
Defines functions normalHist

Documented in normalHist

### Note: this is necessary to prevent Rcmd CHECK from throwing a note;
### otherwise it think these variable weren't defined yet.
# utils::globalVariables(c('distribution', '..density..',
#                          '..scaled', 'normalX', 'normalY'));

### Make a 'better' histogram using ggplot

#' normalHist
#' normalHist generates a histogram with a density curve and a normal density
#' curve.
#' @param vector A numeric vector.
#' @param histColor The colour to use for the histogram.
#' @param distributionColor The colour to use for the density curve.
#' @param normalColor The colour to use for the normal curve.
#' @param distributionLineSize The line size to use for the distribution
#' density curve.
#' @param normalLineSize The line size to use for the normal curve.
#' @param histAlpha Alpha value ('opaqueness', as in, versus transparency) of
#' the histogram.
#' @param xLabel Label to use on x axis.
#' @param yLabel Label to use on y axis.
#' @param normalCurve Whether to display the normal curve.
#' @param distCurve Whether to display the curve showing the distribution of
#' the observed data.
#' @param breaks The number of breaks to use (this is equal to the number of
#' bins minus one, or in other words, to the number of bars minus one).
#' @param theme The theme to use.
#' @param rug Whether to add a rug (i.e. lines at the bottom that correspond to
#' individual datapoints.
#' @param jitteredRug Whether to jitter the rug (useful for variables with
#' several datapoints sharing the same value.
#' @param rugSides This is useful when the histogram will be rotated; for
#' example, this can be set to 'r' if the histogram is rotated 270 degrees.
#' @param rugAlpha Alpha value to use for the rug. When there is a lot of
#' overlap, this can help get an idea of the number of datapoints at 'popular'
#' values.
#' @param returnPlotOnly Whether to return the usual \code{normalHist} object
#' that also contains all settings and intermediate objects, or whether to only
#' return the [ggplot2::ggplot()] plot.
#' @param x The object to print.
#' @param ... Any additional arguments are passed to the default `print` method.
#' @rdname normalHist
#' @return
#' An object, with the following elements: \item{input}{The input when the
#' function was called.} \item{intermediate}{The intermediate numbers and
#' distributions.} \item{dat}{The dataframe used to generate the plot.}
#' \item{plot}{The histogram.}
#' @author Gjalt-Jorn Peters
#' Maintainer: Gjalt-Jorn Peters <gjalt-jorn@@userfriendlyscience.com>
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples normalHist(mtcars$mpg)
#' @export
normalHist <- function(vector,
                       histColor = "#0000CC",
                       distributionColor = "#0000CC",
                       normalColor = "#00CC00",
                       distributionLineSize = 1,
                       normalLineSize = 1,
                       histAlpha = .25,
                       xLabel = NULL,
                       yLabel = NULL,
                       normalCurve = TRUE,
                       distCurve = TRUE,
                       breaks = 30,
                       rug=NULL, jitteredRug=TRUE, rugSides="b",
                       rugAlpha = .2,
                       returnPlotOnly = FALSE) {
  varName <- deparse(substitute(vector));
  vector <- stats::na.omit(vector);
  if (!is.numeric(vector)) {
    tryCatch(vector <- as.numeric(vector), error = function(e) {
      stop("The vector you supplied is not numeric; I tried to convert it, ",
           "but my attempt failed. The error I got is:\n", e);

  ### Create object to return, storing all input variables
  res <- list(input = as.list(environment()), intermediate = list(), output = list());

  res$input$sampleSize = length(vector);
  res$intermediate$distribution <- res$input$vector;

  ### Compute binwidth and scaling factor for density lines
  res$intermediate$tempBinWidth <- (max(res$input$vector) -
                                    min(res$input$vector)) / breaks;
  scalingFactor <- max(table(cut(vector, breaks=breaks)));

  if (normalCurve) {
    res$intermediate$normalX <- c(seq(min(res$input$vector), max(res$input$vector),
                                      by=(max(res$input$vector) -
                                            min(res$input$vector)) /
    res$intermediate$normalY <- stats::dnorm(res$intermediate$normalX,
    res$intermediate$normalY <- (1 / max(res$intermediate$normalY)) *
      scalingFactor *
    res$dat <- data.frame(normalX = res$intermediate$normalX,
                          normalY = res$intermediate$normalY,
                          distribution = res$intermediate$distribution);
  } else {
    res$dat <- data.frame(distribution = res$intermediate$distribution);

  ### Generate labels if these weren't specified
  if (is.null(xLabel)) {
    xLabel <- paste0('Value of ', extractVarName(varName));
  if (is.null(yLabel)) {
    yLabel <- "Frequency";

  ### Plot distribution
  res$plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=res$dat,
                              ggplot2::aes_string(x='distribution')) +
    ggplot2::xlab(xLabel) +
    ggplot2::ylab(yLabel) +
    ggplot2::geom_histogram(color=NA, fill=histColor, na.rm = TRUE,
                            alpha=histAlpha, binwidth=res$intermediate$tempBinWidth);
  if (distCurve) {
    res$plot <- res$plot +
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_q(y=bquote(..scaled.. * .(scalingFactor))),
                         stat = 'density',
                         color=distributionColor, size=distributionLineSize,
                         na.rm = TRUE);
  if (normalCurve) {
    res$plot <- res$plot +
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(x='normalX', y='normalY'),
                         color=normalColor, size=normalLineSize,
                         na.rm = TRUE);
  res$plot <- res$plot + theme;

  if (is.null(rug)) {
    if (nrow(res$dat) < 1000) {
      rug <- TRUE;
    } else {
      rug <- FALSE;

  if (rug) {
    if (jitteredRug) {
      res$plot <- res$plot +
        ggplot2::geom_rug(color=distributionColor, sides=rugSides,
                          ggplot2::aes(y=0), position="jitter",
                          na.rm = TRUE);
    } else {
      res$plot <- res$plot +
        ggplot2::geom_rug(color=distributionColor, sides=rugSides,
                          na.rm = TRUE);

  if (!is.null(res$input$xLabel) && is.logical(res$input$xLabel) &&
      !(res$input$xLabel)) {
    res$plot <- res$plot +
      ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank());
  if (!is.null(res$input$yLabel) && is.logical(res$input$yLabel) &&
      !(res$input$yLabel)) {
    res$plot <- res$plot +
      ggplot2::theme(axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank());

  if (returnPlotOnly) {
  } else {
    ### Set class and return result
    class(res) <- "normalHist";

#' @method print normalHist
#' @rdname normalHist
#' @export
print.normalHist <- function(x, ...) {
  print(x$plot, ...);

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