
Defines functions group_bootstrap_row group_bootstrap_col

#' tinytable S4 method
#' @keywords internal
  f = "group_eval",
  signature = "tinytable_bootstrap",
  definition = function(x, i = NULL, j = NULL, indent = 1, ...) {
    out <- x
    # columns first to count headers properly
    if (!is.null(j)) {
      out <- group_bootstrap_col(out, j = j, ...)
    if (!is.null(i)) {
      out <- group_bootstrap_row(out, i = i, j = j, indent = indent, ...)

group_bootstrap_col <- function(x, j, ihead, ...) {
  out <- x@table_string

  out <- strsplit(out, "\\n")[[1]]
  header <- NULL

  miss <- as.list(setdiff(seq_len(ncol(x)), unlist(j)))
  miss <- stats::setNames(miss, rep(" ", length(miss)))
  j <- c(j, miss)

  max_col <- sapply(j, max)
  idx <- order(max_col)
  j <- j[idx]
  jstring <- lapply(names(j), function(n) {
      '<th scope="col" align="center" colspan=%s>%s</th>',
      max(j[[n]]) - min(j[[n]]) + 1, n)
  jstring <- paste(unlist(jstring), collapse = "\n")
  jstring <- sprintf("<tr>\n%s\n</tr>", jstring)

  idx <- grep("<thead>", out, fixed = TRUE)[1]
  out <- c(out[seq_len(idx)], jstring, out[(idx + 1):length(out)])

  out <- paste(out, collapse = "\n")

  x@table_string <- out

  x <- style_eval(x, i = ihead, align = "c")

  # midrule on numbered spans (not full columns of body)
  jnames <- names(j)
  jnames <- seq_along(jnames)[trimws(jnames) != ""]
  x <- style_eval(x, i = ihead, j = jnames, line = "b", line_width = 0.05, line_color = "#d3d8dc")


group_bootstrap_row <- function(x, i, j, indent = 1, ...) {
  label <- names(i)

  # reverse order is important
  i <- rev(sort(i))

  # # i = list("a" = 2, "b" = 3, "c" = 4) should be displayed consecutively
  # i <- i - (rev(seq_along(i)) - 1)

  out <- x@table_string

  tab <- strsplit(out, "\\n")[[1]]

  for (g in seq_along(i)) {
    js <- sprintf(
      "window.addEventListener('load', function () { insertSpanRow(%s, %s, '%s') });",
      # 0-indexing
      i[g] + x@nhead - 1,
    out <- bootstrap_setting(out, new = js, component = "cell")

  # need unique function names in case there are
  # multiple tables in one Rmarkdown document
  out <- gsub(
    paste0("insertSpanRow_", get_id(""), "("),
    fixed = TRUE)

  idx <- insert_values(seq_len(nrow(x)), rep(NA, length(i)), i)
  idx_old <- idx$new[!is.na(idx$old)]
  idx_new <- idx$new[is.na(idx$old)]

  # limit index ot number of rows to avoid styling header or footer
  idx_old <- idx_old[idx_old <= nrow(x)]

  x@table_string <- out

  # should not be style_tt, because we already have a string bootstrap table at this stage
  x <- style_eval(x, i = idx_old, j = 1, indent = indent)

  # if there's a two-level header column multi-span, we want it centered.
  x <- style_eval(x, i = -1, align = "c")

  dots <- list(...)
  dots[["j"]] <- NULL
  if (length(dots) > 0) {
    args <- c(list(x = x, i = idx$new[is.na(idx$old)]), dots)
    x <- do.call(style_tt, args)

  # do not override meta since we modified it here above

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tinytable documentation built on Oct. 5, 2024, 5:06 p.m.