
Defines functions .TheiaQuery_submit .TheiaQuery_check .TheiaQuery_initialize .TheiaQuery_print

#' A query to the Theia website
#' Generate an send a query to Theia web API to get and download tiles based on
#' input given by the user.
#' @name TheiaQuery
#' @section Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#'    q <- TheiaQuery$new(query)
#'    q$update_token()
#'    q$submit()
#' }
#' @section Arguments:
#' \describe{
#'    \item{q:}{A \code{TheiaQuery} object}
#'    \item{query:}{\code{list}, the users' request, see `Queries` for
#'    more informations}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#'    \code{TheiaQuery$new()} Create a new instance of the class, parse `query`
#'    list and submit the query to Theia to retrieve files catalog
#'    \code{q$submit()} Submit the query to Theia and get a list of tiles
#'    corresponding to search criteria
#' @section Queries:
#'    Search criteria are given with a `list` accepting these fields:
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item{collection:} The collection to look for. Accepted values are:
#'        'SENTINEL2', 'LANDSAT', 'Landsat57', 'SpotWorldHeritage', 'Snow'.
#'        Defaults to 'SENTINEL2'
#'      \item{platform:} The platform to look for. Accepted values are:
#'        'LANDSAT5', 'LANDSAT7', 'LANDSAT8', 'SPOT1', 'SPOT2', 'SPOT3',
#'        'SPOT4', 'SPOT5', 'SENTINEL2A', 'SENTINEL2B'
#'      \item{level:} Processing level. Accepted values are: 'LEVEL1C',
#'        'LEVEL2A', LEVEL3A', 'N2A'. Defaults to 'LEVEL2A' (or 'N2A' if
#'        querying Landsat57 collection).
#'      \item{town:} The location to look for. Give a common town name.
#'      \item{tile:} The tile identifier to retrieve.
#'      \item{start.date:} The first date to look for (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
#'      \item{end.date:} The last date to look for (format: YYYY-MM-DD). Must be
#'        after start.date. Defaults to today's date.
#'      \item{latitude:} The x coordinate of a point
#'      \item{longitude:} The y coordinate of a point
#'      \item{latmin:} The minimum latitude to search
#'      \item{latmax:} The maximum latitude to search
#'      \item{lonmin:} The minimum longitude to search
#'      \item{lonmax:} The maximum longitude to search
#'      \item{orbit.number:} The orbit number
#'      \item{rel.orbit.number:} The relative orbit number
#'      \item{max.clouds:} The maximum of cloud cover wanted (0-100)
#'      \item{max.records:} The maximum of tiles to search
#'    }
#' @seealso
#'    \url{https://github.com/olivierhagolle/theia_download} for an alternative
#'    download method based on Python. Inspiration for this function.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Create a query to Theia database, looking for tiles from Sentinel2
#' # satellite around Grenoble, between 2018-07-01 and 2018-07-06.
#' query <- list(collection = "SENTINEL2",
#'               town       = "Grenoble",
#'               start.date = "2018-07-01",
#'               end.date   = "2018-07-06")
#' q <- TheiaQuery$new(query)
#' # Show informations on found tiles
#' print(q$tiles)
#' }

#' @export

TheiaQuery <-
          # private ------------------------------------------------------------
          private =
            list(url        = NULL,
                 catalog    = NULL,
                 server.url = NULL,
                 resto      = NULL,

                 check      = function()
                   .TheiaQuery_check(self, private)

          # public -------------------------------------------------------------
          public =
            list(query    = NULL,
                 tiles    = NULL,

                 initialize = function(query)
                   .TheiaQuery_initialize(self, private, query)

                 print = function(...)

                 submit = function()
                   .TheiaQuery_submit(self, private)

# Functions definitions --------------------------------------------------------

.TheiaQuery_print <- function(self)
  # Special method to print
  cat("A search query to Theia website\n\n")

  cat("Number of tiles:", nrow(self$tiles), "\n\n")

  cat("Search terms:\n")

  # get maximum length of search terms to format printing
  max.chars <- max(nchar(names(self$query))) + 1

  # print search terms
         function(x) {
           l <- nchar(names(self$query))[[x]]

           cat("   ", names(self$query)[[x]], rep(" ", max.chars - l), ": ",
               self$query[[x]], "\n",
               sep = "")



.TheiaQuery_initialize <- function(self, private, query)
  self$query <- query

  # check query list

  q.link <- list()

  q.link[["q"]]                   <- self$query$town
  q.link[["location"]]            <- self$query$tile
  q.link[["platform"]]            <- self$query$platform
  q.link[["processingLevel"]]     <- self$query$level
  q.link[["startDate"]]           <- self$query$start.date
  q.link[["completionDate"]]      <- self$query$end.date
  q.link[["lat"]]                 <- self$query$latitude
  q.link[["lon"]]                 <- self$query$longitude
  q.link[["orbitNumber"]]         <- self$query$orbit.number
  q.link[["relativeOrbitNumber"]] <- self$query$rel.orbit.number
  q.link[["maxRecords"]]          <- self$query$max.records

  # search a rectangle
  if (all(c("latmin", "latmax", "lonmin", "lonmax") %in% names(self$query))) {
    q.link[["box"]] <- URLencode(paste(self$query$lonmin,
                                       sep = ","),
                                 reserved = TRUE)

  # get fixed parts of links
  private$server.url <- "https://theia.cnes.fr/atdistrib/"
  private$resto      <- "resto2/"

  # fill query fields
  # build query links
  query.link  <- paste(names(q.link), q.link, sep = "=", collapse = "&")
  private$url <- paste0(private$server.url,

  # submit the query

  if (!(is.list(self$tiles)) && self$tiles ==  "No tiles matching search criteria") {
    # exit function if no tiles are found, with an error
    stop("No tiles matching search criteria", call. = FALSE)

  if (!(is.null(query$max.clouds))) {
    # remove tiles with too much clouds
    clouds.over <- self$tiles$cloud.cover > query$max.clouds

    if (sum(clouds.over) > 0) {
      if (sum(clouds.over) == nrow(self$tiles)) {
        # if every tile has too much clouds, throw an informative error
        stop("Every tile has too much clouds (min cloud level: ",
             min(self$tiles$cloud.cover), ")",
             call. = FALSE)

      # show number of bad tiles
      message("Removing ", sum(clouds.over), " over ", nrow(self$tiles),
              " tiles because too much clouds")

      # remove bad tiles
      self$tiles <- self$tiles[!(clouds.over), ]


.TheiaQuery_check <- function(self, private)
  # available choices
  collection.choices <- c('LANDSAT', 'Landsat57', 'SpotWorldHeritage', 'SENTINEL2', 'Snow', 'VENUS')
  platform.choices   <- c('LANDSAT5', 'LANDSAT7', 'LANDSAT8', 'SPOT1', 'SPOT2',
                          'SPOT3', 'SPOT4', 'SPOT5', 'SENTINEL2A', 'SENTINEL2B',
  level.choices      <- c('LEVEL1C', 'LEVEL2A', 'LEVEL3A', 'N2A')

  # check queries
  self$query$tile       <- parse_query(self$query$tile, "tile", "character")
  self$query$town       <- parse_query(self$query$town, "town", "character")
  self$query$collection <- parse_query(self$query$collection, "collection", "character",
                                       choices = collection.choices,
                                       default = "SENTINEL2")
  self$query$platform   <- parse_query(self$query$platform, "platform", "character",
                                       choices = platform.choices)
  self$query$level      <- parse_query(self$query$level, "level", "character",
                                       choices = level.choices,
                                       default = ifelse(self$query$collection == 'Landsat57', 'N2A', "LEVEL2A"))
  self$query$start.date <- parse_query(self$query$start.date, "date", "character")
  self$query$end.date   <- parse_query(self$query$end.date, "date", "character",
                                       default = format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")
  self$query$max.clouds <- parse_query(self$query$max.clouds, "max.clouds", "numeric",
                                       choices = 0:100)
  self$query$latitude   <- parse_query(self$query$latitude, "latitude", "numeric")
  self$query$longitude  <- parse_query(self$query$longitude, "longitude", "numeric")
  self$query$latmin     <- parse_query(self$query$latmin, "latmin", "numeric")
  self$query$latmax     <- parse_query(self$query$latmax, "latmax", "numeric")
  self$query$lonmin     <- parse_query(self$query$lonmin, "lonmin", "numeric")
  self$query$lonmax     <- parse_query(self$query$lonmax, "lonmax", "numeric")

  self$query$orbit.number     <- parse_query(self$query$orbit.number, "orbit.number", "numeric")
  self$query$rel.orbit.number <- parse_query(self$query$rel.orbit.number, "rel.orbit.number", "numeric")
  self$query$max.records      <- parse_query(self$query$max.records, "max.records", "numeric",
                                             default = 500)

  # check level compatibility with Landsat57 collection
  # if (self$query$collection == 'Landsat57' && self$query$level != 'N2A') {
  #   stop(
  #     paste0("'", self$query$level, "' is not available for Landsat57 collection. Please use 'N2A'."),
  #     call. = FALSE
  #   )
  # }

  # check for incompatible queries
  if (!(is.null(self$query$tile)) && self$query$collection != "SENTINEL2") {
    stop("'Tile' is only available for SENTINEL2 collection",
         call. = FALSE)

  # check that start date is lower than end date
  if (as.Date(self$query$end.date) - as.Date(self$query$start.date) <= 0) {
    stop("Invalid query: date. Start date must be lower than end date")

  # check if user has not specified both a point and a rectangle
  box.names <- c("latmin", "latmax", "lonmin", "lonmax")
  if (any(box.names %in% names(self$query))) {
    if (!(all(box.names %in% names(self$query)))) {
      stop("Specify each of ", box.names, " to have a rectangle",
           call. = FALSE)

    if (any(c("latitude", "longitude") %in% names(self$query))) {
      stop("Specify a point or a rectangle, not both", call. = FALSE)


.TheiaQuery_submit <- function(self, private)
  # TODO: gestion des erreurs
  # make http request to get catalog
  req <- httr::GET(private$url)

  httr::stop_for_status(req, task = paste0("retrieve data, invalid query url:\n", private$url))

  # parse and save catalog
  private$catalog <- httr::content(req, as = "parsed")

  if (length(private$catalog$features) == 0) {
    # exit function if no tiles are found
    self$tiles <- "No tiles matching search criteria"

  # print(private$catalog$features[[1]]$properties)

  # extract tiles
  cart <-
           function(x) {
             # get file extension
             file.ext <- ifelse(grepl("gzip", x$properties$services$download$mimeType),

             # return important information
             data.frame(file.name   = paste0(x$properties$productIdentifier, file.ext),
                        tile.id     = ifelse(is.null(x$id), NA, x$id),
                        file.hash   = ifelse(
                        cloud.cover =
                        snow.cover  = ifelse(
  self$tiles <- do.call(rbind, cart)

  # build url for downloading
  self$tiles$url <- paste0(private$server.url,


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theiaR documentation built on Nov. 19, 2020, 5:08 p.m.