
Defines functions .lsVariable .rmVariable tkLocator usr2tk tk2usr .getCoef getCoef setCoef .tkRreplot .TclCallback tkRreplot tkRplot getAllVariables getEnv rmVariable getVariable setVariable addTkBind tkBinds .getToplevel .getToplevelID .addTraceTclVariables .tclTraceAddVariableWrite .tclFun .tclFun1 .tclFun0 .isTclImgOk .is.string .tcl2String .tcl2str .tcl2num .selectPngType

Documented in addTkBind getCoef getVariable rmVariable setCoef setVariable tk2usr tkBinds tkLocator tkRplot tkRreplot .tkRreplot usr2tk

#' @export
.selectPngType <- function(){

  #catchError <-  try(grDevices::png(
  # filename = "tkRplotR_test.png",
  #       type ="error",
  #       width = 100,
  #       height = 100
  #     ), silent = TRUE)
  # strsplit(catchError[[1]],",")[[1]][-1]
  selectedPngType <- getOption("bitmapType")
  pngTypes <- c(NULL,"Xlib", "cairo","cairo-png")

         Darwin = pngTypes <-
           c(NULL, "quartz",  "Xlib","cairo"),
         windows = pngTypes <-
           c(NULL, "windows","Xlib","cairo","cairo-png"))

  for (pngType in pngTypes) {
    fp <- tempfile(pattern = "tkRplotR.",
                   tmpdir = tempdir(),
                   fileext = ".png")

      filename = fp,
      type = pngType,
      width = 100,
      height = 100

    par(oma = rep(0, 4))
    par(mar = rep(0, 4))
      type = "n",
      ann = FALSE,
      axes = FALSE,
      xlim = c(0, 1),
      ylim = c(0, 1)
   suppressWarnings(rect(.5, -1, 2, 2, col = rgb(1, 0, 0, .5), border = NA))
    imageId <- paste0("TkRplot")
    image <- tcltk::tkimage.create("photo", imageId , file = fp)

    if ((tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::.Tcl("TkRplot get 0 0")) != tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::.Tcl("TkRplot get 50 50")))) {
      selectedPngType <- pngType
  }, silent=TRUE)


#' @export
.tcl2num <- function(x) {
  as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(tclvalue(x), split = " ")))
#' @export
.tcl2str <- function(x) {
  toString(unlist(strsplit(tclvalue(x), split = " ")))
#' @export
.tcl2String <- function(x) {

#' @import grDevices
#' @import tcltk
#' @importFrom graphics par plot rect
#' @export
.tkRplotNewId <- local({
  id <- 0
  function() {
    id <<- id + 1

#' @export .is.string
.is.string <- function(x)
  is.character(x) && length(x) == 1

#' @export .isTclImgOk
.isTclImgOk <- function() {
  if (as.numeric(R.version$major) < 4 &&
      as.numeric(R.version$minor) < 4 |
      as.character(tcltk::tcl("info", "tclversion")) <= "8.5") {
    packageStartupMessage("Please install 'Img' extension for tcltk",
# .isTclImgOk <- function() {
#   if (as.numeric(R.version$minor) < 4 |
#       as.character(tcltk::tcl("info", "tclversion")) <= "8.5") {
#     packageStartupMessage("Please install 'Img' extension for tcltk ",
#                           tcltk::tclVersion())
#     return(FALSE)
#   }
#   # packageStartupMessage(paste("tcltk", as.character(tcltk::tcl(
#   #   "info", "tclversion"
#   # ))))
#   return(TRUE)
# }

#' @export .tclFun0
.tclFun0 <- function(f,
                      name = deparse(substitute(f)))
  name <- sub(".", 'dot_', name)
  name <- paste("R", make.names(name[1]), sep = "_")
  res <-
    paste(strsplit(.Tcl.callback(f), " ")[[1]][1:2], collapse = " ")

  if (length(grep("R_call ", res) > 0)) {
    .Tcl(paste("proc ",
               " args {",
               sep = ""))

#' @export .tclFun1
.tclFun1 <- function(f,
                     name = deparse(substitute(f)),
                     arg1 = names(formals(f))[1])
  name <- sub(".", 'dot_', name)
  name <- paste("R", make.names(name[1]), sep = "_")
  #res <- .Tcl.callback(f)
  #res <- strtrim(res, 16)
  res <- paste(strsplit(.Tcl.callback(f), " ")[[1]][1:2], collapse = " ")
  if (length(grep("R_call ", res) > 0)) {
      "proc ",
      " {",
      paste(arg1, collapse = " "),
      "} {",
      " ",
      paste0("$", arg1, collapse = " "),
      sep = ""

#' @export .tclFun
.tclFun <- function(f,
                     name = deparse(substitute(f)),
                     args = names(formals(f)))
  name <- sub(".", 'dot_', name)
  name <- paste("R", make.names(name[1]), sep = "_")
  res <- paste(strsplit(.Tcl.callback(f), " ")[[1]][1:2], collapse = " ")
  if (length(grep("R_call ", res) > 0)) {
      "proc ",
      " {",
      paste(args, collapse = " "),
      "} {",
      " ",
      paste0("$", args, collapse = " "),
      sep = ""

#' @export
.tclProcExist <- local({
  .Tcl('proc ProcExists p {
       return uplevel 1 [expr {[llength [info procs $p]] > 0}]
     function(what) {
       .Tcl(paste('ProcExists', what))

#' @export
# .tclTraceAddVariableWrite <- function(var, fun=.tclFun(.tkRreplot), args='', funName = deparse(substitute(fun))){
#   IsFunction <- try(is.function(fun), silent = TRUE)
#   if (IsFunction) {
#     tclFun <- .tclFun(fun)
#   } else{
#     tclFun <- fun
#   }
#   .Tcl(paste0('proc trace_', funName ,' {name element op} {
# puts $arg
#             # In case of array variable tracing, the "element" variable will specify the array index
#             # For scalar variables, it will be empty
#             if {$element != ""} {
#             set name ${name}($element)
#             }
#             upvar $name x\n' , tclFun, '
#             }
#             # Adding tracing
#             trace add variable ', var, ' { write } trace_', funName)
#   )
# }
.tclTraceAddVariableWrite <- function(var, fun=.tkRreplot, arg='', funName = deparse(substitute(fun))){
  IsFunction <- try(is.function(fun), silent = TRUE)
  if (IsFunction) {
    tclFun <- .tclFun(get(funName), name = funName)
    funName <- sub(".", 'dot_', funName)
    funName <- paste("R", make.names(funName[1]), sep = "_")
  } else{
    funName <- tclFun <- fun
  .Tcl(paste0('proc trace_', funName ,' {arg name element op} {
              # puts "$arg $name $op $element"
              # In case of array variable tracing, the "element" variable will specify the array index
              # For scalar variables, it will be empty
              if {$element != ""} {
              set name ${name}($element)
              upvar $name x
              ' , funName, ' $arg
# Adding tracing
trace add variable ', var, ' { write } "trace_', funName,' ', arg,'"')

#' @export
.addTraceTclVariables <- function(tt, tcl_vars = NULL) {
  if (is.null(tcl_vars)) {
    vars <- all.vars(body(tt$env$fun), functions = FALSE)
    tcl_vars <- vars[which(lapply(vars, function(x) {
      if (exists(x))
    }) == 'tclVar')]
  tt$env$tclVars <- tcl_vars
  invisible(lapply(tcl_vars, function(x)
    .tclTraceAddVariableWrite(get(x), arg = tt)))
#' @export
.getToplevelID <- function(win) {
  if (is.tkwin(win)) {
    win <- win$ID
  return(paste0(".", strsplit(win, split = "\\.")[[1]][2]))
  #tclvalue(tkwinfo("toplevel", win))

#' @export
.getToplevel <- function(win) {

# getTime <- function() {
#   #as.numeric(tclvalue(.Tcl("clock milliseconds")))
#   as.numeric(Sys.time()) * 1000
# }

#' @title Define Tk Binds To Allow Automatic Resizing
#' @description
#' Add binds to automatically resize the graph
#' @param parent parent Tk toplevel window
#' @param expose if TRUE update graph when the window is expose
#' @param configure if TRUE update the graph when the window is update
#' @details
#' This function adds the binds needed to automatically resize the graph
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' if (.isTclImgOk()){
#' tkbb <- tclVar(1)
#' tt <- tktoplevel()
#' tt <- tkRplot(tt, function() {
#' b <- .tcl2num(tkbb)
#'  x <- 1:20 / 20
#'    plot(
#'    x,
#'    x ^ b,
#'    col = "#0000ff50",
#'        xlab = "x",
#'            ylab = paste0("x^", b),
#'                type = "l",
#'                    axes = FALSE,
#'                        lwd = 4)
#'    title(main = b)
#'      points(x,
#'       x ^ b,
#'       col = "#ff000050",
#'       pch = 19,
#'       cex = 2)
#'         axis(1)
#'         axis(2)
#'           box()
#'           })
#'      s <-
#'        tkscale(
#'        tt,
#'        from = 0.05,
#'        to = 2.00,
#'        variable = tkbb,
#'        showvalue = FALSE,
#'        resolution = 0.05,
#'        orient = "horiz"
#'        )
#'        tkpack(s,
#'        side = "bottom",
#'        before = tt$env$canvas,
#'        expand = FALSE,
#'        fill = "both")
#'  # to disable the automatic resizing of the graph
#'    tkBinds(parent = tt, expose = FALSE, configure = FALSE)
#'  Sys.sleep(1)
#'  # to enable again the automatic resising
#'  # tkBinds(parent = tt, expose = TRUE, configure = TRUE)
#'  Sys.sleep(1)
#'  tkdestroy(tt)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' tkbb <- tclVar(1)
#' tt <- tktoplevel()
#' tt <- tkRplot(tt, function() {
#' b <- .tcl2num(tkbb)
#'  x <- 1:20 / 20
#'    plot(
#'    x,
#'    x ^ b,
#'    col = "#0000ff50",
#'        xlab = "x",
#'            ylab = paste0("x^", b),
#'                type = "l",
#'                    axes = FALSE,
#'                        lwd = 4)
#'    title(main = b)
#'      points(x,
#'       x ^ b,
#'       col = "#ff000050",
#'       pch = 19,
#'       cex = 2)
#'         axis(1)
#'         axis(2)
#'           box()
#'           })
#'        s <-
#'        tkscale(
#'        tt,
#'        from = 0.05,
#'        to = 2.00,
#'        variable = tkbb,
#'        showvalue = FALSE,
#'        resolution = 0.05,
#'        orient = "horiz"
#'        )
#'        tkpack(s,
#'        side = "bottom",
#'        before = tt$env$canvas,
#'        expand = FALSE,
#'        fill = "both")
#'  # to disable the automatic resizing of the graph
#'    tkBinds(parent = tt, expose = FALSE, configure = FALSE)
#'  # to enable again the automatic resising
#'  # tkBinds(parent = tt, expose = TRUE, configure = TRUE)
#' }
###### tkBinds #####
tkBinds <- function(parent,
                    expose = TRUE,
                    configure = TRUE) {
  if (configure) {
    tkbind(parent$env$canvas, "<Configure>", function() {
      width <-
        as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo width", parent$env$canvas)))
      height <-
        as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo height", parent$env$canvas)))
      widthPrevious <- parent$env$width
      heightPrevious <- parent$env$height
      if (any(isTRUE(widthPrevious != width),
              isTRUE(heightPrevious != height)))  {
  } else {
    tkbind(parent$env$canvas, "<Configure>", "")

  if (expose) {
    tkbind(parent$env$canvas, "<Expose>", function() {
      width <-
        as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo width", parent$env$canvas)))
      height <-
        as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo height", parent$env$canvas)))
      widthPrevious <- parent$env$width
      heightPrevious <- parent$env$height
      if (any(isTRUE(widthPrevious != width),
              isTRUE(heightPrevious != height)))  {
        # print("ExposeDone")
  } else {
    tkbind(parent$env$canvas, "<Expose>", "")

  tkbind(parent, "<FocusIn>", function() {
    width <-
      as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo width", parent$env$canvas)))
    height <-
      as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo height", parent$env$canvas)))
    widthPrevious <- parent$env$width
    heightPrevious <- parent$env$height
    if (any(isTRUE(widthPrevious != width),
            isTRUE(heightPrevious != height)))  {

  tkbind(parent, "<Enter>", function(W) {
    setVariable("tkRplotR_currentToplevel", W)
  tkbind(parent$env$canvas, "<Enter>", function(W) {
    setVariable("tkRplotR_currentToplevel", W)
    width <- as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo width", W)))
    height <- as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo height", W)))
    widthPrevious <- parent$env$width
    heightPrevious <- parent$env$height
    if (any(isTRUE(widthPrevious != width),
            isTRUE(heightPrevious != height)))  {

#' @title Add Tk Binds
#' @description
#' Add binds to previous defined bindings
#' @param win window
#' @param event event
#' @param fun a function
#' @details
#' This function adds a new bind while keeping the previous defined binds.
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' if (.isTclImgOk()){
#' tt <- tktoplevel()
#' tt <- tkRplot(tt, function () plot(1:10))
#' FUN <- local({
#'   canPos <-.Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 0 0 "))
#'     function (x, y) {
#'         x <- as.numeric(x)
#'         y <- as.numeric(y)
#'        tkdelete(tt$env$canvas, tclvalue(canPos))
#'            xy <- formatC(tk2usr(x, y),
#'                    digits = 2,
#'                      format = "f",
#'                        width = 5)
#'     canPos <<- .Tcl(
#'      paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 40 10 -fill blue -justify left -text { ",
#'             xy[1], " ", xy[2],
#'             "} -font {Helvetica -10}"))
#'   }})
#' tkbind(tt$env$canvas, "<Motion>", FUN)
#' tkbind(tt$env$canvas, "<Motion>") #to give current bidings
#' FUN1 <- function (x,y) print(tk2usr(x,y))
#' addTkBind(tt$env$canvas, "<Motion>", FUN1)
#' tkbind(tt$env$canvas, "<Motion>") #to give current bidings
#' Sys.sleep(1)
#' tkdestroy(tt)
#' }
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' tt <- tktoplevel()
#' tt <- tkRplot(tt, function () plot(1:10))
#' FUN <- local({
#'   canPos <-.Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 0 0 "))
#'     function (x, y) {
#'         x <- as.numeric(x)
#'         y <- as.numeric(y)
#'        tkdelete(tt$env$canvas, tclvalue(canPos))
#'            xy <- formatC(tk2usr(x, y),
#'                    digits = 2,
#'                      format = "f",
#'                        width = 5)
#'     canPos <<- .Tcl(
#'      paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 40 10 -fill blue -justify left -text { ",
#'             xy[1], " ", xy[2],
#'             "} -font {Helvetica -10}"))
#'   }})
#' tkbind(tt$env$canvas, "<Motion>", FUN)
#' tkbind(tt$env$canvas, "<Motion>") #to give current bidings
#' FUN1 <- function (x,y) print(tk2usr(x,y))
#' addTkBind(tt$env$canvas, "<Motion>", FUN1)
#' tkbind(tt$env$canvas, "<Motion>") #to give current bidings
#' }

###### addTkBind #####
addTkBind <- function(win, event, fun = NULL) {
  if (is.null(fun))
    tkbind(win, event, "")
  if (is.function(fun))
    fun <- .Tcl.callback(fun)
  if (tclvalue(tkbind(win, event)) == "") {
    tkbind(win, event, fun)
  } else{
    tkbind(win, event, paste("+", fun))

###### globalVariable #####
# globalVariable <- local({
#   globalEnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
#   globalVars <- NULL
#   function(type = NULL,
#            name = NULL,
#            value) {
#     if (!is.null(name)) {
#       if (type == "set") {
#         assign(name, value, envir = globalEnv)
#         assign("globalVars", sort(unique(c(
#           globalVars, name
#         ))), envir = environment(globalVariable))
#         return(invisible(value))
#       }
#       if (type == "get") {
#         if (!name %in% globalVars){
#           return(message("First define variable"))}
#         return(get(name, envir = globalEnv))
#       }
#       if (type == "rm") {
#         assign("globalVars", globalVars[!globalVars %in% name],
#                envir = environment(globalVariable))
#         assign(name, NULL, envir = globalEnv)
#       }
#     }
#     if (is.null(type))
#       return(ls(envir = environment(globalVariable), all.names = TRUE))
#     if (type == "ls")
#       return(globalVars)
#     if (type == "env")
#       return(globalEnv)
#     # if (type == "all2r")
#     #   invisible(lapply(
#     #     globalVars,
#     #     FUN = function(x)
#     #       assign(x, get(x, envir = globalEnv), envir = .GlobalEnv)
#     #   ))
#   }
# })

# @export
#' @keywords internal
globalVariable <- local({
  globalEnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

  assign("tkRplotR_pngType", .selectPngType(), envir = globalEnv)
  globalVars <- "tkRplotR_pngType"
  function(type = NULL,
           name = NULL,
           where = .GlobalEnv) {
      get = {
        if (!name %in% globalVars) {
          globalVariable("set", name, value)
        return(get(name, envir = globalEnv))
      set = {
        assign(name, value, envir = globalEnv)
        assign("globalVars", sort(unique(c(
          globalVars, name
        ))), envir = environment(globalVariable))
      rm = {
        nameIndex <- globalVars %in% name
        globalVars <<- globalVars[!nameIndex]
        if (any(nameIndex))
        return(rm(list = name, envir = globalEnv))
      ls = {
      env = {
      all2R = {
        type <- "all2r"
    if (type == "all2r") {
        FUN = function(x)
          assign(x, get(x, envir = globalEnv), envir = where)

#' @title Set, Get, and Remove Variables
#' @description
#' Define, get, and remove variables
#' @aliases
#' setVariable
#' getVariable
#' rmVariable
#' @usage
#' setVariable(name, value = NULL)
#' getVariable(name, value = NULL)
#' rmVariable(name)
#' @param name name of the variable
#' @param value the value of the variable
#' @export
#' @examples
#' setVariable("var1", 1)
#' exists("var1")
#' getVariable("var1")
#' rmVariable("var1")
#' getVariable("var1")
#' getVariable("tkRplotR_pngType")

###### setVariable  #####
setVariable <- function(name, value = NULL) {
  globalVariable(type = "set", name, value = value)

#' @export

###### getVariable #####
getVariable <- function(name, value = NULL) {
   return(globalVariable(type = "get", name, value))

#' @export
###### rmVariable #####
rmVariable <- function(name) {
  globalVariable(type = "rm", name)

getEnv <- function(){

getAllVariables <- function(all.names = TRUE){
  ls(getEnv(), all.names = all.names)

#' @title Tk Rplot With Resizing
#' @description
#' Displays a plot in a Tk toplevel window.
#' @aliases tkRreplot .tkRreplot
#' @usage tkRplot(W, fun, width = 490, height = 490, ...)
#' tkRreplot(W, fun, width, height,  ...)
#' .tkRreplot(W)
#' @param W Tk toplevel window
#' @param fun function to produce the plot
#' @param width image width
#' @param height image height
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#'  if (.isTclImgOk()){
#' tkbb <- tclVar(1)
#' tt <- tktoplevel()
#' tt <- tkRplot(tt, function() {
#' bb <- .tcl2num(tkbb)
#'  x <- 1:20 / 20
#'    plot(
#'    x,
#'    x ^ bb,
#'    col = "#0000ff50",
#'        xlab = "x",
#'            ylab = paste0("x^", bb),
#'                type = "l",
#'                    axes = FALSE,
#'                        lwd = 4)
#'    title(main = bb)
#'      points(x,
#'       x ^ bb,
#'       col = "#ff000050",
#'       pch = 19,
#'       cex = 2)
#'         axis(1)
#'         axis(2)
#'           box()
#'           })
#'      s <-
#'        tkscale(
#'        tt,
#'        from = 0.05,
#'        to = 2.00,
#'        variable = tkbb,
#'        showvalue = FALSE,
#'        resolution = 0.05,
#'        orient = "horiz"
#'        )
#'        tkpack(s,
#'        side = "bottom",
#'        expand = FALSE,
#'        before = tt$env$canvas,
#'        fill = "both")
#'        Sys.sleep(1)
#'        tkdestroy(tt)
#'        }
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' #Example 1 without using tkReplot function (tkRplotR version > 0.1.6)
#' tk_b <- tclVar(1)
#' tk_x <- tclVar(10)
#' tk_main <- tclVar('...')
#' tt0 <- tktoplevel()
#' tt0 <- tkRplot(tt0, function(...) {
#' # get values of tclvariables
#'   x <- .tcl2num(tk_x)
#'   x <- 1:x
#'   b <- .tcl2num(tk_b)
#'   main <- .tcl2String(tk_main)
#'   plot(
#'     x,
#'     x ^ b ,
#'     col = "#0000ff50",
#'     xlab = "x",
#'     ylab = expression(x^b),
#'     type = "l",
#'     axes = FALSE,
#'     lwd = 4)
#'   title(main = main)
#'   points(x,
#'          x ^ b,
#'          col = "#ff000050",
#'          pch = 19,
#'          cex = 2)
#'   axis(1)
#'   axis(2)
#'   box()
#' })
#' s01 <- tkscale(
#'   tt0,
#'   #command = function(...) .tkRreplot(tt0),
#'   from = 10,
#'   to = 60,
#'   label = 'x',
#'   variable = tk_x,
#'   showvalue = TRUE,
#'   resolution = 1,
#'   repeatdelay = 200,
#'   repeatinterval = 100,
#'   orient = "hor"
#' )
#' s02 <- tkscale(
#'   tt0,
#'   #command = function(...) .tkRreplot(tt0),
#'   from = 0.05,
#'   to = 2.00,
#'   label = 'b',
#'   variable = tk_b,
#'   showvalue = TRUE,
#'   resolution = 0.01,
#'   repeatdelay = 200,
#'   repeatinterval = 100,
#'   orient = "ver"
#' )
#' e01 <- tkentry(tt0,
#'               textvariable = tk_main,
#'               validate = 'all', validatecommand="")
#' tkpack(s02,
#'        side = "left",
#'        expand = FALSE,
#'        #'anchor = "c",
#'        before = tt0$env$canvas,
#'        fill = "both")
#' tkpack(s01,
#'        side = "bottom",
#'        expand = FALSE,
#'        #'anchor = "c",
#'        before = tt0$env$canvas,
#'        fill = "both")
#' tkpack(e01,
#'        side = "top",
#'        expand = FALSE,
#'        #'anchor = "c",
#'        before = tt0$env$canvas,
#'        fill = "both")
#' #Example 2 using tkReplot function (tkRplotR version < 0.1.7)
#' bb <- 1
#' tkbb <- tclVar(1)
#' tt <- tktoplevel()
#' f <- function(...) {
#'  b <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tkbb))
#'    if (b != bb) {
#'        bb <<- b
#'            tkRreplot(tt)
#'              }
#'      }
#' tt <- tkRplot(tt, function() {
#'  x <- 1:20 / 20
#'    plot(
#'    x,
#'    x ^ bb,
#'    col = "#0000ff50",
#'        xlab = "x",
#'            ylab = paste0("x^", bb),
#'                type = "l",
#'                    axes = FALSE,
#'                        lwd = 4)
#'    title(main = bb)
#'      points(x,
#'       x ^ bb,
#'       col = "#ff000050",
#'       pch = 19,
#'       cex = 2)
#'         axis(1)
#'         axis(2)
#'           box()
#'           })
#'   s <- tkscale(
#'        tt,
#'        command = f,
#'        from = 0.05,
#'        to = 2.00,
#'        variable = tkbb,
#'        showvalue = TRUE,
#'        resolution = 0.01,
#'        repeatdelay = 50,
#'        repeatinterval = 100,
#'        orient = "horiz"
#'        )
#'        tkpack(s,
#'        side = "bottom",
#'        expand = FALSE,
#'        before = tt$env$canvas,
#'        fill = "both")

###### tkRplot #####

tkRplot <- function(W,
                    width = 490,
                    height = 490,
                    ...) {
  if (.getToplevelID(W) != W$ID) {
    stop("Please use a toplevel widget!")
  setVariable("tkRplotR_currentToplevel", W)
  setVariable(.Tk.ID(W), W)
  fp <-
    tempfile(pattern = "tkRplotR.",
             tmpdir = tempdir(),
             fileext = ".png")
    filename = fp ,
    type = getVariable("tkRplotR_pngType"),
    width = width,
    height = height
  plotOk <- try(fun(...),  silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(plotOk, "try-error"))
  W$env$usr <- setVariable("tkRplotR_usr" , par("usr"))
  W$env$plt <- setVariable("tkRplotR_plt" , par("plt"))
  imageId <- paste0("TkRplot", W$ID)
  image <- tkimage.create("photo", imageId , file = fp)
  W$env$canvas <-
             relief = "flat",
             borderwidth = 0,
             background =  "white")
  tkconfigure(W$env$canvas, width = width, height = height)
         anchor = "center",
         fill = "both",
         expand = 1)
      image = image  ,
      anchor = "nw")

  tkbind(W$env$canvas, "<Destroy>", function() {
    .Tcl(paste("image delete", image))
  W$env$imageId <- imageId
  W$env$image <- image
  W$env$fun <- fun
  #tkconfigure(W$env$canvas, width = width - 2, height = height - 2)

###### tkRreplot #####
#' @export
tkRreplot <- function(W,
                      ...) {
  if (missing(W)){
    W <- getVariable("tkRplotR_currentToplevel")
   # message(W)
  parent <- .getToplevel(W)
  parentGeometry <-
    as.numeric(c(tclvalue(tkwinfo("width", parent)),
                 tclvalue(tkwinfo("height", parent))))
  heightPrevious <- parent$env$height
  widthPrevious <- parent$env$width
  diffWidth <- parentGeometry[1] - widthPrevious
  diffHeight <- parentGeometry[2] - heightPrevious

  if (missWidth <- missing(width)) {
    width <-
      as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo width", parent$env$canvas)))

  if (missHeight <- missing(height)) {
    height <-
      as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo height", parent$env$canvas)))

  if (any(!missWidth, !missHeight)) {
    tkwm.geometry(parent, paste0(c(width, height) + c(diffWidth, diffHeight), collapse = "x"))

  if (missing(fun)) {
    fun <- parent$env$fun

  fp <-
    tempfile(pattern = "tkRplotR.",
             tmpdir = tempdir(),
             fileext = ".png")
    filename = fp ,
    type = getVariable("tkRplotR_pngType"),
    width = width,
    height = height
  plotOk <- try(fun(...),  silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(plotOk, "try-error"))
  parent$env$usr <- setVariable("tkRplotR_usr" , par("usr"))
  parent$env$plt <- setVariable("tkRplotR_plt" , par("plt"))
  tcl(parent$env$imageId, "blank")
  # tkpack.forget(parent$env$canvas)
  tkimage.create("photo", parent$env$imageId, file = fp)
  # tkpack(parent$env$canvas,
  #        expand = 1,
  #        fill = "both")
  # parent$env$height <- height
  # parent$env$width <- width
  parent$env$width <- setVariable("tkRplotR_canvasWidth", width)
  parent$env$height <- setVariable("tkRplotR_canvasHeight", height)
  #setVariable("tkRplotR_usr" , parent$env$usr)
  #setVariable("tkRplotR_plt" , parent$env$plt)
  # parent$env$canvas$coef <- getCoef()

#tclTkRreplot <- .tclFun1(tkRreplot)

#' @export
.TclCallback <- function(x) {
  paste(strsplit(.Tcl.callback(x), " ")[[1]][1:2], collapse = " ")

#' @export
##### .tkRreplot #####
.tkRreplot <- function(W) {
  if (missing(W)) {
    W <- getVariable("tkRplotR_currentToplevel")
   # message(W)
  W <- .getToplevelID(W)
  .Tcl("global tkRreplotRdoResize")
  if (tclvalue(.Tcl("info exists tkRreplotRdoResize")) == 1)
    .Tcl("after cancel $tkRreplotRdoResize")
  funCallBack <- .TclCallback(tkRreplot)
  cmd <-
    paste0("set tkRreplotRdoResize [after 0 ",  funCallBack, W, "]")[[1]]

#' @title Functions to Convert Tk and User Coordinates
#' @description
#' Convert Tk coordinates from/to user coordinates.
#' @aliases getCoef tk2usr usr2tk
#' @usage setCoef(W, width, height)
#' getCoef(W)
#' tk2usr(W, x = NULL, y = NULL)
#' usr2tk(W, x = NULL, y = NULL)
#' @param W the window (toplevel). If W is missing the getCoef function returns the coefficients for the last toplevel visited.
#' @param width width of the canvas (image)
#' @param height height of the canvas (image)
#' @param x x position.
#' @param y y position.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' if (.isTclImgOk()){
#' bb <- 1
#' tt <- tktoplevel()
#' tt <- tkRplot(tt, function() {
#'  x <- 1:20 / 20
#'    plot(
#'    x,
#'    x ^ bb,
#'    col = "#0000ff50",
#'        xlab = "x",
#'            ylab = paste0("x^", bb),
#'                type = "l",
#'                    axes = FALSE,
#'                        lwd = 4)
#'    title(main = bb)
#'      points(x,
#'       x ^ bb,
#'       col = "#ff000050",
#'       pch = 19,
#'       cex = 2)
#'         axis(1)
#'         axis(2)
#'           box()
#'           })
#'  getCoef()
#'  tkbind(tt$env$canvas, "<Button-1>", function(x, y)
#'  print(tk2usr(x, y)))
#'  # A more complex example
#'  local({
#'  canPos <-.Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 0 0 "))
#'  canPosX <-.Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 0 0 "))
#'  canPosY <-.Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 0 0 "))
#'  lineVertical <- .Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create line 0 0 0 0"))
#'  lineHorizontal<-.Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create line 0 0 0 0"))
#'  tkbind(tt, "<Motion>", function (x, y) {
#'    x <- as.numeric(x)
#'      y <- as.numeric(y)
#'        for (i in c(canPos, lineVertical, lineHorizontal,canPosX,canPosY))
#'        tkdelete(tt$env$canvas, tclvalue(i))

#'             xy <- formatC(tk2usr(x, y),
#'                             digits = 2,
#'                              format = "f",
#'                               width = 5)
#' xRange <- tt$env$plt[1:2] * tt$env$width
#'   yRange <- (1 - tt$env$plt[4:3]) * tt$env$height
#'     canPos <<- .Tcl(
#'  paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 40 10 -fill blue -justify left -text { ",
#'      xy[1], " ", xy[2],
#'      "} -font {Helvetica -10}"))
#'       if (x < xRange[1] | x > xRange[2])
#'          return()
#'          if (y < yRange[1] | y > yRange[2])
#'            return()
#' canPosX <<- .Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text ", x, yRange[1]-10,
#'            " -fill blue -justify center -text { ",xy[1],
#'            "} -font {Helvetica -10}"))
#' canPosY <<- .Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text ",xRange[2]+10, y,
#'    " -fill blue -justify center -text { ",xy[2], "} -font {Helvetica -10}"))
#'            lineVertical <<- .Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create line ",
#'                  x,      yRange[1],      x,      yRange[2],
#'                     "-fill blue -dash 4"))
#'            lineHorizontal <<- .Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas,
#'                  "create line ",
#'                   xRange[1],  y, xRange[2], y,
#'                         "-fill blue -dash 4"))})
#'      tkbind(tt$env$canvas, "<Leave>", function (x, y)
#'      {tkdelete(tt$env$canvas, tclvalue(canPos))})
#'      } )
#'      Sys.sleep(1)
#'      tkdestroy(tt)
#' }
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' bb <- 1
#' tt <- tktoplevel()
#' tt <- tkRplot(tt, function() {
#'  x <- 1:20 / 20
#'    plot(
#'    x,
#'    x ^ bb,
#'    col = "#0000ff50",
#'        xlab = "x",
#'            ylab = paste0("x^", bb),
#'                type = "l",
#'                    axes = FALSE,
#'                        lwd = 4)
#'    title(main = bb)
#'      points(x,
#'       x ^ bb,
#'       col = "#ff000050",
#'       pch = 19,
#'       cex = 2)
#'         axis(1)
#'         axis(2)
#'           box()
#'           })
#'  getCoef()
#'  tkbind(tt$env$canvas, "<Button-1>", function(x, y)
#'  print(tk2usr(x, y)))
#'  # A more complex example
#'  local({
#'  canPos <-.Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 0 0 "))
#'  canPosX <-.Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 0 0 "))
#'  canPosY <-.Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 0 0 "))
#'  lineVertical <- .Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create line 0 0 0 0"))
#'  lineHorizontal<-.Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create line 0 0 0 0"))
#'  tkbind(tt, "<Motion>", function (x, y) {
#'    x <- as.numeric(x)
#'      y <- as.numeric(y)
#'        for (i in c(canPos, lineVertical, lineHorizontal,canPosX,canPosY))
#'        tkdelete(tt$env$canvas, tclvalue(i))
#'             xy <- formatC(tk2usr(x, y),
#'                             digits = 2,
#'                              format = "f",
#'                               width = 5)
#' xRange <- tt$env$plt[1:2] * tt$env$width
#'   yRange <- (1 - tt$env$plt[4:3]) * tt$env$height
#'     canPos <<- .Tcl(
#'  paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text 40 10 -fill blue -justify left -text { ",
#'      xy[1], " ", xy[2],
#'      "} -font {Helvetica -10}"))
#'       if (x < xRange[1] | x > xRange[2])
#'          return()
#'          if (y < yRange[1] | y > yRange[2])
#'            return()
#' canPosX <<- .Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text ", x, yRange[1]-10,
#'            " -fill blue -justify center -text { ",xy[1],
#'            "} -font {Helvetica -10}"))
#' canPosY <<- .Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create text ",xRange[2]+10, y,
#'    " -fill blue -justify center -text { ",xy[2], "} -font {Helvetica -10}"))
#'            lineVertical <<- .Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas, "create line ",
#'                  x,      yRange[1],      x,      yRange[2],
#'                     "-fill blue -dash 4"))
#'            lineHorizontal <<- .Tcl(paste(tt$env$canvas,
#'                  "create line ",
#'                   xRange[1],  y, xRange[2], y,
#'                         "-fill blue -dash 4"))})
#'      tkbind(tt$env$canvas, "<Leave>", function (x, y)
#'      {tkdelete(tt$env$canvas, tclvalue(canPos))})
#'      } )
#'  }

setCoef <- function(W, width, height) {
  parent <- .getToplevel(W)
  if (missing(width)) {
    width <-
      as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo width", parent$env$canvas)))
  } else{
    if (!is.numeric(width)) {
      width <-
        as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo width", parent$env$canvas)))
  if (missing(height)) {
    height <-
      as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo height", parent$env$canvas)))
  } else{
    if (!is.numeric(height)) {
      height <-
        as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo height", parent$env$canvas)))
  setVariable("tkRplotR_usr" , usr <- parent$env$usr)
  setVariable("tkRplotR_plt" , plt <- parent$env$plt)
  parent$env$height <- setVariable("tkRplotR_canvasHeight",
  parent$env$width <- setVariable("tkRplotR_canvasWidth",
  xCoef <-
    setVariable("tkRplotR_xCoef", .getCoef(plt[1:2] * (
      getVariable("tkRplotR_canvasWidth") + 0.5
    ), usr[1:2]))
  yCoef <-
    setVariable("tkRplotR_yCoef", .getCoef((1 - plt[3:4]) * (
      getVariable("tkRplotR_canvasHeight") + 0.5
    ), usr[3:4]))
  out <- list(x = xCoef, y = yCoef)
  parent$env$canvas$coef <- out

#' @export
###### getCoef #####

getCoef <- function(W) {
  if (!missing(W)) {
    parent <- .getToplevel(W)
    width <-
      as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo width", parent$env$canvas)))
    height <-
      as.numeric(.Tcl(paste("winfo height", parent$env$canvas)))
    widthPrevious <- parent$env$width
    heightPrevious <- parent$env$height
    if (any(isTRUE(widthPrevious != width),
            isTRUE(heightPrevious != height)))  {
    setVariable("tkRplotR_canvasWidth", width)
    setVariable("tkRplotR_canvasHeight", height)
    setVariable("tkRplotR_usr" , parent$env$usr)
    setVariable("tkRplotR_plt" , parent$env$plt)
    newCoef <- getCoef()
    parent$env$canvas$coef <- newCoef
  plt <- getVariable("tkRplotR_plt")
  usr <- getVariable("tkRplotR_usr")
  setVariable("tkRplotR_xCoef", xCoef <-
                .getCoef(plt[1:2] * (
                  getVariable("tkRplotR_canvasWidth") + 0.5
                ), usr[1:2]))
  setVariable("tkRplotR_yCoef",   yCoef <-
                .getCoef((1 - plt[3:4]) * (
                  getVariable("tkRplotR_canvasHeight") + 0.5
  return(list(x = xCoef, y = yCoef))

#' @export
###### .getCoef #####
.getCoef <- function(plt, usr) {
  a <- diff(usr) / diff(plt)
  c(a, usr[1] - a * plt[1])

#' @export
###### tk2usr #####

tk2usr <- function(W, x = NULL, y = NULL) {
  if (inherits(W, "tkwin")) {
    parent <- .getToplevel(W)
    coef <- parent$env$canvas$coef
      x = as.numeric(x) * coef$x[1] + coef$x[2],
      y = as.numeric(y) * coef$y[1] + coef$y[2]
  } else{
    y <- x
    x <- W
    coef <- list(x = getVariable("tkRplotR_xCoef"), y = getVariable("tkRplotR_yCoef"))
      x = as.numeric(x) * coef$x[1] + coef$x[2],
      y = as.numeric(y) * coef$y[1] + coef$y[2]

#' @export
###### usr2tk #####
# usr2tk <- function(x = NULL, y = NULL) {
#   c(
#     x = (x - getVariable("tkRplotR_xCoef")[2]) / getVariable("tkRplotR_xCoef")[1] - 0.5,
#     y = (y - getVariable("tkRplotR_yCoef")[2]) / getVariable("tkRplotR_yCoef")[1] - 0.5
#   )
# }

usr2tk <- function(W, x = NULL, y = NULL) {
  if (inherits(W, "tkwin")) {
    parent <- .getToplevel(W)
    coef <- parent$env$canvas$coef
      x = (x - coef$x[2]) / coef$x[1] - 0.5,
      y = (y - coef$y[2]) / coef$y[1] - 0.5
  } else{
    y <- x
    x <- W
      x = (x - getVariable("tkRplotR_xCoef")[2]) / getVariable("tkRplotR_xCoef")[1] - 0.5,
      y = (y - getVariable("tkRplotR_yCoef")[2]) / getVariable("tkRplotR_yCoef")[1] - 0.5

#' @title Gives the Position
#' @description
#' Gives the position when the left mouse button is pressed + "Ctrl" button.
#' @usage tkLocator(parent, n = 1)
#' @param parent Tk toplevel window
#' @param n the number of points to locate
#' @return A list with x and y components which are the coordinates of the identified points.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bb <- 1
#' tt <- tktoplevel()
#' tt <- tkRplot(tt, function() {
#'  x <- 1:20 / 20
#'    plot(
#'    x,
#'    x ^ bb,
#'    col = "#0000ff50",
#'        xlab = "x",
#'            ylab = paste0("x^", bb),
#'                type = "l",
#'                    axes = FALSE,
#'                        lwd = 4)
#'    title(main = bb)
#'      points(x,
#'       x ^ bb,
#'       col = "#ff000050",
#'       pch = 19,
#'       cex = 2)
#'         axis(1)
#'         axis(2)
#'           box()
#'           })
#'  tkLocator(tt, 2)
#'  }

###### tkLocator #####
tkLocator <- function(parent, n = 1) {
  if (n < 1)
    n <- 1
  done <- tclVar(0)
  out <- data.frame(x = rep(NA, n), y = rep(NA, n))
  i = 0
  tkbind(parent, "<Destroy>", function()
    tclvalue(done) <- 2)
  tkbind(parent, "<Escape>", function()
    tclvalue(done) <<- 1)
  tkbind(parent$env$canvas, "<Control-Button-1>", function(W, x, y) {
    W <- .getToplevel(W)
    i <<- i + 1
    out[i,] <<- tk2usr(W, x, y)
    if (i == n)
      tclvalue(done) <<- 1

  if (tclvalue(done) != "2")
    tkbind(parent$env$canvas, "<Control-Button-1>", function() {

  if (i > 0)
    return(out[1:i, ])

#' @export
.rmVariable <- function(name){
  globalVariable(type = "rm", name)

#' @export
.lsVariable <- function(){

Try the tkRplotR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tkRplotR documentation built on June 27, 2021, 5:08 p.m.