
Defines functions resid_dvinecopula glag_for_dvinecopula dvinecopula_objective simdvine Rblattdens IRblatt Rblatt mklist_dvine dvinecopula

Documented in dvinecopula dvinecopula_objective glag_for_dvinecopula IRblatt mklist_dvine Rblatt Rblattdens resid_dvinecopula simdvine

#' D-vine copula processes
#' Class of objects for d-vine copula processes.
#' @slot name name of the d-vine copula process.
#' @slot modelspec list containing the family, number of parameters and rotations
#' @slot pars list comprising of the parameters.
#' @export
setClass("dvinecopula", contains = "tscopula", slots = list(
  name = "character",
  modelspec = "list",
  pars = "list"

#' Constructor function for dvinecopula process
#' This function sets up a stationary d-vine process of finite order where the elements of
#' the (finite-length) copula sequence may be any copulas that can be implemented using
#' \code{\link[rvinecopulib]{bicop_dist}} in the \code{rvinecopulib} package.
#' Copulas may also be rotated through 90, 180 and 270 degrees.  If the
#' same \code{family} or same \code{rotation} is to be used at every lag, these arguments may be scalars.
#' The \code{pars} argument must be a list with the same length as the copula sequence.
#' If a t copula is included, the correlation parameter precedes the degrees of freedom in the parameter vector.
#' This copula should be referred to as "t" rather than "Student".
#' @param family a vector of family names
#' @param pars a list containing the parameters of the copula at each lag
#' @param rotation a vector of rotations
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{dvinecopula}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dvinecopula(family = c("joe", "gauss", "t"), pars = list(3, .5, c(0.4, 4)), rotation = c(180, 0, 0))
dvinecopula <- function(family = "indep", pars = list(NULL), rotation = 0) {
  if (!(is(family, "character")))
    stop("families must be specified by names")
    family <- tolower(family)
  k <- length(pars)
  if ((length(family) > 1) & (k != length(family))) {
    stop("specify single family or vector with same length as parameter list")
  if ((length(rotation) > 1) & (k != length(rotation))) {
    stop("specify single rotation value or vector with same length as parameter list")
  if (length(family) == 1) {
    family <- rep(family, k)
  if (length(rotation) == 1) {
    rotation <- rep(rotation, k)
  modelspec <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(family)) {
    tmp <- rvinecopulib::bicop_dist(family[i], rotation[i], pars[[i]])
    modelspec[[i]] <- list(
      family = family[i], npars = length(pars[[i]]),
      rotation = rotation[i]
  pars <- lapply(pars, function(v) {
    if (length(v) > 0) {
      names(v) <- paste("p", (1:length(v)), sep = "")
  names(pars) <- paste("cop", 1:k, sep = "")
      name = paste("d-vine(", k, ")", sep = ""),
      modelspec = modelspec,
      pars = pars

#' @describeIn dvinecopula Coef method for dvinecopula class
#' @param object an object of the class.
#' @export
setMethod("coef", c(object = "dvinecopula"), function(object) {
  if (length(object@pars) == 1) {
  } else {

#' @describeIn dvinecopula Show method for dvinecopula class
#' @param object an object of the class.
#' @export
setMethod("show", "dvinecopula", function(object) {
  cat("object class: ", is(object)[[1]], "\n", sep = "")
  cat("name: ", object@name, "\n", sep = "")
  fams <- sapply(object@modelspec, FUN = function(v) {
    tmp <- v$family
    if (v$rotation != 0) {
      tmp <- paste(tmp, v$rotation, sep = "")
    if (is(object, "dvinecopulaNE")) {
      if (!(v$exchangeable)) {
        tmp <- paste(tmp, "_NE", sep = "")
  if (length(unique(fams)) == 1) {
    fams <- fams[1]
  cat("copula family: ", fams, "\n")
  cat("parameters: \n")

#' @describeIn dvinecopula Simulation method for dvinecopula class
#' @param object an object of the class.
#' @param n length of realization.
#' @param innov vector of innovations of length n.
#' @param start vector of start values with length equal to order of process.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim(dvinecopula("gauss", 0.5))
setMethod("sim", c(object = "dvinecopula"), function(object, n = 1000, innov = NA, start = NA) {
  pc_list <- mklist_dvine(object)
  simdvine(pc_list, n, innov, start)

#' @describeIn dvinecopula Prediction method for dvinecopula class
#' @param object an object of the class.
#' @param data vector of past data values.
#' @param x vector of arguments of prediction function.
#' @param type type of prediction function ("df" for density, "qf" for quantile function
#' or "dens" for density).
#' @export
setMethod("predict", c(object = "dvinecopula"), function(object, data, x, type = "df") {
  pc_list <- mklist_dvine(object)
         "df" = Rblatt(pc_list, data, x),
         "qf" = IRblatt(pc_list, data, x),
         "dens" = Rblattdens(pc_list, data, x))


#' Make list of pair copulas for dvinecopula object
#' @param x an object of class dvinecopula
#' @return a list of pair copulas
#' @keywords internal
mklist_dvine <- function(x){
  k <- length(x@modelspec)
  pc_list <- vector("list", k)
  for (i in seq_along(x@modelspec)) {
    pc_list[[i]] <- rvinecopulib::bicop_dist(
      family = tolower(x@modelspec[[i]]$family),
      rotation = x@modelspec[[i]]$rotation,
      parameters = x@pars[[i]][1:x@modelspec[[i]]$npars]

#' Calculate Rosenblatt function
#' Evaluates the Rosenblatt function for a sequence of pair copulas extracted from an
#' object of class \linkS4class{dvinecopula} or \linkS4class{dvinecopula2}.
#' To set up the pair copula list, use the functions \link{mklist_dvine} for objects of
#' class \linkS4class{dvinecopula} or \link{mklist_dvine2} for objects
#' of class \linkS4class{dvinecopula2}.
#' The vector \code{data} containing the past values of the time series must have
#' at least as many elements as the list of pair copulas in \code{pc_list}. The elements
#' of \code{data} should be in (0,1) and the elements of \code{x} in [0,1].
#' @param pc_list a list of pair copulas.
#' @param data vector of past data values in order of occurrence.
#' @param x vector of arguments of Rosenblatt function.
#' @return a vector of values with same length as \code{x}.
#' @keywords internal
Rblatt <- function(pc_list, data, x){
  lx <- length(x)
  output <- vector("numeric", length(x))
  output[x == 1] <- 1
  lx <- length(x[(x > 0) & (x < 1)])
  if (lx > 0){
    k <- length(pc_list)
    n <- length(data)
  # swap 90 and 270 to account for notational inconsistencies
    for (i in 1:k)
      if (pc_list[[i]]$rotation %in% c(90,270))
        pc_list[[i]]$rotation <- 360 - pc_list[[i]]$rotation
    pcs <- lapply(seq_along(pc_list), function(i) {
      replicate(k - i + 1, pc_list[[i]], simplify = FALSE)
    vc_short <- rvinecopulib::vinecop_dist(pcs, rvinecopulib::dvine_structure((k + 1):1))
    lastvals <- cbind(matrix(data[(n-k+1):n],
                           nrow = lx, ncol = k, byrow = TRUE), x[(x > 0) & (x < 1)])
    rt <- rvinecopulib::rosenblatt(lastvals, vc_short)
    output[(x > 0) & (x < 1)] <- as.numeric(rt[,k+1])

#' Calculate inverse Rosenblatt function
#' Evaluates the inverse Rosenblatt function for a sequence of pair copulas extracted from an
#' object of class \linkS4class{dvinecopula} or \linkS4class{dvinecopula2}.
#' To set up the pair copula list, use the functions \link{mklist_dvine} for objects of
#' class \linkS4class{dvinecopula} or \link{mklist_dvine2} for objects
#' of class \linkS4class{dvinecopula2}.
#' The vector \code{data} containing the past values of the time series must have
#' at least as many elements as the list of pair copulas in \code{pc_list}. The elements
#' of \code{data} should be in (0,1) and the elements of \code{q} in [0,1].
#' @param pc_list a list of pair copulas.
#' @param data vector of past data values in order of occurrence.
#' @param q vector of arguments of inverse Rosenblatt function.
#' @return a vector of values with same length as \code{q}.
#' @keywords internal
IRblatt <- function(pc_list, data, q){
  k <- length(pc_list)
  n <- length(data)
  # swap 90 and 270 to account for notational inconsistencies
  for (i in 1:k)
    if (pc_list[[i]]$rotation %in% c(90,270))
      pc_list[[i]]$rotation <- 360 - pc_list[[i]]$rotation
  pcs <- lapply(seq_along(pc_list), function(i) {
    replicate(k - i + 1, pc_list[[i]], simplify = FALSE)
  vc_short <- rvinecopulib::vinecop_dist(pcs, rvinecopulib::dvine_structure((k + 1):1))
  lastvals <- t(c(data[(n-k+1):n], 0.5))
  rt <- rvinecopulib::rosenblatt(lastvals, vc_short)
  rt <- matrix(rt, nrow = length(q), ncol = k+1, byrow = TRUE)
  rt[, k+1] <- q
  irt <- rvinecopulib::inverse_rosenblatt(rt, vc_short)

#' Calculate Rosenblatt density function
#' Evaluates the Rosenblatt density function for a sequence of pair copulas extracted from an
#' object of class \linkS4class{dvinecopula} or \linkS4class{dvinecopula2}.
#' To set up the pair copula list, use the functions \link{mklist_dvine} for objects of
#' class \linkS4class{dvinecopula} or \link{mklist_dvine2} for objects
#' of class \linkS4class{dvinecopula2}.
#' The vector \code{data} containing the past values of the time series must have
#' at least as many elements as the list of pair copulas in \code{pc_list}. The elements
#' of \code{data} should be in (0,1) and the elements of \code{x} in [0,1].
#' @param pc_list a list of pair copulas.
#' @param data vector of past data values in order of occurrence.
#' @param x vector of arguments of Rosenblatt density function.
#' @return a vector of values with same length as \code{x}.
#' @keywords internal
Rblattdens <- function(pc_list, data, x){
  output <- rep(NA, length(x))
  k <- length(pc_list)
  n <- length(data)
  lastkdata <- data[(n-k+1):n]
  for (i in 1:length(x)){
    data <- c(lastkdata, x[i])
    n <- length(data)
    v <- cbind(data[1:(n - 1)], data[2:n])
    output[i] <- 0
    for (j in 1:k) {
      tmp <- log(rvinecopulib::dbicop(v[n-1,], family = pc_list[[j]]))
      output[i] <- output[i] + sum(tmp)
      if (j < k) {
        n <- dim(v)[1]
        v <- cbind(
          rvinecopulib::hbicop(v[(1:(n - 1)), ], cond_var = 2, family = pc_list[[j]]),
          rvinecopulib::hbicop(v[(2:n), ], cond_var = 1, family = pc_list[[j]])

#' D-vine simulation helper function
#' @param pc_list a list of pair copulas.
#' @param n number of data to be simulated.
#' @param innov vector of innovations of length n.
#' @param start vector of start values with length equal to order of process.
#' @return a vector of length n.
#' @keywords internal
simdvine <- function(pc_list, n, innov, start){
  # code template provided by Thomas Nagler
  k <- length(pc_list)
  # swap 90 and 270 to account for notational inconsistencies
  for (i in 1:k)
    if (pc_list[[i]]$rotation %in% c(90,270))
      pc_list[[i]]$rotation <- 360 - pc_list[[i]]$rotation
  pcs <- lapply(seq_along(pc_list), function(i) {
    replicate(k - i + 1, pc_list[[i]], simplify = FALSE)
  vc_short <- rvinecopulib::vinecop_dist(pcs, rvinecopulib::dvine_structure((k + 1):1))
  if (is.na(innov[1]))
    innov <- runif(n)
  if (length(innov) != n)
    stop("Innovation vector wrong length")
  U <- numeric(n)
  if (is.na(start[1]))
    U[1:(k + 1)] <- rvinecopulib::inverse_rosenblatt(t(innov[1:(k+1)]), vc_short)
    if (length(start) != k)
      stop("Start vector must be same length as order of d-vine")
    lastvals <- c(start, 0.5)
    rt <- rvinecopulib::rosenblatt(t(lastvals), vc_short)
    rt[k+1] <- innov[k+1]
    irt <- rvinecopulib::inverse_rosenblatt(t(rt), vc_short)
    U[1:(k+1)] <- c(start, irt[k+1])
  if (n > (k+1)){
  for (t in (k + 2):n) {
    lastvals <- c(U[(t - k):(t - 1)], 0.5)
    rt <- rvinecopulib::rosenblatt(t(lastvals), vc_short)
    rt[k+1] <- innov[t]
    irt <- rvinecopulib::inverse_rosenblatt(t(rt), vc_short)
    U[t] <- irt[k + 1]

#' Objective function for dvinecopula process
#' @param theta parameters of copulas
#' @param modelspec list of families of copulas
#' @param u vector of data
#' @return Value of objective function at parameters.
#' @keywords internal
dvinecopula_objective <- function(theta, modelspec, u) {
  k <- length(modelspec)
  npars <- sapply(modelspec, function(v) {
  pars <- split(theta, rep(1:k, npars))
  n <- length(u)
  pc_list <- vector("list", k)
  for (i in seq_along(modelspec)) {
    pc_list[[i]] <- tryCatch(rvinecopulib::bicop_dist(
      family = tolower(modelspec[[i]]$family),
      rotation = modelspec[[i]]$rotation,
      parameters = pars[[i]]
    error = function(e) {
    if (is.na(pc_list[[i]][[1]])) {
  v <- cbind(u[1:(n - 1)], u[2:n])
  LL <- 0
  for (j in 1:k) {
    LL <- LL + sum(log(rvinecopulib::dbicop(u = v, family = pc_list[[j]])))
    if (j == k) {
    n <- dim(v)[1]
    v <- cbind(
      rvinecopulib::hbicop(v[(1:(n - 1)), ], cond_var = 2, family = pc_list[[j]]),
      rvinecopulib::hbicop(v[(2:n), ], cond_var = 1, family = pc_list[[j]])

#' Generalized lagging for fitted dvinecopula objects
#' @param copula a dvinecopula object
#' @param data the data to which copula is fitted
#' @param lagmax the maximum lag value.
#' @param glagplot logical value indicating generalized lag plot.
#' @return If \code{glagplot} is \code{TRUE} a list of generalized lagged datasets
#' of maximum length 9 is returned to facilitate a generalized lagplot.
#' If \code{glagplot} is \code{FALSE} a vector of length \code{lagmax} containing
#' the Kendall rank correlations for the generalized lagged datasets is returned.
#' @keywords internal
glag_for_dvinecopula <- function(copula, data, lagmax, glagplot = FALSE) {
  pc_list <- mklist_dvine(copula)
  k <- min(length(pc_list), lagmax)
  if (glagplot)
    k <- min(k, 9)
  n <- length(data)
  data <- cbind(as.numeric(data[1:(n - 1)]), as.numeric(data[2:n]))
  if (glagplot){
    output <- vector(mode = "list", length = k)
    output[[1]] <- data
  output <- rep(NA, k)
  output[1] <- cor(data, method = "kendall")[1, 2]
  if (k > 1){
  for (i in 1:(k - 1)) {
    n <- dim(data)[1]
    data <-
      cbind(rvinecopulib::hbicop(data[(1:(n - 1)), ], pc_list[[i]], cond_var = 2),
            rvinecopulib::hbicop(data[(2:n), ], pc_list[[i]], cond_var = 1))
    if (glagplot)
      output[[i+1]] <- data
      output[i+1] <- cor(data, method = "kendall")[1, 2]

#' @describeIn dvinecopula Calculate Kendall's tau values for pair copulas in d-vine copula
#' @param object an object of the class.
#' @param lagmax maximum value of lag.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mixmod <- dvinecopula(family = c("gumbel", "gauss"), pars = list(1.5, -0.6))
#' kendall(mixmod)
setMethod("kendall", c(object = "dvinecopula"), function(object, lagmax = 20) {
  tau <- vector("numeric",length(object@modelspec))
  if (length(tau) > lagmax)
    tau <- tau[1:lagmax]
  for (i in seq_along(tau)){
    model <- rvinecopulib::bicop_dist(
      family = tolower(object@modelspec[[i]]$family),
      rotation = object@modelspec[[i]]$rotation,
      parameters = object@pars[[i]][1:object@modelspec[[i]]$npars]
    tau[i] <- rvinecopulib::par_to_ktau(model)
  names(tau) <- sapply(object@modelspec, function(v){v$family})

#' Residual function for dvinecopula object
#' @param object a fitted dvinecopula object.
#' @param data the data to which copula is fitted.
#' @param trace extract trace instead of residuals.
#' @return vector of model residuals
#' @keywords internal
resid_dvinecopula <- function(object, data = NA, trace = FALSE){
  pc_list <- mklist_dvine(object)
  k <- length(pc_list)
  for (i in 1:k)
    if (pc_list[[i]]$rotation %in% c(90,270))
      pc_list[[i]]$rotation <- 360 - pc_list[[i]]$rotation
  n <- length(data)
  if (trace)
    target <- rep(0.5, n)
    target <- data
  res <- rep(NA, n)
  res[1] <- target[1]
  if (k >1){
  for (i in 2:k){
    pcs <- lapply(1:(i-1), function(j) {
      replicate(i - j, pc_list[[j]], simplify = FALSE)
    vc_short <- rvinecopulib::vinecop_dist(pcs, rvinecopulib::dvine_structure(i:1))
    vals <- c(data[1:(i-1)], target[i])
    res[i] <- rvinecopulib::rosenblatt(t(vals), vc_short)[i]
  pcs <- lapply(1:k, function(j) {
    replicate(k + 1 - j, pc_list[[j]], simplify = FALSE)
  vc_short <- rvinecopulib::vinecop_dist(pcs, rvinecopulib::dvine_structure((k + 1):1))
  for (i in ((k+1):n)){
    vals <- c(data[(i-k):(i-1)], target[i])
    res[i] <- rvinecopulib::rosenblatt(t(vals), vc_short)[k+1]

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tscopula documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:53 a.m.