
Defines functions getTableSummary makeNumericMetrics addNumericFilterToWhereClause getNumericMetricsSql getNumericPercentileSql computeNumericMetrics makeCharacterMetrics computeCharacterMetrics makeTemporalMetrics computeTemporalMetrics makeMode computeModes viewTableSummary getColumnValues isTable isValidConnection grantExecuteOnFunction getNullCounts constructCountNullsSQL getTableCounts

Documented in getNullCounts getTableCounts getTableSummary isTable viewTableSummary

#' Compute columnwise statistics on Aster table.
#' For table compute column statistics in Aster and augment data frame structure
#' obtained with \code{\link{sqlColumns}} with columns containing computed statistics.
#' Computes columns statistics for all or specified table columns and adds them
#' to the data frame with basic ODBC table metadata obtained with \code{\link{sqlColumns}}.
#' Computed statistics include counts of all, non-null, distinct values; statistical
#' summaries of maximum, minimum, mean, standard deviation, median (50th percentile), mode
#' (optional), interquartile range, and desired percentiles. Each computed statistic adds
#' a column to ODBC metadata data frame.
#' @param channel object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}.
#' @param tableName name of the table in Aster.
#' @param include a vector of column names to include. Output never contains attributes other than in the list.
#' @param except a vector of column names to exclude. Output never contains attributes from the list.
#' @param modeValue logical indicates if mode values should be computed. Default is FALSE.
#' @param percentiles list of percentiles (integers between 0 and 100) to collect (always collects 25th and 75th 
#'   for IQR calculation). There is no penalty in specifying more percentiles as they get calculated in a single call 
#'   for each column - no matter how many different values are requested. When FALSE then percentiles 
#'   calculations are skipped and result wil have no percentile and IQR columns.
#' @param parallel logical: enable parallel calls to Aster database. This option requires parallel 
#'   backend enabled and registered (see in examples). Parallel execution requires ODBC \code{channel} 
#'   obtained without explicit password: either with \code{\link{odbcConnect}(dsn)} or 
#'   \code{\link{odbcDriverConnect}} calls, but not with \code{\link{odbcConnect}(dsn, user, password)}.
#' @param where SQL WHERE clause limiting data from the table (use SQL as if in WHERE clause but omit keyword WHERE).
#' @param mock logical: if TRUE returns pre-computed table statistics for tables \code{pitching} or \code{batting}, only.
#' @return data frame returned by \code{\link{sqlColumns}} with additional columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{total_count}{total row count - the same for each table column}
#'   \item{distinct_count}{distinct values count}
#'   \item{not_null_count}{not null count}
#'   \item{minimum}{minimum value (numerical data types only)}
#'   \item{maximum}{maximum value (numerical data types only)}
#'   \item{average}{mean (numerical data types only)}
#'   \item{deviation}{standard deviation (numerical data types only)}
#'   \item{percentiles}{defaults: 0,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,100. Always adds percentiles 25, 50 (median), 75}
#'   \item{IQR}{interquartile range is the 1st Quartile subtracted from the 3rd Quartile}
#'   \item{minimum_str}{minimum string value (character data types only)}
#'   \item{maximum_str}{maximum string value (character data types only)}
#'   \item{mode}{mode value (optional)}
#'   \item{mode_count}{mode count (optional)}
#' }
#' @seealso \link{sqlColumns}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if(interactive()){
#' # initialize connection to Lahman baseball database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' pitchingInfo = getTableSummary(channel=conn, 'pitching_enh')
#' # list all table columns
#' pitchingInfo$COLUMN_NAME
#' # compute statistics on subset of baseball data after 1999
#' battingInfo = getTableSummary(channel=conn, 'batting_enh', 
#'                               where='yearid between 2000 and 2013')
#' # compute statistics for certain columns including each percentile from 1 to 99
#' pitchingInfo = getTableSummary(channel=conn, 'pitching_enh',
#'                               include=c('h', 'er', 'hr', 'bb', 'so'),
#'                               percentiles=seq(1,99))
#' # list data frame column names to see all computed statistics
#' names(pitchingInfo)
#' # compute statitics on all numeric columns except certain columns
#' teamInfo = getTableSummary(channel=conn, 'teams_enh', 
#'                    include=getNumericColumns(sqlColumns(conn, 'teams_enh')),
#'                    except=c('lgid', 'teamid', 'playerid', 'yearid', 'decadeid'))
#' }
getTableSummary <- function (channel, tableName, include = NULL, except = NULL, 
                             modeValue = FALSE,
                             percentiles = c(5,10,25,50,75,90,95,100),
                             where = NULL, mock = FALSE, parallel = FALSE) {
  # check if parallel option is valid
  if (parallel && !getDoParRegistered())
    stop("Please register parallel backend appropriate to your platform to run with parallel=TRUE")
  isValidConnection(channel, mock)
  tableName = normalizeTableName(tableName)
  if (mock) {
    if (substr(tableName, nchar(tableName)-nchar('pitching')+1, nchar(tableName))=='pitching') {
      table_info = dget("_pitchingInfo.dat")
    }else if (substr(tableName, nchar(tableName)-nchar('batting')+1, nchar(tableName))=='batting') {
      table_info = dget("_battingInfo.dat")
    }else {
      stop("Test sql with 'getTableSummary' only for 'batting' or 'pitching' tables.")
  }else {
    table_info = sqlColumns(channel, tableName)
  if (nrow(table_info) == 0) stop(paste0("No columns of any kind found in the table '", tableName, "'"))
  table_info = includeExcludeColumns(table_info, include, except)
  # check if at least one column found
  if (nrow(table_info) == 0) stop(paste0("No columns specified found in the table '", tableName, "'"))
  where_clause = makeWhereClause(where)
  # derive if percentiles are numeric or logical
  if (is.numeric(percentiles)) {
    percentileFlag = TRUE
  }else if(is.logical(percentiles) && length(percentiles) == 1){
    if(percentiles) {
      percentileFlag = TRUE
      percentiles = NULL
      percentileFlag = FALSE
    stop("Percentiles must be either a numeric vector or a logical flag.")
  # percentiles
  if (percentileFlag) {
    # always add 50 (median) and 25, 75 for IQR computations
    if (is.null(percentiles) || !is.numeric(percentiles)) {
      percentiles = c(25, 50, 75)
    }else {
      percentiles = union(percentiles, c(25, 50, 75)) 
    out_of_range = percentiles < 0 | percentiles > 100
    if (any(out_of_range)) {
      stop(paste("Invalid percentile value(s) passed (below 0 or above 100):", percentiles[out_of_range]))
    percentiles = NULL
  # no database access if mock is TRUE
  if (mock) {
    return (table_info)
  if (percentileFlag) {
    percentileNames = paste0(percentiles, "%")
    percentileStrNames = paste0(percentiles, "%str")
    names(percentileNames) = percentiles
    names(percentileStrNames) = percentiles
    percentileStr = paste(percentiles, collapse=",")
  }else {
    percentileNames = NULL
    percentileStrNames= NULL
    percentileStr = NULL
  # Create data frame columns for table statistics
  table_info[c("total_count","distinct_count","not_null_count","null_count")] = as.integer(NA)
  table_info[c("minimum","maximum","average","deviation")] = as.numeric(NA)
  if (percentileFlag) 
    table_info[c(percentileNames, "IQR")] = as.numeric(NA)
  table_info[c("minimum_str","maximum_str", "average_str")] = as.character(NA)
  if (percentileFlag)
    table_info[c(percentileStrNames)] = as.character(NA)
  # Total rows
  total_rows = toaSqlQuery(channel, paste0("SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ", tableName, where_clause))
  if (!is.data.frame(total_rows) || nrow(total_rows) != 1)
    stop(paste("Not a valid sql to count total number of rows in the table '", tableName, "'"))
  total_count = total_rows[[1,1]]
  table_info[, "total_count"] = total_count
  # compute numeric metrics
  numeric_columns = getNumericColumns(table_info)
  if (length(numeric_columns) > 0) {
    metrics = computeNumericMetrics(channel, tableName, table_info, numeric_columns, 
                                    percentileFlag, percentileNames, percentileStr, 
                                    where_clause, total_count, parallel)
    if (percentileFlag)
      percentile_names = c(percentileNames, "IQR")
      percentile_names = NULL
               c("distinct_count", "not_null_count", "null_count", 
                 "minimum", "maximum", "average", "deviation", percentile_names)] =
      metrics[, c("distinct_count", "not_null_count", "null_count", 
                  "minimum", "maximum", "average", "deviation", percentile_names)]
  # compute character metrics 
  character_columns = getCharacterColumns(table_info)
  if (length(character_columns) > 0) {
    metrics = computeCharacterMetrics(channel, tableName, table_info, character_columns, 
                                       where_clause, total_count, parallel)
               c("distinct_count", "not_null_count", "null_count",
                 "minimum_str", "maximum_str")] =
      metrics[, c("distinct_count", "not_null_count", "null_count", 
                  "minimum_str", "maximum_str")]
  # compute temporal metrics
  temporal_columns = getTemporalColumns(table_info)
  if (length(temporal_columns) > 0) {
    metrics = computeTemporalMetrics(channel, tableName, table_info, temporal_columns,
                                     percentileFlag, percentiles, percentileNames, percentileStrNames, percentileStr, 
                                     where_clause, total_count, parallel)
    if (percentileFlag)
      percentile_names = c(percentileNames, "IQR", percentileStrNames)
      percentile_names = NULL
               c("distinct_count", "not_null_count", "null_count",
                 "minimum_str", "maximum_str", "average_str",
                 percentile_names)] =
      metrics[, c("distinct_count", "not_null_count", "null_count",
                  "minimum_str", "maximum_str", "average_str", 
  # Compute modes
  if(modeValue) {
    table_info = cbind(table_info, 
    modes = computeModes(channel, tableName, table_info, where_clause, parallel)
    table_info[modes$idx, c("mode", "mode_count")] = modes[, c('mode_value', 'mode_count')]


makeNumericMetrics <- function(idx, column_stats, total_count, percentileFlag, presults, percentileNames) {
  df = data.frame(
             null_count=total_count - column_stats[[1,"not_null_count"]],
  if (percentileFlag) {
    if (nrow(presults) > 0) {
      for (tile in 1:nrow(presults)) {
        ptile = as.character(presults[[tile, "percentile"]])
        ptileValue = presults[[tile, "value"]]
        df[1, percentileNames[ptile]] = ptileValue
      df[1, "IQR"] = presults[[which(presults$percentile==75),"value"]] -
    }else {
      for (ptileName in percentileNames)
        df[1, ptileName] = NA
      df[1, "IQR"] = NA
  return (df)

# add filter for 'NaN','Infinity','-Infinity' if necessary
addNumericFilterToWhereClause <- function(where_clause, column_type) {
  if (column_type %in% c(getFloatingPointTypes(), getArbitraryPrecisionTypes())) {
    if (nchar(where_clause) < 6) {
      where_clause = " WHERE "
    }else {
      where_clause = paste(where_clause, " AND ")
    if (column_type %in% getFloatingPointTypes())
      where_clause = paste0(where_clause, "( <%%%column__name%%%> NOT IN ('NaN','Infinity','-Infinity') )" )
    else # arbitrary prcision types
      where_clause = paste0(where_clause, "( <%%%column__name%%%> != 'NaN' )")

getNumericMetricsSql <- function(column_name, column_type, tableName, where_clause) {
  # add filter for 'NaN','Infinity','-Infinity' special values in non-integer numerics
  where_clause = addNumericFilterToWhereClause(where_clause, column_type)
  metricsSql = 
    paste0("SELECT cast(count(distinct <%%%column__name%%%>) as bigint) as distinct_count, ",
           "       cast(count(<%%%column__name%%%>) as bigint) as not_null_count, ",
           "       min(<%%%column__name%%%>) as minimum, ",
           "       max(<%%%column__name%%%>) as maximum, ",
           "       avg(<%%%column__name%%%>::numeric) as average, ",
           "       stddev(<%%%column__name%%%>::numeric) as deviation ",
           "  FROM ", tableName, where_clause)
  metricSql = gsub('<%%%column__name%%%>', column_name, metricsSql, fixed=TRUE)

getNumericPercentileSql <- function(column_name, column_type, tableName, where_clause, percentileStr) {
  # add filter for 'NaN','Infinity','-Infinity' special values in non-integer numerics
  where_clause = addNumericFilterToWhereClause(where_clause, column_type)
  percentileSql = 
    paste0("SELECT * FROM approxPercentileReduce(
                                  ON (
                                  SELECT * FROM approxPercentileMap(
                                  ON  ( SELECT <%%%column__name%%%> FROM " , tableName, where_clause, " ) ",
           " TARGET_COLUMN( '<%%%column__name%%%>' )
                                  ERROR( 1 )
                                  PARTITION BY 1
                                  PERCENTILE( ", percentileStr, " ))")
  percentileSql = gsub('<%%%column__name%%%>', column_name, percentileSql, fixed=TRUE)
computeNumericMetrics <- function(channel, tableName, tableInfo, numeric_columns,
                                  percentileFlag, percentileNames, percentileStr, 
                                  where_clause, total_count, parallel=FALSE) {
  # non-functional: eliminates NOTE 'no visible binding for global variable'
  column_name = idx = column_type = NULL
  if (!parallel) {
    result = foreach(column_name = tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME, idx = seq_along(tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME),
                     column_type = tableInfo$TYPE_NAME,
                     .combine='rbind', .packages=c('RODBC')) %do% {
               if (column_name %in% numeric_columns) {
                 # Compute SELECT aggregate statistics on each numeric column
                 column_stats = toaSqlQuery(channel, getNumericMetricsSql(column_name, column_type, tableName, where_clause),
                                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                 # compute all percentiles at once with SQL/MR approximate percentile function
                 if (percentileFlag)
                   presults = toaSqlQuery(channel, 
                                          getNumericPercentileSql(column_name, column_type, tableName, where_clause, percentileStr),
                                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                   presults = NULL
                 makeNumericMetrics(idx, column_stats, total_count, percentileFlag, presults, percentileNames)
  }else {
    # parallel mode compute
    result = foreach(column_name = tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME, idx = seq_along(tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME),
                     column_type = tableInfo$TYPE_NAME,
                     .combine='rbind', .packages=c('RODBC'), .inorder=FALSE) %dopar% {
               if (column_name %in% numeric_columns) {
                 parChan = odbcReConnect(channel)
                 # Compute SELECT aggregate statistics on each numeric column
                 column_stats = toaSqlQuery(parChan, getNumericMetricsSql(column_name, column_type, tableName, where_clause), 
                                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE, closeOnError=TRUE)
                 # compute all percentiles at once with SQL/MR approximate percentile function
                 if (percentileFlag)
                   presults = toaSqlQuery(parChan, 
                                          getNumericPercentileSql(column_name, column_type, tableName, where_clause, percentileStr), 
                                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                   presults = NULL
                 makeNumericMetrics(idx, column_stats, total_count, percentileFlag, presults, percentileNames)

  return (result)

makeCharacterMetrics <- function(idx, column_stats, total_count) {
             null_count=total_count - column_stats[[1,"not_null_count"]],

computeCharacterMetrics <- function(channel, tableName, tableInfo, character_columns, 
                                     where_clause, total_count, parallel=FALSE) {
  sql =
    paste0("SELECT cast(count(distinct <%%%column__name%%%>) as bigint) as distinct_count, ",
           "       cast(count(<%%%column__name%%%>) as bigint) as not_null_count, ",
           "       min(<%%%column__name%%%>) as minimum, ",
           "       max(<%%%column__name%%%>) as maximum ",
           "  FROM ", tableName, where_clause)
  # non-functional: eliminates NOTE 'no visible binding for global variable'
  column_name = idx = NULL 
  if (!parallel) {
    result = foreach(column_name = tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME, idx = seq_along(tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME),
                     .combine='rbind', .packages=c('RODBC')) %do% {
               if (column_name %in% character_columns) {
                 column_stats = toaSqlQuery(channel, gsub('<%%%column__name%%%>', column_name, sql, fixed=TRUE), 
                                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                 makeCharacterMetrics(idx, column_stats, total_count) 
  }else {
    # parallel mode compute
    result = foreach(column_name = tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME, idx = seq_along(tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME),
                     .combine='rbind', .packages=c('RODBC'), .inorder=FALSE) %dopar% {
              if (column_name %in% character_columns) {
                parChan = odbcReConnect(channel)
                column_stats = toaSqlQuery(parChan, gsub('<%%%column__name%%%>', column_name, sql, fixed=TRUE), 
                                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE, closeOnError=TRUE)
                makeCharacterMetrics(idx, column_stats, total_count) 
  return (result)

makeTemporalMetrics <- function(idx, column_stats, total_count, percentileFlag, presults, percentileNames, percentileStrNames) {
  df = data.frame(
    null_count=total_count - column_stats[[1,"not_null_count"]],
  if (percentileFlag) {
    if (nrow(presults) > 0) {
      for (tile in 1:nrow(presults)) {
        ptile = as.character(presults[[tile, "percentile"]])
        ptileValue = presults[[tile, "epoch"]]
        df[1, percentileNames[ptile]] = ptileValue
        ptileValue = presults[[tile, "value"]]
        df[1, percentileStrNames[ptile]] = ptileValue
      df[1, "IQR"] = presults[[which(presults$percentile==75),"epoch"]] -
    }else {
      for (ptileName in percentileNames)
        df[1, ptileName] = NA
      for (ptileStrName in percentileStrNames)
        df[1, ptileStrName] = NA
      df[1, "IQR"] = NA
  return (df)

computeTemporalMetrics <- function(channel, tableName, tableInfo, temporal_columns,
                                   percentileFlag, percentiles, percentileNames, percentileStrNames, percentileStr, 
                                   where_clause, total_count, parallel=FALSE) {
  where_clause = ifelse(length(where_clause)>1, paste0(where_clause, " AND <%%%column__name%%%> IS NOT NULL"),
                        " WHERE <%%%column__name%%%> IS NOT NULL ")
  getTemporalMetricsSql <- function(name, type) {
    # this variable is not used - for reference only
    temporalTypes = c('timestamp', 'timestamp without time zone', 'timestamp with time zone','interval',
                      'date','time', 'time with timezone','time without time zone')
    sql = 
      paste0("SELECT cast(count(distinct <%%%column__name%%%>) as bigint) as distinct_count, ",
             "       cast(count(<%%%column__name%%%>) as bigint) as not_null_count, ",
             "       min(<%%%column__name%%%>)::varchar as minimum, ",
             "       max(<%%%column__name%%%>)::varchar as maximum, ",
             ifelse(grepl("^(timestamp|date)", type, ignore.case=TRUE),
             "       to_timestamp(avg(extract('EPOCH' FROM <%%%column__name%%%>))) as average ",
             "       avg(<%%%column__name%%%>) as average "),
             "  FROM ", tableName, where_clause) 
    gsub('<%%%column__name%%%>', name, sql, fixed=TRUE)
  percentileSql = 
    paste0("SELECT percentile, MAX(<%%%column__name%%%>)::varchar value, 
                   MAX(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM <%%%column__name%%%>)) epoch  
              FROM (SELECT <%%%column__name%%%>, ntile(100) OVER (ORDER BY <%%%column__name%%%>) AS percentile
                      FROM ", tableName, where_clause, ") t
             WHERE percentile IN ( ", percentileStr, " ) 
             GROUP BY 1 ",
           # performance enhancement: include SELECT belo only when 0 percentile (min) requested
           ifelse(0 %in% percentiles, paste0(
          " UNION  
            SELECT 0, MIN(<%%%column__name%%%>), MIN(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM <%%%column__name%%%>)) epoch 
              FROM svplan.containertrailerplans ", where_clause),
          " "),
          "  ORDER BY 1")
  # non-functional: eliminates NOTE 'no visible binding for global variable'
  column_name = column_type = idx = NULL 
  if (!parallel) {
    result = foreach(column_name = tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME, column_type = tableInfo$TYPE_NAME,
                     idx = seq_along(tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME), 
                     .combine='rbind', .packages=c('RODBC')) %do% {
                       if (column_name %in% temporal_columns) {
                         # Compute SELECT aggregate statistics on each temporal column
                         column_stats = toaSqlQuery(channel, getTemporalMetricsSql(column_name, column_type), 
                                                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                         # compute all percentiles at once with SQL/MR approximate percentile function
                         if (percentileFlag)
                           presults = toaSqlQuery(channel, gsub('<%%%column__name%%%>', column_name, percentileSql, 
                                                              fixed=TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                           presults = NULL
                         makeTemporalMetrics(idx, column_stats, total_count, percentileFlag, presults, percentileNames, percentileStrNames)
    # parallel mode compute
    result = foreach(column_name = tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME, column_type = tableInfo$TYPE_NAME,
                     idx = seq_along(tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME),
                     .combine='rbind', .packages=c('RODBC'), .inorder=FALSE) %dopar% {
                       if (column_name %in% temporal_columns) {
                         parChan = odbcReConnect(channel)
                         # Compute SELECT aggregate statistics on each temporal column
                         column_stats = toaSqlQuery(parChan, getTemporalMetricsSql(column_name, column_type), 
                                                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, closeOnError=TRUE)
                         # compute all percentiles at once with SQL/MR approximate percentile function
                         if (percentileFlag)
                           presults = toaSqlQuery(parChan, gsub('<%%%column__name%%%>', column_name, percentileSql, 
                                                                fixed=TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                           presults = NULL
                         makeTemporalMetrics(idx, column_stats, total_count, percentileFlag, presults, percentileNames, percentileStrNames)

makeMode <- function(idx, mode) {
  data.frame(idx=idx, mode_value=mode[[1,"val"]], mode_count=mode[[1, "cnt"]], 

computeModes <- function(channel, tableName, tableInfo, where_clause, parallel=FALSE) {
  sql =
    paste0("SELECT CAST(<%%%column__name%%%> as varchar) val, count(*) cnt ",
               "  FROM ", tableName, where_clause,
               " GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 1")
  # non-functional: eliminates NOTE 'no visible binding for global variable' 
  column_name = idx = NULL 
  if (!parallel) {
    result = foreach(column_name = tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME, idx = seq_along(tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME),
                     .combine='rbind', .packages=c('RODBC')) %do% {      
              mode = toaSqlQuery(channel, sub('<%%%column__name%%%>', column_name, sql, fixed=TRUE), 
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
              makeMode(idx, mode)
  }else {
    # parallel mode compute 
    result = foreach(column_name = tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME, idx = seq_along(tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME),
                     .combine='rbind', .packages=c('RODBC'), .inorder=FALSE) %dopar% {
              parChan = odbcReConnect(channel)
              mode = toaSqlQuery(parChan, sub('<%%%column__name%%%>', column_name, sql, fixed=TRUE), 
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE, closeOnError=TRUE)
              makeMode(idx, mode)
  return (result)

#' Invoke a Data Viewer on table statistics.
#' view computed column statistics in a spreadsheet-style viewer in R.
#' When both parameters \code{basic} and \code{percentiles} are FALSE view displays \emph{all} statistics.
#' @param tableInfo data frame with columns statistics to display.
#' @param types vector with types of columns to include: numerical (\code{"numeric"}), character (\code{"character"} or 
#'   date/time (\code{"temporal"})
#' @param include a vector of column names to include. Output never contains attributes other than in the list.
#' @param except a vector of column names to exclude. Output never contains attributes from the list.
#' @param basic logical: if TRUE display minimum, maximum, average, deviation and mode (if present)
#' @param percentiles logical: if TRUE display percentiles
#' @seealso \code{\link{getTableSummary}}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if(interactive()){
#' # initialize connection to Lahman baseball database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' pitchingInfo = getTableSummary(channel=conn, 'pitching_enh')
#' viewTableSummary(pitchingInfo, percentiles=TRUE)
#' viewTableSummary(pitchingInfo, types=c("numeric", "temporal"))
#' }
viewTableSummary <- function(tableInfo, types=NULL,
                             include=NULL, except=NULL, basic=FALSE, 
                             percentiles=FALSE) {
  if (!interactive()) return()
  if (missing(tableInfo)) return()
  tableInfo = includeExcludeColumns(tableInfo, include, except)
  col_indices = c("COLUMN_NAME", "TYPE_NAME")
  if(basic) {
    col_indices = c(col_indices, "total_count", "distinct_count", "not_null_count", "null_count")  
  }else {
    col_indices = c(col_indices, "total_count", "distinct_count", "not_null_count", "null_count",
                    "minimum", "maximum", "average", "deviation",
                    "minimum_str", "maximum_str")
  if("mode" %in% names(tableInfo)) {
    col_indices = c(col_indices, "mode")
  if(percentiles) {
    ns = names(tableInfo)
    col_indices = c(col_indices, ns[grep("^[0-9]*%$",ns)])
  if (!is.null(types) && length(types) > 0) {
    typeNames = getTypes(types)
    row_indices = tableInfo$TYPE_NAME %in% typeNames
    row_indices = !is.na(tableInfo$TYPE_NAME)
  utils::View(tableInfo[row_indices, col_indices])

getColumnValues <- function(conn, tableName, columnName, where = NULL, mock = FALSE) {
  where_clause = makeWhereClause(where)
  if (mock) {
    if (columnName == 'lgid') 
      return (c('AL','NL'))
    if (columnName == 'teamid')
      return (c('NYY', 'TEX', 'BAL', 'TOR'))
    if (columnName == 'decadeid')
      return (c('1990', '2000', '2010'))
    if (columnName == 'non_compliant')
      return (c('+', '-'))
    if (columnName == 'no_values')
      return (character(0))
  }else {
    sql = paste0("SELECT DISTINCT ", columnName, " values FROM ", tableName, where_clause)
    rs = toaSqlQuery(conn, sql, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    return (rs[, 'values'])

#' Test if table present in the database.
#' Tests each element if a table or a view exists in one of database schemas.
#' Names could be just table name of schema followed by table name via '.'.
#' @param channel object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}.
#' @param tables list of table names. Name may contain schema name
#'   followed by dot and table name or may be \code{NULL}. All visible schemas 
#'   are checked when table specified without a schema. \code{NULL} corresponds 
#'   to not a table.
#' @param withNames logical indicates if table components included in the
#'   results.
#' @param allTables a data frame containing table-like objects accessible from
#'   Aster. Usually obtained with \code{\link{sqlTables}}.
#' @return logical vector indicating if corresponding name is table in Aster database.
#'   Special case when name contains a SQL query triggers \code{NA} value instead.
#'   This behavior is handy when checking if a table name corresponds to a table 
#'   (or a view) or a SQL query instead. For example, to test if all names are
#'   either existing tables or views or SQL queries use something like this:
#'   \code{result = isTable(...); if(all(result | is.na(result)) ...}
#' @seealso \code{\link{getTableSummary}}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if(interactive()){
#' # initialize connection to Lahman baseball database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' isTable(conn, "pitching")        # TRUE 
#' isTable(conn, "pitch%")          # TRUE
#' isTable(conn, "public.pitching") # FALSE
#' }
isTable <- function(channel, tables, withNames=FALSE, allTables=NULL) {
  if (!inherits(tables, "list"))
    stop("Argument tables must be a list.")
  if (is.null(tables) || length(tables) < 1) return(logical(0))
  # trim leading and trailing spaces
  tables = lapply(tables, function(x) {
      return(gsub("^[[:blank:]]+|[[:blank:]]+$", "", x))
     row_names = tables
     row_names = names(tables)
  df = data.frame(candidate = sapply(tables, function(x) {if(is.null(x)) return(FALSE) else !grepl("[[:blank:]]", x)}),
                  schema = substr(tables, 1, regexpr("\\.[^\\.]*$", tables)-1), 
                  table = substr(tables, regexpr("[^\\.]*$", tables), nchar(tables)), 
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # all tables and views
  if(is.null(allTables)) {
    isValidConnection(channel, FALSE)
    allTables = sqlTables(channel)
  result = mapply(FUN = function(fullname, candidate, schema, table) {
    if (!candidate) return(NA)
    if (nchar(schema)>0) {
      if(nrow(allTables[allTables$TABLE_NAME == table &
                         allTables$TABLE_SCHEM == schema &
                         paste0(allTables$TABLE_SCHEM, '.', allTables$TABLE_NAME) == fullname, ]) > 0)
    }else {
      if(any(allTables$TABLE_NAME == table))
  }, tables, df$candidate, df$schema, df$table, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
  names(result) = row_names
  if(withNames) {
    result = data.frame(isTable=result, schema=df$schema, table=df$table,
                        row.names = row_names, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

isValidConnection <- function(channel, test, error=TRUE) {
  if(!inherits(channel, "RODBC"))
      stop("Connection is not valid RODBC object.")
  connInfo = odbcGetInfo(channel)
  if(connInfo["DBMS_Name"] != 'nCluster')
      stop(paste0("Database driver is invalid: '", connInfo["DBMS_Name"], "', expected 'nCluster'."))

# TODO: make part of utility convinience set of functions
grantExecuteOnFunction <- function(conn, name='%', owner='db_superuser', user) {
  if (missing(user)) {
    stop("User name to grant execute permission is missing.")
  sql = paste0("select * from nc_system.nc_all_sqlmr_funcs where funcname like '", name, "' and funcowner = '",
               owner, "'")
  func_list = toaSqlQuery(conn, sql)
  if (!('funcname' %in% names(func_list)) || length(func_list$funcname) == 0) {
    stop("No functions to grant execute permission to.")
  for(func_name in func_list$funcname){
    sql = paste0("grant execute on function ", func_name, " to ", user)
    result = toaSqlQuery(conn, sql)
    return (result)

#' Counts nulls per column in the table.
#' @param channel object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}.
#' @param tableName name of the table in Aster.
#' @param schema NULL or character: optional schema to restric table search to signle schema. In general,
#'   table search performed across whole database. Including \code{schema} restricts it to this single 
#'   schema only.
#' @param tableInfo pre-built summary of columns to use (require when \code{test=TRUE}). 
#'   See \code{\link{sqlColumns}} or \code{\link{getTableSummary}}.
#' @param include a vector of column names to include. Output never contains attributes other than in the list.
#' @param except a vector of column names to exclude. Output never contains attributes from the list.
#' @param where specifies criteria to satisfy by the table rows before applying computation. 
#'   The creteria are expressed in the form of SQL predicates (inside \code{WHERE} clause).
#' @param output Default output is a data frame in \code{'long'} format. Other options include 
#'   \code{'wide'} format and \code{'matrix'}.
#' @param percent logical: if TRUE then percent of NULL values instead of absolute count returned. To avoid
#'   division by zero small error is introduced by incrementing by 1 total count of rows in the table.
#' @param stringsAsFactors logical: should data frame returned have column with variables 
#'   (table column names) as factor? Applies only when the output is in \code{long} format.
#' @param test logical: if TRUE show what would be done, only (similar to parameter \code{test} in \link{RODBC} 
#'   functions like \link{sqlQuery} and \link{sqlSave}).
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # initialize connection to Dallas database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' null_counts = getNullCounts(conn, "baseball.batting", 
#'                             include=c('g','ab','r','h','so','bb','cs'), 
#'                             where='yearid > 2000')
#' }
getNullCounts <- function(channel, tableName, tableInfo=NULL, include=NULL, except=NULL, 
                          output='long', percent=FALSE, schema=NULL, where=NULL, 
                          stringsAsFactors=FALSE, test=FALSE){
  # match argument values
  output = match.arg(output, c('long', 'wide', 'matrix'))
    ## table name is required
    if (missing(tableName)) {
      stop("Table name must be specified.")
    tableName <- normalizeTableName(tableName)
    if (is.null(tableInfo) && test) {
      stop("Must provide tableInfo when test==TRUE.")
    ## get column names
    if (is.null(tableInfo)) {
      tableInfo <- sqlColumns(channel, sqtable = tableName, schema = schema)
    if (length(unique(tableInfo$TABLE_SCHEM)) > 1) 
      stop("Table name is not uqique - must provide schema using either parameter 'schema' or 'tableName'.")
    columnNames <- includeExcludeColumns(tableInfo, include, except)$COLUMN_NAME
    ## per column name, construct count nulls SQL
    columnNameNullSQL <- sapply(columnNames, constructCountNullsSQL, percent)
    where_clause <- makeWhereClause(where)

    ## assemble full SQL query
    nullCountsSQL <- paste('SELECT',
                          paste(columnNameNullSQL, collapse = ', '),
                          'FROM', tableName, where_clause)

    ## execute SQL to collect counts
    if (test) 
      nullCountsWide <- sqlQuery(channel, nullCountsSQL)

    if (output == 'wide') 
      return (nullCountsWide)
    else if(output == 'long') {
      ## transpose results
      nullCountsLongMatrix <- t(nullCountsWide)
      nullCountsLong <- data.frame(variable = row.names(nullCountsLongMatrix),
                                   nullcount = as.numeric(nullCountsLongMatrix),
                                   stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)
      return (nullCountsLong)
      return (as.matrix(t(nullCountsWide)))

## construct count nulls string -- used in getNullCounts
constructCountNullsSQL <- function(variableName, percent){
    sqlString = paste0('(COUNT(1) - COUNT(',variableName,') + 1.0)/(COUNT(1) + 1.0)')
    sqlString = paste0('COUNT(1) - COUNT(',variableName,')')
  sqlString = paste0(sqlString, ' AS ', variableName)

#' Counts number of rows and columns in the database tables.
#' @param channel object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}.
#' @param schema character vector with schemas to restric tables to one or more schemas. 
#'   If \code{NULL} table search performed across whole database. Including \code{schema} restricts 
#'   it to the specified schemas only.
#' @param tableType can specify zero or more types in separate elements of a character 
#'   vector (one or more of \code{"TABLE", "VIEW", "SYSTEM TABLE", "ALIAS", "SYNONYM"}).
#' @param pattern character string containing \link{regular expression} to match table names (without
#'   schema).
#' @param columns logical directs to include a column count for each table in the result.
#' @param where specifies criteria to satisfy by the table rows before applying computation. 
#'   The creteria are expressed in the form of SQL predicates (inside \code{WHERE} clause).
#' @param tables optional pre-built list of tables (data frame returned by \code{\link{sqlTables}}).
#' @param test logical: if TRUE show what would be done, only (similar to parameter \code{test} in \link{RODBC} 
#'   functions like \link{sqlQuery} and \link{sqlSave}).  
#' @param parallel logical: enable parallel calls to Aster database. This option requires parallel 
#'   backend enabled and registered (see in examples). Parallel execution requires ODBC \code{channel} 
#'   obtained without explicit password: either with \code{\link{odbcConnect}(dsn)} or 
#'   \code{\link{odbcDriverConnect}} calls, but not with \code{\link{odbcConnect}(dsn, user, password)}.
#' @return a data frame returned by \code{\link{sqlTables}} augmented with \code{rowcount} (number of rows)
#'   and optinal \code{colcount} (number of columns) columns for each table.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # initialize connection to Dallas database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' table_counts = getTableCounts(conn, 'public')
#' library(reshape2)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(ggthemes)
#' data = melt(table_counts, id.vars='TABLE_NAME', measure.vars=c('rowcount','colcount'))
#' ggplot(data) +
#'   geom_bar(aes(TABLE_NAME, rowcount, fill=TABLE_NAME), stat='identity') +
#'   facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free_y", ncol=1) +
#'   theme_tufte(ticks=FALSE) +
#'   theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=12, angle=315, hjust=0),
#'         legend.position="none")
#' }
getTableCounts <- function(channel, schema=NULL, tableType="TABLE", pattern=NULL, 
                           columns=FALSE, where=NULL, tables=NULL, 
                           test=FALSE, parallel=FALSE) {
  # match argument values
  tableType = match.arg(tableType, c("TABLE", "VIEW", "SYSTEM TABLE", "ALIAS", "SYNONYM"))
  # check if parallel option is valid
  if (parallel && !getDoParRegistered())
    stop("Please register parallel backend appropriate to your platform to run with parallel=TRUE")
  if (is.null(tables) && test) {
    stop("Must provide tables when test==TRUE.")
  schema = unique(schema)
  if (is.null(tables)) {
    tables = sqlTables(channel, schema = NULL, tableType = tableType)
  # schema filter
  if (!is.null(schema))
    tables = tables[tables$TABLE_SCHEM %in% schema, ]
  # table name pattern filter
  if(!is.null(pattern)) {
    tables = tables[grepl(pattern, tables$TABLE_NAME, ignore.case = TRUE), ]
  where_clause = makeWhereClause(where)
  sqlToExecute = character()
  for(tname in paste0(tables$TABLE_SCHEM,'.',tables$TABLE_NAME)) {
    sqlToExecute = c(sqlToExecute, paste("SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM", tname, where_clause))
  if(test) {
    sqlText = paste0("--;\n", paste(sqlToExecute, collapse = ';\n'), ";")
  sql = idx = NULL
  if (!parallel) {
    result = foreach(sql = sqlToExecute, idx = seq_along(tables$TABLE_NAME),
                     .combine='rbind', .packages=c('RODBC')) %do% {
      rowcount = toaSqlQuery(channel, sql)$cnt
      if (columns) {
        colcount = nrow(sqlColumns(channel, tables$TABLE_NAME[[idx]], schema = tables$TABLE_SCHEM[[idx]]))
        cbind(tables[idx,], rowcount=rowcount, colcount=colcount)
        cbind(tables[idx,], rowcount=rowcount)
  }else {
    # parallel mode compute 
    result = foreach(sql = sqlToExecute, idx = seq_along(tables$TABLE_NAME),
                     .combine='rbind', .packages=c('RODBC'), .inorder=FALSE) %dopar% {
      parChan = odbcReConnect(channel)
      rowcount = toaSqlQuery(parChan, sql, closeOnError=TRUE)$cnt

      if (columns) {
        colcount = nrow(sqlColumns(parChan, tables$TABLE_NAME[[idx]], schema = tables$TABLE_SCHEM[[idx]]))
        cbind(tables[idx,], rowcount=rowcount, colcount=colcount)
      }else {
        cbind(tables[idx,], rowcount=rowcount)

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toaster documentation built on May 30, 2017, 3:51 a.m.