#' R6 class containing XML representation of Markdown
#' @description
#' Wrapper around an XML representation of a Markdown document. It contains four
#' publicly accessible slots: path, yaml, body, and ns.
#' @details
#' This class is a fancy wrapper around the results of [tinkr::to_xml()] and
#' has methods that make it easier to add, analyze, remove, or write elements
#' of your markdown document.
#' @export
yarn <- R6::R6Class("yarn",
portable = TRUE,
public = list(
#' @field path \[`character`\] path to file on disk
path = NULL,
#' @field yaml \[`character`\] text block at head of file
yaml = NULL,
#' @field body \[`xml_document`\] an xml document of the (R)Markdown file.
body = NULL,
#' @field ns \[`xml_document`\] an xml namespace object defining "md" to
#' commonmark.
ns = NULL,
#' @description Create a new yarn document
#' @param path \[`character`\] path to a markdown episode file on disk
#' @param encoding \[`character`\] encoding passed to [readLines()]
#' @param sourcepos passed to [commonmark::markdown_xml()]. If `TRUE`, the
#' source position of the file will be included as a "sourcepos" attribute.
#' Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param ... arguments passed on to [to_xml()].
#' @return A new yarn object containing an XML representation of a
#' (R)Markdown file.
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "tinkr")
#' ex1 <- tinkr::yarn$new(path)
#' ex1
#' path2 <- system.file("extdata", "example2.Rmd", package = "tinkr")
#' ex2 <- tinkr::yarn$new(path2)
#' ex2
initialize = function(path = NULL, encoding = "UTF-8", sourcepos = FALSE, ...) {
if (is.null(path)) {
} else {
xml <- to_xml(path, encoding, sourcepos, ...)
self$path <- path
self$yaml <- xml$yaml
self$body <- xml$body
self$ns <- tinkr::md_ns()
private$sourcepos <- sourcepos
private$encoding <- encoding
#' @description reset a yarn document from the original file
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "tinkr")
#' ex1 <- tinkr::yarn$new(path)
#' # OH NO
#' ex1$body
#' ex1$body <- xml2::xml_missing()
#' ex1$reset()
#' ex1$body
reset = function() {
x <- to_xml(self$path, encoding = private$encoding, sourcepos = private$sourcepos)
self$body <- x$body
self$yaml <- x$yaml
#' @description Write a yarn document to Markdown/R Markdown
#' @param path path to the file you want to write
#' @param stylesheet_path path to the xsl stylesheet to convert XML to markdown.
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "tinkr")
#' ex1 <- tinkr::yarn$new(path)
#' ex1
#' tmp <- tempfile()
#' try(readLines(tmp)) # nothing in the file
#' ex1$write(tmp)
#' head(readLines(tmp)) # now a markdown file
#' unlink(tmp)
write = function(path = NULL, stylesheet_path = stylesheet()){
if (is.null(path)) {
stop("Please provide a file path", call. = FALSE)
private$md_lines(path, stylesheet_path)
#' @description show the markdown contents on the screen
#' @param stylesheet_path path to the xsl stylesheet to convert XML to markdown.
#' @return a character vector with one line for each line in the output
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", "example2.Rmd", package = "tinkr")
#' ex2 <- tinkr::yarn$new(path)
#' ex2$head(5)
#' ex2$tail(5)
#' ex2$show()
show = function(stylesheet_path = stylesheet() ) {
show_user(private$md_lines(stylesheet = stylesheet_path))
#' @description show the head of the markdown contents on the screen
#' @param n the number of elements to show from the top. Negative numbers
#' @param stylesheet_path path to the xsl stylesheet to convert XML to markdown.
#' exclude lines from the bottom
#' @return a character vector with `n` elements
head = function(n = 6L, stylesheet_path = stylesheet()) {
show_user(head(private$md_lines(stylesheet = stylesheet_path), n))
#' @description show the tail of the markdown contents on the screen
#' @param n the number of elements to show from the bottom. Negative numbers
#' @param stylesheet_path path to the xsl stylesheet to convert XML to markdown.
#' exclude lines from the top
#' @return a character vector with `n` elements
tail = function(n = 6L, stylesheet_path = stylesheet()) {
show_user(tail(private$md_lines(stylesheet = stylesheet_path), n))
#' @description add an arbitrary Markdown element to the document
#' @param md a string of markdown formatted text.
#' @param where the location in the document to add your markdown text.
#' This is passed on to [xml2::xml_add_child()]. Defaults to 0, which
#' indicates the very top of the document.
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", "example2.Rmd", package = "tinkr")
#' ex <- tinkr::yarn$new(path)
#' # two headings, no lists
#' xml2::xml_find_all(ex$body, "md:heading", ex$ns)
#' xml2::xml_find_all(ex$body, "md:list", ex$ns)
#' ex$add_md(
#' "# Hello\n\nThis is *new* formatted text from `{tinkr}`!",
#' where = 1L
#' )$add_md(
#' " - This\n - is\n - a new list",
#' where = 2L
#' )
#' # three headings
#' xml2::xml_find_all(ex$body, "md:heading", ex$ns)
#' xml2::xml_find_all(ex$body, "md:list", ex$ns)
#' tmp <- tempfile()
#' ex$write(tmp)
#' readLines(tmp, n = 20)
add_md = function(md, where = 0L) {
self$body <- add_md(self$body, md, where)
#' @description Protect math blocks from being escaped
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "tinkr")
#' ex <- tinkr::yarn$new(path)
#' ex$tail() # math blocks are escaped :(
#' ex$protect_math()$tail() # math blocks are no longer escaped :)
protect_math = function() {
self$body <- protect_math(self$body, self$ns)
#' @description Protect curly phrases `{likethat}` from being escaped
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "tinkr")
#' ex <- tinkr::yarn$new(path)
#' ex$protect_curly()$head()
protect_curly = function() {
self$body <- protect_curly(self$body, self$ns)
#' @description Protect unescaped square braces from being escaped.
#' This is applied by default when you use `yarn$new(sourcepos = TRUE)`.
#' @note this requires the `sourcepos` attribute to be recorded when the
#' object is initialised. See [protect_unescaped()] for details.
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "tinkr")
#' ex <- tinkr::yarn$new(path, sourcepos = TRUE, unescaped = FALSE)
#' ex$tail()
#' ex$protect_unescaped()$tail()
protect_unescaped = function() {
if (private$sourcepos) {
txt <- readLines(self$path)[-seq_along(self$yaml)]
self$body <- protect_unescaped(self$body, txt, self$ns)
} else {
message("to use the `protect_unescaped()` method, you will need to re-read your document with `yarn$new(sourcepos = TRUE)`")
private = list(
sourcepos = FALSE,
encoding = "UTF-8",
# converts the document to markdown and separates the output into lines
md_lines = function(path = NULL, stylesheet = NULL) {
if (is.null(stylesheet)) {
md <- to_md(self, path)
} else {
md <- to_md(self, path, stylesheet)
if (!is.null(path) && !is.null(stylesheet)) {
# Make sure that the yaml is not sitting on top of the first markdown line
if (length(md) == 2) {
md[1] <- paste0(md[1], "\n")
f <- textConnection(md)
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