
Defines functions costsplitter outputallzero zero_transform_unbalanced zero_transform fudge compatible.wpp compatible.pp compatible.pgrid compatible all.equal.wpp all.equal.pp all.equal.pgrid plot_pgrid_wpp summary.wpp print.wpp plot.wpp wpp summary.pp print.pp plot.pp pp summary.pgrid print.pgrid image3 matimage image2 plot.pgrid pgrid

Documented in all.equal.pgrid all.equal.pp all.equal.wpp compatible compatible.pgrid compatible.pp compatible.wpp fudge image2 image3 matimage pgrid plot.pgrid plot.pp plot.wpp pp print.pgrid print.pp print.wpp summary.pgrid summary.pp summary.wpp wpp

# ---------------
# pgrid
# ---------------
# Constructor
pgrid <- function(mass, boundary, gridtriple, generator, structure) {
  stopifnot(is.array(mass))   # matrices and 2-dim arrays seem to be exactly the same (incl. classes)
  dimension <- length(dim(mass))
  n <- dim(mass)
  N <- prod(n)
  if (missing(structure)) {
  	if (length(unique(dim(mass)) == 1)) {
  	  structure <- "square"
  	} else {
  	  structure <- "rectangular"
  nmiss <- missing(boundary) + missing(gridtriple) + missing(generator)
  if (nmiss == 3) {
  	  # changed 12/10/16: always assume square pixels and first boundaries c(0,1) if nothing is given
  	  boundary <- rep(0,2*dimension)
  	  boundary[seq(2,2*dimension,2)] <- n/n[1]
  	  gridtriple <- t(sapply(n, function(m) {c(1/(2 * n[1]), m/n[1] - 1/(2 * n[1]), 1/n[1])}))
      generator <- lapply(n, function(m) {seq(1/(2 * n[1]), m/n[1] - 1/(2 * n[1]), 1/n[1])})
  } else if (nmiss <= 1) {
  	  stop("only one of 'boundary', 'gridtriple', and 'generator' may be specified.")
  } else if (!missing(boundary)) {
  	  stopifnot(length(boundary) == 2*dimension)
  	  even <- seq(2,2*dimension,2)
      odd <- seq(1,2*dimension-1,2)
  	  halfinter <- (boundary[even]-boundary[odd])/(2*n)
  	  gridtriple <- cbind(boundary[odd]+halfinter, boundary[even]-halfinter, 2*halfinter)
  	  generator <- lapply(1:dimension, function(i) {seq(gridtriple[i,1], gridtriple[i,2], gridtriple[i,3])})
  } else if (!missing(gridtriple)) {
  	  if (is.vector(gridtriple)) {
  	  	gridtriple <- matrix(gridtriple, dimension, length(gridtriple), byrow=TRUE)
  	  stopifnot(all(dim(gridtriple) == c(dimension, 3)))
  	  stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(gridtriple[,1]+(n-1)*gridtriple[,3], gridtriple[,2])))
  	  boundarymat <- cbind(gridtriple[,1] - gridtriple[,3]/2, gridtriple[,2] + gridtriple[,3]/2)
  	  boundary <- as.vector(t(boundarymat))
  	  generator <- lapply(1:dimension, function(i) {seq(gridtriple[i,1], gridtriple[i,2], gridtriple[i,3])})
  } else {  # (!missing(generator))
  	  if (!is.list(generator)) {
  	  	generator <- lapply(1:dimension, function(x) {return(generator)})
      stopifnot(is.list(generator) && length(generator) == dimension && all(sapply(generator, length) == n))
      temp <- lapply(generator, function(x) {diff(diff(x))})
      stopifnot(all(sapply(1:dimension, function(i) {isTRUE(all.equal(temp[[i]], rep(0,n[i]-2)))})))
      gridtriple <- cbind(sapply(generator, function(x) {x[1]}),
                          sapply(1:dimension, function(i) {generator[[i]][n[i]]}),
                          sapply(generator, function(x) {mean(diff(x))}))     
  	  boundarymat <- cbind(gridtriple[,1] - gridtriple[,3]/2, gridtriple[,2] + gridtriple[,3]/2)
  	  boundary <- round(as.vector(t(boundarymat)), 12)
  pixelarea <- prod(gridtriple[,3])
  totmass <- sum(mass)     # sum of masses at each pixel
  totcontmass <- totmass*pixelarea   # mass interpreted as uniformely distributed over pixel area
  res <- list(structure=structure, dimension=dimension, n=n, N=N, boundary=boundary, gridtriple=gridtriple,
              generator=generator, mass=mass, totmass=totmass, totcontmass=totcontmass)
  class(res) <- "pgrid"

# plot method
# (this plots one pgrid object, two pgrid objects (next to each other or as diff), or two pgrid objects
# as diff and their transportation plan)
# it also calls plot_pgrid_wpp for plotting semi-discrete transports
# diffpic only does something for two pgrid objects without transportation plan
# rot=FALSE uses the usual R image-convention
# rot=TRUE plots mass-matrices the same way as they are displayed in numeric output and adapts the tplan-arrows accordingly
plot.pgrid <- function(x, y=NULL, tplan=NULL, mass=c("colour","thickness"), length=0.1, angle=5, acol, bcol=4,
                       pcol="goldenrod2", lwd, pmass=TRUE, rot=FALSE, overlay=FALSE, static.mass=TRUE, ...) {
  stopifnot(is(x, "pgrid"))
  if (is(y, "wpp")) {
  	if (missing(acol)) { acol <- "#996699" }
  	if (missing(lwd)) { lwd <- 1.5 }
  a <- x
  if (a$dimension != 2) stop("plot.pgrid is currently only implemented for 2-d grids")
  xi <- a$generator[[1]]
  eta <- a$generator[[2]]  
  if (missing(y)) {
  	image2(xi, eta, a$mass, rot=rot, col=grey(0:200/200), asp=1, xlab="", ylab="")
  } else {
  	stopifnot(is(y, "pgrid"))
    b <- y
    if (b$dimension != 2) stop("plot.pgrid is currently only implemented for 2-d grids")
    if (!(a$structure %in% c("square", "rectangular")) || !(b$structure %in% c("square", "rectangular")))
    stop("transport.pgrid is currently only implemented for rectangular pixel grids")
#    ngrid <- a$n
#    Ngrid <- a$N
    if (missing(tplan)) {
      if (!overlay) {
   	    image2(xi, eta, a$mass, rot=rot, col=grey(0:200/200), asp=1, xlab="", ylab="", ...)
   	    image2(b$generator[[1]], b$generator[[2]], b$mass, rot=rot, col=grey(0:200/200), asp=1, xlab="", ylab="", ...)
      } else {
      	zeta <- a$mass-b$mass
      	image2(xi,eta,zeta, rot=rot, col=grey(0:200/200), asp=1, xlab="", ylab="", ...)
    } else {
      mass <- match.arg(mass)
      if (missing(acol))
        acol <- 2
      if (missing(lwd))
        lwd <- 3    
      gg <- expand.grid(xi,eta)
      maxmass <- max(tplan[,3])	
      zeta <- a$mass-b$mass
      if (rot) {
      	yco <- rev(gg[,1])
        xco <- gg[,2]
      } else {
        xco <- gg[,1]
        yco <- gg[,2]
      image2(xi,eta,zeta, rot=rot, col=grey(0:200/200), asp=1, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", ...)
      if (mass == "colour") {
        stplan <- tplan[order(tplan[,3]),]	
        cc <- heat.colors(128)
        arrcols <- cc[as.numeric( as.character(cut(stplan[,3], breaks=seq(0,maxmass,length.out=129), labels=1:128)) )]
        wh <- which(stplan$from != stplan$to)
           length, angle, col=arrcols[wh], lwd=lwd)
        if (static.mass == TRUE) {   
          nwh <- (1:dim(stplan)[1])[-wh]
          points(xco[stplan$from[nwh]],yco[stplan$from[nwh]], pch=16, cex=0.5+lwd*0.1, col=arrcols[nwh])
          points(xco[stplan$from[nwh]],yco[stplan$from[nwh]], cex=0.5+lwd*0.1)
      } else {
      	wh <- which(tplan$from != tplan$to)
           length, angle, col=acol, lwd=(8*tplan[,3]/maxmass)[wh])
        if (static.mass == TRUE) {   
          nwh <- (1:dim(tplan)[1])[-wh]
          points(xco[tplan$from[nwh]],yco[tplan$from[nwh]], pch=16, cex=0.5 + (8*tplan[,3]/maxmass)[nwh] * 0.1, col=acol)
          points(xco[tplan$from[nwh]],yco[tplan$from[nwh]], cex=0.5 + (8*tplan[,3]/maxmass)[nwh] * 0.1)

image2 <- function(x, y, z, rot=FALSE,...) {
  rotclock <- function(m) t(m)[,nrow(m):1]	
  if (rot) {
  } else {

#' Plotting Matrices as Images
#' A simple wrapper to the image function with a more convenient syntax for plotting 
#' matrices "the right way round" as pixel images.
#' @param z a numeric matrix.
#' @param x,y (optional) coordinates of the pixels. 
#' @param rot logical. Whether to plot the matrix "the right way round" so that the pixel
#' position in the image corresponds to the pixel position in the matrix obtained by \code{print}.
#' @param asp the aspect ratio parameter of \code{\link[graphics]{image}}.
#' @param ... further parameters passed to \code{\link[graphics]{image}}.
#' @return Nothing (invisible NULL).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m <- matrix(1:36,6,6)
#' image(z=m, col = heat.colors(36))
#' matimage(m, col = heat.colors(36))
# essentially image3 but exported
matimage <- function(z, x=1:dim(z)[1], y=1:dim(z)[2], rot=TRUE, asp=1, ...) {
  rotclock <- function(m) t(m)[,nrow(m):1]	
  if (rot) {
    image(y, x, rotclock(z), asp=asp, ...)
  } else {
    image(x, y, z, asp=asp, ...)

image3 <- function(z,x=1:dim(z)[1],y=1:dim(z)[2],rot=TRUE,...) {
  rotclock <- function(m) t(m)[,nrow(m):1]
  if (rot) {
  } else {

print.pgrid <- function(x, ...) {
  stopifnot(is(x, "pgrid"))
  if (x$dimension == 2) {
  	cat("Regularly spaced ",x$n[1],"x",x$n[2]," pixel grid on [",
  	  x$boundary[1],",",x$boundary[2],"] x [",x$boundary[3],",",x$boundary[4],"].\n",sep="")
  	cat("x-gridtriple:", x$gridtriple[1,], "\n")
  	cat("y-gridtriple:", x$gridtriple[2,], "\n")
  	cat("pixel masses range from ", min(x$mass), " to ", max(x$mass), "\n", sep="")
  	cat("total pixel mass: ", x$totmass, "\n", sep="")
  	cat("total continuum mass: ", x$totcontmass, "\n", sep="")    	
  } else
  if (x$dimension == 3) {
  	cat("Regularly spaced ",x$n[1],"x",x$n[2],"x",x$n[3]," pixel grid on [",
  	  x$boundary[1],",",x$boundary[2],"] x [", x$boundary[3],",",x$boundary[4],
  	  "] x [",x$boundary[5],",",x$boundary[6],"].\n",sep="")
  	cat("x-gridtriple:", x$gridtriple[1,], "\n")
  	cat("y-gridtriple:", x$gridtriple[2,], "\n")
  	cat("z-gridtriple:", x$gridtriple[3,], "\n")
  	cat("pixel masses range from ", min(x$mass), " to ", max(x$mass), "\n", sep="")
  	cat("total pixel mass: ", x$totmass, "\n", sep="")
  	cat("total continuum mass: ", x$totcontmass, "\n", sep="")    	
  } else {
  	cat("Regularly spaced pixel grid in ", x$dimension, " dimensions.\n", sep="")
    cat("number of pixels in each dimension:", x$n, "\n")
    cat("bounding box:", x$boundary, "\n")
      for (i in 1:x$dimension) cat("", x$gridtriple[i,], "\n")
  	cat("pixel masses range from ", min(x$mass), " to ", max(x$mass), "\n", sep="")
  	cat("total pixel mass: ", x$totmass, "\n", sep="")
  	cat("total continuum mass: ", x$totcontmass, "\n", sep="")    	

summary.pgrid <- function(object, ...) {

# ---------------
# pp  (this class is not *really* useful so far)
# Later: include different masses at points
# ---------------
# Constructor
pp <- function(coordinates) {
  coordinates <- as.matrix(coordinates)
  dimension <- dim(coordinates)[2]
  N <- dim(coordinates)[1]
  res <- list(dimension=dimension, N=N, coordinates=coordinates)
  class(res) <- "pp"

# plot method
plot.pp <- function(x,y=NULL,tplan=NULL,cols=c(4,2),cex=0.8,acol=grey(0.3),lwd=1,overlay=TRUE,...) {
  stopifnot(is(x, "pp") && is(x, "pp"))  
  if (x$dimension != 2) stop("plot.pp is currently only implemented for 2-d point patterns")  
  oldpars <- par(xpd=TRUE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
  if (missing(y)) {
  	# if (missing(cols)) { cols <- 1 }
  	plot(x$coordinates, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=cex, asp=1, ...)
  } else {
  	if (y$dimension != 2) stop("plot.pp is currently only implemented for 2-d point patterns")
  	min1 <- min(x$coordinates[,1],y$coordinates[,1])
    max1 <- max(x$coordinates[,1],y$coordinates[,1])
    min2 <- min(x$coordinates[,2],y$coordinates[,2])
    max2 <- max(x$coordinates[,2],y$coordinates[,2])
  	if (missing(tplan)) {
      if (!overlay) {
      	plot(x$coordinates, xlim=c(min1,max1), ylim=c(min2,max2), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=cex, asp=1, ...)
      	plot(y$coordinates, xlim=c(min1,max1), ylim=c(min2,max2), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=cex, asp=1, ...)
      } else {
      	plot(x$coordinates, xlim=c(min1,max1), ylim=c(min2,max2), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=cex, asp=1, ...)
        points(y$coordinates, col=cols[2], pch=16, cex=cex)
  	} else {
  	  # first empty plot because we want transport arrows be covered by the points
  	  plot(NULL,type="n", xlim=c(min1,max1), ylim=c(min2,max2), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", xaxs="i", asp=1, ...)
      segments(x$coordinates[tplan$from,1], x$coordinates[tplan$from,2], y$coordinates[tplan$to,1], y$coordinates[tplan$to,2], col=acol, lwd=lwd)
      points(x$coordinates, col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=cex)
      points(y$coordinates, col=cols[2], pch=16, cex=cex)

print.pp <- function(x, ...) {
  stopifnot(is(x, "pp"))
  cat("Pattern of ",x$N," points in ",x$dimension, " dimensions.\n", sep="")
  cat("Minimal coordinates:", apply(x$coordinates,2,min), "\n")
  cat("Maximal coordinates:", apply(x$coordinates,2,max), "\n")

summary.pp <- function(object, ...) {

# ---------------
# wpp
# ---------------
# Constructor
wpp <- function(coordinates, mass){
  coordinates <- as.matrix(coordinates)
  NN <- dim(coordinates)[1]
  stopifnot(length(mass) == NN)
  dimension <- dim(coordinates)[2]
  totmass <- sum(mass)
  stopifnot(all(mass >= rep(0,NN)))
  stopifnot(totmass > 0)
  massnonzero <- (mass != 0)
  mass <- mass[massnonzero]
  zeropoints <- coordinates[!massnonzero,]
  coordinates <- coordinates[massnonzero,]
  N <- dim(coordinates)[1]
  res <- list(dimension = dimension, N=N, coordinates = coordinates, mass = mass, totmass = totmass)
  class(res) <- "wpp"
  if (N < NN) { 
    attr(res, "zeropoints") <- zeropoints 

plot.wpp <- function(x,y=NULL,tplan=NULL,pmass=TRUE,tmass=TRUE,cols=c(4,2),cex=0.8,aglevel=0.4,acol=grey(0.3),lwd=1,overlay=TRUE,...) {
  stopifnot(is(x, "wpp"))  
  if (x$dimension != 2) stop("plot.wpp is currently only implemented for 2-d point patterns")  
  oldpars <- par(xpd=TRUE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
#  col1 <- heat.colors(128)[1:60]
#  xorder <- order(x$mass)
#  col1 <- col1[as.numeric(as.character(cut(x$mass,breaks=seq(0,max(x$mass),length.out =61),labels=1:60)))]
  if (missing(y)) {
  	if (pmass) {
  	  massmean <- mean(x$mass)
  	  cexfac <- sqrt(x$mass/massmean)
  	  toosmall <- (cexfac < 0.25)
  	  toolarge <- (cexfac > 5)
  	  justright <- !(toosmall | toolarge)	
  	  cexfac <- cexfac[justright]  
  	  plot(x$coordinates, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", asp=1, ...)	
  	  # drop im folgenden wichtig, sonst werden bei nur einer Zeile Punkte (c_11, 1) und (c_12, 2) geplottet 
  	  points(x$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=5*cex) 
  	  points(x$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=grey(1), pch=10, cex=5*cex, lwd=2)
  	  # black contours vor better visibility if points overlapp:
  	  # points(x$coordinates[toolarge,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*5*cex)
  	  points(x$coordinates[justright,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=cexfac*cex)
  	  # points(x$coordinates[justright,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*cexfac*cex)
  	  points(x$coordinates[toosmall,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[1], pch="+", cex=0.4*cex)  	  
    } else {
      plot(x$coordinates, xlab="", ylab="", col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=cex, asp=1, ...)
  } else {
    stopifnot(is(y, "wpp"))
    if (y$dimension != 2) stop("plot.wpp is currently only implemented for 2-d point patterns")
    if (missing(tplan)) {
      if (!overlay) {
      } else {
      	allcoords <- rbind(x$coordinates,y$coordinates)  
  	    plot(allcoords, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", asp=1, ...)	
  	    if (pmass) {
  	      massmean <- mean(c(x$mass,y$mass))
  	      # First pp:
  	      cexfac <- sqrt(x$mass/massmean)
  	      toosmall <- (cexfac < 0.25)
  	      toolarge <- (cexfac > 5)
  	      justright <- !(toosmall | toolarge)	
  	      cexfac <- cexfac[justright]  
  	      plot(x$coordinates, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", asp=1, ...)	
  	      points(x$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=5*cex) 
  	      points(x$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=grey(1), pch=10, cex=5*cex, lwd=2)
  	      # black contours vor better visibility if points overlapp:
  	      # points(x$coordinates[toolarge,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*5*cex)
  	      points(x$coordinates[justright,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=cexfac*cex)
  	      # points(x$coordinates[justright,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*cexfac*cex)
  	      points(x$coordinates[toosmall,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[1], pch="+", cex=0.4*cex)  	  
  	      # Second pp:  
  	      cexfac <- sqrt(y$mass/massmean)
  	      toosmall <- (cexfac < 0.25)
  	      toolarge <- (cexfac > 5)
  	      justright <- !(toosmall | toolarge)	
  	      cexfac <- cexfac[justright]  
  	      # plot(y$coordinates, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", asp=1, ...)	
  	      points(y$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[2], pch=16, cex=5*cex) 
  	      points(y$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=grey(1), pch=10, cex=5*cex, lwd=2)
  	      # black contours vor better visibility if points overlapp:
  	      # points(y$coordinates[toolarge,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*5*cex)
  	      points(y$coordinates[justright,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[2], pch=16, cex=cexfac*cex)
  	      # points(x$coordinates[justright,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*cexfac*cex)
  	      points(y$coordinates[toosmall,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[2], pch="+", cex=0.4*cex)  	  
        } else {
          points(x$coordinates, col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=cex)
          points(y$coordinates, col=cols[2], pch=16, cex=cex)
    } else {
      allcoords <- rbind(x$coordinates,y$coordinates)  
  	  plot(allcoords, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", asp=1, ...)
  	  if (tmass) {
  	    tmassrat <- sum(tplan$mass>0)*(tplan$mass/x$totmass) 
  	    # is ratio transported mass / mean transported mass (over non-negative transports)
  	    # 1 if same amount of mass on each non-zero transport
  	    # The following solution is probably a bit extreme if point patterns are big and general
  	    # (everything that is not within a factor 10 of mean mass is cut off)
  	    colfac <- 1-log10(tmassrat)
  	    toosmall <- (colfac > 2)  # mass to small i.e. grey value too large
  	    toolarge <- (colfac < 0)    
  	    justright <- !(toosmall | toolarge)	
  	    colfac <- colfac[justright]
  	    # im folgenden kein drop nötig, da tplan ein data.frame ist
  	    tplansmall <- tplan[toosmall,]
  	    tplanlarge <- tplan[toolarge,]
  	    tplanright <- tplan[justright,]
        segments(x$coordinates[tplanlarge$from,1], x$coordinates[tplanlarge$from,2],
          y$coordinates[tplanlarge$to,1], y$coordinates[tplanlarge$to,2], col=1, lwd=1.5*lwd)
        segments(x$coordinates[tplanright$from,1], x$coordinates[tplanright$from,2],
          y$coordinates[tplanright$to,1], y$coordinates[tplanright$to,2], col=grey(colfac*aglevel), lwd=lwd)
        segments(x$coordinates[tplansmall$from,1], x$coordinates[tplansmall$from,2],
          y$coordinates[tplansmall$to,1], y$coordinates[tplansmall$to,2], col=grey(0.8), lwd=lwd, lty=2)
      } else {
      	segments(x$coordinates[tplan$from,1], x$coordinates[tplan$from,2], y$coordinates[tplan$to,1],
      	  y$coordinates[tplan$to,2], col=acol, lwd=lwd)
  	  if (pmass) {
  	    massmean <- mean(c(x$mass,y$mass))
  	    # First pp:
  	    cexfac <- sqrt(x$mass/massmean)
  	    toosmall <- (cexfac < 0.25)
  	    toolarge <- (cexfac > 5)
  	    justright <- !(toosmall | toolarge)	
  	    cexfac <- cexfac[justright]  
  	    # plot(x$coordinates, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", asp=1, ...)	
  	    points(x$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=5*cex) 
  	    points(x$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=grey(1), pch=10, cex=5*cex, lwd=2)
  	    # black contours vor better visibility if points overlapp:
  	    # points(x$coordinates[toolarge,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*5*cex)
  	    points(x$coordinates[justright,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=cexfac*cex)
  	    # points(x$coordinates[justright,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*cexfac*cex)
  	    points(x$coordinates[toosmall,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[1], pch="+", cex=0.4*cex)  	  
  	    # Second pp:  
  	    cexfac <- sqrt(y$mass/massmean)
  	    toosmall <- (cexfac < 0.25)
  	    toolarge <- (cexfac > 5)
  	    justright <- !(toosmall | toolarge)	
  	    cexfac <- cexfac[justright]  
  	    # plot(y$coordinates, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", asp=1, ...)	
  	    points(y$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[2], pch=16, cex=5*cex) 
  	    points(y$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=grey(1), pch=10, cex=5*cex, lwd=2)
  	    # black contours vor better visibility if points overlapp:
  	    # points(x$coordinates[toolarge,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*5*cex)
  	    points(y$coordinates[justright,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[2], pch=16, cex=cexfac*cex)
  	    # points(y$coordinates[justright,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*cexfac*cex)
  	    points(y$coordinates[toosmall,,drop=FALSE], col=cols[2], pch="+", cex=0.4*cex)  	  
      } else {
        points(y$coordinates, col=cols[1], pch=16, cex=cex)
        points(y$coordinates, col=cols[2], pch=16, cex=cex)

print.wpp <- function(x, ...) {
  stopifnot(is(x, "wpp"))
  cat("Pattern of ",x$N," points in ",x$dimension, " dimensions with total mass ", x$totmass,".\n", sep="")
  cat("Minimal coordinates:", apply(x$coordinates,2,min), "\n")
  cat("Maximal coordinates:", apply(x$coordinates,2,max), "\n")

summary.wpp <- function(object, ...) {

# ---------------
# pgrid and wpp
# ---------------
# plot semidiscrete transport maps
plot_pgrid_wpp <- function(x,y,tplan,pmass=TRUE,cex=0.8,length=0.1,acol="#996699", bcol=4, pcol="goldenrod2",
                           lwd=1.5, rot=TRUE,...) {
  # korrekterweise müsste bei rot=FALSE wpp gedreht werden
  stopifnot(is(x, "pgrid") && is(y, "wpp"))
  stopifnot(class(tplan) %in% c("apollonius_diagram", "power_diagram"))
  tplansites <- as.matrix(tplan$sites[,1:2])
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(y$coordinates[order(y$coordinates[,1]),],tplansites[order(tplansites[,1]),],check.attributes = FALSE))) {
    stop("y and target sites of transport tesselation do not match")
  a <- x
  if (a$dimension != 2) stop("plotting of transport from pgrid to wpp is currently only supported in 2-d")
  xi <- a$generator[[1]]
  eta <- a$generator[[2]]  
  # b <- y
  # N <- b$N
  # if (b$dimension != 2) stop("plotting of transport from pgrid to wpp is currently only supported in 2-d")
  image2(xi, eta, a$mass, rot=rot, col=grey(0:200/200), asp=1, xlab="", ylab="")
  if (is(tplan, "apollonius_diagram")) {
    plot_apollonius(y$coordinates, tplan$weights, show_points = TRUE,
                    show_weights = FALSE, add_to_weights = 0, add = TRUE, col=bcol, lwd=lwd, ...)
  } else {  
    plot(tplan, weights=FALSE, add=TRUE, col=bcol, lwd=lwd, ...)
  if (pmass) {
    massmean <- mean(y$mass)
    cexfac <- sqrt(y$mass/massmean)
    toosmall <- (cexfac < 0.25)
    toolarge <- (cexfac > 5)
    justright <- !(toosmall | toolarge)	
    cexfac <- cexfac[justright]  
    # drop im folgenden wichtig, sonst werden bei nur einer Zeile Punkte (c_11, 1) und (c_12, 2) geplottet 
    points(y$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=pcol, pch=16, cex=5*cex) 
    points(y$coordinates[toolarge,,drop=FALSE], col=grey(1), pch=10, cex=5*cex, lwd=2)
    # black contours vor better visibility if points overlapp:
    # points(x$coordinates[toolarge,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*5*cex)
    points(y$coordinates[justright,,drop=FALSE], col=pcol, pch=16, cex=cexfac*cex)
    # points(x$coordinates[justright,], col=1, pch=1, cex=0.92*cexfac*cex)
    points(y$coordinates[toosmall,,drop=FALSE], col=pcol, pch="+", cex=0.4*cex)  	  
  } else {
    points(y$coordinates, col=pcol, pch=16, cex=cex)
  # Draw the arrows (not needed for apollonius diagram):
  if(is(tplan, "power_diagram")) {
    cells <- tplan$cells[!sapply(tplan$cells,function(cc){all(is.na(cc))})]  # remove na cells
    # centroid formula from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centroid#Centroid_of_polygon
    # area <- 0.5 * sum(x[-n]*y[-1]-x[-1]*y[-n])
    # 1-d: centroidx <- sum((x[-n]+x[-1])*(x[-n]*y[-1]-x[-1]*y[-n]))/(6*area)
    # 1-d: centroidy <- sum((y[-n]+y[-1])*(x[-n]*y[-1]-x[-1]*y[-n]))/(6*area)
    centroid <- function(xx,yy) {
      xx <- c(xx,xx[1])
      yy <- c(yy,yy[1])
      n <- length(xx)
      area <- 0.5 * sum(xx[-n]*yy[-1]-xx[-1]*yy[-n])
      cx <- sum((xx[-n]+xx[-1])*(xx[-n]*yy[-1]-xx[-1]*yy[-n]))/(6*area)
      cy <- sum((yy[-n]+yy[-1])*(xx[-n]*yy[-1]-xx[-1]*yy[-n]))/(6*area)
    centroids <- sapply(cells,function(cc) {centroid(cc[,1],cc[,2])})  # compute centroids (gives 2 x {no. of cells} matrix)

# ---------------
# Minor methods for classes pgrid and pp
# ---------------

# new method for R-generic all.equal 
all.equal.pgrid <- function(target, current, ...) {
  class(target) <- "list"
  class(current) <- "list"

all.equal.pp <- function(target, current, ...) {
  class(target) <- "list"
  class(current) <- "list"

all.equal.wpp <- function(target, current, ...) {
  class(target) <- "list"
  class(current) <- "list"

# the following is very minimalistic
# --> include inner consistency tests of the two objects in later versions
compatible <- function(target, current, ...) {
  stopifnot(class(target) == class(current))	

compatible.pgrid <- function(target, current, ...) {
  return(all(target$n == current$n) && isTRUE(all.equal(target$generator, current$generator)))

compatible.pp <- function(target, current, ...) {
  return(target$N == current$N && target$dimension == current$dimension)

compatible.wpp <- function(target, current, ...) {
  return(target$dimension == current$dimension && isTRUE(all.equal(target$totmass, current$totmass)))

# transforms integer measure-vectors to integer measure-vectors of fixed total mass
# N is the target sum of the measure, afaics it's not per se a problem to go beyond
# .Machine$integer.max if it's not due to individual entries
fudge <- function(temp,N=1e9) {
  n <- length(temp)
  if (sum(temp) < N) {
     sel <- sample(1:n,N-sum(temp),replace=TRUE)
     for (i in sel) {
   	   temp[i] <- temp[i]+1
  } else while (sum(temp) > N) {
     sel <- sample(which(temp>1),sum(temp)-N,replace=TRUE)
     temp[sel] <- temp[sel]-1

# Generate Positions of a uniform 2-d grid on [0,1]^2
# grid_positions<-function(n,m){
#   G1<-expand.grid(n:1,1:m)
#   G2<-cbind(G1[,2],G1[,1])
#   G2<-G2-0.5
#   G2[,1]<-G2[,1]/m
#   G2[,2]<-G2[,2]/n
#   return(G2)
# }

###functions to provide zeropadding for output of networkflow method for input measures with entries with value 0.

# same for unbalanced objects
# wha and whb has extra element TRUE if acan and bcan is TRUE, respectively
# res$frame has transports to/from trashcans already removed
zero_transform_unbalanced <- function(rawres, wha, whb, n1, n2, p){  # n1 x n2 is dim of the original a and b
                                                  # length(wha) = n1*n2 + acan, length(whb) = n1*n2 + bcan
  res <- list(dist=rawres$dist^(1/p))  # recall that dist is rawres is actually unbalanced Wasserstein dist to the p
  res$plan <- rawres$frame
  res$plan[,1] <- which(wha)[rawres$frame[,1]]
  res$plan[,2] <- which(whb)[rawres$frame[,2]]
  #plan <- matrix(0, length(wha), length(whb))
  #plan[wha,whb] <- res$plan
  #res$plan <- plan
  #pot <- rep(0, length(wha) + length(whb))
  #pot[c(wha,whb)] <- res$potential
  #res$potential <- pot
  N <- n1*n2
  res$aextra <- matrix(0, n1, n2)
  res$aextra[wha[1:N]] <- rawres$aextra
  res$bextra <- matrix(0, n1, n2)
  res$bextra[whb[1:N]] <- rawres$bextra

# constructs the returned list in the function unbalanced with output=all if after
# reduction (removal of min if p=1) and removal of zeros one or both of the mass vectors are 0 
outputallzero <- function(ared, bred, n1, n2, inplace, p, C) {
  result <- list(dist=-1, plan=data.frame(from=numeric(0), to=numeric(0), mass=numeric(0))) # dist is computed below
  result$atrans <- matrix(0, n1, n2)
  result$btrans <- matrix(0, n1, n2)
  result$aextra <- ared
  result$bextra <- bred
  result$inplace <- inplace
  result$dist <- C*(sum(ared)+sum(bred))^(1/p)   # i.a.w. ( (sum(result$aextra)+sum(result$bextra)) * C^p )^(1/p)

# breaks down the total cost of the transport into transport cost, a-destruction cost, a-disposal cost and b-disposal cost
costsplitter <- function(allres) {
  a <- attr(allres, "a")
  b <- attr(allres, "b")
  p <- attr(allres, "p")
  C <- attr(allres, "C")
  stopifnot(is(a, "pgrid") && is(b, "pgrid"))
  cat("Saved dist is ", allres$dist, "\n")
  cost <- allres$dist^p
  adisposal <- sum(allres$aextra) * C^p
  bdisposal <- sum(allres$bextra) * C^p
  gg <- as.matrix(expand.grid(a$generator))
  costm <- gen_cost(gg, gg, threads=1)^(p/2)
  perunitcost <- costm[as.matrix(allres$plan[,1:2])]
  transport <- sum(perunitcost * allres$plan$mass)
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(adisposal + bdisposal + transport, cost))) {
    warning("The unbalanced transport information provided does not appear to be consistent.")
  return(list(adisposal=adisposal, bdisposal=bdisposal, transport=transport, totcost=cost))

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transport documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:43 p.m.