#' Check if tip is on tree
#' @description Test which taxa in the total set of taxa are present on the
#' tree, and which need to be added. The tax_frame object is assumed to be a dataframe, minimally with a column labeled "taxon". If this column does not exist, the first column in the dataframe will be assumed to contain the taxon information.
#' @param tree Starting phylogeny, of type phylo
#' @param tax_frame Total set of taxa on tree, as dataframe.
#' @return absent_list of taxa that are present in the total set of trees, but not the starting tree
#' @examples
#' absent_taxa <- genera_strippr(tree, tax_frame = tax_frame)
#' @export
genera_strippr <- function(tree, tax_frame){
#Check if tree is phylo object
if (!inherits(tree, "phylo")){
stop("tree must be of class 'phylo'")
if (!{
tax_frame <-
if (ncol(tax_frame) == 2){
names(tax_frame) <- c("taxon", "age")
} else if (ncol(tax_frame) == 1) {
names(tax_frame) <- "taxon"
else {
stop("Taxon frame must be a dataframe containing, at minimum, a column labeled taxon, which contains the total set of taxa both on the tree and to be added.")
#Get taxa which are not on tree
total_set <- unname(unlist(lapply(tax_frame["taxon"], as.character)))
(absent <- unlist(total_set[which(!total_set %in% tree$tip.label)]))
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