#' Get the common names of two vectors
#' This function prints and returns the common \code{names} of two vectors. The
#' two vectors don't have to be the same length.
#' @param vec1 vector with \code{names} attribute
#' @param vec2 vector with \code{names} attribute
#' @param vector.names.str string. Used for printing, it tell us what are the
#' \code{names} of the two vectors (use plural form). Default value: "nodes".
#' @param logical. Determines if the ">" sign will be appended for nice
#' printing in an R notebook (use with the chuck option \emph{results = 'asis'}).
#' Default value: TRUE.
#' @return the character vector of the common names. If there is only one name
#' in common, the \code{vector.names.str} gets the last character stripped for
#' readability. If there is no common names, it returns FALSE.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pretty_print_vector_values}}, \code{\link{pretty_print_string}}
#' @examples
#' vec1 = c(1,1,1)
#' vec2 = c(1,2)
#' names(vec1) = c("a","b","c")
#' names(vec2) = c("c","b")
#' common.names = get_common_names(vec1, vec2)
#' @export
get_common_names = function(vec1, vec2, vector.names.str = "nodes", = TRUE) {
common.names = intersect(names(vec1), names(vec2))
if (is_empty(common.names)) {
str = paste0("No common ", vector.names.str)
pretty_print_string(str, =
else {
pretty_print_vector_values(common.names, vector.values.str = vector.names.str, =
#' Get the common values of two vectors
#' This function prints and returns the common values of two vectors. The two
#' vectors don't have to be the same length.
#' @param vec1 vector
#' @param vec2 vector
#' @param vector.values.str string. Used for printing, it tell us what are the
#' values of the two vectors (use plural form). Default value: "nodes".
#' @param logical. Determines if the ">" sign will be appended for nice
#' printing in an R notebook (use with the chuck option \emph{results = 'asis'}).
#' Default value: TRUE.
#' @return the vector of the common values. If there is only one value
#' in common, the \code{vector.values.str} gets the last character stripped for
#' readability. If there are no common values, it returns NULL.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pretty_print_vector_values}}, \code{\link{pretty_print_string}}
#' @examples
#' vec1 = c(1,2,3)
#' vec2 = c(3,4,1)
#' common.names = get_common_values(vec1, vec2)
#' @export
get_common_values = function(vec1, vec2, vector.values.str = "nodes", = TRUE) {
common.values = intersect(vec1, vec2)
if (is_empty(common.values)) {
str = paste0("No common ", vector.values.str)
pretty_print_string(str, =
else {
pretty_print_vector_values(common.values, =
#' Get stats for unique values
#' Use this function on two vectors with same \code{names} attribute (column
#' names), to find for each unique (numeric) value of the first vector, the
#' average and standard deviation values of the second vector's values (matching
#' is done by column name)
#' @param vec1 vector with \code{names} attribute
#' @param vec2 vector with \code{names} attribute
#' @return A \code{data.frame} consisting of 3 column vectors. The \code{data.frame}
#' size is \code{nx3}, where n is the number of unique values of \code{vec1} (rows).
#' The columns vectors are:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item the first input vector pruned to its unique values
#' \item a vector with the average values for each unique value of the
#' first vector (the matching is done by column name)
#' \item a vector with the standard deviation values for each unique value
#' of the first vector (the matching is done by column name)
#' }
#' @examples
#' vec1 = c(1, 2, 3, 2)
#' vec2 = c(20, 2, 2.5, 8)
#' names.vec = c(seq(1,4))
#' names(vec1) = names.vec
#' names(vec2) = names.vec
#' res = get_stats_for_unique_values(vec1, vec2)
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
get_stats_for_unique_values = function(vec1, vec2) {
stopifnot(names(vec1) == names(vec2))
vec1.sorted = sort(vec1)
vec1.sorted.unique = sort(unique(vec1))
vec2.avg.values = numeric(length = length(vec1.sorted.unique))
sd.values = numeric(length = length(vec1.sorted.unique))
index = 0
for (value in vec1.sorted.unique) {
index = index + 1
vec2.avg.values[index] = mean(vec2[
(names(vec1.sorted[vec1.sorted == value]))
sd.values[index] = sd(vec2[
(names(vec1.sorted[vec1.sorted == value]))
# In case of NA elements in sd calculation
# (one element vectors), replace with 0
sd.values[] = 0
res = cbind(vec1.sorted.unique, vec2.avg.values, sd.values)
colnames(res) = c("vec1.unique", "vec2.mean", "")
#' Get percentage of matches between two vectors
#' Use this function on two numeric vectors with the same \code{names} attribute
#' (columns) and same length, in order to find the percentage of common elements
#' (value matches between the two vectors). The same \code{names} for the two
#' vectors ensures that their values are logically matched one-to-one.
#' @param vec1 numeric vector with \code{names} attribute
#' @param vec2 numeric vector with \code{names} attribute
#' @return the percentage of common values (exact matches) between the two
#' vectors. Can only be a value between 0 (no common elements) and 1 (perfect
#' element match). Note that \emph{NaN} and \emph{NA} values are allowed in
#' the input vectors, but they will always count as a mismatch.
#' @examples
#' vec1 = c(1, 2, 3, 2)
#' vec2 = c(20, 2, 2.5, 8)
#' vec3 = c(1, 2, 333, 222)
#' names.vec = c(seq(1,4))
#' names(vec1) = names.vec
#' names(vec2) = names.vec
#' names(vec3) = names.vec
#' match.1.2 = get_percentage_of_matches(vec1, vec2)
#' match.1.3 = get_percentage_of_matches(vec1, vec3)
#' @export
get_percentage_of_matches = function(vec1, vec2) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(vec1) && is.numeric(vec2))
stopifnot(length(vec1) == length(vec2))
stopifnot(names(vec1) == names(vec2))
total = length(vec1)
diff = vec1 - vec2
matches = sum(diff == 0, na.rm = TRUE)
matches.percentage = matches / total
#' Prune single-value columns from a data frame
#' Given a \code{data.frame} and an integer value, it checks whether there is a
#' column vector whose values match the given one. If so, it prunes that
#' single-valued column from the \code{data.frame}
#' @param df \code{data.frame}
#' @param value an integer value
#' @return the column-pruned \code{data.frame}
#' @examples
#' df = data.frame(c(0,0,0), c(0,1,0), c(1,0,0))
#' prune_columns_from_df(df, value = 0)
#' @export
prune_columns_from_df = function(df, value) {
if (length(df) == 0) return(df)
return(df[, colSums(df != value) > 0])
#' Prune single-value rows from a data frame
#' Given a \code{data.frame} and an integer value, it checks whether there is a
#' row vector whose values match the given one. If so, it prunes that
#' single-valued row from the \code{data.frame}
#' @param df \code{data.frame}
#' @param value an integer value
#' @return the row-pruned \code{data.frame}
#' @examples
#' df = data.frame(c(0,0,0), c(0,1,0), c(1,0,0))
#' prune_rows_from_df(df, value = 0)
#' @export
prune_rows_from_df = function(df, value) {
if (length(df) == 0) return(df)
return(df[rowSums(df != value) > 0, ])
#' Add vector to a (n x 2) data frame
#' Given a vector, adds each value and its corresponding name to a data frame
#' of 2 columns as new rows, where the name fills in the 1st column and the
#' value the 2nd column.
#' @param df \code{data.frame}, with n rows and 2 columns
#' @param vec a vector
#' @return a \code{data.frame} with additional rows and each element as a
#' character.
#' @examples
#' df = data.frame(c(0,0,1), c(0,0,2))
#' vec = 1:3
#' names(vec) = c("a","b","c")
#' add_vector_to_df(df, vec)
#' @export
add_vector_to_df = function(df, vec) {
stopifnot(ncol(df) == 2)
if (length(vec) == 0) return(df)
for (i in 1:length(vec)) {
value = vec[i]
name = names(vec)[i]
df = rbind(df, c(name, value))
#' Prune and reorder vector elements
#' Given two vectors, the first one's elements are pruned and reordered according
#' to the common values of the second vector and the elements' \emph{\code{names}
#' (attribute) of the first}. If there no common such values, an empty vector is
#' returned.
#' @param vec a vector with \code{names} attribute
#' @param filter.vec a character vector whose values will be used to filter the
#' \code{vec} elements
#' @return the pruned and re-arranged vector.
#' @examples
#' vec = c(1,2,3)
#' names(vec) = c("a","b","c")
#' filter.vec1 = c("a")
#' prune_and_reorder_vector(vec, filter.vec1)
#' filter.vec2 = c("c", "ert", "b")
#' prune_and_reorder_vector(vec, filter.vec2)
#' @export
prune_and_reorder_vector = function(vec, filter.vec) {
pruned.vec = vec[names(vec) %in% filter.vec]
reordered.vec = pruned.vec[order(match(names(pruned.vec), filter.vec))]
#' Get ternary class id
#' Helper function that checks if a \emph{value} surpasses the given
#' \emph{threshold} either positively, negatively or not at all and returns
#' a value indicating in which class (i.e. interval) it belongs.
#' @param value numeric
#' @param threshold numeric
#' @return an integer. There are 3 cases:
#' - \eqn{1}: when \eqn{value > threshold}
#' - \eqn{-1}: when \eqn{value < -threshold}
#' - \eqn{0}: otherwise
#' @export
get_ternary_class_id = function(value, threshold) {
if (value > threshold) return(1) # active
if (value < -threshold) return(-1) # inhibited
return(0) # no biomarker
#' Add a row to a 3-valued (ternary) \code{data.frame}
#' Use this function on a \code{data.frame} object (with values only
#' in the 3-element set \{-1,0,1\} ideally - specifying either a positive,
#' negative or none/absent condition/state/result about something) and add an
#' extra \strong{first or last row vector} with zero values, where \emph{1}
#' and \emph{-1} will be filled when the column names of the given
#' \code{data.frame} match the values in the \emph{values.pos} or
#' \emph{values.neg} vector parameters respectively.
#' @param df a \code{data.frame} object with values only in the
#' the 3-element set \{-1,0,1\}. The column names should be node names
#' (gene, protein names, etc.).
#' @param values.pos a character vector whose elements are indicators of a
#' positive state/condition and will be assigned a value of \emph{1}.
#' These elements \strong{must be a subset of the column names} of the given \code{df} parameter.
#' If empty, no values equal to \emph{1} will be added to the new row.
#' @param values.neg a character vector whose elements are indicators of a
#' negative state/condition and will be assigned a value of \emph{-1}.
#' If empty, no values equal to \emph{-1} will be added to the new row.
#' These elements \strong{must be a subset of the column names} of the given \code{df} parameter.
#' @param pos string. The position where we should put the new row that will be generated.
#' Two possible values: "first" (default) or "last".
#' @param string. The name of the new row that we will added. Default
#' value: NULL.
#' @return the \code{df} with one extra row, having elements from the \{-1,0,1\}
#' set depending on values of \code{values.pos} and \code{values.neg} vectors.
#' @examples
#' df = data.frame(c(0,-1,0), c(0,1,-1), c(1,0,0))
#' colnames(df) = c("A","B","C")
#' = add_row_to_ternary_df(df, values.pos = c("A"), values.neg = c("C"), = "Hello!")
#' @export
add_row_to_ternary_df =
function(df, values.pos, values.neg, pos = "first", = NULL) {
# some checks
stopifnot(pos %in% c("first", "last"))
col.names = colnames(df)
stopifnot(values.pos %in% col.names, values.neg %in% col.names)
# initialize a 'row' data.frame
row =, ncol = length(col.names), nrow = 1))
colnames(row) = col.names
rownames(row) =
# add 'positive' and 'negative' meta-values
row[colnames(row) %in% values.pos] = 1
row[colnames(row) %in% values.neg] = -1
if (pos == 'first')
res = rbind(row, df)
res = rbind(df, row)
#' Rearrange a list of data frames by rownames
#' @param list_df a (non-empty) list of \code{data.frame} objects. The data
#' frames must have the same \code{colnames} attribute.
#' @return a rearranged list of data frames, where the names of the elements of
#' the \code{list_df} (the 'ids' of the data frames) and the \code{rownames} of
#' the data frames have switched places: the unique row names of the original list's
#' combined data frames serve as \code{names} for the returned list of data
#' frames, while the data frame 'ids' (\code{names} of the original list's
#' elements) now serve as \code{rownames} for the data frames in the new list.
#' E.g. if in the given \code{list} there was a \code{data.frame} with id 'A':
#' \code{a = list_df[["A"]]} and \code{rownames(a) = c("row1", "row2")}, then
#' in the rearranged \code{list} there would be two data frames with ids
#' "row1" and "row2", each of them having a row with name "A" where also these
#' data rows would be the same as before: \code{list_df[["A"]]["row1", ] == returned_list[["row1"]]["A",]}
#' and \code{list_df[["A"]]["row2", ] == returned_list[["row2"]]["A",]} respectively.
#' @examples
#' df.1 = data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = 3, ncol = 3,
#' dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2", "row3"), c("C.1", "C.2", "C.3"))))
#' df.2 = data.frame(matrix(data = 1, nrow = 3, ncol = 3,
#' dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2", "row4"), c("C.1", "C.2", "C.3"))))
#' list_df = list(df.1, df.2)
#' names(list_df) = c("zeros", "ones")
#' res_list_df = ldf_arrange_by_rownames(list_df)
#' @export
ldf_arrange_by_rownames = function(list_df) {
# some checks
stopifnot(is.list(list_df), length(list_df) > 0)
stopifnot(all(sapply(list_df, function(df) { })))
column_names_mat = sapply(list_df, function(df) { colnames(df) })
stopifnot(all(duplicated(column_names_mat, MARGIN = 2)[-1])) # same column names
column_names = colnames(list_df[[1]])
unique_row_names = unique(unlist(sapply(list_df, function(df) { rownames(df) })))
# initialize `res` list
res = list()
for (row_name in unique_row_names) {
df = = NA, nrow = 0, ncol = length(column_names)))
colnames(df) = column_names
res[[row_name]] = df
# fill in `res` list
for (df_name in names(list_df)) {
df = list_df[[df_name]]
for (row_name in rownames(df)) {
res[[row_name]][df_name,] = df[row_name, ]
#' Binarize matrix to given threshold
#' Simple function that checks every element of a given matrix (or data.frame)
#' if it surpasses the given threshold either positively or negatively and it
#' outputs 1 for that element, otherwise 0.
#' @param mat a matrix or data.frame object
#' @param thres a positive numerical value
#' @return a binarized matrix (values either 0 or 1): elements that have 1
#' correspond to values of \code{mat} that they were either larger than the
#' threshold or smaller than it's negative.
#' @examples
#' mat = matrix(data = -4:4, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
#' binarize_to_thres(mat, thres = 0.5)
#' binarize_to_thres(mat, thres = 2.5)
#' @export
binarize_to_thres = function(mat, thres) {
stopifnot( | is.matrix(mat))
stopifnot(thres > 0)
apply(mat, c(1,2), function(x) {
if (x >= thres | x <= -thres) 1 else 0
#' Convert decimal number to its binary representation
#' Get the binary representation of any decimal number from 0 to (2^31) - 1.
#' Doesn't work for larger numbers.
#' @param decimal_num decimal number between 0 and (2^31) - 1
#' @param bits number of bits to keep in the result counting from the right.
#' \strong{Default value is 32}.
#' @return a binary string representation of the given decimal number.
#' @examples
#' # representing 0
#' dec_to_bin(0,1)
#' dec_to_bin(0,10)
#' dec_to_bin(0,32)
#' dec_to_bin(0)
#' # representing 24
#' dec_to_bin(24,6)
#' dec_to_bin(24,21)
#' dec_to_bin(24)
#' dec_to_bin(24,3) # note that this will cut the returned result so be careful!
#' @export
dec_to_bin = function(decimal_num, bits = 32) {
stopifnot(decimal_num >= 0, decimal_num <= 2^31 - 1)
stopifnot(bits > 0, bits <= 32)
n = paste(sapply(strsplit(paste(rev(intToBits(decimal_num))),""),`[[`,2),collapse="")
return(substr(n, nchar(n)-bits+1, nchar(n)))
#' Get partial permutation of a vector
#' @param x a vector with at least 2 elements
#' @param exp_sim a value between 0 and 1 indicating the level of \emph{expected
#' similarity} between the input and output vector. Default value is \strong{0}
#' (random permutation).
#' @return a partially (random) permutated vector. If \code{exp_sim = 0} then
#' the result is equal to \code{sample(x)} (a random permutation). If
#' \code{exp_sim = 1} then the result is always the same as the input vector.
#' For \code{exp_sim} values between \emph{0} and \emph{1} we randomly sample
#' a subset of the input vector inversely proportionate to the \code{exp_sim}
#' value (e.g. \code{exp_sim = 0.8 => 20\%} of the elements) and randomly
#' permutate these elements only.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(42)
#' partial_permut(x = LETTERS, exp_sim = 0)
#' partial_permut(x = LETTERS, exp_sim = 0.5)
#' partial_permut(x = LETTERS, exp_sim = 0.9)
#' @export
partial_permut = function(x, exp_sim = 0) {
stopifnot(length(x) > 1)
stopifnot(exp_sim >= 0, exp_sim <= 1)
indexes = which(x %in% sample(x, size = round((1 - exp_sim) * length(x))))
if (length(indexes) == 1)
permut_indexes = indexes
permut_indexes = sample(indexes)
permut_x = x
x_bk = permut_x[indexes]
permut_x[indexes] = permut_x[permut_indexes]
permut_x[permut_indexes] = x_bk
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