
Defines functions model_missing_data

Documented in model_missing_data

#' Model missing time series data
#' Returns an object of class "tsrobprep" which contains the original data and
#' the modelled missing values to be imputed. The function model_missing_data
#' models missing values in a time series data using a robust time series
#' decomposition with the weighted lasso or the quantile regression. The model
#' uses autoregression on the time series as explanatory variables as well as
#' the provided external variables. The function is designed for numerical data
#' only.
#' @param data an input vector, matrix or data frame of dimension nobs x nvars
#' containing missing values; each column is a variable.
#' @param S a number or vector describing the seasonalities (S_1, ..., S_K) in
#' the data, e.g. c(24, 168) if the data consists of 24 observations per day
#' and there is a weekly seasonality in the data.
#' @param tau the quantile(s) of the missing values to be estimated in the
#' quantile regression. Tau accepts all values in (0,1). If NULL, then the
#' weighted lasso regression is performed.
#' @param no.of.last.indices.to.fix a number of observations in the tail of
#' the data to be fixed, by default set to first element of S.
#' @param indices.to.fix indices of the data to be fixed. If NULL, then it is
#' calculated based on the no.of.last.indices.to.fix parameter. Otherwise, the
#' no.of.last.indices.to.fix parameter is ignored.
#' @param replace.recursively if TRUE then the algorithm uses replaced values
#' to model the remaining missings.
#' @param p a number or vector of length(S) = K indicating the order of a
#' K-seasonal autoregressive process to be estimated. If NULL, chosen
#' data-based.
#' @param mirror if TRUE then autoregressive lags up to order p are not only
#' added to the seasonalities but also subtracted.
#' @param lags a numeric vector with the lags to use in the autoregression.
#' Negative values are accepted and then also the "future" observations are
#' used for modelling. If not NULL, p and mirror are ignored.
#' @param extreg a vector, matrix or data frame of data containing external
#' regressors; each column is a variable.
#' @param n.best.extreg a numeric value specifying the maximal number of
#' considered best correlated external regressors (selected in decreasing
#' order). If NULL, then all variables in extreg are used for modelling.
#' @param use.data.as.ext logical specifying whether to use the remaining
#' variables in the data as external regressors or not.
#' @param lag.externals logical specifying whether to lag the external
#' regressors or not. If TRUE, then the algorithm uses the lags specified in
#' parameter lags.
#' @param consider.as.missing a vector of numerical values which are considered
#' as missing in the data.
#' @param whole.period.missing.only if FALSE, then all observations which
#' correspond to the values of consider.as.missing are treated as missings. If
#' TRUE, then only consecutive observations of specified length are considered
#' (length is defined by first element of S).
#' @param debias if TRUE, the recursive replacement is additionally debiased.
#' @param min.val a single value or a vector of length nvars providing the
#' minimum possible value of each variable in the data. If a single value, then
#' it applies to all variables. By default set to -Inf.
#' @param max.val a single value or a vector of length nvars providing the
#' maximum possible value of each variable in the data. If a single value, then
#' it applies to all variables. By default set to Inf.
#' @param Cor_thres a single value providing the correlation threshold from
#' which external regressors are considered in the quantile regression.
#' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places allowed
#' in the data, by default set to 3.
#' @param ICpen is the information criterion penalty for lambda choice in the
#' \link[glmnet]{glmnet} algorithm. It can be a string: "BIC", "HQC" or "AIC",
#' or a fixed number.
#' @param decompose.pars named list containing additional arguments for the
#' \link[tsrobprep]{robust_decompose} function.
#' @param ... additional arguments for the \link[glmnet]{glmnet} or
#' \link[quantreg]{rq.fit.fnb} algorithms.
#' @details The function uses robust time series decomposition with weighted
#' lasso or quantile regression in order to model missing values and prepare it
#' for imputation. In this purpose the \link[tsrobprep]{robust_decompose}
#' function together with the \link[glmnet]{glmnet} are used in case of mean
#' regression, i.e. tau = NULL. In case of quantile regression, i.e.
#' tau != NULL the \link[tsrobprep]{robust_decompose} function is used together
#' with the \link[quantreg]{rq.fit.fnb} function. The modelled values can be
#' imputed using \link[tsrobprep]{impute_modelled_data} function.
#' \insertNoCite{*}{tsrobprep}
#' @return An object of class "tsrobprep" which contains the original data, the
#' indices of the data that were modelled, the given quantile values, a list of
#' sparse matrices with the modelled data to be imputed and a list of the
#' numbers of models estimated for every variable.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' model.miss <- model_missing_data(
#'     data = GBload[,-1], S = c(48,7*48),
#'     no.of.last.indices.to.fix = dim(GBload)[1], consider.as.missing = 0,
#'     min.val = 0
#' )
#' model.miss$estimated.models
#' model.miss$replaced.indices
#' new.GBload <- impute_modelled_data(model.miss)
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \link[tsrobprep]{robust_decompose},
#' \link[tsrobprep]{impute_modelled_data}, \link[tsrobprep]{detect_outliers},
#' \link[tsrobprep]{auto_data_cleaning}
model_missing_data <- function(
  data, S, tau = NULL, no.of.last.indices.to.fix = S[1], indices.to.fix = NULL,
  replace.recursively = TRUE, p = NULL, mirror = FALSE, lags = NULL,
  extreg = NULL, n.best.extreg = NULL, use.data.as.ext = FALSE,
  lag.externals = FALSE, consider.as.missing = NULL,
  whole.period.missing.only = FALSE, debias = FALSE, min.val = -Inf,
  max.val = Inf, Cor_thres = 0.5, digits = 3, ICpen = "BIC",
  decompose.pars = list(), ...){

  # save the data as matrix
  data.original <- as.matrix(data)
  # validate the variables' correctness - basic validation
  if(dim(data.original)[1]==0) stop("provided data is of length 0") else
    nobs <- dim(data.original)[1]; nvars <- dim(data.original)[2]
      if(min(tau) <=0 | max(tau) >= 1) stop("provided tau is incorrect")
    } else tau <- "mean"
    if(no.of.last.indices.to.fix < 1 | no.of.last.indices.to.fix > nobs)
      stop("provided no.of.last.indices.to.fix is incorrect")
    if(!is.null(indices.to.fix) & !all(is.element(indices.to.fix, 1:nobs)))
      stop("provided indices are not part of the index set")
    if(!is.null(extreg) & (is.numeric(extreg) | is.matrix(extreg) |
      if(nobs != dim(as.matrix(extreg))[1])
        stop(paste0("provided data and external regressors are of different",
                    " number of observations"))
      if(!(n.best.extreg == floor(n.best.extreg) & n.best.extreg>0))
        stop("provided n.best.extreg is incorrect")
      stop("provided use.data.as.ext is not logical")
      stop("provided lag.externals is not logical")
      stop("provided whole.period.missing.only is not logical")
    if(length(min.val)!=1 & length(min.val) != nvars)
      stop("provided min.val is not correct")
    if(length(max.val)!=1 & length(max.val) != nvars)
      stop("provided max.val is not correct")

    #define the indices to be fixed
    if(is.null(indices.to.fix)) indices.to.fix <-
        seq_len(no.of.last.indices.to.fix) + nobs - no.of.last.indices.to.fix

    ## define the min/max values
    if(length(min.val)==1) min.vals <- rep(min.val, nvars) else
      min.vals <- min.val
    if(length(max.val)==1) max.vals <- rep(max.val, nvars) else
      max.vals <- max.val

    # save orignal extreg
    extreg.original <- extreg

    # define output lists
    considered.missing <- list()
    replaced.values <- list()
    models.no <- list()

    # we work in a loop over variables (nvars)
    for(var.id in seq_len(nvars)){
      considered.missing[[var.id]] <- list()
      data.to.model <- data.original[,var.id]
      min.val <- min.vals[var.id]
      max.val <- max.vals[var.id]

      #join the extreg and remaining variables of data
      if(use.data.as.ext & nvars>1){
        extreg.to.model <- cbind(extreg.original, data.original[,-var.id])
      } else extreg.to.model <- extreg.original

      #remove values considered as missings from externals
        extreg.to.model <- as.matrix(extreg.to.model)

        # the case of whole.period.missing.only = FALSE
        if(!is.null(consider.as.missing) & !whole.period.missing.only){
          for(i in 1:dim(extreg.to.model)[2]){
            ZEROs <- rep(FALSE, nobs)
            ZEROs[indices.to.fix] <-
              extreg.to.model[indices.to.fix,i] %in% consider.as.missing
            ZEROs[is.na(ZEROs)] <- FALSE
            extreg.to.model[ZEROs,i] <- NA
        # the case of whole.period.missing.only = TRUE
        if(!is.null(consider.as.missing) & whole.period.missing.only){
          for(i in 1:dim(extreg.to.model)[2]){
            day.by.day.matrix <- matrix(extreg.to.model[,i] %in%
                                          consider.as.missing, nrow = S[1],
                                        byrow = F)
            whole.period.missings <- which(apply(day.by.day.matrix, 2, all))
            whole.period.indices <-
              which(col(day.by.day.matrix) %in% whole.period.missings)
            ZEROs <- rep(FALSE, nobs)
            ZEROs[intersect(whole.period.indices, indices.to.fix)] <- TRUE
            extreg.to.model[ZEROs,i] <- NA

      # function preparing the lags
      get.lags <- function(S=24, p=1, mirror=FALSE, lags=NULL){
          SS <- unique(c(1,S))
          K <- length(SS)

          p <- rep(p, length.out=K) ## recycle p
          Slags <- list()
          for(i.k in 1:K){
            Slags[[i.k]] <- list()
            for(i.p in 1:(p[i.k]+1)) {
              tmp <- i.p-1
              if(mirror) tmp <- c(-tmp,tmp)
              Slags[[i.k]][[i.p]] <- SS[i.k] +tmp
          # exp_lags <- c()
          # for(i.k in 1:(K-1)){
          #   tmp <- 2^(1:floor(log(SS[i.k+1]/SS[i.k],base=2)))*SS[i.k]
          #   exp_lags <- c(exp_lags,tmp)
          # }
          # Srec <- c(unlist(Slags), exp_lags)
          Srec <- unlist(Slags)
          Srec <- sort(unique(Srec[Srec>0]))
          lags <- c(-rev(Srec),Srec)

      # if p not specified, calculate it based on the available data length
      p_new <- ifelse(is.null(p), pmax(
        floor(log(sum(!is.na(data.to.model[indices.to.fix])),10)-1),1), p)

      # derive the lags to be used in the regression
      lags_new <- get.lags(S=S,p=p_new, mirror=mirror, lags = lags)

      #function for lagging the data
      get.lagged <- function(lag, Z){
        if(lag>=0) c(rep(NA, lag),  Z[(1+lag):(length(Z)) -lag ]) else
          c(Z[-(1:(-lag))], rep(NA, -lag) )

      # no duplicates in lags
      lags_new <- unique(lags_new)

      # if max lags exceeding nobs, throw a warning
          paste0("Some of the given lags were exceeding the number of",
                 " observations. The set of lags was accordingly truncated.")
        lags_new <- lags_new[abs(lags_new) < nobs]
      lag_len <- length(lags_new)

      # if lag.externals = TRUE apply the below
        new.extreg <- extreg.to.model
        for(ext.col in 1:dim(extreg.to.model)[2]){
          new.extreg <- cbind(new.extreg, sapply(lags_new, get.lagged,
                                                 Z = extreg.to.model[,ext.col]))
        extreg.to.model <- new.extreg

      # if threshold specified, calculate the correlation level between the data
      # and external regressors and use only the ones that exceed the threshold
      if(!is.null(n.best.extreg) & !is.null(extreg.to.model)){
        cor.ext <- abs(as.numeric(stats::cor(
          data.to.model, extreg.to.model, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")))
        cor.ext_thres <- which(cor.ext >= Cor_thres)
        cor.ext_order <- order(cor.ext, decreasing = T)
        extreg.to.model <- as.matrix(extreg.to.model)[,intersect(
          utils::head(cor.ext_order, n.best.extreg),cor.ext_thres)]

      # create a vector to iterate over
      # indices to be fixed cause NA
      NAs <- rep(FALSE, nobs)
      NAs[indices.to.fix] <- is.na(data.to.model[indices.to.fix])
      considered.missing[[var.id]][["NA"]] <- which(NAs)

      # indices to be fixed cause given consider as missing values
      # the case of whole.period.missing.only = FALSE
      if(!is.null(consider.as.missing) & !whole.period.missing.only){
        for(i in consider.as.missing){
          ZEROs <- rep(FALSE, nobs)
          ZEROs[indices.to.fix] <- data.to.model[indices.to.fix] %in% i
          ZEROs[is.na(ZEROs)] <- FALSE
          considered.missing[[var.id]][[as.character(i)]] <- which(ZEROs)
          data.to.model[considered.missing[[var.id]][[as.character(i)]]] <- NA
          NAs <- NAs | ZEROs
      # the case of whole.period.missing.only = TRUE
      if(!is.null(consider.as.missing) & whole.period.missing.only){
        for(i in consider.as.missing){
          day.by.day.matrix <- matrix(data.to.model %in% i, nrow = S[1],
                                      byrow = F)
          whole.period.missings <- which(apply(day.by.day.matrix, 2, all))
          whole.period.indices <- which(col(day.by.day.matrix) %in%
          ZEROs <- rep(FALSE, nobs)
          ZEROs[intersect(whole.period.indices, indices.to.fix)] <- TRUE
          considered.missing[[var.id]][[as.character(i)]] <- which(ZEROs)
          data.to.model[considered.missing[[var.id]][[as.character(i)]]] <- NA
          NAs <- NAs | ZEROs

      # run the robust decomposition
      if(any(tau %in% c(0.5, "mean"))){
        data_decomposed <- do.call(tsrobprep::robust_decompose, c(
          list(x = data.to.model, S = S, extreg = extreg.to.model),

        # remove constant components
        data_decomposed$components <-
          data_decomposed$components[,apply(data_decomposed$components, 2,
                                            stats::var, na.rm=TRUE) != 0, drop = F]

      # get the number of taus
      tau.len <- length(tau)

      # define the output for replaced values
      df.new <- Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow = nobs, ncol = tau.len)

      #if no NAs, no procedure
          #create vector to iterate over in such a manner that in bigger gaps
          # the algorithm goes alternately "from left" and "from right"
          iter <- numeric(0)
          gaps <- numeric(0)
          max.counter <- sum(NAs)
          counter <- which.min(NAs) - 1
          na.in.tail <- which.min(NAs[nobs:1]) - 1
          gap_number <- 1
          # if NA in tail, go simply from left to right
            iter[max.counter + (-na.in.tail+1):0] <- nobs + (-na.in.tail+1):0
            gaps[max.counter + (-na.in.tail+1):0] <-
              gap_number + seq_along(nobs + (-na.in.tail+1):0) - 1
            gap_number <- gap_number + length(nobs + (-na.in.tail+1):0)
            max.counter <- max.counter - na.in.tail
          # if NA in front, go from right to the left
            iter[1:counter] <- counter:1
            new.NAs <- NAs[-(1:counter)]
            gaps[1:counter] <- gap_number + seq_along(counter:1) - 1
            gap_number <- gap_number + length(counter:1)
          } else new.NAs <- NAs
          iter.len <- counter
          # now if any longer gaps appear in the middle of the data set, model
          # alternately "from left" and "from right"
          while(iter.len < max.counter){
            new.start <- which.max(new.NAs)-1
            counter <- counter + new.start
            new.NAs <- new.NAs[-(1:new.start)]
            items.num <- which.min(new.NAs)-1
            # if less than 3 elements in the gap, no point of doing it
            if(items.num < 3){
              iter[(iter.len+1):(iter.len+items.num)] <-
              gaps[(iter.len+1):(iter.len+items.num)] <-
                gap_number + seq_along((counter+1):(counter+items.num)) - 1
              gap_number <- gap_number + length((counter+1):(counter+items.num))
            } else{
              new.it <- numeric(0)
              forw <- (counter+1):(counter+items.num)
              backw <- (counter+items.num):(counter+1)
              new.it[seq(1, 2*items.num, by = 2)] <- forw
              new.it[seq(2, 2*items.num, by = 2)] <- backw
              iter[(iter.len+1):(iter.len+items.num)] <- new.it[1:items.num]
              gaps[(iter.len+1):(iter.len+items.num)] <- gap_number
              gap_number <- gap_number+1
            new.NAs <- new.NAs[-(1:items.num)]
            counter <- counter + items.num
            iter.len <- iter.len + items.num
          lags.to.replace <- c(0, lags_new)
        } else{
          iter <- which(NAs)
          gaps <- iter

        # derive the IC penalty factor
          ICpen <- 2*log(log(sum(!NAs)))
        } else if (ICpen=="AIC") {
          ICpen <- 2
        } else if (ICpen=="BIC"){
          ICpen <- log(sum(!NAs))

        # iterating over the missing points and interpolating them
        for(tau.no in seq_len(tau.len)){

          if(tau[tau.no] %in% c(0.5, "mean")){
            # subtract the fit of the decomposition
            data.to.model.temp <- data.to.model - data_decomposed$fit
          } else data.to.model.temp <- data.to.model

          #lag the data
          X <- sapply(lags_new, get.lagged, Z = data.to.model.temp)
          colnames(X) <- paste0("lag_", lags_new)

          # cbind all variables
          df.orig <- cbind(y = data.to.model.temp, intercept = 1)
          if(tau[tau.no] %in% c(0.5, "mean")){
              df.orig <- cbind(df.orig, data_decomposed$components)
          } else df.orig <- cbind(df.orig, extreg.to.model)
          df.orig <- cbind(df.orig, X)
          reg_num <- dim(df.orig)[2]

          # get the non-na observations
          act_ind <- !is.na(df.orig[,1])

          # define the learning data frame
          df.learn <- df.orig[act_ind, ]

          # define weights
          if(tau[tau.no] %in% c(0.5, "mean")){
            df_weights_orig <- data_decomposed$weights[act_ind]

          ### TODO Change static threshold to dynamic threshold
          # if any of the regressors is NA more often than in thr*100% cases then we
          # exclude it from the df.learn
          thr <- 0.5
          bad.regressors <- apply(is.na(df.learn), 2, mean) <= thr
          df.learn <- df.learn[, bad.regressors]
          act_ind <- !apply(is.na(df.learn),1, any)
          df.learn <- df.learn[act_ind ,, drop = FALSE]
          if(tau[tau.no] %in% c(0.5, "mean")){
            df_weights <- df_weights_orig[act_ind]

          # if too little observations, lower the threshold
            df.learn <- df.orig[which( !is.na(df.orig[,1])) ,]
            thr <- pmax(thr - 0.05,0)
            bad.regressors <- apply(is.na(df.learn), 2, mean) <= thr
            df.learn <- df.learn[, bad.regressors]
            act_ind <- !apply(is.na(df.learn),1, any)
            df.learn <- df.learn[act_ind ,, drop = FALSE]
            if(tau[tau.no] %in% c(0.5, "mean")){
              df_weights <- df_weights_orig[act_ind]
          df.orig <- df.orig[,bad.regressors]
          lags_used <- lags.to.replace[c(TRUE, bad.regressors[(reg_num+1-lag_len):reg_num])]
          reg_num <- dim(df.orig)[2]
          # TODO better
          if(thr < 0.5) warning(paste0("The regression matrix consists of many NAs.",
                                       " The replacement may be inaccurate."))

          # copy of df.orig
          df.orig.copy <- df.orig

          # defining the list of models
          models <- list()
          # and columns to remove in case of singularities
          cols.to.remove <- list()

          for(i.gap in unique(gaps)){
            missing.indices <- sort(iter[gaps == i.gap])

            runs <- ifelse(length(missing.indices)>1, 2, 1)

            val <- matrix(nrow = length(missing.indices), ncol = runs)

            for(i.run in seq_len(runs)){
              indices.temp <- sort(
                missing.indices, decreasing = as.logical((i.run-1)%%2))
              if(runs>1 & debias==TRUE) indices.temp[length(indices.temp)+1] <-
                  indices.temp[length(indices.temp)] + (-1)^(i.run-1)
              df.temp <- df.orig.copy

              for(i.miss in seq_along(indices.temp)){
                missing.index <- indices.temp[i.miss]
                # cat(i.miss/length(iter), "\r")

                # choose the data to be used for modelling
                test.data <- df.temp[missing.index,-1]
                if(runs>1 & debias==TRUE){
                  lag.ind <- (reg_num + 1 - lag_len):reg_num -1
                    (i.run-1)*length(lag.ind)/2+1):(i.run*length(lag.ind)/2)]] <-
                # check which regressors are available
                test <- !is.na(test.data)
                # convert the test to string
                test.str <- paste(as.numeric(test), collapse="")

                # if no such model was estimated so far, estimate a new one
                # else - use already estimated coefficients
                  # in the case of tau = NULL, use weighted lasso
                  if(tau[1] == "mean"){
                    # if constant, just skip the modelling part
                    if(all(df.learn[,1] == df.learn[1,1])){
                      models[[test.str]] <- "const"
                    } else {
                      # fit the lasso model with n = 100 lambdas
                      model <- glmnet::glmnet(
                        x = as.matrix(df.learn[,-1][,test]), y = df.learn[,1],
                        weights = df_weights, ...)

                      # choose the best model IC-based
                      RSS <- (1 - model$dev.ratio) * model$nulldev
                      IC <- log(RSS) + model$df * ICpen / model$nobs
                      idsel <- which.min(IC)

                      # save the coefficients
                      models[[test.str]] <- model$beta[, idsel]
                      models[[test.str]][1] <- model$a0[idsel]

                  } else { # otherwise, use quantile regression
                    # make warnings count as errors, for a while
                    op <- options(warn=2)
                    # try to fit the model and in case of singular design warning
                    # the model will be estimated using less number of regressors
                    models[[test.str]] <- try({quantreg::rq.fit.fnb(
                      x = as.matrix(df.learn[,-1][,test]), y = df.learn[,1],
                      tau = tau[tau.no], ...)$coefficients}, silent = TRUE)
                    # if error and singular design, delete regressors until no
                    # singular design
                    while(class(models[[test.str]]) == "try-error"){
                      error_type <- attr(models[[test.str]],"condition")
                      if(! grepl(pattern = "singular design",
                                 x = error_type$message)) stop(error_type)
                      op <- options(warn=1)
                      # save the columns to be removed
                        cols.to.remove[[test.str]] <- which.max(rowSums((abs(
                          svd(df.learn[,test])$v) < .Machine$double.eps) + 0))
                      } else cols.to.remove[[test.str]] <-
                          (1:ncol(df.learn[,test]))[ -cols.to.remove[[test.str]]][
                              , - cols.to.remove[[test.str]]])$v) <
                                .Machine$double.eps) + 0))])
                      # try again to fit the model
                      op <- options(warn=2)
                      models[[test.str]] <- try({quantreg::rq.fit.fnb(
                        x = as.matrix(df.learn[,-1][,test][
                          , - cols.to.remove[[test.str]]]), y = df.learn[,1],
                        tau = tau[tau.no], ...)$coefficients}, silent = TRUE)
                    # make warnings count as warnings again
                    op <- options(warn=1)
                # if constant and lasso, use simply the constant val
                if(models[[test.str]][1] == 'const' & tau[1] == 'mean'){
                  val[match(missing.index, missing.indices), i.run] <-
                } else{
                  # if no singularities, just calculate the replacement value
                    val[match(missing.index, missing.indices), i.run] <-
                      as.numeric(test.data[test] %*% models[[test.str]])
                  } else{ # otherwise, raise a warning additionally
                      "To avoid singular matrix design in regression ",
                      "matrix relevant regressors were removed"))
                    val[match(missing.index, missing.indices), i.run] <-
                        - cols.to.remove[[test.str]]] %*%

                  if.in.df <- missing.index+lags_used < dim(df.temp)[1] &
                    missing.index+lags_used > 0
                                c(1, (reg_num + 1 - length(lags_used)+1
                  ] <- val[match(missing.index, missing.indices), i.run]

                if(runs>1 & i.miss == length(indices.temp) & debias==TRUE){
                  val.temp <- as.numeric(test.data[test] %*% models[[test.str]])
                  true.temp <- df.orig.copy[missing.index,1]
                           decreasing = as.logical((i.run-1)%%2)),i.run] <-
                             decreasing = as.logical((i.run-1)%%2)),i.run] -
                    seq.int(1, dim(val)[1])/dim(val)[1]*(val.temp-true.temp)

            if(runs == 2){
              val_weight <- seq(1/dim(val)[1], 1 - 1/dim(val)[1],
                                length.out = dim(val)[1])
              val <- val[,1]*(1-val_weight)+val[,2]*val_weight

            if(tau[tau.no] %in% c(0.5, "mean")){
              fit <- data_decomposed$fit[missing.indices]
            } else fit <- 0
            df.new[missing.indices, tau.no] <-
              round(pmin(pmax(val + fit, min.val),max.val), digits)
            # if replacing recursively, one must also replace the values
            # in the regressors
            for(i.miss in seq_along(missing.indices)){
              missing.index <- missing.indices[i.miss]
                if.in.df <- missing.index+lags_used < dim(df.new)[1] &
                  missing.index+lags_used > 0
                                   c(1, (reg_num + 1 - length(lags_used)+1
                ] <- as.numeric(val)[i.miss]


        models.no[[var.id]] <- length(models)
        # sort the quantiles in case the values are not increasing
        if(tau.len > 1){
          df.new <- Matrix::Matrix(t(apply(df.new, 1, sort, decreasing = FALSE)))
        replaced.values[[var.id]] <- df.new

    result <- list(
      original.data = data.original, replaced.indices =  considered.missing,
      tau = tau, replaced.values = replaced.values, estimated.models = models.no
    class(result) <- "tsrobprep"

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tsrobprep documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:09 p.m.