#' Spectrogram
#' Create a spectrogram or a batch of spectrograms from a raw audio signal.
#' The spectrogram can be either magnitude-only or complex.
#' @param pad (integer): Two sided padding of signal
#' @param window_fn (tensor or function): Window tensor that is applied/multiplied to each
#' frame/window or a function that generates the window tensor.
#' @param n_fft (integer): Size of FFT
#' @param hop_length (integer): Length of hop between STFT windows
#' @param win_length (integer): Window size
#' @param power (numeric): Exponent for the magnitude spectrogram, (must be > 0) e.g.,
#' 1 for energy, 2 for power, etc. If NULL, then the complex spectrum is returned instead.
#' @param normalized (logical): Whether to normalize by magnitude after stft
#' @param ... (optional) Arguments for window function.
#' @details forward param:
#' waveform (tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time)
#' @return tensor: Dimension (..., freq, time), freq is n_fft %/% 2 + 1 and n_fft is the
#' number of Fourier bins, and time is the number of window hops (n_frame).
#' @export
transform_spectrogram <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
n_fft = 400,
win_length = NULL,
hop_length = NULL,
pad = 0L,
window_fn = torch::torch_hann_window,
power = 2,
normalized = FALSE,
) {
self$n_fft = n_fft
# number of FFT bins. the returned STFT result will have n_fft // 2 + 1
# number of frequecies due to onesided=True in torch.stft
self$win_length = win_length %||% n_fft
self$hop_length = hop_length %||% (self$win_length %/% 2)
window = window_fn(window_length = self$win_length, dtype = torch::torch_float(), ...)
self$register_buffer('window', window)
self$pad = pad
self$power = power
self$normalized = normalized
forward = function(waveform){
waveform = waveform,
pad = self$pad,
n_fft = self$n_fft,
window = self$window,
hop_length = self$hop_length,
win_length = self$win_length,
power = self$power,
normalized = self$normalized
#' Mel Scale
#' Turn a normal STFT into a mel frequency STFT, using a conversion
#' matrix. This uses triangular filter banks.
#' @param n_mels (int, optional): Number of mel filterbanks. (Default: ``128``)
#' @param sample_rate (int, optional): Sample rate of audio signal. (Default: ``16000``)
#' @param f_min (float, optional): Minimum frequency. (Default: ``0.``)
#' @param f_max (float or NULL, optional): Maximum frequency. (Default: ``sample_rate // 2``)
#' @param n_stft (int, optional): Number of bins in STFT. Calculated from first input
#' if NULL is given. See ``n_fft`` in :class:`Spectrogram`. (Default: ``NULL``)
#' @details forward param:
#' specgram (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., freq, time).
#' @return `tensor`: Mel frequency spectrogram of size (..., ``n_mels``, time).
#' @export
transform_mel_scale <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
n_mels = 128,
sample_rate = 16000,
f_min = 0.0,
f_max = NULL,
n_stft = NULL
) {
self$n_mels = n_mels
self$sample_rate = sample_rate
self$f_max = f_max %||% as.numeric(sample_rate %/% 2)
self$f_min = f_min
if(self$f_min > self$f_max) value_error(glue::glue("Require f_min: {self$f_min} < f_max: {self$f_max}"))
fb = if(is.null(n_stft)) {
} else {
n_freqs = n_stft,
f_min = self$f_min,
f_max = self$f_max,
n_mels = self$n_mels,
sample_rate = self$sample_rate
self$register_buffer('fb', fb)
forward = function(specgram) {
# pack batch
shape = specgram$size()
ls = length(shape)
specgram = specgram$reshape(list(-1, shape[ls-1], shape[ls]))
if(self$fb$numel() == 0) {
tmp_fb = functional_create_fb_matrix(
n_freqs = specgram$size(2),
f_min = self$f_min,
f_max = self$f_max,
n_mels = self$n_mels,
sample_rate = self$sample_rate
# (channel, frequency, time).transpose(...) dot (frequency, n_mels)
# -> (channel, time, n_mels).transpose(...)
mel_specgram = torch::torch_matmul(specgram$transpose(2L, 3L), self$fb$to(device = specgram$device))$transpose(2L, 3L)
# unpack batch
lspec = length(mel_specgram$shape)
mel_specgram = mel_specgram$reshape(c(shape[-((ls-1):ls)], mel_specgram$shape[(lspec-1):lspec]))
#' Amplitude to DB
#' Turn a tensor from the power/amplitude scale to the decibel scale.
#' This output depends on the maximum value in the input tensor, and so
#' may return different values for an audio clip split into snippets vs. a
#' a full clip.
#' @param stype (str, optional): scale of input tensor ('power' or 'magnitude'). The
#' power being the elementwise square of the magnitude. (Default: ``'power'``)
#' @param top_db (float or NULL, optional): Minimum negative cut-off in decibels. A reasonable number
#' is 80. (Default: ``NULL``)
#' @details forward param:
#' x (Tensor): Input tensor before being converted to decibel scale
#' @return `tensor`: Output tensor in decibel scale
#' @export
transform_amplitude_to_db <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
stype = 'power',
top_db = NULL
) {
self$stype = stype
if(!is.null(top_db) && top_db < 0) value_error("top_db must be positive value")
self$top_db = top_db
self$multiplier = if(stype == 'power') 10.0 else 20.0
self$amin = 1e-10
self$ref_value = 1.0
self$db_multiplier = log10(max(self$amin, self$ref_value))
forward = function(x) {
x = x,
multiplier = self$multiplier,
amin = self$amin,
db_multiplier = self$db_multiplier,
top_db = self$top_db
#' Mel Spectrogram
#' Create MelSpectrogram for a raw audio signal. This is a composition of Spectrogram
#' and MelScale.
#' @param sample_rate (int, optional): Sample rate of audio signal. (Default: ``16000``)
#' @param win_length (int or NULL, optional): Window size. (Default: ``n_fft``)
#' @param hop_length (int or NULL, optional): Length of hop between STFT windows. (Default: ``win_length // 2``)
#' @param n_fft (int, optional): Size of FFT, creates ``n_fft // 2 + 1`` bins. (Default: ``400``)
#' @param f_min (float, optional): Minimum frequency. (Default: ``0.``)
#' @param f_max (float or NULL, optional): Maximum frequency. (Default: ``NULL``)
#' @param pad (int, optional): Two sided padding of signal. (Default: ``0``)
#' @param n_mels (int, optional): Number of mel filterbanks. (Default: ``128``)
#' @param window_fn (function, optional): A function to create a window tensor
#' that is applied/multiplied to each frame/window. (Default: ``torch_hann_window``)
#' @param power (float, optional): Power of the norm. (Default: to ``2.0``)
#' @param normalized (logical): Whether to normalize by magnitude after stft (Default: ``FALSE``)
#' @param ... (optional): Arguments for window function.
#' @details forward param:
#' waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time).
#' @return `tensor`: Mel frequency spectrogram of size (..., ``n_mels``, time).
#' @section Sources:
#' - []()
#' - []()
#' - []()
#' @examples #' Example
#' \dontrun{
#' if(torch::torch_is_installed()) {
#' mp3_path <- system.file("sample_audio_1.mp3", package = "torchaudio")
#' sample_mp3 <- transform_to_tensor(tuneR_loader(mp3_path))
#' # (channel, n_mels, time)
#' mel_specgram <- transform_mel_spectrogram(sample_rate = sample_mp3[[2]])(sample_mp3[[1]])
#' }
#' }
#' @export
transform_mel_spectrogram <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
sample_rate = 16000,
n_fft = 400,
win_length = NULL,
hop_length = NULL,
f_min = 0.0,
f_max = NULL,
pad = 0,
n_mels = 128,
window_fn = torch::torch_hann_window,
power = 2.,
normalized = FALSE,
) {
self$sample_rate = sample_rate
self$n_fft = n_fft
self$win_length = win_length %||% n_fft
self$hop_length = hop_length %||% (self$win_length %/% 2)
self$pad = pad
self$power = power
self$normalized = normalized
self$n_mels = n_mels # number of mel frequency bins
self$f_max = f_max
self$f_min = f_min
self$spectrogram = transform_spectrogram(
n_fft = self$n_fft,
win_length = self$win_length,
hop_length = self$hop_length,
pad = self$pad,
window_fn = window_fn,
power = self$power,
normalized = self$normalized,
self$mel_scale = transform_mel_scale(
n_mels = self$n_mels,
sample_rate = self$sample_rate,
f_min = self$f_min,
f_max = self$f_max,
n_stft = (self$n_fft %/% 2) + 1
forward = function(waveform) {
specgram = self$spectrogram(waveform)
mel_specgram = self$mel_scale(specgram)
#' Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients
#' Create the Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients from an audio signal.
#' @param sample_rate (int, optional): Sample rate of audio signal. (Default: ``16000``)
#' @param n_mfcc (int, optional): Number of mfc coefficients to retain. (Default: ``40``)
#' @param dct_type (int, optional): type of DCT (discrete cosine transform) to use. (Default: ``2``)
#' @param norm (str, optional): norm to use. (Default: ``'ortho'``)
#' @param log_mels (bool, optional): whether to use log-mel spectrograms instead of db-scaled. (Default: ``FALSE``)
#' @param ... (optional): arguments for [torchaudio::transform_mel_spectrogram].
#' @details forward param:
#' waveform (tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time)
#' By default, this calculates the MFCC on the DB-scaled Mel spectrogram.
#' This output depends on the maximum value in the input spectrogram, and so
#' may return different values for an audio clip split into snippets vs. a
#' a full clip.
#' @return `tensor`: specgram_mel_db of size (..., ``n_mfcc``, time).
#' @export
transform_mfcc <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
sample_rate = 16000,
n_mfcc = 40,
dct_type = 2,
norm = 'ortho',
log_mels = FALSE,
) {
supported_dct_types = c(2)
if(!dct_type %in% supported_dct_types) {
value_error(paste0('DCT type not supported:', dct_type))
self$sample_rate = sample_rate
self$n_mfcc = n_mfcc
self$dct_type = dct_type
self$norm = norm
self$top_db = 80.0
self$amplitude_to_db = transform_amplitude_to_db('power', self$top_db)
self$mel_spectrogram = transform_mel_spectrogram(sample_rate = self$sample_rate, ...)
if(self$n_mfcc > self$mel_spectrogram$n_mels) value_error('Cannot select more MFCC coefficients than # mel bins')
dct_mat = functional_create_dct(
n_mfcc = self$n_mfcc,
n_mels = self$mel_spectrogram$n_mels,
norm = self$norm
self$register_buffer('dct_mat', dct_mat)
self$log_mels = log_mels
forward = function(waveform) {
# pack batch
shape = waveform$size()
ls = length(shape)
waveform = waveform$reshape(list(-1, shape[ls]))
mel_specgram = self$mel_spectrogram(waveform)
if(self$log_mels) {
log_offset = 1e-6
mel_specgram = torch::torch_log(mel_specgram + log_offset)
} else {
mel_specgram = self$amplitude_to_db(mel_specgram)
# (channel, n_mels, time).tranpose(...) dot (n_mels, n_mfcc)
# -> (channel, time, n_mfcc).tranpose(...)
mfcc = torch::torch_matmul(mel_specgram$transpose(2, 3), self$dct_mat)$transpose(2, 3)
# unpack batch
lspec = length(mfcc$shape)
mfcc = mfcc$reshape(c(shape[-ls], mfcc$shape[(lspec-1):lspec]))
#' Inverse Mel Scale
#' Solve for a normal STFT from a mel frequency STFT, using a conversion
#' matrix. This uses triangular filter banks.
#' @param n_stft (int): Number of bins in STFT. See ``n_fft`` in [torchaudio::transform_spectrogram].
#' @param n_mels (int, optional): Number of mel filterbanks. (Default: ``128``)
#' @param sample_rate (int, optional): Sample rate of audio signal. (Default: ``16000``)
#' @param f_min (float, optional): Minimum frequency. (Default: ``0.``)
#' @param f_max (float or NULL, optional): Maximum frequency. (Default: ``sample_rate %/% 2``)
#' @param max_iter (int, optional): Maximum number of optimization iterations. (Default: ``100000``)
#' @param tolerance_loss (float, optional): Value of loss to stop optimization at. (Default: ``1e-5``)
#' @param tolerance_change (float, optional): Difference in losses to stop optimization at. (Default: ``1e-8``)
#' @param ... (optional): Arguments passed to the SGD optimizer. Argument lr will default to 0.1 if not specied.(Default: ``NULL``)
#' @details forward param:
#' melspec (Tensor): A Mel frequency spectrogram of dimension (..., ``n_mels``, time)
#' It minimizes the euclidian norm between the input mel-spectrogram and the product between
#' the estimated spectrogram and the filter banks using SGD.
#' @return Tensor: Linear scale spectrogram of size (..., freq, time)
#' @export
transform_inverse_mel_scale <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
n_mels = 128,
sample_rate = 16000,
f_min = 0.,
f_max = NULL,
max_iter = 100000,
tolerance_loss = 1e-5,
tolerance_change = 1e-8,
) {
self$n_mels = n_mels
self$sample_rate = sample_rate
self$f_max = f_max %||% as.numeric(sample_rate %/% 2)
self$f_min = f_min
self$max_iter = max_iter
self$tolerance_loss = tolerance_loss
self$tolerance_change = tolerance_change
self$sgdargs = list(...) %||% list('lr' = 0.1, 'momentum' = 0.9)
self$sgdargs$lr = self$sgdargs$lr %||% 0.1 # lr is required for torch::optim_sgd()
if(f_min > self$f_max)
value_error(glue::glue('Require f_min: {f_min} < f_max: {self$f_max}'))
fb = functional_create_fb_matrix(
n_freqs = n_stft,
f_min = self$f_min,
f_max = self$f_max,
n_mels = self$n_mels,
sample_rate = self$sample_rate
self$fb <- fb
forward = function(melspec) {
# pack batch
shape = melspec$size()
ls = length(shape)
melspec = melspec$view(c(-1, shape[ls-1], shape[ls]))
n_mels = shape[ls-1]
time = shape[ls]
freq = self$fb$size(1) # (freq, n_mels)
melspec = melspec$transpose(-1, -2)
if(self$n_mels != n_mels) runtime_error("self$n_mels != n_mels")
specgram = torch::torch_rand(melspec$size()[1], time, freq, requires_grad=TRUE,
dtype=melspec$dtype, device=melspec$device)
self$sgdargs$params <- specgram
optim <-, self$sgdargs)
loss = Inf
for(i in$max_iter)){
diff = melspec - specgram$matmul(self$fb$to(device = melspec$device))
new_loss = diff$pow(2)$sum(dim=-1)$mean()
# take sum over mel-frequency then average over other dimensions
# so that loss threshold is applied par unit timeframe
new_loss = new_loss$item()
if(new_loss < self$tolerance_loss | abs(loss - new_loss) < self$tolerance_change)
loss = new_loss
specgram = specgram$clamp(min=0)$transpose(-1, -2)
# unpack batch
specgram = specgram$view(c(shape[-c(ls-1, ls)], freq, time))
#' Mu Law Encoding
#' Encode signal based on mu-law companding. For more info see
#' the [Wikipedia Entry](
#' @param quantization_channels (int, optional): Number of channels. (Default: ``256``)
#' @details forward param:
#' x (Tensor): A signal to be encoded.
#' @return x_mu (Tensor): An encoded signal.
#' @details
#' This algorithm assumes the signal has been scaled to between -1 and 1 and
#' returns a signal encoded with values from 0 to quantization_channels - 1.
#' @export
transform_mu_law_encoding <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(quantization_channels = 256) {
self$quantization_channels = quantization_channels
forward = function(x) {
return(functional_mu_law_encoding(x, self$quantization_channels))
#' Mu Law Decoding
#' Decode mu-law encoded signal. For more info see the
#' [Wikipedia Entry](
#' This expects an input with values between 0 and quantization_channels - 1
#' and returns a signal scaled between -1 and 1.
#' @param quantization_channels (int, optional): Number of channels. (Default: ``256``)
#' @details forward param:
#' x_mu (Tensor): A mu-law encoded signal which needs to be decoded.
#' @return Tensor: The signal decoded.
#' @export
transform_mu_law_decoding <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(quantization_channels = 256) {
self$quantization_channels = quantization_channels
forward = function(x_mu) {
return(functional_mu_law_decoding(x_mu, self$quantization_channels))
#' Signal Resample
#' Resample a signal from one frequency to another. A resampling method can be given.
#' @param orig_freq (float, optional): The original frequency of the signal. (Default: ``16000``)
#' @param new_freq (float, optional): The desired frequency. (Default: ``16000``)
#' @param resampling_method (str, optional): The resampling method. (Default: ``'sinc_interpolation'``)
#' @details forward param:
#' waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time).
#' @return Tensor: Output signal of dimension (..., time).
#' @export
transform_resample <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
orig_freq = 16000,
new_freq = 16000,
resampling_method = 'sinc_interpolation'
) {
self$orig_freq = orig_freq
self$new_freq = new_freq
self$resampling_method = resampling_method
forward = function(waveform) {
if(self$resampling_method == 'sinc_interpolation') {
# pack batch
shape = waveform$size()
ls = length(shape)
waveform = waveform$view(c(-1, shape[ls]))
waveform = kaldi_resample_waveform(waveform, self$orig_freq, self$new_freq)
# unpack batch
lws = length(waveform$shape)
waveform = waveform$view(c(shape[-ls], waveform$shape[lws]))
} else {
value_error(glue::glue('Invalid resampling method: {self$resampling_method}'))
#' Complex Norm
#' Compute the norm of complex tensor input.
#' @param power (float, optional): Power of the norm. (Default: to ``1.0``)
#' @details forward param:
#' complex_tensor (Tensor): Tensor shape of `(..., complex=2)`.
#' @return Tensor: norm of the input tensor, shape of `(..., )`.
#' @export
transform_complex_norm <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(power = 1.0) {
self$power = power
forward = function(complex_tensor) {
return(functional_complex_norm(complex_tensor, self$power))
#' Delta Coefficients
#' Compute delta coefficients of a tensor, usually a spectrogram.
#' @param win_length (int): The window length used for computing delta. (Default: ``5``)
#' @param mode (str): Mode parameter passed to padding. (Default: ``'replicate'``)
#' @details forward param:
#' specgram (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., freq, time).
#' See [torchaudio::functional_compute_deltas] for more details.
#' @return Tensor: Tensor of deltas of dimension (..., freq, time).
#' @export
transform_compute_deltas <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function( win_length = 5, mode = "replicate") {
self$win_length = win_length
self$mode = mode
forward = function(specgram) {
return(functional_compute_deltas(specgram, win_length=self$win_length, mode=self$mode))
#' Time Stretch
#' Stretch stft in time without modifying pitch for a given rate.
#' @param hop_length (int or NULL, optional): Length of hop between STFT windows. (Default: ``win_length // 2``)
#' @param n_freq (int, optional): number of filter banks from stft. (Default: ``201``)
#' @param fixed_rate (float or NULL, optional): rate to speed up or slow down by.
#' If NULL is provided, rate must be passed to the forward method. (Default: ``NULL``)
#' @details forward param:
#' complex_specgrams (Tensor): complex spectrogram (..., freq, time, complex=2).
#' overriding_rate (float or NULL, optional): speed up to apply to this batch.
#' If no rate is passed, use ``self$fixed_rate``. (Default: ``NULL``)
#' @return Tensor: Stretched complex spectrogram of dimension (..., freq, ceil(time/rate), complex=2).
#' @export
transform_time_stretch <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
hop_length = NULL,
n_freq = 201,
fixed_rate = NULL
) {
self$fixed_rate = fixed_rate
n_fft = (n_freq - 1) * 2
hop_length = if(!is.null(hop_length)) hop_length else n_fft %/% 2
self$register_buffer('phase_advance', torch::torch_linspace(0, pi * hop_length, n_freq)[.., NULL])
forward = function(complex_specgrams, overriding_rate = NULL) {
lcs = length(complex_specgrams$size())
if(complex_specgrams$size()[lcs] != 2)
value_error("complex_specgrams should be a complex tensor, shape (..., complex=2)")
if(is.null(overriding_rate)) {
rate = self$fixed_rate
if(is.null(rate)) {
value_error("If no fixed_rate is specified, must pass a valid rate to the forward method.")
} else {
rate = overriding_rate
if(rate == 1.0) {
} else {
return(functional_phase_vocoder(complex_specgrams, rate, self$phase_advance))
#' Fade In/Out
#' Add a fade in and/or fade out to an waveform.
#' @param fade_in_len (int, optional): Length of fade-in (time frames). (Default: ``0``)
#' @param fade_out_len (int, optional): Length of fade-out (time frames). (Default: ``0``)
#' @param fade_shape (str, optional): Shape of fade. Must be one of: "quarter_sine",
#' "half_sine", "linear", "logarithmic", "exponential". (Default: ``"linear"``)
#' @details forward param:
#' waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time).
#' @return Tensor: Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time).
#' @export
transform_fade <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
fade_in_len = 0,
fade_out_len = 0,
fade_shape = "linear"
) {
self$fade_in_len = fade_in_len
self$fade_out_len = fade_out_len
self$fade_shape = fade_shape
forward = function(waveform) {
lws = length(waveform$size())
waveform_length = waveform$size()[lws]
device = waveform$device
return(self$.fade_in(waveform_length)$to(device = device) * self$.fade_out(waveform_length)$to(device = device) * waveform)
.fade_in = function(waveform_length) {
fade = torch::torch_linspace(0, 1, self$fade_in_len)
ones = torch::torch_ones(waveform_length - self$fade_in_len)
if(self$fade_shape == "linear")
fade = fade
if(self$fade_shape == "exponential")
fade = torch::torch_pow(2, (fade - 1)) * fade
if(self$fade_shape == "logarithmic")
fade = torch::torch_log10(.1 + fade) + 1
if(self$fade_shape == "quarter_sine")
fade = torch::torch_sin(fade * pi / 2)
if(self$fade_shape == "half_sine")
fade = torch::torch_sin(fade * pi - pi / 2) / 2 + 0.5
return(torch::torch_cat(list(fade, ones))$clamp_(0, 1))
.fade_out = function( waveform_length) {
fade = torch::torch_linspace(0, 1, self$fade_out_len)
ones = torch::torch_ones(waveform_length - self$fade_out_len)
if(self$fade_shape == "linear")
fade = - fade + 1
if(self$fade_shape == "exponential")
fade = torch::torch_pow(2, - fade) * (1 - fade)
if(self$fade_shape == "logarithmic")
fade = torch::torch_log10(1.1 - fade) + 1
if(self$fade_shape == "quarter_sine")
fade = torch::torch_sin(fade * pi / 2 + pi / 2)
if(self$fade_shape == "half_sine")
fade = torch::torch_sin(fade * pi + pi / 2) / 2 + 0.5
return(torch::torch_cat(list(ones, fade))$clamp_(0, 1))
#' Axis Masking
#' Apply masking to a spectrogram.
#' @param mask_param (int): Maximum possible length of the mask.
#' @param axis (int): What dimension the mask is applied on.
#' @param iid_masks (bool): Applies iid masks to each of the examples in the batch dimension.
#' This option is applicable only when the input tensor is 4D.
#' @details forward param:
#' specgram (Tensor): Tensor of dimension (..., freq, time).
#' mask_value (float): Value to assign to the masked columns.
#' @return Tensor: Masked spectrogram of dimensions (..., freq, time).
#' @export
transform__axismasking <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(mask_param, axis, iid_masks) {
self$mask_param = mask_param
self$axis = axis
self$iid_masks = iid_masks
forward = function(specgram, mask_value = 0.) {
# if(iid_masks flag marked and specgram has a batch dimension
if(self$iid_masks & specgram$dim() == 4) {
return(functional_mask_along_axis_iid(specgram, self$mask_param, mask_value, self$axis + 1L))
} else {
return(functional_mask_along_axis(specgram, self$mask_param, mask_value, self$axis))
#' Frequency-domain Masking
#' Apply masking to a spectrogram in the frequency domain.
#' @param freq_mask_param (int): maximum possible length of the mask.
#' Indices uniformly sampled from [0, freq_mask_param).
#' @param iid_masks (bool, optional): whether to apply different masks to each
#' example/channel in the batch. (Default: ``FALSE``)
#' This option is applicable only when the input tensor is 4D.
#' @return not implemented yet.
#' @export
transform_frequencymasking <- function(freq_mask_param, iid_masks) {
not_implemented_error("Class _AxisMasking to be implemented yet.")
# R6::R6Class(
# "FrequencyMasking",
# inherit = transform__axismasking,
# initialize = function(freq_mask_param, iid_masks = FALSE) {
# # super(FrequencyMasking, self).__init__(freq_mask_param, 1, iid_masks)
# #
# }
# )
#' Time-domain Masking
#' Apply masking to a spectrogram in the time domain.
#' @param time_mask_param (int): maximum possible length of the mask.
#' Indices uniformly sampled from [0, time_mask_param).
#' @param iid_masks (bool, optional): whether to apply different masks to each
#' example/channel in the batch. (Default: ``FALSE``)
#' This option is applicable only when the input tensor is 4D.
#' @return not implemented yet.
#' @export
transform_timemasking <- function(time_mask_param, iid_masks) {
not_implemented_error("Class _AxisMasking to be implemented yet.")
# torchaudio::transform_axismasking(
# "TimeMasking",
# initialize = function(time_mask_param, iid_masks = FALSE) {
# # super(TimeMasking, self).__init__(time_mask_param, 2, iid_masks)
# #
# not_implemented_error("Class _AxisMasking to be implemented yet.")
# }
# )
#' Add a volume to an waveform.
#' @param gain (float): Interpreted according to the given gain_type:
#' If ``gain_type`` = ``amplitude``, ``gain`` is a positive amplitude ratio.
#' If ``gain_type`` = ``power``, ``gain`` is a power (voltage squared).
#' If ``gain_type`` = ``db``, ``gain`` is in decibels.
#' @param gain_type (str, optional): Type of gain. One of: ``amplitude``, ``power``, ``db`` (Default: ``amplitude``)
#' @details forward param:
#' waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time).
#' @return Tensor: Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time).
#' @export
transform_vol <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
gain_type = 'amplitude'
) {
self$gain = gain
self$gain_type = gain_type
if(gain_type %in% c('amplitude', 'power') & gain < 0)
value_error("If gain_type = amplitude or power, gain must be positive.")
forward = function(waveform) {
if(self$gain_type == "amplitude")
waveform = waveform * self$gain
if(self$gain_type == "db")
waveform = functional_gain(waveform, self$gain)
if(self$gain_type == "power")
waveform = functional_gain(waveform, 10 * log10(self$gain))
return(torch::torch_clamp(waveform, -1, 1))
#' sliding-window Cepstral Mean Normalization
#' Apply sliding-window cepstral mean (and optionally variance) normalization per utterance.
#' @param cmn_window (int, optional): Window in frames for running average CMN computation (int, default = 600)
#' @param min_cmn_window (int, optional): Minimum CMN window used at start of decoding (adds latency only at start).
#' Only applicable if center == ``FALSE``, ignored if center==``TRUE`` (int, default = 100)
#' @param center (bool, optional): If ``TRUE``, use a window centered on the current frame
#' (to the extent possible, modulo end effects). If ``FALSE``, window is to the left. (bool, default = ``FALSE``)
#' @param norm_vars (bool, optional): If ``TRUE``, normalize variance to one. (bool, default = ``FALSE``)
#' @details forward param:
#' waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time).
#' @return Tensor: Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time).
#' @export
transform_sliding_window_cmn <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
cmn_window = 600,
min_cmn_window = 100,
center = FALSE,
norm_vars = FALSE
) {
self$cmn_window = cmn_window
self$min_cmn_window = min_cmn_window
self$center = center
self$norm_vars = norm_vars
forward = function(waveform) {
cmn_waveform = functional_sliding_window_cmn(
#' Voice Activity Detector
#' Voice Activity Detector. Similar to SoX implementation.
#' Attempts to trim silence and quiet background sounds from the ends of recordings of speech.
#' The algorithm currently uses a simple cepstral power measurement to detect voice,
#' so may be fooled by other things, especially music.
#' The effect can trim only from the front of the audio,
#' so in order to trim from the back, the reverse effect must also be used.
#' @param sample_rate (int): Sample rate of audio signal.
#' @param trigger_level (float, optional): The measurement level used to trigger activity detection.
#' This may need to be cahnged depending on the noise level, signal level,
#' and other characteristics of the input audio. (Default: 7.0)
#' @param trigger_time (float, optional): The time constant (in seconds)
#' used to help ignore short bursts of sound. (Default: 0.25)
#' @param search_time (float, optional): The amount of audio (in seconds)
#' to search for quieter/shorter bursts of audio to include prior
#' the detected trigger point. (Default: 1.0)
#' @param allowed_gap (float, optional): The allowed gap (in seconds) between
#' quiteter/shorter bursts of audio to include prior
#' to the detected trigger point. (Default: 0.25)
#' @param pre_trigger_time (float, optional): The amount of audio (in seconds) to preserve
#' before the trigger point and any found quieter/shorter bursts. (Default: 0.0)
#' @param boot_time (float, optional) The algorithm (internally) uses adaptive noise
#' estimation/reduction in order to detect the start of the wanted audio.
#' This option sets the time for the initial noise estimate. (Default: 0.35)
#' @param noise_up_time (float, optional) Time constant used by the adaptive noise estimator
#' for when the noise level is increasing. (Default: 0.1)
#' @param noise_down_time (float, optional) Time constant used by the adaptive noise estimator
#' for when the noise level is decreasing. (Default: 0.01)
#' @param noise_reduction_amount (float, optional) Amount of noise reduction to use in
#' the detection algorithm (e.g. 0, 0.5, ...). (Default: 1.35)
#' @param measure_freq (float, optional) Frequency of the algorithm’s
#' processing/measurements. (Default: 20.0)
#' @param measure_duration (float, optional) Measurement duration. (Default: Twice the measurement period; i.e. with overlap.)
#' @param measure_smooth_time (float, optional) Time constant used to smooth spectral measurements. (Default: 0.4)
#' @param hp_filter_freq (float, optional) "Brick-wall" frequency of high-pass filter applied
#' at the input to the detector algorithm. (Default: 50.0)
#' @param lp_filter_freq (float, optional) "Brick-wall" frequency of low-pass filter applied
#' at the input to the detector algorithm. (Default: 6000.0)
#' @param hp_lifter_freq (float, optional) "Brick-wall" frequency of high-pass lifter used
#' in the detector algorithm. (Default: 150.0)
#' @param lp_lifter_freq (float, optional) "Brick-wall" frequency of low-pass lifter used
#' in the detector algorithm. (Default: 2000.0)
#' @details forward param:
#' waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension `(..., time)`
#' @references
#' - []()
#' @return torch::nn_module()
#' @export
transform_vad <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
trigger_level = 7.0,
trigger_time = 0.25,
search_time = 1.0,
allowed_gap = 0.25,
pre_trigger_time = 0.0,
boot_time = .35,
noise_up_time = .1,
noise_down_time = .01,
noise_reduction_amount = 1.35,
measure_freq = 20.0,
measure_duration = NULL,
measure_smooth_time = .4,
hp_filter_freq = 50.,
lp_filter_freq = 6000.,
hp_lifter_freq = 150.,
lp_lifter_freq = 2000.
) {
self$sample_rate = sample_rate
self$trigger_level = trigger_level
self$trigger_time = trigger_time
self$search_time = search_time
self$allowed_gap = allowed_gap
self$pre_trigger_time = pre_trigger_time
self$boot_time = boot_time
self$noise_up_time = noise_up_time
self$noise_down_time = noise_up_time
self$noise_reduction_amount = noise_reduction_amount
self$measure_freq = measure_freq
self$measure_duration = measure_duration
self$measure_smooth_time = measure_smooth_time
self$hp_filter_freq = hp_filter_freq
self$lp_filter_freq = lp_filter_freq
self$hp_lifter_freq = hp_lifter_freq
self$lp_lifter_freq = lp_lifter_freq
forward = function(waveform) {
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