
Defines functions toxbootGetMySQLFields

Documented in toxbootGetMySQLFields

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(c("concvals"))

#' Function to query toxboot results from MySQL
#' \code{toxbootGetMySQLFields} queries the toxboot MySQL table and returns a
#' data.table with the requested results
#' @param fields  a vector specifying which columns to return. Default to '*'
#'   which will return all columns
#' @param table_name  the name of the table to query. By default 'toxboot'.
#' @param ... parameters to query on. Format is query_field = query_values.
#' @details Use the fields parameters to specify which columns to return. The
#'   parameter 'table_name' defaults to 'toxboot' which is the default table for
#'   writing and reading results. All other parameters will be passed as values
#'   to select on.
#' @import data.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' toxbootmc(dat = erl3data,
#'           m4ids = unique(erl3data[, m4id])[1:50],
#'           boot_method = "smooth",
#'           destination = "mysql",
#'           replicates = 10,
#'           cores = 8)
#' toxbootGetMySQLFields()
#' toxbootGetMySQLFields(m4id = 1288500)
#' toxbootGetMySQLFields(m4id = 1288500, fields = c("boot_method", "hill_ga"))
#' toxbootGetMySQLFields(m4id = 1288500, replicates = 10, fields = c("boot_method", "hill_ga"))
#' }
#' @export
toxbootGetMySQLFields <- function(fields = '*', table_name = "toxboot", ...){

  if (!(requireNamespace("RMySQL", quietly = TRUE) &
        requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE))) {
    stop("RMySQL and DBI needed to use this function.
         Please install them.",
         call. = FALSE)

  con <- DBI::dbConnect(drv = RMySQL::MySQL(), group = "toxboot")
  columns <- paste(fields, collapse = ", ")
  query_list <- list(...)
  query <- paste('SELECT ', columns, ' FROM ', table_name, sep = "")
  if(length(query_list) > 0){
    query_sel_list <- vector("list", length = length(query_list))
    for(i in 1:length(query_list)){
      field_name <- names(query_list)[i]
      field_values <- query_list[[i]]
      if(length(field_values) > 1){
        query_sel_list[[i]] <- paste(field_name, " IN ('", paste(field_values, collapse = "' , '"), "')", sep = "")
        query_sel_list[[i]] <- paste(field_name, " = '", field_values, "'", sep = "")
    query_selection <- paste(query_sel_list, collapse = " AND ")
    query <- paste(c(query, query_selection), collapse = " WHERE ")
  res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(con, query)
  dat_toxboot <- data.table(DBI::dbFetch(res, n = -1))

  if ('concvals' %in% names(dat_toxboot)){
    dat_toxboot[, concvals := as.logical(concvals)]


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toxboot documentation built on Nov. 26, 2018, 1:04 a.m.