#' Prime Factor Decomposition (PFD)
#' \code{PFD} converts a positive integer to its prime-factor decomposition or *vice versa*
#' This function converts a vector of integers to a corresponding character vector giving the prime-factor decomposition in a condensed form.
#' The input can be a vector of integers or a 'bigz' vector containing large integers. In either case the function returns the corresponding
#' vector of the prime-factor decomposition (PFD) values, written in a condensed character form. The function also converts back from the PFD
#' form to an integer/bigz vector.
#' This function depends on the gmp package.
#' @param x An input vector/matrix/array (can be a vector of integers/bigz or PFDs)
#' @return If the input is integer/bigz then the output is the PFD; if the input is PFD then the output is integer/bigz
#' @examples
#' PFD(1:10)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(1:100, PFD(PFD(1:100))))
PFD <- function(x) {
stopifnot("PFD() depends on the `gmp` package."=requireNamespace("gmp"))
#Convert PFD to integer/bigz
if ('prime.factor.decomposition' %in% class(x)) {
#Check input
if (!is.character(x)) { stop('Input x must either be a PFD or a vector of positive integers') }
#Convert to vector
xx <- as.vector(x)
#Create output vector
n <- length(xx)
OUT <- gmp::as.bigz(integer(n))
for (i in 1:n) {
if (xx[i] == '|0|') { OUT[i] <- gmp::as.bigz(0) }
if (xx[i] == '|1|') { OUT[i] <- gmp::as.bigz(1) }
if (!(xx[i] %in% c('|0|', '|1|'))) {
TABLE <- read.table(text = gsub("\\|", "\n", xx[i]), sep = "^", col.names = c("Prime", "Multiplicity"))
PRIMES <- gmp::as.bigz(TABLE$Prime)
MULTS <- gmp::as.bigz(TABLE$Multiplicity)
OUT[i] <- prod(PRIMES^MULTS) } }
#Convert to integer vector (if able)
if (max(abs(OUT)) <= .Machine$integer.max) { OUT <- as.integer(OUT) }
#Convert to matrix/array
if (length(dim(x)) > 1) {
DIM <- dim(x)
OUT <- array(OUT, dim = DIM) } }
#Convert integer/bigz to PFD
if (!('prime.factor.decomposition' %in% class(x))) {
#Convert to bigz vector
xx <- as.vector(gmp::as.bigz(x))
#Create output vector
n <- length(xx)
OUT <- character(n)
class(OUT) <- 'prime.factor.decomposition'
for (i in 1:n) {
if (xx[i] == 0) {
OUT[i] <- '|0|'
} else {
if (xx[i] == 1) {
OUT[i] <- '|1|'
} else {
FACTORS <- gmp::factorize(xx[i])
PRIMES <- sort(unique(FACTORS))
K <- length(PRIMES)
MULTS <- integer(K)
STRING <- character(K)
for (k in 1:K) {
MULTS[k] <- sum(FACTORS == PRIMES[k])
STRING[k] <- paste0(PRIMES[k], '^', MULTS[k]) }
OUT[i] <- paste0('|', paste(STRING, collapse = '|'), '|') } } }
#Convert to matrix/array
if (length(dim(x)) > 1) {
attr(OUT, 'dim') <- dim(x) } }
#Give output
#' @rdname PFD
#' @param quote logical, indicating whether or not strings should be printed with surrounding quotes.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. <- function (x, quote = FALSE, ...) {
#Get object types
n <- length(x)
DIM <- attr(x, 'dim')
DIMLAB <- paste(DIM, collapse = ' x ')
if (n > 0) {
if (is.null(DIM)) {
cat('Prime Factor Decomposition (\'PFD\') vector of length', length(x), '\n')
print(as.character(x), quote = quote, ...) } else {
if (length(DIM) == 1) {
cat('Prime Factor Decomposition (\'PFD\') matrix of dimensions', DIMLAB, '\n')
print(array(as.character(x), dim = DIM), quote = quote, ...) }
if (length(DIM) > 1) {
cat('Prime Factor Decomposition (\'PFD\') array of dimensions', DIMLAB, '\n')
print(array(as.character(x), dim = DIM), quote = quote, ...) } }
} else {
cat('Prime Factor Decomposition (\'PFD\') with no elements\n') }
invisible(x) }
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