
Defines functions treatSens fit.treatSens

Documented in treatSens

#Main function call
treatSens <- function(formula,         #formula: assume treatment is 1st term on rhs
                      response.covariates = NULL,  #additional covariates to be added to response model only, as RHS-only formula (~ variables)
                     sensParam = "coef",	    #type of sensitivity parameter: accepts "coef" for model coefficients and "cor" for partial correlations
				             resp.family = gaussian,  #family for GLM of model for response
                     trt.family = gaussian,	#family for GLM of model for treatment
                     theta = 0.5, 		#Pr(U=1) for binomial model
                     grid.dim = c(8,4),  #1st dimension specifies zeta.z, 2nd dimension specifies zeta.y.
                     standardize = TRUE,	#Logical: should variables be standardized?
                     nsim = 20,			#number of simulated Us to average over per cell in grid
                     zero.loc = 1/3,		#location of zero along line y=x, as fraction in [0,1], or "full" if full range is desired
				            # factor.summary = FALSE,  #logical; plot factor coefficents as a single summary across values (average magnitude)
                     verbose = FALSE,
                     buffer = 0.1, 		#restriction to range of coef on U to ensure stability around the edges
                     weights = NULL, 		#some user-specified vector or "ATE", "ATT", or "ATC" for GLM.sens to create weights.
                     data = NULL,
                     seed = 1234,     	#default seed is 1234.
                     iter.j = 10,     	#number of iteration in trt.family=binomial(link="probit")
                     offset = TRUE, 		#Logical: fit models with zeta*U fixed at target value, or with zeta fitted
                     core = NULL, 		#number of CPU cores used.
                     spy.range = NULL,  	#custom range for sensitivity parameter on Y, e.g.(0,10), zero.loc will be overridden.
                     spz.range = NULL,  	#custom range for sensitivity parameter on Z, e.g.(-2,2), zero.loc will be overridden.
                     trim.wt = 10     	#the maximum size of weight is set at "trim.wt"% of the inferential group. type NULL to turn off.
  matchedCall <- match.call()
  #this code let R issue warnings as they occur.
  oldWarnings <- options()$warn
  #return error if sensitivity parameter type is illegal
  if (!(sensParam == "coef" | sensParam == "cor")){
    stop("illegal value for sensParam - use 'coef' for model coefficients or 'cor' for partial correlations")

  #change offset to FALSE and print warning if sensParam = "cor"
  if(sensParam == "cor" & offset){
    offset = FALSE
    warning("changed to offset = FALSE; cannot use offset method with partial correlations")

  #return error if only either spy.range or spz.range is specified.
  if((is.null(spy.range) & !is.null(spz.range))|(!is.null(spy.range) & is.null(spz.range))){
    stop("either spy.range or spz.range is missing")
  ## set seed
  if (!is.numeric(seed) || anyNA(seed))
    stop("seed must be an integer")
  if (!is.integer(seed) && any(as.double(as.integer(seed)) != seed))
    warning("seed changed by coercion from double; supply an integer to be precise")
  ## not really sure what happens with length(core) > 1, but no error is raised by package
  if (!is.null(core)) {
    if (!is.numeric(core) || anyNA(core) || any(core <= 0))
      stop("core must be a positive integer or NULL")
    if (!is.integer(core) && any(as.double(as.integer(core)) != core)) {
      warning("core changed by coercion from double; supply an integer to be precise")
      core <- as.integer(core)
  if (all(core == 1L)) core <- NULL
  #extract variables from formula
  form.vars <- parse.formula(formula, response.covariates,data)
  #Need to figure out how to make lengths compatible; removing observations with NA is not symmetric for two formulas
  Y = form.vars$resp
  Z = form.vars$trt
  X = switch(is.null(form.vars$covars)+1, as.matrix(form.vars$covars), NULL)
  XY = switch(is.null(form.vars$RespX)+1, as.matrix(form.vars$RespX), NULL)
  Z = as.numeric(Z)  	#treat factor-level Z as numeric...?  Or can recode so factor-level trt are a) not allowed b) not modeled (so no coefficient-type sensitivity params)

      data = data.frame(Y,Z,X,XY)
      data = data.frame(Y,Z,X)
      data = data.frame(Y,Z,XY)
      data = data.frame(Y,Z)
  #Check whether data, options, and etc. conform to the format in "warnings.R"
  out.warnings <- warnings(formula, resp.family, trt.family, theta, grid.dim, 
                           standardize,	nsim,	zero.loc,	verbose, buffer, spy.range, spz.range, weights, Y, Z, X, data)
  #check and change U.model
  if (identical(trt.family, gaussian)) {
    if (verbose) cat("Normally distributed continous U is assumed.\n")
    U.model = "normal"
  } else if (identical(trt.family$link,"probit")) {
    if (verbose) cat("Binary U with binomial distribution is assumed.\n")
    U.model = "binomial"    
  if (!is.null(matchedCall[["iter.j"]]) && (
    class(trt.family) != "family" || trt.family$family != "binomial" || trt.family$link != "probit")) {
    warning("iter.j option is meaningless unless trt.family = binomial(link=\"probit\")")
  } else {
    if (!is.numeric(iter.j) || is.na(iter.j) || length(iter.j) != 1 || iter.j < 1)
    stop("iter.j must be an integer greater than or equal to 1")
    if (!is.integer(iter.j) && as.double(as.integer(iter.j)) != iter.j)
      warning("iter.j changed by coercion from double; supply an integer to be precise")
    iter.j <- as.integer(iter.j)
  #standardize variables
  if(standardize) {
    Y = std.nonbinary(Y)
    Z = std.nonbinary(Z)
      X = apply(X, 2, std.nonbinary)
      XY = apply(XY, 2, std.nonbinary)
  } else { #MH: following two lines are added to avoid error in contYZU
    Y = as.numeric(Y)
    Z = as.numeric(Z)

  if (sensParam == "cor" && is.binary(Z))
    stop("partial correlations are not available for binary treatment")
  n.obs = length(Y)
  #fit null model for treatment model & get residuals
  if(!is.null(X)) {
    null.trt <- glm(Z~X, family=trt.family)
    Z.res <- Z-null.trt$fitted.values
    v_Z <- var(Z.res)*(n.obs-1)/(n.obs-dim(X)[2]-1)
    null.trt <- glm(Z~1, trt.family)
    Z.res <- Z-null.trt$fitted.values
    v_Z <- var(Z.res)*(n.obs-1)/(n.obs-1)
  #create weights if the user specifies either ATE, ATT, or ATC.
  nt = sum(Z == 1)
  nc = sum(Z == 0)
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    if (is.numeric(weights)) {
      if (length(weights) != n.obs || anyNA(weights) || any(weights < 0))
        stop("numeric weights must be of length equal to the number of observations and greater than equal to 0")
      if (verbose) cat("User-supplied weight are being used.\n")
    } else if (is.character(weights)) {
      if (length(weights) != 1L || is.na(weights) || weights %not_in% c("ATE", "ATT", "ATC"))
        stop("weights must be either \"ATE\", \"ATT\", \"ATC\" or a user-specified vector")
      #    if (!identical(trt.family,binomial) && !identical(trt.family,gaussian)) {
      #      stop(paste("trt.family must be either binomial or gaussian when \"ATE\", \"ATT\", or \"ATC\" is specified as weights."))}
      if (weights == "ATE") {
        wts <- 1/null.trt$fitted
        wts[Z==0] <-1/(1-null.trt$fitted[Z==0])
        wts = wts*n.obs/sum(wts) #normalizing weight
        if (verbose) cat("\"ATE\" option is selected. Sensitivity analysis is performed with the default weights for the average treatment effect.\n")
      } else if (weights == "ATT") {
        wts <- null.trt$fitted/(1-null.trt$fitted)
        wts[Z==1] <-1
        wts[Z==0] = wts[Z==0]*(nc/sum(wts[Z==0])) #normalizing weight
        if (verbose) cat("\"ATT\" option is selected. Sensitivity analysis is performed with the default weights for the average treatment effect in the treated.","\n")
      } else if (weights == "ATC") {
        wts <- (1-null.trt$fitted)/null.trt$fitted
        wts[Z==0] <- 1
        wts[Z==1] = wts[Z==1]*(nt/sum(wts[Z==1])) #normalizing weight
        if (verbose) cat("\"ATC\" option is selected. Sensitivity analysis is performed with the default weights for the average treatment effect in the controls","\n")
      #   trim.weight option
      if (!is.null(trim.wt)) {
        if (!is.numeric(trim.wt) || length(trim.wt) != 1L || is.na(trim.wt) || trim.wt <= 0 || trim.wt > 100)
          stop("trim.wt must be a single number greater than 0 and less or equal to 100")
        if (identical(weights, "ATE")) max.wt = trim.wt / 100 * n.obs
        if (identical(weights, "ATT")) max.wt = trim.wt / 100 * nt
        if (identical(weights, "ATC")) max.wt = trim.wt / 100 * nc
        wts[wts > max.wt] = max.wt
        if (verbose) cat("Weight trimming is applied. The maximum size of weights is set to", max.wt,", which is", trim.wt,"% of the size of the inferential group.\n")
      weights <- wts
    } else {
      stop("weights must be either \"ATE\", \"ATT\", \"ATC\" or a user-specified numeric vector")
  } else {
    if (!missing(trim.wt))
      warning("trim.wt argument meaningless unless weights = \"ATE\", \"ATT\", or \"ATC\"; will be ignored")
  if (verbose) cat("Fitting null models...\n")
  #fit null model for the outcome & get residuals
  if(!is.null(X)) {
      null.resp <- glm(Y~Z+X+XY, family=resp.family, weights=weights)
      nx = dim(X)[2]+dim(XY)[2]
      nxy = dim(XY)[2]
      null.resp <- glm(Y~Z+X, family=resp.family, weights=weights)
      nx = dim(X)[2]
      nxy = 0
      null.resp <- glm(Y~Z+XY, family=resp.family, weights=weights)
      nx = dim(XY)[2]
      nxy = dim(XY)[2]
      null.resp <- glm(Y~Z, resp.family)
      nx = 0
      nxy = 0
  sgnTau0 = sign(null.resp$coef[2])

  n = length(null.resp$coef)
  Y.res <- Y-null.resp$fitted.values
  if(!is.null(X) | !is.null(XY)) {
    v_Y <- var(Y.res)*(n.obs-1)/(n.obs-nx-nxy-2)
    ncoef = length(null.resp$coef)
    Xcoef = cbind(null.trt$coef[-1], null.resp$coef[-c(1,2,(nx-nxy+3):(ncoef+1))])
    Xpartials <- X.partials(Y, Z, X, XY, resp.family, trt.family)
    v_Y <- var(Y.res)*(n.obs-1)/(n.obs-2)
    Xcoef <- NULL
    Xpartials <- NULL

  # change buffer = 0 when v_Y or v_Z is small.
  if ((v_Y-buffer<=0)||(v_Z-buffer<=0)||(v_Z/(theta*(1-theta))-buffer<=0)) {
    buffer = 0
    warning("buffer is set to 0 because some of residual variances are too small")
  if(!is.null(X) & sensParam == "coef") {
    #Transform X with neg. reln to Y to limit plot to 1 & 2 quadrants.
    Xcoef.flg =  as.vector(ifelse(Xcoef[,2]>=0,1,-1))
    X.positive = t(t(X)*Xcoef.flg)
      null.resp.plot <- glm(Y~Z+X.positive+XY, family=resp.family, weights=weights)
      null.resp.plot <- glm(Y~Z+X.positive, family=resp.family, weights=weights)
    Xcoef.plot = cbind(null.trt$coef[-1], null.resp.plot$coef[-c(1,2,(nx-nxy+3):(ncoef+1))])
  if(!is.null(X) & sensParam == "cor") {
    #Transform X with neg. reln to Y to limit plot to 1 & 2 quadrants.
    Xcoef.flg =  as.vector(ifelse(Xpartials[,2]>=0,1,-1))
    X.positive = t(t(X)*Xcoef.flg)
    Xcoef.plot <- cbind(X.partials[,1], X.partials(Y, Z, X.positive, XY, resp.family, trt.family)[,2])
    Xcoef <- Xpartials
  #register control.fit
  control.fit = list(resp.family=resp.family, trt.family=trt.family, U.model=U.model, 
                     standardize=standardize, weights=weights, iter.j=iter.j, 
                     offset = offset, p = NULL, XY = XY)
  range = calc.range(sensParam, grid.dim, spz.range, spy.range, buffer, U.model, zero.loc, Xcoef.plot, Y, Z, X, Y.res, Z.res, v_Y, v_Z, theta, sgnTau0, control.fit, null.trt, verbose)
  zetaZ = range$zetaZ
  zetaY = range$zetaY
  grid.dim = c(length(zetaZ), length(zetaY))

  sens.coef <- sens.se <- zeta.z <- zeta.y <- zz.se <- zy.se <- resp.s2 <- trt.s2 <- array(NA, dim = c(grid.dim[2], grid.dim[1], nsim), dimnames = list(round(zetaY,3),round(zetaZ,3),NULL))
  if (verbose) cat("Computing final grid...\n")
  #fill in grid
  cell = 0
  #calling necessary packages for multicore processing.
    dp = requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)
    fe = requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE)
    if(dp & fe){
      cl<-parallel::makeCluster(core)    #SET NUMBER OF CORES TO BE USED.
      core = NULL

  if(!is.null(core) & U.model=="binomial"){
    ngrid = grid.dim[2]*grid.dim[1]
    h = NULL #included for R CMD check
    out.foreach <- foreach::"%dopar%"(foreach::foreach(h=ngrid:1,.combine=cbind,.verbose=F),{
      cell = cell +1
      zY = zetaY[i]
      zZ = zetaZ[j]
      control.fit$p = NULL
      out <- matrix(NA,8,nsim)
      for(k in 1:nsim){
        fit.sens <- fit.treatSens(sensParam, Y, Z, Y.res, Z.res, X, zY, zZ, v_Y, v_Z, theta, control.fit)
        control.fit$p = fit.sens$p
        out[1,k] <- fit.sens$sens.coef
        out[2,k] <- fit.sens$sens.se
        out[3,k] <- fit.sens$zeta.y
        out[4,k] <- fit.sens$zeta.z
        out[5,k] <- fit.sens$zy.se
        out[6,k] <- fit.sens$zz.se
        out[7,k] <- fit.sens$resp.sigma2
        out[8,k] <- fit.sens$trt.sigma2
    out1 <- out2 <- out3 <- out4 <- out5 <- out6 <- out7 <- out8 <- numeric(ngrid*nsim)
    out1 <- out.foreach[1,]
    out2 <- out.foreach[2,]
    out3 <- out.foreach[3,]
    out4 <- out.foreach[4,]
    out5 <- out.foreach[5,]
    out6 <- out.foreach[6,]
    out7 <- out.foreach[7,]
    out8 <- out.foreach[8,]
    sens.coef[,,] <- aperm(out1,c(3,2,1))[,,]
    sens.se[,,] <- aperm(out2,c(3,2,1))[,,]
    zeta.y[,,] <- aperm(out3,c(3,2,1))[,,]
    zeta.z[,,] <- aperm(out4,c(3,2,1))[,,]
    zy.se[,,] <- aperm(out5,c(3,2,1))[,,]
    zz.se[,,] <- aperm(out6,c(3,2,1))[,,]
    resp.s2[,,] <- aperm(out7,c(3,2,1))[,,]
    trt.s2[,,] <- aperm(out8,c(3,2,1))[,,]
  } else {
    for(i in grid.dim[2]:1) {
      for(j in grid.dim[1]:1) {
        cell = cell +1
        zY = zetaY[i]
        zZ = zetaZ[j]
        control.fit$p = NULL
          for(k in 1:nsim){
            fit.sens = fit.treatSens(sensParam, Y, Z, Y.res, Z.res, X, zY, zZ, v_Y, v_Z, theta, control.fit)
            control.fit$p = fit.sens$p
            sens.coef[i,j,k] <- fit.sens$sens.coef
            sens.se[i,j,k] <- fit.sens$sens.se
            zeta.y[i,j,k] <- fit.sens$zeta.y
            zeta.z[i,j,k] <- fit.sens$zeta.z
            zy.se[i,j,k] <- fit.sens$zy.se
            zz.se[i,j,k] <- fit.sens$zz.se
            resp.s2[i,j,k] <- fit.sens$resp.sigma2
            trt.s2[i,j,k] <- fit.sens$trt.sigma2
        }else{ #code for multicore below. For debug change %dopar% to %do%.
          fit.sens <- foreach::"%dopar%"(foreach::foreach(k=1:nsim,.combine=rbind,.verbose=F),{
            fit.treatSens(sensParam, Y, Z, Y.res, Z.res, X, zY, zZ, v_Y, v_Z, theta, control.fit)
          sens.coef[i,j,] <- unlist(fit.sens[,1])
          sens.se[i,j,] <- unlist(fit.sens[,2])
          zeta.y[i,j,] <- unlist(fit.sens[,3])
          zeta.z[i,j,] <- unlist(fit.sens[,4])
          zy.se[i,j,] <- unlist(fit.sens[,5])
          zz.se[i,j,] <- unlist(fit.sens[,6])
          resp.s2[i,j,] <- unlist(fit.sens[,7])
          trt.s2[i,j,] <- unlist(fit.sens[,8])
        if(verbose) cat("Completed ", cell, " of ", grid.dim[1]*grid.dim[2], " cells.\n")  
  if(!is.null(X)) {
    result <- list(model.type = "GLM", sensParam = sensParam, tau = sens.coef, se.tau = sens.se, 
                   sp.z = zeta.z, sp.y = zeta.y, 
                   se.spz = zz.se, se.spy = zy.se, 
                   Y = Y, Z = Z, X = X, sig2.resp = resp.s2, sig2.trt = trt.s2,
                   tau0 = null.resp$coef[2], se.tau0 = summary(null.resp)$coefficients[2,2],
                   Xcoef = Xcoef, Xcoef.plot = Xcoef.plot,
                   varnames = all.vars(formula), var_ytilde = v_Y, var_ztilde = v_Z)
    class(result) <- "sensitivity"
    result <- list(model.type = "GLM", sensParam = sensParam, tau = sens.coef, se.tau = sens.se, 
                   sp.z = zeta.z, sp.y = zeta.y, 
                   se.spz = zz.se, se.spy = zy.se, 
                   Y = Y, Z = Z, sig2.resp = resp.s2, sig2.trt = trt.s2,
                   tau0 = null.resp$coef[2], se.tau0 = summary(null.resp)$coefficients[2,2],
                   Xcoef = Xcoef, Xcoef.plot = Xcoef.plot,
                   varnames = all.vars(formula),var_ytilde = v_Y,var_ztilde = v_Z, XpartCor = Xpartials)
    class(result) <- "sensitivity"
  if(!is.null(core) && dp) parallel::stopCluster(cl)   # Stop using multicore.
  options(warn = oldWarnings)


fit.treatSens <- function(sensParam, Y, Z, Y.res, Z.res, X, zetaY, zetaZ,v_Y, v_Z, theta, control.fit, W = NULL) {
  resp.family = control.fit$resp.family
  trt.family = control.fit$trt.family
  U.model = control.fit$U.model
  std = control.fit$standardize
  weights = control.fit$weights
  iter.j = control.fit$iter.j
  offset = control.fit$offset
  p = control.fit$p
  XY = control.fit$XY
  #Generate U w/Y.res, Z.res 
  if(U.model == "normal"){  
    U <- try(contYZU(Y.res, Z.res, zetaY, zetaZ,v_Y, v_Z, sensParam))      
  if(U.model == "binomial"){
      if(!is.null(X)) {
        out.contYbinaryZU <- try(contYbinaryZU(Y, Z, X, XY, zetaY, zetaZ, theta, iter.j, weights, offset, p))
      } else {
        out.contYbinaryZU <- try(contYbinaryZU.noX(Y, Z, XY, zetaY, zetaZ, theta, iter.j, weights, offset, p))
      stop("only probit link is allowed")

    U = out.contYbinaryZU$U
    p = out.contYbinaryZU$p
  if(!(class(U) == "try-error")){
    #try keeps loop from failing 
    #Do we want to return a warning/the error message/our own error message if try fails?
    #fit models with U
    if(std) U = std.nonbinary(U)
    if(!is.null(X)) {
        fit.glm <- switch(offset+1,
                        "FALSE" = glm(Y~Z+U+X+XY, family=resp.family, weights=weights),
                        "TRUE" = glm(Y~Z+X+XY, family=resp.family, weights=weights, offset=zetaY*U))   
        sens.se <- switch(class(weights),
                        "NULL" = summary(fit.glm)$coefficients[2,2],
                        "character" = pweight(Z=Z, X=cbind(X,XY), r=fit.glm$residuals, wt=weights), #pweight is custom function
                        "numeric" = pweight(Z=Z, X=cbind(X,XY), r=fit.glm$residuals, wt=weights)) #pweight is custom function
        fit.glm <- switch(offset+1,
                          "FALSE" = glm(Y~Z+U+X, family=resp.family, weights=weights),
                          "TRUE" = glm(Y~Z+X, family=resp.family, weights=weights, offset=zetaY*U))   
        sens.se <- switch(class(weights),
                          "NULL" = summary(fit.glm)$coefficients[2,2],
                          "character" = pweight(Z=Z, X=X, r=fit.glm$residuals, wt=weights), #pweight is custom function
                          "numeric" = pweight(Z=Z, X=X, r=fit.glm$residuals, wt=weights)) #pweight is custom function
      fit.trt <- glm(Z~U+X, family=trt.family)
        fit.glm <- switch(offset+1,
                        "FALSE" = glm(Y~Z+U+XY, family=resp.family, weights=weights),
                        "TRUE" = glm(Y~Z+XY, family=resp.family, weights=weights, offset=zetaY*U))   
        sens.se = switch(class(weights),
                         "NULL" = summary(fit.glm)$coefficients[2,2],
                         "character" = pweight(Z=Z, X=XY, r=fit.glm$residuals, wt=weights), #pweight is custom function
                         "numeric" = pweight(Z=Z, X=XY, r=fit.glm$residuals, wt=weights)) #pweight is custom function
        fit.glm <- switch(offset+1,
                          "FALSE" = glm(Y~Z+U, family=resp.family, weights=weights),
                          "TRUE" = glm(Y~Z, family=resp.family, weights=weights, offset=zetaY*U))   
        sens.se = summary(fit.glm)$coefficients[2,2]
      fit.trt <- glm(Z~U, family=trt.family)		
      sens.coef = fit.glm$coef[2],
      sens.se = sens.se, 	#SE of Z coef
      zeta.y = ifelse(offset==1,zetaY,fit.glm$coef[3]),     		#estimated coefficient of U in response model
      zeta.z = fit.trt$coef[2],                                 #estimated coef of U in trt model
      zy.se = ifelse(offset==1,NA,summary(fit.glm)$coefficients[3,2]),   #SE of U coef in response model
      zz.se = summary(fit.trt)$coefficients[2,2], 	            #SE of U coef in trt model
      resp.sigma2 = sum(fit.glm$resid^2)/fit.glm$df.residual,
      trt.sigma2 = sum(fit.trt$resid^2)/fit.trt$df.residual,
      p = p
      sens.coef = NA,
      sens.se = NA, 	
      zeta.y = NA, 	
      zeta.z = NA,	
      zy.se = NA, 
      zz.se = NA,
      resp.sigma2 = NA,
      trt.sigma2 = NA,
      p = p

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treatSens documentation built on March 18, 2018, 1:54 p.m.