
Defines functions print_flags_and_quit parse_command_line add_flag print.tfruns_flags as.data.frame.tfruns_flags parse_flags flag_definition flag_string flag_boolean flag_integer flag_numeric flags

Documented in flag_boolean flag_integer flag_numeric flags flag_string

#' Flags for a training run
#' Define the flags (name, type, default value, description) which paramaterize
#' a training run. Optionally read overrides of the default values from a
#' "flags.yml" config file and/or command line arguments.
#' @param name Flag name
#' @param default Flag default value
#' @param description Flag description
#' @param ... One or more flag definitions
#' @param config The configuration to use. Defaults to the active configuration
#'   for the current environment (as specified by the `R_CONFIG_ACTIVE`
#'   environment variable), or `default` when unset.
#' @param file The flags YAML file to read
#' @param arguments The command line arguments (as a character vector) to be
#'   parsed.
#' @return Named list of training flags
#' @section Config File Flags:
#' Config file flags are defined a YAML configuration file (by default
#' named "flags.yml"). Flags can either appear at the top-level of
#' the YAML or can be inclued in named configuration sections
#' (see the \href{https://github.com/rstudio/config}{config package} for
#' details).
#' @section Command Line Flags:
#' Command line flags should be of the form `--key=value` or
#' `--key value`. The values are assumed to be valid `yaml` and
#' will be converted using [yaml.load()].
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(tfruns)
#' # define flags and parse flag values from flags.yml and the command line
#' FLAGS <- flags(
#'   flag_numeric('learning_rate', 0.01, 'Initial learning rate.'),
#'   flag_integer('max_steps', 5000, 'Number of steps to run trainer.'),
#'   flag_string('data_dir', 'MNIST-data', 'Directory for training data'),
#'   flag_boolean('fake_data', FALSE, 'If true, use fake data for testing')
#' )
#' }
#' @export
flags <- function(...,
                  config = Sys.getenv("R_CONFIG_ACTIVE", unset = "default"),
                  file = "flags.yml",
                  arguments = commandArgs(TRUE)) {

  # warn if the user has supplied a 'file' argument but no such file exists
  if (!missing(file) && !file.exists(file)) {
    warning(sprintf("configuration file '%s' does not exist", file))
    file <- NULL # prevent errors/warnings downstream

  # get flags file from training_run() if available and not specified
  if (missing(file) && !is.null(.globals$run_dir$flags_file)) {
    if (file.exists(.globals$run_dir$flags_file)) {
      file <- .globals$run_dir$flags_file
    } else {
      warning(sprintf("configuration file '%s' does not exist", file))
      file <- NULL # prevent errors/warnings downstream

  # get config from training_run() if available and it's not specified
  if (missing(config) && !is.null(.globals$run_dir$config))
    config <- .globals$run_dir$config

  # create an empty FLAGS structure
  FLAGS <- structure(class = "tfruns_flags",
    types = character(),
    defaults = list(),
    docstrings = character(),

  # resolve flag definitions (accept a list)
  flag_defs <- list(...)
  if (length(flag_defs) == 1 && !inherits(flag_defs[[1]], "tfruns_flag"))
    flag_defs <- flag_defs[[1]]

  # add the flags
  for (flag in flag_defs)
    FLAGS <- add_flag(FLAGS, flag$name, flag$type, flag$default, flag$description)

  # check for --help
  if ("--help" %in% arguments)

  # parse the command line / config file
  if (length(flag_defs) > 0)
    FLAGS <- parse_flags(FLAGS, config, file, arguments)

  # write flags
  write_run_metadata("flags", FLAGS)

  # return flags

#' @rdname flags
#' @export
flag_numeric <- function(name, default, description = NULL) {
    name = name,
    type = "numeric",
    default = as.double(default),
    description = description

#' @rdname flags
#' @export
flag_integer <- function(name, default, description = NULL) {
    name = name,
    type = "integer",
    default = as.integer(default),
    description = description

#' @rdname flags
#' @export
flag_boolean <- function(name, default, description = NULL) {
    name = name,
    type = "boolean",
    default = as.logical(default),
    description = description

#' @rdname flags
#' @export
flag_string <- function(name, default, description = NULL) {
    name = name,
    type = "string",
    default = as.character(default),
    description = description

flag_definition <- function(name, type, default, description) {
  structure(class = "tfruns_flag", list(
    name = name,
    type = type,
    default = default,
    description = description

parse_flags <- function(FLAGS, config, file, arguments) {

  # read configuration file if it exists
  if (!is.null(file) && file.exists(file)) {

    # first load the raw YAML so we can provide defaults from FLAGS
    # (this obviates the need to also provide the defaults in flags.yml)
    config_yaml <- yaml::yaml.load_file(file)

    # check to see whether this is a profile-oriented config file

    # see what the structure of the config file is. if it's all lists at the
    # top level then treat it as a traditional profile-oriented config file
    if (all(vapply(config_yaml, is.list, TRUE))) {
      # synthesize default section based on what's already in the config file
      # and the defaults provided inline
      config_yaml[["default"]] <- config::merge(as.vector(FLAGS),
    } else {
      # synthesize default section from the values at the top level
      config_yaml[["default"]] <- config::merge(as.vector(FLAGS), config_yaml)

    # now write this to a temp file which we will read with config::get
    flags_tmp <- tempfile(pattern = "tfruns-flags", fileext = ".yml")
    on.exit(unlink(flags_tmp), add = TRUE)
    writeLines(yaml::as.yaml(config_yaml), flags_tmp)

    # read the config
    flags <- config::get(config = config, file = flags_tmp, use_parent = FALSE)

  } else {

    # no config file, just use default FLAGS
    flags <- as.vector(FLAGS)


  # merge with command line arguments (if any)
  flags <- config::merge(flags, parse_command_line(arguments))

  # merge with flags provided via training_run()
  tr_flags <- .globals$run_dir$flags
  tr_flag_names <- names(tr_flags)
  if (!is.null(tr_flags) && !is.null(tr_flag_names)) {
    tr_flags <- as.character(tr_flags)
    tr_flags_arguments <- character()
    for (i in 1:length(tr_flags)) {
      if (nzchar(tr_flag_names[[i]])) {
        name <- paste0("--", tr_flag_names[[i]])
        value <- tr_flags[[i]]
      tr_flags_arguments <- c(tr_flags_arguments, name, value)
    flags <- config::merge(flags, parse_command_line(tr_flags_arguments))

  # discover undeclared arguments
  undeclared <- setdiff(names(flags), names(FLAGS))
  if (length(undeclared) > 0) {
    stop("The following flags were provided but not declared: ",
         paste(undeclared, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)

  # set discovered values in FLAGS (set one at a time so that
  # we can do type coercion and preserve the attributes of FLAGS)
  names <- names(FLAGS)
  types <- attr(FLAGS, "types")
  for (i in 1:length(FLAGS)) {
    name <- names[[i]]
    type <- types[[i]]
    value <- suppressWarnings(switch(type,
      numeric = as.double(flags[[name]]),
      integer = as.integer(flags[[name]]),
      boolean = as.logical(flags[[name]]),
      string = as.character(flags[[name]])
    # error if length > 1 (no support for parsing lists @ the command line)
    if (length(value) > 1) {
      stop('flag "', name, '" has length > 1 (only scalar flag values are supported)')
    # error if type coersion fails
    if (is.na(value)) {
      value <- paste0("'", flags[[name]], "'")
      stop("Unable to convert flag '", name, "' with value ", value,
           " to type ", type, call. = FALSE)
    FLAGS[[name]] <- value

  # return flags

#' @export
as.data.frame.tfruns_flags <- function(x, ...) {
  if (length(x) > 0) {
    data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      name = names(x),
      type = attr(x, "types"),
      value = as.character(x),
      description = attr(x, "descriptions")
  } else {
    data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      name = character(),
      type = character(),
      value = character(),
      description = character())

#' @export
print.tfruns_flags <- function(x, ...) {
  print(as.data.frame(x), row.names = FALSE)

# add a flag definition
add_flag <- function(FLAGS, name, type, default, description) {

  # validate uniqueness of name
  if (!is.null(FLAGS[[name]]))
    stop("A flag named '", name, "' has already been defined", call. = FALSE)

  # add flag
  FLAGS[[name]] <- default
  attr(FLAGS, "types") <- c(attr(FLAGS, "types"), type)
  attr(FLAGS, "defaults") <- c(attr(FLAGS, "defaults"), default)
  attr(FLAGS, "descriptions") <- c(attr(FLAGS, "descriptions"),
                                   ifelse(is.null(description), NA, description))

  # return flags

# parse command line arguments
parse_command_line <- function(arguments) {

  # initialize some state
  values <- list()

  i <- 0; n <- length(arguments)
  while (i < n) {
    i <- i + 1
    argument <- arguments[[i]]

    # skip any command line arguments without a '--' prefix
    if (!grepl("^--", argument))

    # terminate if we see "--args" (implies passthrough args)
    if (grepl("^--args$", argument))

    # check to see if an '=' was specified for this argument
    equals_idx <- regexpr("=", argument)
    if (identical(c(equals_idx), -1L)) {
      # no '='; the next argument is the value for this key
      key <- substring(argument, 3)
      val <- arguments[[i + 1]]
      i <- i + 1
    } else {
      # found a '='; the next argument is all the text following
      # that character
      key <- substring(argument, 3, equals_idx - 1)
      val <- substring(argument, equals_idx + 1)

    # convert '-' to '_' in key
    key <- gsub("-", "_", key)

    # update our map of argument values
    values[[key]] <- yaml::yaml.load(val)



print_flags_and_quit <- function(FLAGS) {
  flags_df <- as.data.frame(FLAGS)
  if (nrow(flags_df) > 0) {
    max_name_len <- max(nchar(flags_df$name))
    for (i in 1:nrow(flags_df)) {
      row <- flags_df[i,]
      flag <- paste0("  --", gsub("_", "-", row$name))
      flag <- format(flag, width = max_name_len + 4)
      description <- row$description
      if (is.na(description))
        description <- ""
        description <- paste0(description, " ")
      description <- paste0(description, "(", row$value, ")")
      cat(sprintf("%s    %s\n", flag, description))

  fn_quit <- utils::getFromNamespace("quit", asNamespace("base"))
  fn_quit(save = "no")

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tfruns documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:31 a.m.