
Defines functions plot_work_capacity

## #' Plot the work capacity W' (w prime).
## #'
## #' @param x An object of class \code{\link{trackeRdata}}.
## #' @param session A numeric vector of the sessions to be used, defaults to all sessions.
## #' @param dates Logical. Should the date of the session be used in the panel header?
## #' @param scaled Logical. Should the W' be scaled to the movement variable (power or speed)
## #'     which is then plotted in the background?
## #' @param cp A numeric. Critical power/speed, i.e., the power/speed which can be maintained for longer period of time.
plot_work_capacity <- function(x, session, dates = TRUE, scaled = TRUE, cp = 4) {
    opts <- trops()
    if (!length(session)) {
        return(plotly_empty(type = "scatter", mode= "markers"))
    units <- getUnits(x)
    sports <- get_sport(x)[session]
    ## if ((length(unique(sports)) != 1) | (sum(c("running", "cycling") %in% na.omit(unique(sports))) != 1)) {
    ##     stop("Wprime applies only for running or only for cycling sessions")
    ## }

    x <- Wprime(object = x, session = session, quantity = "expended",
                cp = cp, version = "2012")

    quantity <- attr(x, "quantity")
    cp <- attr(x, "cp")

    cycling <- unique(sports) == "cycling"
    Wunit <- if (cycling) "[W]" else "[m/s]"

    mylabels <- c(paste0(ifelse(cycling, "Power ", "Speed "), Wunit),
                  paste("W'", quantity, "[scaled]"))
    ## select sessions
    if (is.null(session)) session <- seq_along(x)
    dfo <- fortify_trackeRWprime(x, melt = TRUE)
    ## transform W' to match power/speed scale
    if (scaled) {
        sdMov <- sd(unlist(lapply(x, function(z) z$movement)), na.rm = TRUE)
        mMov <- mean(unlist(lapply(x, function(z) z$movement)), na.rm = TRUE)

        u <- lapply(x, function(z) {
            if (!all(z$wprime == 0 | is.na(z$wprime))) {
                wdat <- coredata(z$wprime)
                w <- (wdat - mean(wdat, na.rm = TRUE)) / sd(wdat, na.rm = TRUE)
                w <- w * sdMov
                z$wprime <- w + mMov
        class(u) <- "trackeRWprime"
    ## get data
    df <- fortify_trackeRWprime(u, melt = TRUE)
    df$Value0 <- dfo$Value

    df$id <- format(session[df$SessionID])
    ## prepare session id for panel header
    if (dates) {
        df$SessionID <- format(session[df$SessionID])
        df$SessionID <- gsub(" ", "0", df$SessionID)
        df$SessionID <- paste(df$SessionID, format(df$Index, "%Y-%m-%d"), sep = ": ")
    else {
        df$SessionID <- factor(df$SessionID, levels = seq_along(session), labels = session)
    df$Series <- factor(df$Series)

    ## check that there is data to plot
    for (l in levels(df$Series)) {
        if (all(is.na(subset(df, Series == l, select = "Value")))) {
            df <- df[!(df$Series == l), ]
    ## Save session
    session_names <- session
    df$Series <- as.factor(as.character(df$Series))
    df$id <- as.integer(factor(df$id))
    df$numericDate <- as.numeric(df$Index)
    N <- nlevels(factor(df$id))

    ranges <- NULL

    for (i in unique(df$id)) {
        df_subset <- df[(df$id == i) & (df$Series == "movement"), ]
        values <- df_subset[, "Value"]
        no_values <- all(is.na(values))
        if (no_values) {
            current_range <- c(NA, NA)
        else {
            current_range <- range(values, na.rm = TRUE)
        ranges <- rbind(ranges, current_range)
    if (na_ranges <- all(is.na(ranges))) {
        maximal_range <- c(-1, 1)
    else {
        maximal_range <- c(min(ranges[, 1], na.rm = TRUE), max(ranges[, 2], na.rm = TRUE))
    plot_stored <- vector("list", N)
    images <- vector("list", N)
    show_legend <- FALSE
    y_axis_range <- c(min(na.omit(df[df$Series == "wprime", "Value"])) * 0.6,
                      max(na.omit(df[df$Series == "wprime", "Value"])) * 1.4)
    step_size <- 1 / length(unique(df$id))
    start <- 0
    for (i in unique(df$id)) {
        df_subset <- df[(df$id == i) & (df$Series == "movement"), ]
        df_wprime <- df[(df$id == i) & (df$Series == "wprime"), ]
        has_values <- !all(is.na(df_subset[, "Value"]) | df_subset[, "Value"] == 0)
        annotations_list <- list(text = paste0("Session: ", session_names[i]),
                                 xref = "paper",
                                 yref = "paper",
                                 yanchor = "bottom",
                                 xanchor = "center",
                                 align = "center",
                                 x = 0.5,
                                 y = 1,
                                 showarrow = FALSE)

        axis_list <- list(zeroline = FALSE, tickangle = 0)
        if (has_values) {
            a <- plot_ly(na.omit(df_subset),
                         x = ~ Index, y = ~ Value,
                         hoverinfo = "none",
                         color = I(opts$workouts_background_colour), legendgroup = ~ Series,
                         name = mylabels[1], showlegend = show_legend) %>%
                add_lines(alpha = 0.2) %>%
                add_lines(data = na.omit(df_wprime),
                          x = ~ Index, y = ~ Value, hoverinfo = "text",
                          text = ~ paste(round(Value0, 2), ifelse(cycling, "J", "m")),
                          color = I(opts$workouts_smoother_colour), legendgroup = ~ Series,
                          name = mylabels[2],
                          showlegend = show_legend) %>%
                layout(annotations = annotations_list,
                       xaxis = axis_list, yaxis = c(axis_list, list(range = maximal_range * 1.02)))
        else {
            df_subset$Value <- if (na_ranges) 0 else mean(maximal_range)
            a <- plot_ly(df_subset,
                         x = ~ Index, y = ~ Value,
                         hoverinfo = "none", type = "scatter", mode = "none",
                         showlegend = show_legend) %>%
                layout(annotations = annotations_list,
                       xaxis = axis_list, yaxis = c(axis_list, list(range = maximal_range * 1.02,
                                                                    showticklabels = TRUE)))
        plot_stored[[i]] <- a
        sport_image <- switch(sports[which(i == unique(df$id))],
                              "running" = "running.png",
                              "cycling" = "cycling.png")
        images[[i]] <- list(source = sport_image,
                            xref = "paper",
                            yref = "paper",
                            x = start + step_size / 10,
                            y = 1,
                            sizex = 0.1,
                            sizey = 0.1,
                            opacity = 0.8)
        start <- start + step_size
        show_legend <- FALSE

    y <- list(title = "", fixedrange = TRUE, range = y_axis_range, list(showticklabels = FALSE))
    x <- list(title = "Time", fixedrange = TRUE)

    return(subplot(plot_stored, nrows = 1, shareY = TRUE, shareX = FALSE, margin = 0.003) %>%
           config(displayModeBar = FALSE) %>%
           layout(yaxis = y, xaxis = x, images = images, hovermode = "x",
                  legend = list(y = 1, orientation = "h"),
                  plot_bgcolor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
                  paper_bgcolor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"))

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trackeRapp documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:11 p.m.