
# automated tests for all supported classes

# install.packages(
#   c("tsibble", "xts", "timeSeries", "zoo", "tibbletime", "tseries")
# )

#' @srrstats {G5.4} **Correctness tests** *to test that statistical algorithms produce expected results to some fixed test data sets (potentially through comparisons using binding frameworks such as [RStata](https://github.com/lbraglia/RStata)).*
#' @srrstats {G5.4a} *For new methods, it can be difficult to separate out correctness of the method from the correctness of the implementation, as there may not be reference for comparison. In this case, testing may be implemented against simple, trivial cases or against multiple implementations such as an initial R implementation compared with results from a C/C++ implementation.*
#'   All conversions are tested both-ways, ensuring that transforming into another class and back results in the orignal values. For this to go wrong an error must cancel itself, which is unlikely.
test_that("two way conversion", {

  for (class in names(tsbox:::supported_classes())) {

    ts_fun <- get(paste0("ts_", class))

    # single series
    expect_equal(ts_ts(ts_fun(AirPassengers)), AirPassengers)

    # tsibble alphabetically reorders key column, separate test below
    if (class == "tsibble") next

    # tis: does not deal correctly with 'as.tis(EuStockMarkets)'
    # timeSeries: stored in seconds only, which prevents back covnersion to ts
    if (!(class %in% c("timeSeries", "tis", "irts"))) {
      expect_equal(ts_ts(ts_fun(EuStockMarkets)), EuStockMarkets)

    # mixed frequencies
      ts_ts(ts_fun(ts_c(austres, AirPassengers))),
      ts_c(austres, AirPassengers)
    # non alphabetical order, multi series
    expect_equal(ts_ts(ts_fun(ts_c(mdeaths, fdeaths))), ts_c(mdeaths, fdeaths))
    # non alphabetical order, multi series
      ts_ts(ts_fun(ts_c(mdeaths, AirPassengers))),
      ts_c(mdeaths, AirPassengers)

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tsbox documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:41 p.m.