
Defines functions msgf warnf stopf catf

# standard convenience functions
catf  <- function(fmt,...) cat(sprintf(fmt,...))
stopf <- function(fmt,...) stop(sprintf(fmt,...), call.=FALSE)
warnf <- function(fmt,...) warning(sprintf(fmt,...), call.=FALSE)
msgf  <- function(fmt, ...) message(sprintf(fmt,...))

# support R versions < 3.2, that lack trimws() and dir.exists()

if (getRversion() < "3.2.0"){
  trimws <- function (x, which = c("both", "left", "right"), whitespace = "[ \t\r\n]") {
    which <- match.arg(which)
    mysub <- function(re, x) sub(re, "", x, perl = TRUE)
           left = mysub(paste0("^", whitespace, "+"), x),
           right = mysub(paste0(whitespace, "+$"), x),
           both = mysub(paste0(whitespace, "+$"), mysub(paste0("^", whitespace, "+"), x)))

  dir.exists <- function (paths) {
    x = base::file.info(paths)$isdir
    !is.na(x) & x
# support for R versions < 3.6 that lack nullfile()
if (getRversion() < "3.6.0"){
  nullfile <- function () {
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "nul:" else "/dev/null"

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tinytest documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:43 p.m.