
Defines functions interl rank_sites rank_sites_DT

Documented in rank_sites rank_sites_DT

#' Rank sites by EAR
#' The \code{rank_sites_DT} (DT option) and \code{rank_sites} (data frame option) functions
#' create tables with one row per site. Columns represent the maximum or mean EAR
#' (depending on the mean_logic argument) for each category ("Chemical Class",
#' "Chemical", or "Biological") and the frequency of the maximum or mean EAR
#' exceeding a user specified hit_threshold.
#' The tables show slightly different results for a single site. Rather than multiple
#' columns for categories, there is now 1 row per category (since the site is known).
#' @param chemical_summary Data frame from \code{\link{get_chemical_summary}}.
#' @param mean_logic Logical.  \code{TRUE} displays the mean sample from each site,
#' \code{FALSE} displays the maximum sample from each site.
#' @param sum_logic Logical. \code{TRUE} sums the EARs in a specified grouping,
#' \code{FALSE} does not. \code{FALSE} may be better for traditional benchmarks as
#' opposed to ToxCast benchmarks.
#' @param category Character. Either "Biological", "Chemical Class", or "Chemical".
#' @param hit_threshold Numeric threshold defining a "hit".
#' @export
#' @return data frame with one row per site, and the mas or mean EAR and frequency of
#' hits based on the category.
#' @rdname rank_sites_DT
#' @examples
#' # This is the example workflow:
#' path_to_tox <- system.file("extdata", package = "toxEval")
#' file_name <- "OWC_data_fromSup.xlsx"
#' full_path <- file.path(path_to_tox, file_name)
#' tox_list <- create_toxEval(full_path)
#' ACC <- get_ACC(tox_list$chem_info$CAS)
#' ACC <- remove_flags(ACC)
#' cleaned_ep <- clean_endPoint_info(end_point_info)
#' filtered_ep <- filter_groups(cleaned_ep)
#' chemical_summary <- get_chemical_summary(tox_list, ACC, filtered_ep)
#' stats_df <- rank_sites(chemical_summary, "Biological")
#' rank_sites_DT(chemical_summary, category = "Biological")
#' rank_sites_DT(chemical_summary, category = "Chemical Class")
#' rank_sites_DT(chemical_summary, category = "Chemical")
rank_sites_DT <- function(chemical_summary,
                          category = "Biological",
                          mean_logic = FALSE,
                          sum_logic = TRUE,
                          hit_threshold = 0.1) {
  match.arg(category, c("Biological", "Chemical Class", "Chemical"))

  statsOfColumn <- rank_sites(
    chemical_summary = chemical_summary,
    category = category,
    hit_threshold = hit_threshold,
    mean_logic = mean_logic,
    sum_logic = sum_logic

  colToSort <- 1

  if (mean_logic) {
    maxEARS <- grep("meanEAR", names(statsOfColumn))
  } else {
    maxEARS <- grep("maxEAR", names(statsOfColumn))

  freqCol <- grep("freq", names(statsOfColumn))
  n <- length(maxEARS)
  ignoreIndex <- which(names(statsOfColumn) %in% c("site", "category"))

  if (n > 20 & n < 30) {
    colors <- c(
      RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 12, name = "Set3"),
      RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Set2"),
      RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = max(c(3, n - 20)), name = "Set1")
  } else if (n <= 20) {
    colors <- c(
      RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 12, name = "Set3"),
      RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = max(c(3, n - 12)), name = "Set2")
  } else {
    colors <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "Spectral"))(n)

  tableSumm <- DT::datatable(statsOfColumn,
    extensions = "Buttons",
    rownames = FALSE,
    options = list( # dom = 'ft',
      dom = "Bfrtip",
      buttons =
      scrollX = TRUE,
      # pageLength = nrow(statsOfColumn),
      order = list(list(colToSort, "desc"))

  tableSumm <- DT::formatSignif(tableSumm, names(statsOfColumn)[-ignoreIndex], 2)

  for (i in 1:length(maxEARS)) {
    tableSumm <- DT::formatStyle(tableSumm,
      backgroundColor = colors[i]
    tableSumm <- DT::formatStyle(tableSumm,
      backgroundColor = colors[i]

    tableSumm <- DT::formatStyle(tableSumm, names(statsOfColumn)[maxEARS[i]],
      background = DT::styleColorBar(range(statsOfColumn[, names(statsOfColumn)[maxEARS[i]]], na.rm = TRUE), "goldenrod"),
      backgroundSize = "100% 90%",
      backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat",
      backgroundPosition = "center"
    tableSumm <- DT::formatStyle(tableSumm, names(statsOfColumn)[freqCol[i]],
      background = DT::styleColorBar(range(statsOfColumn[, names(statsOfColumn)[freqCol[i]]], na.rm = TRUE), "wheat"),
      backgroundSize = "100% 90%",
      backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat",
      backgroundPosition = "center"


#' @export
#' @rdname rank_sites_DT
rank_sites <- function(chemical_summary,
                       hit_threshold = 0.1,
                       mean_logic = FALSE,
                       sum_logic = TRUE) {

  siteToFind <- unique(chemical_summary$shortName)

  if (category == "Chemical") {
    chemical_summary <- dplyr::mutate(chemical_summary, category = chnm)
  } else if (category == "Chemical Class") {
    chemical_summary <- dplyr::mutate(chemical_summary, category = Class)
  } else {
    chemical_summary <- dplyr::mutate(chemical_summary, category = Bio_category)

  chemical_summary <- dplyr::select(chemical_summary, -Class, -Bio_category, -chnm)

  if (length(siteToFind) == 1) {
    chemical_summary$site <- chemical_summary$category
  } else {
    chemical_summary$site <- chemical_summary$shortName

  if (!sum_logic) {
    statsOfColumn <- chemical_summary %>%
      dplyr::group_by(site, date, category) %>%
        sumEAR = max(EAR),
        nHits = sum(sumEAR > hit_threshold)
      ) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(site, category) %>%
        maxEAR = ifelse(mean_logic, mean(sumEAR), max(sumEAR)),
        freq = sum(nHits > 0) / dplyr::n()
      ) %>%
  } else {
    statsOfColumn <- chemical_summary %>%
      dplyr::group_by(site, date, category) %>%
        sumEAR = sum(EAR),
        nHits = sum(sumEAR > hit_threshold)
      ) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(site, category) %>%
        maxEAR = ifelse(mean_logic, mean(sumEAR), max(sumEAR)),
        freq = sum(nHits > 0) / dplyr::n()
      ) %>%

  if (!(length(siteToFind) == 1)) {
    statsOfColumn <- statsOfColumn %>%
        cols = c(-site, -category),
        names_to = "calc",
        values_to = "value"
      ) %>%
      tidyr::unite(choice_calc, category, calc, sep = " ") %>%
        names_from = choice_calc,
        values_from = value

    maxEARS_names <- statsOfColumn %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(-site) %>%
      dplyr::filter(grepl("maxEAR", name)) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(name) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(maxEAR = max(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(maxEAR)) %>%
  } else {
    maxEARS_names <- "maxEAR"

  ignoreIndex <- which(names(statsOfColumn) %in% c("site", "nSamples"))

  maxEARS <- match(maxEARS_names, names(statsOfColumn))

  MaxEARSordered <- c(ignoreIndex, interl(maxEARS, (maxEARS) + 1))

  if (length(maxEARS) != 1) {
    statsOfColumn <- statsOfColumn[, MaxEARSordered]

  if (isTRUE(mean_logic)) {
    names(statsOfColumn)[maxEARS] <- gsub("max", "mean", names(statsOfColumn)[maxEARS])

  statsOfColumn <- statsOfColumn[order(statsOfColumn[[maxEARS_names[1]]], decreasing = TRUE), ]

  if (length(siteToFind) == 1) {
    statsOfColumn <- statsOfColumn[, names(statsOfColumn)[names(statsOfColumn) != "site"]]

interl <- function(a, b) {
  n <- min(length(a), length(b))
  p1 <- as.vector(rbind(a[1:n], b[1:n]))
  p2 <- c(a[-(1:n)], b[-(1:n)])
  c(p1, p2)

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toxEval documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:37 a.m.