
Defines functions compute

Documented in compute

#' Computes the Matrix Profile or Pan-Matrix Profile
#' Main API Function
#' Computes the exact or approximate Matrix Profile based on the sample percent
#' specified. Currently, MPX and SCRIMP++ are used for the exact and
#' approximate algorithms respectively. See details for more information about the arguments
#' combinations.
#' @param ts a `matrix` or a `vector`. The time series to analyze.
#' @param query a `matrix` or a `vector`. Optional The query to analyze. Note that when computing the Pan-Matrix Profile
#'  the query is ignored!
#' @param windows an `int` or a `vector`. The window(s) to compute the Matrix Profile. Note that it may be an `int`
#' for a single matrix profile computation or a `vector` of `int` for computing the Pan-Matrix Profile.
#' @param sample_pct a `numeric`. A number between 0 and 1 representing how many samples to compute for
#' the Matrix Profile or Pan-Matrix Profile. When it is 1, the exact algorithm is used. (default is `1.0`).
#' @param threshold a `numeric`. Correlation threshold. See details.  (Default is `0.98`).
#' @param n_jobs an `int`. The number of cpu cores to use when computing the MatrixProfile. (default is `1`).
#' @details
#' When a single `windows` is given, the Matrix Profile is computed. If a `query` is provided, AB join is computed.
#' Otherwise the self-join is computed.
#' When multiple `windows` or none are given, the Pan-Matrix Profile is computed. If a `threshold` is set (it is,
#' by default), the upper bound will be computed and the given `windows` or a default range (when no `windows`), below
#' the upper bound will be computed.
#' @return
#' The profile computed.
#' @export
#' @family Main API
#' @references Website: <http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~eamonn/MatrixProfile.html>
#' @examples
#' # Matrix Profile
#' result <- compute(mp_toy_data$data[, 1], 80)
#' \donttest{
#' # Pan-Matrix Profile
#' result <- compute(mp_toy_data$data[, 1])
#' }
compute <- function(ts, windows = NULL, query = NULL, sample_pct = 1.0, threshold = 0.98, n_jobs = 1L) {

  # Parse arguments ---------------------------------
  checkmate::qassert(ts, "N+")
  windows <- checkmate::qassert(windows, c("0", "X+[4,)"))
  checkmate::qassert(query, c("0", "N>=4"))
  checkmate::qassert(sample_pct, "N1(0,1]")
  checkmate::qassert(threshold, c("0", "N1(0,1]"))
  n_jobs <- as.integer(checkmate::qassert(n_jobs, paste0("X1[1,", parallel::detectCores(), "]")))

  res <- NULL
  algorithm <- NULL
  join <- FALSE
  metric <- "euclidean"

  # Start ---------------------------------
  if (length(windows) == 1) {
    ## Matrix Profile =========================

    if (is.null(query)) {
      ### Self-join #############################

      if (sample_pct >= 1) {
        res <- mpx(data = ts, window_size = windows, idx = TRUE, dist = metric, n_workers = n_jobs)
        algorithm <- "mpx"
      } else {
        res <- scrimp(ts, window_size = windows, s_size = floor(sample_pct * length(ts))) # n_jobs
        algorithm <- "scrimp"
    } else {
      ### AB join #############################
      join <- TRUE
      if (sample_pct >= 1) {
        res <- mpx(data = ts, query = query, window_size = windows, idx = TRUE, dist = metric, n_workers = n_jobs)
        algorithm <- "mpx"
      } else {
        # TODO: add scrimp AB-join
        res <- scrimp(ts, window_size = windows, s_size = floor(sample_pct * length(ts))) # n_jobs # AB
        algorithm <- "scrimp"
  } else {
    ## Pan Matrix Profile =========================

    if (!is.null(threshold)) {
      # when a threshold is passed, we compute the upper bound
      res <- pmp_upper_bound(data = ts, threshold = threshold, n_workers = n_jobs)

    if (is.null(windows)) {
      # when no windows are passed, create an array from 10 to upper bound or half ts size
      windows <- seq.int(from = 10, to = min(length(ts) / 2, res$upper_window), length.out = 20)
    } else {
      # otherwise, remove windows that are above upper bound or half ts size
      windows <- windows[windows <= min(length(ts) / 2, res$upper_window)]

    windows <- floor(windows)

    res <- pmp(data = ts, window_sizes = windows, plot = FALSE, pmp_obj = res, n_workers = n_jobs)

    algorithm <- "pmp"

  # Build compute object --------------------------

  # Main fields, easily accessible by the user
  if (length(windows) == 1) {
    result <- list(
      mp = as.matrix(res$mp),
      pi = as.matrix(res$pi),
      # mpb = NULL,
      # pib = NULL,
      rmp = NULL,
      rpi = NULL,
      lmp = NULL,
      lpi = NULL,
      w = windows,
      ez = res$ez
    class(result) <- "MatrixProfile"
  } else {
    result <- res
    class(result) <- "PMP"
  result$sample_pct <- sample_pct
  result$data <- list(
    ts = as.vector(ts),
    query = as.vector(query)

  # Attributes
  attr(result, "join") <- join
  attr(result, "metric") <- metric
  attr(result, "algorithm") <- algorithm

  # End ---------------------------------


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tsmp documentation built on Aug. 21, 2022, 1:13 a.m.