
Defines functions cost.err cost.trnd opt.trnd cost.ses opt.ses fun.ses cost.sfit fun.sfit opt.sfit theta.thief print.theta summary.theta plot.theta forecast.theta theta

Documented in forecast.theta plot.theta theta theta.thief

#' Theta method
#' Estimate Theta method.
#' @param y input time series. Can be \code{ts} object.
#' @param m seasonal period. If \code{y} is a \code{ts} object then the default is its frequency.
#' @param sign.level significance level for trend and seasonality tests.
#' @param cost0 cost function of theta0 line. Can be:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"MSE"}: mean squared error.
#' \item \code{"MdSE"}: median squared error.
#' \item \code{"MAE"}: mean absolute error.
#' \item \code{"MdAE"}: median absolute error.
#' }
#' @param cost2 cost function of theta2 line. Same options as \code{cost0}.
#' @param costs cost function of seasonal element. Same options as \code{cost0}.
#' @param multiplicative type of seasonal decomposition. This can be \code{"multiplicative"}, \code{"additive"} or \code{"auto"}. If \code{y} contains non-positive values then this is forced to \code{"additive"}.
#' @param cma input precalculated level/trend for the analysis. Use \code{NULL} to estimate internally.
#' @param outliers provide vector of location of observations that are considered outliers (see \code{\link{residout}}). These will be considered in the estimation of theta0. For no outliers use \code{NULL}.
#' @return An object of class \code{theta}, containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"method"}: "Theta".
#' \item \code{"y"}: the input time series.
#' \item \code{"m"}: seasonal periods.
#' \item \code{"exist"}: Statistical testing results, \code{exist[1]} is the result for trend, \code{exist[2]} is for season.
#' \item \code{"multiplicative"}: If \code{TRUE}, then seasonality is modelled multiplicatively.
#' \item \code{"theta0"}: fitted theta0 line values.
#' \item \code{"theta2"}: fitted theta2 line values.
#' \item \code{"season"}: fitted season values.
#' \item \code{"x.out"}: modelled outliers.
#' \item \code{"cost"}: cost functions for theta0, theta2 and season components.
#' \item \code{"a"}: SES parameters of theta2.
#' \item \code{"b"}: regression parameters of theta0.
#' \item \code{"p"}: coefficients of outliers from theta0 and theta2 estimation.
#' \item \code{"g"}: pure seasonal exponential smoothing parameters.
#' \item \code{"fitted"}: fitted values.
#' \item \code{"residuals"}: in-sample residuals.
#' \item \code{"MSE"}: in-sample Mean Squared Error.
#' }
#' @details This implementation of the Theta method tests automatically for seasonality and trend. Seasonal decomposition can be done either additively or multiplicatively and the seasonality is treated as a pure seasonal model. The various Theta components can be optimised using different cost functions. The originally proposed Theta method always assumed multiplicative seasonality and presence of trend, while all theta lines were optimised using MSE and seasonality was estimated using classical decomposition.
#' @author Nikolaos Kourentzes, \email{nikolaos@kourentzes.com}.
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item The original Theta method was proposed by: Assimakopoulos, V., & Nikolopoulos, K. (2000). The theta model: a decomposition approach to forecasting. International journal of forecasting, 16(4), 521-530. See details in how the implementation here differs.
#' \item The THieF forecasting methodology used for \code{theta.thief} is proposed by: Athanasopoulos, G., Hyndman, R. J., Kourentzes, N., & Petropoulos, F. (2017). Forecasting with temporal hierarchies. European Journal of Operational Research, 262(1), 60-74.
#' }
#' @keywords ts
#' @examples
#' fit <- theta(referrals)
#' plot(fit)
#' @export theta

theta <- function(y,m=NULL,sign.level=0.05,

  # Defaults
  cost0 <- match.arg(cost0,c("MSE","MdSE","MAE","MdAE"))
  cost2 <- match.arg(cost2,c("MSE","MdSE","MAE","MdAE"))
  costs <- match.arg(costs,c("MSE","MdSE","MAE","MdAE"))
  multiplicative <- match.arg(multiplicative,c("multiplicative","additive","auto"))

  n <- length(y)

  # Get m (seasonality)
  if (is.null(m)){
    if (any(class(y) == "ts")){
      m <- frequency(y)
    } else {
      stop("Seasonality not defined (y not ts object).")

  # Check decomposition type
  if (multiplicative == "auto"){
    multiplicative <- mseastest(y,m)$is.multiplicative

  if (multiplicative == "multiplicative"){
    multiplicative <- TRUE
  } else {
    multiplicative <- FALSE

  # Check if CMA is given
  if (!is.null(cma)){
    if (n != length(cma)){
      stop("Length of series and cma do not match.")
  } else {
    # Calculate CMA
    cma <- cmav(y,ma=m,outplot=0,fast=TRUE)

  # Test for trend
  trend.exist <- coxstuart(cma)$p.value <= sign.level/2

  # Get seasonal matrix and test for seasonality
  if (m>1 && (length(y)/m)>=2){
    k <- m - (n %% m)
    if (multiplicative == TRUE){
      ynt <- y / cma
    } else {
      ynt <- y - cma
    k <- m - (n %% m)
    if (k == m){k <- 0}
    ynt <- c(as.vector(ynt),rep(NA,times=k))
    ns <- length(ynt)/m
    ynt <- matrix(ynt,nrow=ns,ncol=m,byrow=TRUE)
    if (diff(range(colSums(ynt,na.rm=TRUE))) <= .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5){
        season.exist <- FALSE
    } else {
        season.exist <- friedman.test(ynt)$p.value <= sign.level
  } else {
    season.exist <- FALSE

  # If seasonality exist then decompose
  if (season.exist == TRUE){
    # y.des <- y/rep(ynt,ceiling(n/m)+1)[1:n]
    y.des <- cma
  } else {
    y.des <- y

  # Create theta lines

  # Include in theta0 outliers if any provided
  if (is.null(outliers)){
    X.out <- NULL
    n.out <- 0
  } else {
    n.out <- length(outliers)
#     X.out <- array(0,c(n,n.out))
#     X.out[outliers+n*(0:(n.out-1))] <- 1
    # Through the MA the outlier is spread across m observations, create dummies to account for that
    m.half <- floor((m + (m+1) %% 2)/2)
    X.out <- array(0,c(n,n.out))
    for (i in 1:n.out){
      X.out[max(1,outliers[i]-m.half):min(n,outliers[i]+m.half),i] <- 1
  # Include trend component in theta0
  if (trend.exist == TRUE){
    X.trend <- matrix(c(1:n), nrow=n, ncol=1)
  } else {
    X.trend <- NULL
  X <- cbind(matrix(1,nrow=n,ncol=1),X.trend,X.out)

#   if (trend.exist == TRUE || !is.null(outliers)){
  if ((n.out + trend.exist)>=1){
    b0 <- solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%y.des # Initialise theta0 parameters
    b <- opt.trnd(y.des,X,cost0,b0)      # Optimise theta0
  } else {
    # If no trend then theta0 is just a mean
    b <- mean(y.des)

  # Create theta0 line without outliers
  # 0*y.des To take ts object properties
  theta0 <- X[,1:(1+trend.exist)]%*%matrix(b[1:(1+trend.exist)],ncol=1) + 0*y.des

  # Estimate SES
  theta2 <- 2*y.des - theta0              # Construct theta2
  a0 <- rbind(0.1,theta2[1],rep(0,n.out)) # Initialise theta2 parameters
  a <- opt.ses(theta2,cost2,a0,2,X.out)   # Optimise theta2

  # In-sample fit
  in.theta0 <- theta0
  in.theta2 <- fun.ses(theta2,a,X.out)$ins
  if (!is.null(X.out)){
    # Remove outlier from fit - the complete outlier will be modelled afterwards
    in.theta2 <- in.theta2 - X.out %*% matrix(a[3:(2+n.out)])
  in.fit <- (in.theta0 + in.theta2)/2

  # Separate theta0 and theta2 parameters into a, b and outliers (p[,1:2])
  if (n.out > 0){
    p <- matrix(b[(2+trend.exist):(1+trend.exist+n.out)],nrow=n.out)
    p <- cbind(p,a[3:(2+n.out)])
    colnames(p) <- c('Theta0','Theta2')
  } else {
    p <- NULL
  if (trend.exist == FALSE){
    b <- rbind(b[1], 0)
  } else {
    b <- b[1:2]
  b <- matrix(b,ncol=1)
  a <- matrix(a[1:2],ncol=1)

  # Reseasonalise
  if (season.exist == TRUE){
    # Seasonality is modelled with a pure seasonal smoothing
    sout <- opt.sfit(ynt,costs,n,m,y,in.fit,multiplicative,outliers)
    season <- sout$season
    g <- sout$g
    if (n.out > 0){
      p <- cbind(p,matrix(sout$p,ncol=1,dimnames=list(NULL,'Season')))
    # sout$in.season includes the outlier
    if (multiplicative == TRUE){
      in.fit <- in.fit * sout$in.season
    } else {
      in.fit <- in.fit + sout$in.season
  } else {
    g <- NULL
    season <- NULL

  # Prepare output
  exist <- rbind(trend.exist,season.exist)
  rownames(exist) <- c("Trend","Season")
  rownames(a) <- c("Alpha","Initial level")
  rownames(b) <- c("Intercept","Slope")
  if (season.exist==TRUE){
    g <- matrix(g,nrow=1,ncol=m+1)
    colnames(g) <- c("Gamma",paste("s",1:m,sep=""))
  costf <- rbind(cost0,cost2,costs)
  rownames(costf) <- c("Theta0","Theta2","Seasonal")
  if (any(class(y) == "ts")){
    in.fit <- ts(in.fit,frequency=m,end=end(y))
    theta0 <- ts(theta0,frequency=m,end=end(y))
    theta2 <- ts(theta2,frequency=m,end=end(y))



#' @rdname theta
#' @title forecast.theta
#' @description Forecast with fitted Theta method.
#' @param object object of class \code{theta}.
#' @param h forecast horizon. If \code{h} is \code{NULL}, then the horizon is set equal to the the seasonal frequency.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to functions.
#' @importFrom forecast forecast
#' @examples
#' forecast.theta(fit,h=12) # Or simply use forecast(fit)
#' @export
#' @export forecast.theta

forecast.theta <- function(object,h=NULL,...){
    # Produce forecasts with Theta

    a <- object$a
    b <- object$b
    p <- object$p
    m <- object$m
    n <- length(object$y)
    X.out <- object$x.out
    theta2 <- object$theta2
    y <- object$y

    if (is.null(h)){
        h <- m

    # Forecast theta line
    frc.theta0 <- b[1] + b[2]*((n+1):(n+h))
    if (!is.null(X.out)){
        #### This is added because this is not defined anywhere in this function! ####
        n.out <- length(X.out)
        a.frc <- rbind(a,array(p[,2],c(n.out,1)))
    } else {
        a.frc <- a
    frc.theta2 <- fun.ses(theta2,a.frc,X.out)$outs * rep(1,h)
    frc <- (frc.theta0 + frc.theta2)/2

    # Include seasonality
    if (object$exist[2] == TRUE){
        season <- rep(object$season, h %/% m + 1)[1:h]
        if (object$multiplicative == TRUE){
            frc <- frc * season
        } else {
            frc <- frc + season
    } else {
        season <- NULL

    # Convert to ts
    if (any(class(y) == "ts")){
        fstart <- tsp(y)[2] + deltat(y)
        frc <- ts(frc,start=fstart,frequency=m)
        frc.theta0 <- ts(frc.theta0,start=fstart,frequency=m)
        frc.theta2 <- ts(frc.theta2,start=fstart,frequency=m)



#' @rdname theta
#' @title plot.theta
#' @description Produce a plot of the fitted Theta method.
#' @param x object of class \code{theta}.
#' @param thetalines if \code{TRUE}, then theta lines are included in the plot.
#' @export
#' @method plot theta

plot.theta <- function(x,thetalines=c(TRUE,FALSE),...){
    # Produce in-sample fit plot

    thetalines = thetalines[1]
    is.ts <- any(class(x$y) == "ts")

    # Default limits of plot
    yy <- range(c(x$y,x$fitted,x$theta0,x$theta2))
    yy <- yy+c(-1,1)*0.04*diff(yy)
    if (is.ts){
        xx <- time(x$y)[c(1,length(x$y))]
    } else {
        xx <- 1:length(x$y)

    # Allow user to override plot defaults
    args <- list(...)
    if (!("main" %in% names(args))){
        args$main <- "Theta method"
    if (!("xlab" %in% names(args))){
        args$xlab <- "Time"
    if (!("ylab" %in% names(args))){
        args$ylab <- ""
    if (!("xlim" %in% names(args))){
        args$xlim <- xx
    if (!("ylim" %in% names(args))){
        args$ylim <- yy
    # Remaining defaults
    args$x <- args$y <- NA
    # Use do.call to use manipulated ellipsis (...)
    # Plot the rest
    if (thetalines == TRUE){
        lines(x$theta0, col="red")
        lines(x$theta2, col="forestgreen")


#' @export
#' @method summary theta
summary.theta <- function(object,...){

#' @export
#' @method print theta
print.theta <- function(x,...){

    if (all(x$exist == FALSE)){
        mdl <- ""
    } else {
        mdl <- "("
        if (x$exist[1]){
            mdl <- paste0(mdl,"trend")
        if (all(x$exist)){
            mdl <- paste0(mdl,",")
        if (x$exist[2]){
            if (x$multiplicative){
                stp <- "multiplicative "
            } else {
                stp <- "additive "
            mdl <- paste0(mdl,stp,"season (",x$m,")")
        mdl <- paste0(mdl,")")

    writeLines(paste("Theta method",mdl))
    writeLines(paste("    Theta 0, intercept =",round(x$b[1],3)))
    if (x$exist[1]){
        writeLines(paste("    Theta 0, slope     =",round(x$b[2],3)))
    writeLines(paste("    Theta 2, alpha     =",round(x$a[1],3)))
    if (x$exist[2]){
        writeLines(paste("    Season, gamma      =",round(x$g[1],3)))
    writeLines("Initial states:")
    writeLines(paste("    Theta 2            =",round(x$a[2],3)))
    if (x$exist[2]){
        writeLines(paste("    Season             =",
                         paste(round(x$g[2:(x$m+1)],3),collapse=", ")))
    writeLines(paste0("RMSE: ",round(sqrt(x$MSE),3)))


#' @describeIn theta Wrapper function to use Theta with \code{\link[thief]{thief}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(thief)
#' thief(referrals,forecastfunction=theta.thief)
#' }
#' @export theta.thief
theta.thief <- function(y,h=NULL,...){

    # Remove level input from ellipsis
    ellipsis.args <- list(...)
    ellipsis.args$level <- NULL
    ellipsis.args$y <- y

    # Fit network
    fit <- do.call(theta,ellipsis.args)

    # Default h
    if (is.null(h)){
        h <- frequency(y)

    # Forecast
    out <- forecast(fit,h)



opt.sfit <- function(ynt,costs,n,m,y,in.fit,multiplicative,outliers){
  # Optimise pure seasonal model and predict out-of-sample seasonality
  if (is.null(outliers)){
    g0 <- c(0.001,colMeans(ynt,na.rm=TRUE))       # Initialise seasonal model
    season.sample <- matrix(t(ynt),ncol=1)        # Transform back to vector
    season.sample <- season.sample[!is.na(season.sample)]
    X.out <- NULL
    n.out <- 0
  } else {
    n.out <- length(outliers)
    g0 <- c(0.001,colMeans(ynt,na.rm=TRUE),rep(0,n.out))       # Initialise seasonal model
    if (multiplicative == TRUE){
      season.sample <- as.numeric(y / in.fit)
    } else {
      season.sample <- as.numeric(y - in.fit)
    X.out <- array(0,c(n,n.out))
    X.out[outliers+n*(0:(n.out-1))] <- 1
  opt <- optim(par=g0, cost.sfit, method = "Nelder-Mead", season.sample=season.sample,
               cost=costs, n=n, m=m, X.out = X.out, control = list(maxit = 2000))
  g <- opt$par
  sfit <- fun.sfit(season.sample,g,n,m,X.out)
  out.season <- sfit$outs
  in.season <- sfit$ins
  # Size of outliers
  if (n.out > 0){
    p <- g[(m+2):(m+1+n.out)]
  } else {
    p <- NULL

fun.sfit <- function(season.sample,g,n,m,X.out){
  # Fit pure seasonal model
  s.init <- g[2:(m+1)]
  season.fit <- c(s.init,rep(NA,n))
  for (i in 1:n){
    season.fit[i+m] <- season.fit[i] + g[1]*(season.sample[i] - season.fit[i])
  if (!is.null(X.out)){
    n.out <- length(X.out[1,])
    g.out <- matrix(g[(m+2):(m+1+n.out)],ncol=1)
    X.out <- rbind(X.out, array(0,c(m,n.out)))
    season.fit <- season.fit + X.out %*% g.out

cost.sfit <- function(g,season.sample,cost,n,m,X.out){
  # Cost function of pure seasonal model
  err <- season.sample-fun.sfit(season.sample,g,n,m,X.out)$ins
  err <- cost.err(err,cost,NULL)
  if (g[1]<0 | g[1]>1){
    err <- 9*10^99

fun.ses <- function(line,a,X.out=NULL){
  # Fit SES model on theta line
  n <- length(line)
  ses <- matrix(NA,nrow=n+1,ncol=1)
  ses[1] <- a[2]
  for (i in 2:(n+1)){
    ses[i] <- a[1]*line[i-1] + (1-a[1])*ses[i-1]
  # If X.out is !null then model outliers
  if (!is.null(X.out)){
    n.out <- length(X.out[1,])
    a.out <- matrix(a[3:(n.out+2)],ncol=1)
    X.out <- rbind(X.out, array(0,c(1,n.out)))
    ses <- ses + X.out %*% a.out

opt.ses <- function(line,cost,a0,theta,X.out=NULL){
  # Optimise SES on theta
  opt <- optim(par=a0, cost.ses, method = "Nelder-Mead", line=line, cost=cost,
               theta=theta, X.out=X.out, control = list(maxit = 2000))
  a <- opt$par

cost.ses <- function(a,line,cost,theta=2,X.out=NULL){
  # Cost function for SES optimisation
  err <- line-fun.ses(line,a,X.out)$ins
  err <- cost.err(err,cost,theta)
  if (!a[1]<0.99 | !a[1]>0.01){
    err <- 9*10^99

opt.trnd <- function(y,X,cost,b0){
  # Optimise theta line 0
  opt <- optim(par=b0, cost.trnd, method = "Nelder-Mead", y=y, X=X,
               cost=cost, control = list(maxit = 2000))
  b <- opt$par

cost.trnd <- function(b,y,X,cost){
  # Theta 0 cost function
  err <- y-X%*%b
  err <- cost.err(err,cost,NULL)

cost.err <- function(err,cost,theta=NULL){
  # Cost calculation
  if (cost == "MAE"){
    err <- mean(abs(err))
  if (cost == "MdAE"){
    err <- median(abs(err))
  if (cost == "MSE"){
    err <- mean((err)^2)
  if (cost == "MdSE"){
    err <- median((err)^2)
  if (cost == "MTE"){
    err <- mean(abs((err)^theta))
  if (cost == "MdTE"){
    err <- median(abs((err)^theta))

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