trust the approximate SEs based on numerical approximations
  # from the non-quadratic likelihood...
  d <- fit.seboot - fit.seest
  expect_true(abs(mean(d) / sd(d - mean(d))) < 1.28,
              info=pst("predict.evmOpt: mean SE difference in expected range"))
  #    expect_that(all(abs(d) < 0.4), is_true(),
  #                info=pst("predict.evmOpt: return level standard error estimate compared with bootstrap standard errors"))

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