oracle_plot: Construct an oracle plot from the output of 'oracle_joint'.

View source: R/oracle.R

oracle_plotR Documentation

Construct an oracle plot from the output of oracle_joint.


After obtaining the joint distribution of the true genotype with the estimated genotype from the oracle estimator using oracle_joint, you can use oracle_plot to visualize this joint distribution.





A matrix containing the joint distribution of the true genotype and the oracle estimator. Usually, this is obtained by a call from oracle_joint.


A ggplot object containing the oracle plot. The x-axis indexes the possible values of the estimated genotype. The y-axis indexes the possible values of the true genotype. The number in cell (i, j) is the probability that an individual will have true genotype i but is estimated to have genotype j. This is when using an oracle estimator. The cells are also color-coded by the size of the probability in each cell. At the top are listed the oracle misclassification error rate and the correlation of the true genotype with the estimated genotype. Both of these quantities may be derived from the joint distribution.


David Gerard


  • Gerard, D., Ferrão, L. F. V., Garcia, A. A. F., & Stephens, M. (2018). Genotyping Polyploids from Messy Sequencing Data. Genetics, 210(3), 789-807. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1534/genetics.118.301468")}.

See Also

oracle_joint for obtaining jd.


ploidy <- 6
dist <- stats::dbinom(0:ploidy, ploidy, 0.75)
jd <- oracle_joint(n = 100, ploidy = ploidy, seq = 0.001,
                   bias = 0.7, od = 0.01, dist = dist)
pl <- oracle_plot(jd = jd)

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