
Defines functions toaGraph computeGraph computeGraphInternal computeEgoGraph computeGraphHistogram computeGraphMetric parseWeightArgument makeGraphFunctionArgumentsSql makeDegreeSelectSql makeClusteringSelectSql makeClosenessSelectSql makeAvgClosenessSelectSql makeAltClosenessSelectSql makeKdegreeSelectSql makeShortestPathSelectSql makePageRankSelectSql makeBetweennessSelectSql makeEigenVectorSelectSql addVerticesInVertexWhere makeVerticesSql makeEdgesSql makeDerivedVerticesTable makeEgoSelfEdgeWhereSql makeNetworkResult

Documented in computeEgoGraph computeGraph computeGraphHistogram computeGraphMetric toaGraph

#' Define an object corresponding to a graph in Aster database.
#' In Aster Database, to process graphs using SQL-GR, it is recommended to represent
#' a graph using two tables:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item Vertices table
#'   \item edges table
#' }
#' Vertices table must contain a unique key so that each row represents a vertex.
#' Edges table must contain a pair of source and target keys (from vertices table)
#' so that each row represents an edge.
#' Both vertices and edges tables may contain additional columns representing 
#' optional attributes. For example if edges table has column 'weight' it can
#' correspond a graph with edge weights.
#' Graph object can be defined using single table with edges. In that case vertices
#' are derived from the edges and arguments \code{vertexWhere} and \code{vertexAttrnames}
#' will be disallowed or ignored.
#' In place of both or any of the tables could be views or even queries. The only requirement
#' is that they correspond to a graph in Aster database by containing non-null set of vertices,
#' 0 or more edges and do not break referential integrity (see \code{\link{validateGraph}}).
#' No speical syntactic designation is necessary when using queries, thus \code{"public.edges"}
#' and \code{"SELECT * FROM public.edges"} are valid and equivalent values for the argument
#' \code{edges}.
#' @param vertices A table, view, or query of a collection of vertices in the graph. The 
#'   collection must contain at least one column representing the vertex key.
#' @param edges A table, view, or query of a collection of edges of the graph. 
#'   The collection must contain at least two columns, one list that represents 
#'   the source vertex key and another list that represents the target vertex key.
#' @param directed logical: should edges be interpreted as directed?
#' @param key name of the column with vertex unique id (in the table \code{vertices}).
#' @param source name of the column with the from vertex (in the table \code{edges}).
#' @param target name of the column with the to vertex (in the tbale \code{edges}).
#' @param vertexAttrnames optionally, a list of columns containing vertex 
#'   attribute names.
#' @param edgeAttrnames optionally, a list of columns containing edge 
#'   attribute names.
#' @param vertexWhere optionally, a \code{SQL WHERE} clause to subset vertex table (use SQL 
#'   as if in \code{WHERE} clause but omit the keyword \code{WHERE}).
#' @param edgeWhere optionally, a \code{SQL WHERE} clause to subset edge table (use SQL 
#'   as if in \code{WHERE} clause but omit the keyword \code{WHERE}).
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # undirected graph
#' policeGraphUn = toaGraph("dallaspolice_officer_vertices", "dallaspolice_officer_edges_un", 
#'      directed = FALSE, key = "officer", source = "officer1", target = "officer2", 
#'      vertexAttrnames = c("offense_count"), edgeAttrnames = c("weight"))
#' # directed graph with the vertex filter
#' policeGraphDi = toaGraph("dallaspolice_officer_vertices", "dallaspolice_officer_edges_di", 
#'      directed = TRUE, key = "officer", source = "officer1", target = "officer2", 
#'      vertexAttrnames = c("offense_count"), edgeAttrnames = c("weight"),
#'      vertexWhere = "officer ~ '[A-Z].*'")
toaGraph <- function(vertices, edges, directed=FALSE, 
                     key='id', source='source', target='target', 
                     vertexAttrnames=NULL, edgeAttrnames=NULL, 
                     vertexWhere = NULL, edgeWhere = NULL) {
  if(missing(edges) || is.null(edges))
    stop("An edge table must be defined.")
  if(missing(vertices) || is.null(vertices)) {
    if (!is.null(vertexWhere))
      stop("Graph with derived vertices can not have where clause.")
    vertices = NULL
  z <- structure(list(vertices = vertices,
                      edges = edges,
                      directed = directed,
                      key = key,
                      source = source,
                      target = target,
                      vertexAttrnames = vertexAttrnames,
                      edgeAttrnames = edgeAttrnames,
                      vertexWhere = vertexWhere,
                      edgeWhere = edgeWhere
  class = "toagraph")

#' Materialize Aster graph as network object in R.
#' Results in \code{\link{network}} object representation of the graph 
#' stored in Aster tables. Usually in Aster database a graph is represented
#' using a pair of vertice and edge tables (see \code{\link{toaGraph}}).
#' Use caution when computing network objects stored in Aster with this function 
#' as data may include considerable amount of vertices and edges which are too large to
#' load into a memory.
#' \code{copmuteGraph} will use graph defined by \code{graph} if neither of the arguments
#' \code{vertexWhere}, or \code{edgeWhere} provided. When one or more of them 
#' defined then they override corresponding attributes in the \code{graph}. On top of it,
#' argument \code{v} specifies concrete vertices to include in the resulting graph.
#' In case when only edges table specified argument \code{vertexWhere} will trigger error
#' while argument \code{v} is still valid.
#' @param channel connection object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}
#' @param graph an object of class \code{'toagraph'} referencing graph 
#'   tables in Aster database.
#' @param v a SQL \code{SELECT} that returns key values or a list of key values (corresponding 
#'   to the \code{vertex.names} attribute) of the vertices to include in the graph. 
#'   When not \code{NULL} this guarentees that no other vertices or edges between other vertices 
#'   are included in the resulting network.
#' @param vertexWhere optionally, a \code{SQL WHERE} clause to subset vertex table. When not \code{NULL}
#'   it overrides \code{vertexWhere} condition from the \code{graph}.
#' @param edgeWhere optionally, a \code{SQL WHERE} clause to subset edge table. When not \code{NULL}
#'   it overrides \code{edgeWhere} condition from the \code{graph}.
#' @param allTables pre-built information about existing tables.
#' @param test logical: if TRUE show what would be done, only (similar to parameter \code{test} in \pkg{RODBC} 
#'   functions: \link{sqlQuery} and \link{sqlSave}).
#' @return \code{\link{network}} class object materializing an Aster graph represented by \code{\link{toaGraph}}.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if(interactive()) {
#' library(GGally)
#' policeGraphUn = toaGraph("dallaspolice_officer_vertices", "dallaspolice_officer_edges_un", 
#'                          directed = FALSE, key = "officer", 
#'                          source = "officer1", target = "officer2", 
#'                          vertexAttrnames = c("offense_count"), edgeAttrnames = c("weight"))
#' # initialize connection to Lahman baseball database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' # create network object and visualize with ggplot2
#' net1 = computeGraph(conn, policeGraphUn)
#' ggnet2(net1, node.label="vertex.names", node.size="offense_count", 
#'        legend.position="none")
#' # network object with filters and color attribute
#' net2 = computeGraph(conn, policeGraphUn, vertexWhere = "officer ~ '[A-Z].*'", 
#'                     edgeWhere = "weight > 0.36")
#' net2 %v% "color" = substr(get.vertex.attribute(net2, "vertex.names"), 1, 1)
#' ggnet2(net2, node.label="vertex.names", node.size="offense_count", 
#'        size.cut=TRUE, node.color="color", legend.position="none", 
#'        palette = "Set2")
#' # networ object for subgraph of top degree vertices
#' topDegree = computeGraphMetric(conn, policeGraphUn, type="degree", top=50)
#' net3 = computeGraph(conn, policeGraphUn, v=as.list(as.character(topDegree$key)))
#' net3 %v% "degree" = topDegree[match(get.vertex.attribute(net3, "vertex.names"), 
#'                                             topDegree$key), "degree"]
#' ggnet2(net3, node.label="vertex.names", node.size="degree", 
#'        legend.position="none")
#' }
computeGraph <- function(channel, graph, v=NULL,
                         allTables=NULL, test=FALSE) {
  if (missing(graph) || !is.object(graph) || !inherits(graph, "toagraph"))
    stop("Graph object must be specified.")
  if (test && is.null(allTables))
    stop("Must provide allTables when test==TRUE.")
  isValidConnection(channel, test)
  isTableFlag = isTable(channel, list(vertices=graph$vertices, edges=graph$edges), allTables=allTables)

  return(computeGraphInternal(channel, graph, v, vertexWhere, edgeWhere,
                              isTableFlag, test, closeOnError=FALSE))

computeGraphInternal <- function(channel, graph, v=NULL,
                         isTableFlag, test=FALSE, closeOnError=FALSE) {
  if(!all(isTableFlag | is.na(isTableFlag)))
    stop("Both vertices and edges must exist as tables or views.")
  if(is.null(graph$vertices)) {
      stop("Derived vertices can not have where clause.")
    graph$vertices = makeDerivedVerticesTable(graph, isTableFlag, edgeWhere)
  # Handle vertex list if defined
  vertexWhere = addVerticesInVertexWhere(graph, v, vertexWhere)
  if(test) {
    emptyLine = "--"
    sqlText = ""
  # Edges select
  sqlComment = "-- Edges Select"
  edgesSql = makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere)

    sqlText = paste(sqlComment, edgesSql, sep='\n')
    e = toaSqlQuery(channel, edgesSql, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, closeOnError=closeOnError)
  # Vertices select
  sqlComment = "-- Vertices Select"
  verticesSql = makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE, TRUE)
    sqlText = paste(sqlText, paste(emptyLine, sqlComment, verticesSql, sep='\n'), sep=';\n')
    vx = toaSqlQuery(channel, verticesSql, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, closeOnError=closeOnError)

  # result
  if (test) {
  }else {
    net = makeNetworkResult(graph, vx, e)


#' Find the vertices not farther than a given limit from another fixed vertex, 
#' and create egographs (subgraphs) with the given order parameter.
#' @param channel connection object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}
#' @param graph an object of class \code{'toagraph'} referencing graph 
#'   tables in Aster database.
#' @param ego list of vertices for which the calculation of corresponding ego graphs is performed.
#' @param order	integer giving the order of the ego graph neighborhood.
#' @param mode character constant, it specifies how to use the direction of the edges if a directed graph is analyzed. 
#'   For \code{'out'} only the outgoing edges are followed, so all vertices reachable from the source vertex in at 
#'   most order steps are counted. For \code{'in'} all vertices from which the source vertex is reachable in at most 
#'   \code{order} steps are counted. \code{'all'} ignores the direction of the edges. This argument is ignored 
#'   for undirected graphs.
#' @param createDistanceAttr logical: indicates if vertices should receive attribute with the distance
#'   to ego graph centeral vertex.
#' @param distanceAttrname name of the vertex distance attribute.
#' @param vertexWhere SQL WHERE clause limiting data from the vertex table. This value when not null
#'   overrides corresponding value \code{vertexWhere} from \code{graph} (use SQL as if in WHERE clause but 
#'   omit keyword WHERE).
#' @param edgeWhere SQL WHERE clause limiting data from the edge table. This value when not null
#'   overrides corresponding value \code{edgeWhere} from \code{graph} (use SQL as if in WHERE clause but 
#'   omit keyword WHERE).
#' @param allTables pre-built information about existing tables.
#' @param test logical: if TRUE show what would be done, only (similar to parameter \code{test} in \pkg{RODBC} 
#'   functions: \link{sqlQuery} and \link{sqlSave}).
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if(interactive()) {
#' library(GGally)
#' policeGraphDi = toaGraph(vertices = "dallaspolice_officer_vertices", 
#'                          edges = "dallaspolice_officer_edges_di", 
#'                          directed = TRUE,
#'                          key = "officer", source = "officer1", target = "officer2", 
#'                          vertexAttrnames = c("offense_count"),
#'                          edgeAttrnames = c("weight"))
#' # initialize connection to Lahman baseball database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' setVertexColor <- function(graph, vertex, color="red", default="grey") {
#'   graph %v% "color" = 
#'   ifelse(get.vertex.attribute(graph, "vertex.names") == as.character(vertex),
#'          color, default)
#'   return(graph)
#' }
#' topPagerankPolice = computeGraphMetric(conn, policeGraphDi, type='pagerank', top=3)
#' egoCenters = as.list(as.character(topPagerankPolice$key))
#' egoGraphsTopPagerank = computeEgoGraph(conn, policeGraphDi, order = 1, ego = egoCenters)
#' egoGraph = setVertexColor(egoGraphsTopPagerank[[1]], egoCenters[[1]])
#' ggnet2(egoGraph, node.label="vertex.names",  node.size="offense_count",
#'        legend.position="none", color="color")
#' egoGraph = setVertexColor(egoGraphsTopPagerank[[2]], egoCenters[[2]])
#' ggnet2(egoGraph, node.label="vertex.names",  node.size="offense_count",
#'        legend.position="none", color="color")
#' egoGraph = setVertexColor(egoGraphsTopPagerank[[3]], egoCenters[[3]])
#' ggnet2(egoGraph, node.label="vertex.names",  node.size="offense_count",
#'        legend.position="none", color="color")

#' }
computeEgoGraph <- function(channel, graph, ego, order=1, mode="all",
                            createDistanceAttr=TRUE, distanceAttrname="ego.distance",
                            vertexWhere=graph$vertexWhere, edgeWhere=graph$edgeWhere,
                            allTables=NULL, test=FALSE) {
  # match argument values
  mode = match.arg(mode, c('all','both','in','out'))
  if (missing(graph) || !is.object(graph) || !inherits(graph, "toagraph"))
    stop("Graph object must be specified.")
  if (test && is.null(allTables))
    stop("Must provide allTables when test==TRUE.")
  if (is.null(ego) || length(ego) == 0)
    stop("Must have at least one ego vertex defined.")
  if (!graph$directed && mode %in% c('in','out'))
    stop("Must be a directed graph when mode is 'in' or 'out'.")
  isValidConnection(channel, test)
  isTableFlag = isTable(channel, list(vertices=graph$vertices, edges=graph$edges), allTables=allTables)
  if(!all(isTableFlag | is.na(isTableFlag)))
    stop("Both vertices and edges must exist as tables or views.")
  if(test) {
    emptyLine = "--"
    sqlText = ""
  egoVertexWhere = addVerticesInVertexWhere(graph, ego, vertexWhere)
  selfTargetOrSource = ifelse(mode == 'in', 'target', 'source')
  otherTargetOrSource = ifelse(mode == 'in', 'source', 'target')
  sqlComment = "-- Create temp table of the shortest paths from ego vertices"
  sqlBeginTran = "BEGIN"
  shortestPathSql = paste0(
      "CREATE TEMP FACT TABLE egographtemp 
       DISTRIBUTE BY HASH(source) 
       SELECT source, target, distance FROM AllPairsShortestPath(
         ON (", makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") AS vertices PARTITION BY ", graph$key , "
         ON (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") AS edges PARTITION BY ", graph$source, "
         ON (", makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, egoVertexWhere, FALSE), ") AS ", selfTargetOrSource,"s PARTITION BY ", graph$key, "
         DIRECTED('", ifelse(graph$directed, 'true', 'false'), "')
  if(test) {
    sqlText = paste(sqlBeginTran, paste(emptyLine, sqlComment, shortestPathSql, sep='\n'), sep=';\n')
  }else {
    odbcSetAutoCommit(channel, autoCommit = FALSE)
    toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlBeginTran)
    toaSqlQuery(channel, shortestPathSql)
  if (createDistanceAttr) {
    distanceColumnSql = paste0(", eg.distance ", "__distance_attr__")
    distance0ColumnSql = paste0(", 0 ", "__distance_attr__")
  }else {
    distanceColumnSql = ""
    distance0ColumnSql = ""

  egoGraphs = list()
  for(i in 1:length(ego)) {
    key = ego[[i]]
    ego.graph = graph
    sqlComment = "-- Edges Select"
    edgesSql = paste0(
      "SELECT e.*
         FROM (", makeEdgesSql(ego.graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") e 
        WHERE ", graph$source, " IN (SELECT ", otherTargetOrSource, " FROM egographtemp WHERE ", selfTargetOrSource, " = '",key,"')
          AND ", graph$target, " IN (SELECT ", otherTargetOrSource, " FROM egographtemp WHERE ", selfTargetOrSource, " = '",key,"')
       SELECT e.*
         FROM (", makeEdgesSql(ego.graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") e
        WHERE ", makeEgoSelfEdgeWhereSql(graph, key, mode)
      sqlText = paste(sqlText, paste(emptyLine, sqlComment, edgesSql, sep='\n'), sep=';\n')
      e = toaSqlQuery(channel, edgesSql, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    if ((!is.null(ego.graph$vertexAttrnames) && length(ego.graph$vertexAttrnames) > 0) ||
        createDistanceAttr) {
      sqlComment = "-- Vertices Select"
      verticesSql = paste0(
        "SELECT v.*", distanceColumnSql, " 
           FROM egographtemp eg JOIN
                (", makeVerticesSql(ego.graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") v ON (eg.",otherTargetOrSource," = v.",graph$key,")
          WHERE eg.",selfTargetOrSource," = '",key,"'
         SELECT v.*", distance0ColumnSql, " 
           FROM egographtemp eg JOIN
                (", makeVerticesSql(ego.graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") v ON (eg.",selfTargetOrSource," = v.",graph$key,")
          WHERE eg.",selfTargetOrSource," = '",key,"'"
        sqlText = paste(sqlText, paste(emptyLine, sqlComment, verticesSql, sep='\n'), sep=';\n')
      else {
        v = toaSqlQuery(channel, verticesSql, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        if (createDistanceAttr) {
          ego.graph$vertexAttrnames = c(ego.graph$vertexAttrnames, distanceAttrname)
          names(v)[[length(v)]] = distanceAttrname
      v = NULL
      egoGraphs[[i]] = makeNetworkResult(ego.graph, v, e)

  sqlEndTran = "END"
  if(test) {
    sqlText = paste(sqlText, paste(emptyLine, sqlEndTran, sep='\n'), sep=';\n')
  }else {
    toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlEndTran)
    odbcSetAutoCommit(channel, autoCommit = TRUE)

#' Compute various statistic distributions on graph edges and vertices.
#' @param channel connection object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}
#' @param graph an object of class \code{'toagraph'} referencing graph 
#'   tables in Aster database.
#' @param type choose between graph measures to compute histogram distribution for: 
#'   \code{'degree', 'clustering', 'shortestpath', 'pagerank', 'betweenness', 'eigenvector'}.
#' @param weight logical or character: if logical then \code{TRUE} indicates using \code{'weight'} edge
#'   attribute, otherwise no weight used. If character then use as a name for the edge weight attribute. 
#'   The edge weight may apply with types \code{'clustering', 'shortestpath'} and centrality measures.
#' @param binMethod one of several methods to determine number and size of bins: \code{'manual'} indicates to use 
#'   paramters below, both \code{'Sturges'} or \code{'Scott'} will use corresponding methods of computing number
#'   of bins and width (see \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histogram#Number_of_bins_and_width}).
#' @param binsize size (width) of discrete intervals defining histogram (all bins are equal).
#' @param startvalue lower end (bound) of values to include in histogram.
#' @param endvalue upper end (bound) of values to include in histogram.
#' @param numbins number of bins to use in histogram.
#' @param vertexWhere SQL WHERE clause limiting data from the vertex table. This value when not null
#'   overrides corresponding value \code{vertexWhere} from \code{graph} (use SQL as if in WHERE clause but 
#'   omit keyword WHERE).
#' @param edgeWhere SQL WHERE clause limiting data from the edge table. This value when not null
#'   overrides corresponding value \code{edgeWhere} from \code{graph} (use SQL as if in WHERE clause but 
#'   omit keyword WHERE).
#' @param allTables pre-built information about existing tables.
#' @param test logical: if TRUE show what would be done, only (similar to parameter \code{test} in \pkg{RODBC} 
#'   functions: \link{sqlQuery} and \link{sqlSave}).
#' @param ... other arguments passed on to Aster graph functions except for \code{EDGEWEIGHT} argument -
#'   use argument \code{weight} instead. Aster function areguments are not casesensetive 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if(interactive()) {
#' policeGraphUn = toaGraph("dallaspolice_officer_vertices", "dallaspolice_officer_edges_un", 
#'                          directed = FALSE, key = "officer", 
#'                          source = "officer1", target = "officer2", 
#'                          vertexAttrnames = c("offense_count"), edgeAttrnames = c("weight"))
#' # initialize connection to Lahman baseball database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' hdegreePolice = computeGraphHistogram(conn, policeGraphUn, type='degree', numbins=36) 
#' createHistogram(hdegreePolice, 
#'                 title = "Dallas Police Graph Degree Distribution", 
#'                 xlab='Degree', ylab='Count')
#' hshortestpathPolice = computeGraphHistogram(conn, policeGraphUn, type='shortestpath',
#'                               numbins = 10)
#' createHistogram(hshortestpathPolice, 
#'                 title = "Dallas Police Shortest Path Distribution", 
#'                 xlab = "Distance", ylab = "Count")
#' }
computeGraphHistogram <- function(channel, graph, type='degree', weight=FALSE,
                                  binMethod='manual', numbins = NULL, binsize = NULL, 
                                  startvalue = NULL, endvalue = NULL,
                                  vertexWhere=graph$vertexWhere, edgeWhere=graph$edgeWhere,
                                  allTables=NULL, test=FALSE, ...) {
  # match argument values
  type = match.arg(type, c('degree', 'clustering', 'shortestpath', 'pagerank', 'betweenness',
                           'eigenvector', 'closeness', 'avg-closeness', 'k-degree', 'alt-closeness'))
  binMethod = match.arg(binMethod, c('manual', 'Sturges', 'Scott'))
  if (missing(graph) || !is.object(graph) || !inherits(graph, "toagraph"))
    stop("Graph object must be specified.")
  if (test && is.null(allTables))
    stop("Must provide allTables when test==TRUE.")
  isValidConnection(channel, test)
  isTableFlag = isTable(channel, list(vertices=graph$vertices, edges=graph$edges), allTables=allTables)
  if(!all(isTableFlag | is.na(isTableFlag)))
    stop("Both vertices and edges must exist as tables or views.")
  # weight attribute if present
  weight = parseWeightArgument(graph, weight)
  argsSql = makeGraphFunctionArgumentsSql(...)
  # Graph sql, names
  if (type=='degree') {
    histogramSelectTempTableSql = makeDegreeSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, NULL, vertexWhere, edgeWhere)
    histogramValue = 'degree'
    histogramGroup = 'degree_type'
  }else if (type=='clustering') {
    histogramSelectTempTableSql = makeClusteringSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, NULL, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    histogramValue = 'cc'
    histogramGroup = 'cc_type'
  }else if (type=='closeness') {
    histogramSelectTempTableSql = makeClosenessSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, NULL, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    histogramValue = 'closeness'
    histogramGroup = NULL
  }else if (type=='avg-closeness') {
    histogramSelectTempTableSql = makeAvgClosenessSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, NULL, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    histogramValue = 'closeness'
    histogramGroup = NULL
  }else if (type=='alt-closeness') {
    histogramSelectTempTableSql = makeAltClosenessSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, NULL, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    histogramValue = 'closeness'
    histogramGroup = NULL
  }else if (type=='k-degree') {
    histogramSelectTempTableSql = makeKdegreeSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, NULL, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    histogramValue = 'kdegree'
    histogramGroup = NULL
  }else if (type=='shortestpath') {
    histogramSelectTempTableSql = makeShortestPathSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    histogramValue = 'distance'
    histogramGroup = NULL
  }else if (type=='pagerank') {
    histogramSelectTempTableSql = makePageRankSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, NULL, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    histogramValue = 'pagerank'
    histogramGroup = NULL
  }else if (type == 'betweenness') {
    histogramSelectTempTableSql = makeBetweennessSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, NULL, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    histogramValue = 'betweenness'
    histogramGroup = NULL
  }else if (type == 'eigenvector') {
    histogramSelectTempTableSql = makeEigenVectorSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, NULL, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    histogramValue = 'centrality'
    histogramGroup = NULL

  if (binMethod=='manual') {
    if (is.null(startvalue) && is.null(endvalue) && is.null(numbins))
      stop("Number of bins or/and at least startvalue and endvalue must be defined when method is 'manual'.")
    # set number of bins if manual
    if( is.null(startvalue))
      startvalue = 0
    if( is.null(endvalue)) 
      endvalue = startvalue + numbins * binsize
    if(is.null(startvalue) || is.null(endvalue) || length(startvalue)==0 || length(endvalue)==0) {
      histPrep = paste0("ON hist_prep(
                           ON graphdataforhisttemp VALUE_COLUMN('",histogramValue,"')) as data_stat DIMENSION
    }else {
      if (startvalue >= endvalue)
        stop("End value should be greater than start value.")
        binsize = (endvalue - startvalue) / numbins
      histPrep = paste0("binsize('", binsize, "')
                         startvalue('", startvalue, "')
                         endvalue('", endvalue, "')")
  }else {
    # compute histogram parameters if missing
    histPrep = paste0("ON hist_prep(
                         ON graphdataforhisttemp VALUE_COLUMN('",histogramValue,"')) as data_stat DIMENSION
  if(test) {
    emptyLine = "--"
    sqlText = ""
  # Create temp table with the node metric
  sqlComment = paste("-- Compute", type, "into temp table with all vertices")
  sqlBeginTran = "BEGIN"
  graphDegreeSql = paste0(
    "CREATE TEMP FACT TABLE graphdataforhisttemp 
     ", histogramSelectTempTableSql
  if(test) {
    sqlText = paste(sqlBeginTran, paste(emptyLine, sqlComment, graphDegreeSql, sep='\n'), sep=';\n')
  }else {
    odbcSetAutoCommit(channel, autoCommit = FALSE)
    toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlBeginTran)
    toaSqlQuery(channel, graphDegreeSql)
  # Compute metric histogram
  sqlComment = "-- Compute metric histogram"
  histDegreeSql = paste0(
    "SELECT * FROM Hist_Reduce(
           ON Hist_Map(
             ON graphdataforhisttemp as data_input PARTITION BY ANY 
          ", histPrep, "
         ) PARTITION BY ",ifelse(is.null(histogramGroup),"1",histogramGroup),"
    sqlText = paste(sqlText, paste(emptyLine, sqlComment, histDegreeSql, sep='\n'), sep=';\n')
    histograms = toaSqlQuery(channel, histDegreeSql, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  sqlEndTran = "END"
  if(test) {
    sqlText = paste(sqlText, paste(emptyLine, sqlEndTran, sep='\n'), sep=';\n')
  }else {
    toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlEndTran)
    odbcSetAutoCommit(channel, autoCommit = TRUE)

#' Compute top vertices by the metric values on a graph.
#' @param channel connection object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}
#' @param graph an object of class \code{'toagraph'} referencing graph 
#'   tables in Aster database.
#' @param type choose between graph metrics to compute: \code{'degree', 'in-degree', 
#'   'out-degree', 'clustering', 'shortestpath', 'pagerank', 'betweenness', 
#'   'eigenvector', 'closeness', 'avg-closeness', 'k-degree', 'alt-closeness'}.
#' @param top the number of vertices to return. If \code{top >= 0} then \code{top} vertices 
#'   sorted by the metric value are returned, otherwise all vertices are returned. 
#'   Returned vertices are ordered by the computed graph metric only when \code{top >= 0}. 
#' @param rankFunction one of \code{rownumber, rank, denserank, percentrank}. Rank computed and
#'   returned for each vertex and each metric type. \code{rankFunction} determines which SQL window 
#'   function computes vertex rank value (default \code{rank} corresponds to SQL \code{RANK()} window function). 
#'   When threshold \code{top} is greater than 0 ranking function used to limit number of 
#'   vertices returned (see details).
#' @param weight logical or character: if logical then \code{TRUE} indicates using \code{'weight'} edge
#'   attribute, otherwise no weight used. If character then use as a name for the edge weight attribute. 
#'   The edge weight may apply with types \code{'clustering', 'shortestpath'} and centrality measures.
#' @param vertexWhere SQL WHERE clause limiting data from the vertex table. This value when not null
#'   overrides corresponding value \code{vertexWhere} from \code{graph} (use SQL as if in WHERE clause but 
#'   omit keyword WHERE).
#' @param edgeWhere SQL WHERE clause limiting data from the edge table. This value when not null
#'   overrides corresponding value \code{edgeWhere} from \code{graph} (use SQL as if in WHERE clause but 
#'   omit keyword WHERE).
#' @param keyAsFactor logical: should key column be converted to factor? If \code{TRUE} then conversion
#'   will always take place for any of integer, numeric, or character data types.
#' @param allTables pre-built information about existing tables.
#' @param test logical: if TRUE show what would be done, only (similar to parameter \code{test} in \pkg{RODBC} 
#'   functions: \link{sqlQuery} and \link{sqlSave}).
#' @param ... other arguments passed on to Aster graph functions except for \code{EDGEWEIGHT} argument -
#'   use argument \code{weight} instead. Aster function areguments are not case-sensetive.
#' @return dataframe containing one vertice per row with key value, computed metric value, and its rank 
#'   using \code{rankFunction}.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if(interactive()) {
#' library(ggplot2)
#' policeGraphUn = toaGraph("dallaspolice_officer_vertices", "dallaspolice_officer_edges_un", 
#'                          directed = FALSE, key = "officer", 
#'                          source = "officer1", target = "officer2", 
#'                          vertexAttrnames = c("offense_count"), edgeAttrnames = c("weight"))
#' # initialize connection to Lahman baseball database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' createTopMetricPlot <- function(data, metric, xlab='Officer', ylab='Degree', title) {
#'    p = ggplot(data) +
#'        geom_bar(aes_string("key", metric, fill="key"), stat='identity') +
#'        labs(x=xlab,y=ylab,title=title) +
#'        ggthemes::theme_tufte() + 
#'        theme(legend.position='none', 
#'              axis.text.x = element_text(size=16, angle = 315, vjust = 1), 
#'              plot.title = element_text(size=20),
#'              axis.ticks = element_blank())
#'    return(p)
#' }
#' # top degree officers
#' topDegree = computeGraphMetric(conn, policeGraphUn, type="degree", top=30)
#' createTopMetricPlot(topDegree, 'degree', ylab='Degree', title='Top 30 Officers by Degree') 
#' # top betweenness officers
#' topbetweenness = computeGraphMetric(conn, policeGraphUn, type='betweenness', top=25)
#' createTopMetricPlot(topbetweenness, 'betweenness', ylab='Betweenness', 
#'                     title='Top 25 Officers (Betweenness)')                     
#' }
computeGraphMetric <- function(channel, graph, type='degree', top=10, rankFunction='rank',
                               weight=FALSE, vertexWhere=graph$vertexWhere, edgeWhere=graph$edgeWhere,
                               keyAsFactor=TRUE, allTables=NULL, test=FALSE, ...) {
  # match argument values
  type = match.arg(type, c('degree', 'in-degree', 'out-degree', 'clustering', 'shortestpath', 'pagerank',
                           'betweenness', 'eigenvector', 'closeness', 'avg-closeness', 'k-degree', 'alt-closeness'))
  rankFunction = match.arg(rankFunction, c('rank', 'rownumber', 'row', 'denserank', 'percentrank'))
  if (missing(graph) || !is.object(graph) || !inherits(graph, "toagraph"))
    stop("Graph object must be specified.")
  if (test && is.null(allTables))
    stop("Must provide allTables when test==TRUE.")
  isValidConnection(channel, test)
  isTableFlag = isTable(channel, list(vertices=graph$vertices, edges=graph$edges), allTables=allTables)
  if(!all(isTableFlag | is.na(isTableFlag)))
    stop("Both vertices and edges must exist as tables or views.")
  # weight attribute if present
  weight = parseWeightArgument(graph, weight)
  argsSql = makeGraphFunctionArgumentsSql(...)
  windowFunction = getWindowFunction(rankFunction)
  if (type=='degree') {
    selectSql = makeDegreeSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, windowFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere)
    value = 'degree'
    if (graph$directed) {
      group = 'degree_type'
      groupValue = 'degree'
      group = NULL
  }else if(type=='in-degree') {
    selectSql = makeDegreeSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, windowFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere)
    value = 'degree'
    group = 'degree_type'
    groupValue = 'indegree'
  }else if(type=='out-degree') {
    selectSql = makeDegreeSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, windowFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere)
    value = 'degree'
    group = 'degree_type'
    groupValue = 'outdegree'
  }else if (type=='clustering') {
    selectSql = makeClusteringSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, windowFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    value = 'cc'
    group = 'cc_type'
    groupValue = ifelse(graph$directed, 'avg_cc', 'cc')
  }else if (type=='pagerank') {
    selectSql = makePageRankSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, windowFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    value = 'pagerank'
    group = NULL
  }else if (type == 'betweenness') {
    selectSql = makeBetweennessSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, windowFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    value = 'betweenness'
    group = NULL
  }else if (type == 'eigenvector') {
    selectSql = makeEigenVectorSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, windowFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    value = 'centrality'
    group = NULL
  }else if (type == 'closeness') {
    selectSql = makeClosenessSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, windowFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    value = 'closeness'
    group = NULL
  }else if (type == 'avg-closeness') {
    selectSql = makeAvgClosenessSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, windowFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    value = 'closeness'
    group = NULL
  }else if (type == 'alt-closeness') {
    selectSql = makeAltClosenessSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, windowFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    value = 'closeness'
    group = NULL
  }else if (type == 'k-degree') {
    selectSql = makeKdegreeSelectSql(graph, isTableFlag, weight, windowFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql)
    value = 'kdegree'
    group = NULL
  selectSql = paste0(
      selectSql, "
     ",ifelse(is.null(group), "", paste0(" WHERE ", group, " = '", groupValue, "'")), "
     ",ifelse(!is.null(top) && is.numeric(top) && top >= 0, 
              paste0("ORDER BY ", value, " DESC LIMIT ", as.character(top)), "")

  if (test)
    result = toaSqlQuery(channel, selectSql, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  # make a factor ordered by rank
  if(keyAsFactor) {
    result$key = factor(result$key)
    result$key = factor(result$key, levels=result$key[order(result$rank)], ordered = TRUE)

parseWeightArgument <- function(graph, weight) {
  if (is.null(weight) || weight==FALSE) weight = NULL
  if (is.logical(weight) && weight) weight = 'weight'
  if (!is.null(weight) && !weight %in% graph$edgeAttrnames)
    stop(paste0("No edge attribute '", weight, "' found in graph."))

makeGraphFunctionArgumentsSql <- function(...) {
  args = list(...)
  if (is.null(args) || length(args)==0) return("")
  argNames = names(args)
  result = ""
  for(i in 1:length(args)) {
      result = paste0(result, "
           ", argNames[[i]],"('",args[[i]],"')")

makeDegreeSelectSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, rankFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere) {
  if(graph$directed) {
    sql = paste0(
    "SELECT key, degree_type, degree_long degree", 
            ifelse(!is.null(rankFunction), paste0(", ", rankFunction, " OVER (PARTITION BY degree_type ORDER BY degree_long DESC) rank"), ""), "
       FROM unpivot(
         ON (SELECT COALESCE(s.key, t.key) key, 
                    COALESCE(s.cnt_source,0) outdegree, 
                    COALESCE(t.cnt_target,0) indegree,  
                    COALESCE(s.cnt_source,0) + COALESCE(t.cnt_target,0) degree,
                    (COALESCE(t.cnt_target,0) + 1)/(COALESCE(s.cnt_source,0) + 1) inbyoutdegree
               FROM (SELECT ",graph$source," key, COUNT(*) cnt_source 
                       FROM (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") e 
                      GROUP BY 1) s FULL JOIN
                    (SELECT ",graph$target," key, COUNT(*) cnt_target 
                       FROM (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") e
                      GROUP BY 1) t ON (s.key = t.key)
  }else {
    sql = paste0(
    "SELECT COALESCE(s.key, t.key) key,
            'degree'::varchar degree_type,
            COALESCE(s.cnt_source,0) + COALESCE(t.cnt_target,0) degree",
                   paste0(", ", rankFunction, " OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY COALESCE(s.cnt_source,0) + COALESCE(t.cnt_target,0) DESC) rank"), 
                   ""), "
      FROM (SELECT ",graph$source," key, COUNT(*) cnt_source 
              FROM (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") e 
             GROUP BY 1) s FULL JOIN
           (SELECT ",graph$target," key, COUNT(*) cnt_target 
              FROM (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") e
             GROUP BY 1) t ON (s.key = t.key)"

makeClusteringSelectSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, weight, rankFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql) {
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT ", graph$key, " key, cc_type, coalesce(cc_double, cc_str::double) cc",
                      paste0(", ", rankFunction, " OVER (PARTITION BY cc_type ORDER BY coalesce(cc_double, cc_str::double) DESC) rank"), ""), "
       FROM unpivot(
         ON (SELECT * FROM LocalClusteringCoefficient(
               ON (", makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") AS vertices PARTITION BY ", graph$key, "
               ON (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") AS edges PARTITION BY ", graph$source, "
             ",ifelse(is.null(weight), "", paste0("edgeweight('",weight,"')")),"

makeClosenessSelectSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, weight, rankFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql) {
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT ", graph$key, " key, inv_sum_dist closeness",
                      paste0(", ", rankFunction, " OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY inv_sum_dist DESC) rank"), ""), "
               FROM Closeness(
               ON (", makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") AS vertices PARTITION BY ", graph$key, "
               ON (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") AS edges PARTITION BY ", graph$source, "
             ",ifelse(is.null(weight), "", paste0("edgeweight('",weight,"')")),"

makeAvgClosenessSelectSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, weight, rankFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql) {
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT ", graph$key, " key, inv_avg_dist closeness",
                      paste0(", ", rankFunction, " OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY inv_avg_dist DESC) rank"), ""), "
               FROM Closeness(
               ON (", makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") AS vertices PARTITION BY ", graph$key, "
               ON (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") AS edges PARTITION BY ", graph$source, "
             ",ifelse(is.null(weight), "", paste0("edgeweight('",weight,"')")),"

makeAltClosenessSelectSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, weight, rankFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql) {
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT ", graph$key, " key, sum_inv_dist closeness",
                      paste0(", ", rankFunction, " OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY sum_inv_dist DESC) rank"), ""), "
               FROM Closeness(
               ON (", makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") AS vertices PARTITION BY ", graph$key, "
               ON (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") AS edges PARTITION BY ", graph$source, "
             ",ifelse(is.null(weight), "", paste0("edgeweight('",weight,"')")),"

makeKdegreeSelectSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, weight, rankFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql) {
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT ", graph$key, " key, kdegree",
                      paste0(", ", rankFunction, " OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY kdegree DESC) rank"), ""), "
               FROM Closeness(
               ON (", makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") AS vertices PARTITION BY ", graph$key, "
               ON (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") AS edges PARTITION BY ", graph$source, "
             ",ifelse(is.null(weight), "", paste0("edgeweight('",weight,"')")),"

makeShortestPathSelectSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, weight, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql) {
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT source key, target, distance FROM AllPairsShortestPath(
       ON (", makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") AS vertices PARTITION BY ", graph$key, "
       ON (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") AS edges PARTITION BY ", graph$source, "
     ",ifelse(is.null(weight), "", paste0("edgeweight('",weight,"')")),

makePageRankSelectSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, weight, rankFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql) {
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT ", graph$key, " key, pagerank",
                      paste0(", ", rankFunction, " OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY pagerank DESC) rank"), ""), "
       FROM PageRank(
       ON (", makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") AS vertices PARTITION BY ", graph$key, "
       ON (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") AS edges PARTITION BY ", graph$source, "
     ",ifelse(is.null(weight), "", paste0("edgeweight('",weight,"')")),

makeBetweennessSelectSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, weight, rankFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql) {
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT ", graph$key, " key, betweenness", 
                      paste0(", ", rankFunction, " OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY betweenness DESC) rank"), ""), "
       FROM Betweenness(
       ON (", makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") AS vertices PARTITION BY ", graph$key, "
       ON (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") AS edges PARTITION BY ", graph$source, "
     ",ifelse(is.null(weight), "", paste0("edgeweight('",weight,"')")),

makeEigenVectorSelectSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, weight, rankFunction, vertexWhere, edgeWhere, argsSql) {
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT ", graph$key, " key, centrality",
                      paste0(", ", rankFunction, " OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY centrality DESC) rank"), ""), "
       FROM EigenVectorCentrality(
       ON (", makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, FALSE), ") AS vertices PARTITION BY ", graph$key, "
       ON (", makeEdgesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere), ") AS edges PARTITION BY ", graph$source, "
     ",ifelse(is.null(weight), "", paste0("edgeweight('",weight,"')")),

addVerticesInVertexWhere <- function(graph, v, vertexWhere) {
  if(!is.null(v) && length(v) > 0) {
      vertexValueWhere = paste0(graph$key, " IN (", makeSqlValueList(unlist(v)) , ")")
      vertexValueWhere = paste0(graph$key, " IN (", v[[1]], ")")
      vertexWhere = vertexValueWhere
      vertexWhere = paste0("(", vertexWhere, ") AND ", vertexValueWhere)

makeVerticesSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, keyOnlyFlag, ordered=FALSE) {
    selectList = graph$key
    selectList = makeSqlColumnList(c(graph$key, graph$vertexAttrnames))
    "SELECT ", selectList, " 
       FROM ", makeFromClause(graph$vertices, isTableFlag[['vertices']], "t"),
    ifelse(ordered, paste0(" ORDER BY ", graph$key), "")

makeEdgesSql <- function(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, edgeWhere) {
  if (!is.null(vertexWhere)) {
    verticesSql = makeVerticesSql(graph, isTableFlag, vertexWhere, TRUE)
    if(!is.null(edgeWhere)) {
      edgeWhere = paste0(
        "(", edgeWhere, ") AND 
         ", graph$source, " IN (", verticesSql, ") AND 
         ", graph$target, " IN (", verticesSql, ")"
    }else {
      edgeWhere = paste0(
        graph$source, " IN (", verticesSql, ") AND 
     ", graph$target, " IN (", verticesSql, ")"
      "SELECT ", makeSqlColumnList(c(graph$source, graph$target, graph$edgeAttrnames)), " 
         FROM ", makeFromClause(graph$edges, isTableFlag[['edges']], "t"),

makeDerivedVerticesTable <- function(graph, isTableFlag, edgeWhere) {
  vertices = paste0(
    "SELECT ",graph$source," ",graph$key," 
       FROM ", makeFromClause(graph$edges, isTableFlag[['edges']], "t"), 
       makeWhereClause(edgeWhere), "
     SELECT ",graph$target," ",graph$key," 
       FROM ", makeFromClause(graph$edges, isTableFlag[['edges']], "t"), 

makeEgoSelfEdgeWhereSql <- function(graph, key, mode) {
  if (mode %in% c('all','both'))
    whereSql = paste0(graph$source," = '",key,"'
                 OR ",graph$target," = '",key,"'")
  else if (mode == 'in')
    whereSql = paste0(graph$target, " = '",key,"'")
    whereSql = paste0(graph$source, " = '",key,"'")

makeNetworkResult <- function(graph, v, e){
  # validate resulting graph data
  if (!is.null(v) && nrow(v) == 0)
    stop("Graph object may not have 0 vertices.")
  #if (nrow(e) == 0) 
  #  stop("Graph object may not have 0 edges.")

  # this step is necessary to eliminate integer values which are processed 
  # not like character values by network constructor
  if (is.numeric(e[,graph$source]))
    e[,graph$source] = as.character(e[,graph$source])
  if (is.numeric(e[,graph$target]))
    e[,graph$target] = as.character(e[,graph$target])
  if (!is.null(v) && is.numeric(v[,graph$key]))
    v[,graph$key] = as.character(v[,graph$key])
  # create network object using the edge list
  if (nrow(e) > 0) {
    net = network(e, directed=graph$directed, matrix.type="edgelist", ignore.eval=FALSE)
    # handle those nodes that has no edges attached
    if (!is.null(v) && nrow(v) > 0) {
      vnames = v[, graph$key]
      evnames = get.vertex.attribute(net, "vertex.names")
      if(!all(vnames %in% evnames)) {
        add.vertices(net, length(v[!vnames %in% evnames, graph$key]), 
                     lapply(v[!vnames %in% evnames, graph$key], 
                            FUN = function(x) {list(na=FALSE, vertex.names=x)}))
  # create network with no edges
  }else {
    net = network.initialize(nrow(v), directed=graph$directed)
    set.vertex.attribute(net, "vertex.names", v[, graph$key], v=1:nrow(v))
  # vertex data is optional; if it's not null then it contains vertex attributes
  if(!is.null(v) && nrow(v) > 0) {
    net.v = data.frame(id=1:length(net$val), vertex.names=matrix(unlist(net$val), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)[,2],
    net.v = merge(net.v, v, by.x="vertex.names", by.y=graph$key, all=FALSE, sort=FALSE)
    for(attrname in graph$vertexAttrnames) {
      set.vertex.attribute(net, attrname, net.v[, attrname], net.v[, "id"])

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toaster documentation built on May 30, 2017, 3:51 a.m.