#' Unnest list-columns
#' @description
#' Unnest list-columns.
#' @param .df A data.table
#' @param ... Columns to unnest If empty, unnests all list columns. `tidyselect` compatible.
#' @param keep_empty Return `NA` for any `NULL` elements of the list column
#' @param .drop Should list columns that were not unnested be dropped
#' @param names_sep If NULL, the default, the inner column names will become the new outer column names.
#' If a string, the name of the outer column will be appended to the beginning of the inner column names,
#' with `names_sep` used as a separator.
#' @param names_repair Treatment of duplicate names. See `?vctrs::vec_as_names` for options/details.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df1 <- tidytable(x = 1:3, y = 1:3)
#' df2 <- tidytable(x = 1:2, y = 1:2)
#' nested_df <-
#' data.table(
#' a = c("a", "b"),
#' frame_list = list(df1, df2),
#' vec_list = list(4:6, 7:8)
#' )
#' nested_df %>%
#' unnest(frame_list)
#' nested_df %>%
#' unnest(frame_list, names_sep = "_")
#' nested_df %>%
#' unnest(frame_list, vec_list)
unnest <- function(.df,
keep_empty = FALSE,
.drop = TRUE,
names_sep = NULL,
names_repair = "unique") {
#' @export
unnest.tidytable <- function(.df,
keep_empty = FALSE,
.drop = TRUE,
names_sep = NULL,
names_repair = "unique") {
dots <- enquos(...)
df_names <- names(.df)
is_list <- map_lgl(.df, is.list)
if (length(dots) == 0) {
dots <- syms(df_names[is_list])
} else {
dots <- tidyselect_syms(.df, ...)
if (keep_empty) {
dots_chr <- as.character(dots)
.df <- mutate(.df, across(all_of(dots_chr), keep_empty_prep))
unnested <- map(dots, ~ unnest_col(.df, .x, names_sep))
if (!list_all_size(unnested, vec_size(unnested[[1]]))) {
abort("unnested data contains different row counts")
if (.drop) {
cols_keep <- df_names[!is_list]
} else {
cols_keep <- setdiff(df_names, as.character(dots))
if (length(cols_keep) > 0) {
# Get number of repeats for keep cols
reps <- list_sizes(pull(.df, !!dots[[1]]))
keep_df <- select(.df, any_of(cols_keep))
keep_df <- vec_rep_each(keep_df, reps)
out_df <- bind_cols(keep_df, unnested, .name_repair = names_repair)
} else {
out_df <- bind_cols(unnested, .name_repair = names_repair)
#' @export <- function(.df,
keep_empty = FALSE,
.drop = TRUE,
names_sep = NULL,
names_repair = "unique") {
.df <- as_tidytable(.df)
.df, ..., keep_empty = keep_empty, .drop = .drop,
names_sep = names_sep, names_repair = names_repair
unnest_col <- function(.df, col = NULL, names_sep = NULL) {
.l <- pull(.df, !!col)
.l <- list_drop_empty(.l)
if (length(.l) == 0) {
.l <- list(logical())
first <- .l[[1]]
is_vec <- is_simple_vector(first)
if (is_vec) {
# Use so lists of dates are not unclassed by unlist
out_df <- tidytable(!!col :="c", .l))
} else {
out_df <- bind_rows(.l)
if (!is.null(names_sep)) {
names(out_df) <- paste(as_name(col), names(out_df), sep = names_sep)
keep_empty_prep <- function(l) {
# Need to catch cases with both length 0 vectors and NULLs
is_empty <- list_sizes(l) == 0
if (!any(is_empty)) {
first <- l[!is_empty][[1]]
is_vec <- is_simple_vector(first)
if (is_vec) {
l[is_empty] <- list(NA)
} else {
null_df <- vec_init(first, 1)
l[is_empty] <- list(null_df)
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