#' Add New Points to an Existing Embedding
#' Carry out an embedding of new data using an existing embedding. Requires
#' using the result of calling \code{\link{umap}} or \code{\link{tumap}} with
#' \code{ret_model = TRUE}.
#' Note that some settings are incompatible with the production of a UMAP model
#' via \code{\link{umap}}: external neighbor data (passed via a list to the
#' argument of the \code{nn_method} parameter), and factor columns that were
#' included in the UMAP calculation via the \code{metric} parameter. In the
#' latter case, the model produced is based only on the numeric data.
#' A transformation is possible, but factor columns in the new data are ignored.
#' @param X The new data to be transformed, either a matrix of data frame. Must
#' have the same columns in the same order as the input data used to generate
#' the \code{model}.
#' @param model Data associated with an existing embedding.
#' @param nn_method Optional pre-calculated nearest neighbor data. There are
#' two supported formats. The first is a list consisting of two elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"idx"}. A \code{n_vertices x n_neighbors} matrix where
#' \code{n_vertices} is the number of observations in \code{X}. The contents
#' of the matrix should be the integer indexes of the data used to generate
#' the \code{model}, which are the \code{n_neighbors}-nearest neighbors of
#' the data to be transformed.
#' \item \code{"dist"}. A \code{n_vertices x n_neighbors} matrix
#' containing the distances of the nearest neighbors.
#' }
#' The second supported format is a sparse distance matrix of type
#' \code{dgCMatrix}, with dimensions \code{n_model_vertices x n_vertices}.
#' where \code{n_model_vertices} is the number of observations in the original
#' data that generated the model. Distances should be arranged by column, i.e.
#' a non-zero entry in row \code{j} of the \code{i}th column indicates that
#' the \code{j}th observation in the original data used to generate the
#' \code{model} is a nearest neighbor of the \code{i}th observation in the new
#' data, with the distance given by the value of that element. In this format,
#' a different number of neighbors is allowed for each observation, i.e.
#' each column can contain a different number of non-zero values.
#' Multiple nearest neighbor data (e.g. from two different pre-calculated
#' metrics) can be passed by passing a list containing the nearest neighbor
#' data lists as items.
#' @param init_weighted If \code{TRUE}, then initialize the embedded coordinates
#' of \code{X} using a weighted average of the coordinates of the nearest
#' neighbors from the original embedding in \code{model}, where the weights
#' used are the edge weights from the UMAP smoothed knn distances. Otherwise,
#' use an un-weighted average.
#' This parameter will be deprecated and removed at version 1.0 of this
#' package. Use the \code{init} parameter as a replacement, replacing
#' \code{init_weighted = TRUE} with \code{init = "weighted"} and
#' \code{init_weighted = FALSE} with \code{init = "average"}.
#' @param search_k Number of nodes to search during the neighbor retrieval. The
#' larger k, the more the accurate results, but the longer the search takes.
#' Default is the value used in building the \code{model} is used.
#' @param tmpdir Temporary directory to store nearest neighbor indexes during
#' nearest neighbor search. Default is \code{\link{tempdir}}. The index is
#' only written to disk if \code{n_threads > 1}; otherwise, this parameter is
#' ignored.
#' @param n_epochs Number of epochs to use during the optimization of the
#' embedded coordinates. A value between \code{30 - 100} is a reasonable trade
#' off between speed and thoroughness. By default, this value is set to one
#' third the number of epochs used to build the \code{model}.
#' @param n_threads Number of threads to use, (except during stochastic gradient
#' descent). Default is half the number of concurrent threads supported by the
#' system.
#' @param n_sgd_threads Number of threads to use during stochastic gradient
#' descent. If set to > 1, then be aware that if \code{batch = FALSE}, results
#' will \emph{not} be reproducible, even if \code{set.seed} is called with a
#' fixed seed before running. Set to \code{"auto"} to use the same value as
#' \code{n_threads}.
#' @param grain_size Minimum batch size for multithreading. If the number of
#' items to process in a thread falls below this number, then no threads will
#' be used. Used in conjunction with \code{n_threads} and
#' \code{n_sgd_threads}.
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, log details to the console.
#' @param init how to initialize the transformed coordinates. One of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"weighted"} (The default). Use a weighted average of the
#' coordinates of the nearest neighbors from the original embedding in
#' \code{model}, where the weights used are the edge weights from the UMAP
#' smoothed knn distances. Equivalent to \code{init_weighted = TRUE}.
#' \item \code{"average"}. Use the mean average of the coordinates of
#' the nearest neighbors from the original embedding in \code{model}.
#' Equivalent to \code{init_weighted = FALSE}.
#' \item A matrix of user-specified input coordinates, which must have
#' dimensions the same as \code{(nrow(X), ncol(model$embedding))}.
#' }
#' This parameter should be used in preference to \code{init_weighted}.
#' @param batch If \code{TRUE}, then embedding coordinates are updated at the
#' end of each epoch rather than during the epoch. In batch mode, results are
#' reproducible with a fixed random seed even with \code{n_sgd_threads > 1},
#' at the cost of a slightly higher memory use. You may also have to modify
#' \code{learning_rate} and increase \code{n_epochs}, so whether this provides
#' a speed increase over the single-threaded optimization is likely to be
#' dataset and hardware-dependent. If \code{NULL}, the transform will use the
#' value provided in the \code{model}, if available. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param learning_rate Initial learning rate used in optimization of the
#' coordinates. This overrides the value associated with the \code{model}.
#' This should be left unspecified under most circumstances.
#' @param opt_args A list of optimizer parameters, used when
#' \code{batch = TRUE}. The default optimization method used is Adam (Kingma
#' and Ba, 2014).
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{method} The optimization method to use. Either \code{"adam"}
#' or \code{"sgd"} (stochastic gradient descent). Default: \code{"adam"}.
#' \item \code{beta1} (Adam only). The weighting parameter for the
#' exponential moving average of the first moment estimator. Effectively the
#' momentum parameter. Should be a floating point value between 0 and 1.
#' Higher values can smooth oscillatory updates in poorly-conditioned
#' situations and may allow for a larger \code{learning_rate} to be
#' specified, but too high can cause divergence. Default: \code{0.5}.
#' \item \code{beta2} (Adam only). The weighting parameter for the
#' exponential moving average of the uncentered second moment estimator.
#' Should be a floating point value between 0 and 1. Controls the degree of
#' adaptivity in the step-size. Higher values put more weight on previous
#' time steps. Default: \code{0.9}.
#' \item \code{eps} (Adam only). Intended to be a small value to prevent
#' division by zero, but in practice can also affect convergence due to its
#' interaction with \code{beta2}. Higher values reduce the effect of the
#' step-size adaptivity and bring the behavior closer to stochastic gradient
#' descent with momentum. Typical values are between 1e-8 and 1e-3. Default:
#' \code{1e-7}.
#' \item \code{alpha} The initial learning rate. Default: the value of the
#' \code{learning_rate} parameter.
#' }
#' If \code{NULL}, the transform will use the value provided in the
#' \code{model}, if available.
#' @param epoch_callback A function which will be invoked at the end of every
#' epoch. Its signature should be:
#' \code{(epoch, n_epochs, coords, fixed_coords)}, where:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{epoch} The current epoch number (between \code{1} and
#' \code{n_epochs}).
#' \item \code{n_epochs} Number of epochs to use during the optimization of
#' the embedded coordinates.
#' \item \code{coords} The embedded coordinates as of the end of the current
#' epoch, as a matrix with dimensions (N, \code{n_components}).
#' \item \code{fixed_coords} The originally embedded coordinates from the
#' \code{model}. These are fixed and do not change. A matrix with dimensions
#' (Nmodel, \code{n_components}) where \code{Nmodel} is the number of
#' observations in the original data.
#' }
#' @param ret_extra A vector indicating what extra data to return. May contain
#' any combination of the following strings:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"fgraph"} the high dimensional fuzzy graph (i.e. the fuzzy
#' simplicial set of the merged local views of the input data). The graph
#' is returned as a sparse matrix of class \link[Matrix]{dgCMatrix-class}
#' with dimensions \code{NX} x \code{Nmodel}, where \code{NX} is the number
#' of items in the data to transform in \code{X}, and \code{NModel} is
#' the number of items in the data used to build the UMAP \code{model}.
#' A non-zero entry (i, j) gives the membership strength of the edge
#' connecting the vertex representing the ith item in \code{X} to the
#' jth item in the data used to build the \code{model}. Note that the
#' graph is further sparsified by removing edges with sufficiently low
#' membership strength that they would not be sampled by the probabilistic
#' edge sampling employed for optimization and therefore the number of
#' non-zero elements in the matrix is dependent on \code{n_epochs}. If you
#' are only interested in the fuzzy input graph (e.g. for clustering),
#' setting \code{n_epochs = 0} will avoid any further sparsifying.
#' }
#' @param seed Integer seed to use to initialize the random number generator
#' state. Combined with \code{n_sgd_threads = 1} or \code{batch = TRUE}, this
#' should give consistent output across multiple runs on a given installation.
#' Setting this value is equivalent to calling \code{\link[base]{set.seed}},
#' but it may be more convenient in some situations than having to call a
#' separate function. The default is to not set a seed, in which case this
#' function uses the behavior specified by the supplied \code{model}: If the
#' model specifies a seed, then the model seed will be used to seed then
#' random number generator, and results will still be consistent (if
#' \code{n_sgd_threads = 1}). If you want to force the seed to not be set,
#' even if it is set in \code{model}, set \code{seed = FALSE}.
#' @return A matrix of coordinates for \code{X} transformed into the space
#' of the \code{model}, or if \code{ret_extra} is specified, a list
#' containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{embedding} the matrix of optimized coordinates.
#' \item if \code{ret_extra} contains \code{"fgraph"}, an item of the same
#' name containing the high-dimensional fuzzy graph as a sparse matrix, of
#' type \link[Matrix]{dgCMatrix-class}.
#' \item if \code{ret_extra} contains \code{"sigma"}, returns a vector of
#' the smooth knn distance normalization terms for each observation as
#' \code{"sigma"} and a vector \code{"rho"} containing the largest
#' distance to the locally connected neighbors of each observation.
#' \item if \code{ret_extra} contains \code{"localr"}, an item of the same
#' name containing a vector of the estimated local radii, the sum of
#' \code{"sigma"} and \code{"rho"}.
#' \item if \code{ret_extra} contains \code{"nn"}, an item of the same name
#' containing the nearest neighbors of each item in \code{X} (with respect
#' to the items that created the \code{model}).
#' }
#' @examples
#' iris_train <- iris[1:100, ]
#' iris_test <- iris[101:150, ]
#' # You must set ret_model = TRUE to return extra data needed
#' iris_train_umap <- umap(iris_train, ret_model = TRUE)
#' iris_test_umap <- umap_transform(iris_test, iris_train_umap)
#' @export
umap_transform <- function(X = NULL, model = NULL,
nn_method = NULL,
init_weighted = TRUE,
search_k = NULL,
tmpdir = tempdir(),
n_epochs = NULL,
n_threads = NULL,
n_sgd_threads = 0,
grain_size = 1,
verbose = FALSE,
init = "weighted",
batch = NULL,
learning_rate = NULL,
opt_args = NULL,
epoch_callback = NULL,
ret_extra = NULL,
seed = NULL) {
if (is.null(n_threads)) {
n_threads <- default_num_threads()
if (is.character(n_sgd_threads) && n_sgd_threads == "auto") {
n_sgd_threads <- n_threads
if (!is.numeric(n_sgd_threads)) {
stop("Unknown n_sgd_threads value: ", n_sgd_threads, " should be a positive
integer or 'auto'")
if (is.null(nn_method)) {
if (is.null(X)) {
stop('argument "X" is missing, with no default')
if (is.null(model)) {
stop('argument "model" is missing, with no default')
if (!all_nn_indices_are_loaded(model)) {
"cannot use model: NN index is unloaded.",
" Try reloading with `load_uwot`"
} else {
if (!is.null(X)) {
tsmessage('argument "nn_method" is provided, ignoring argument "X"')
if (is.character(model$nn_method) &&
model$nn_method == "hnsw" && !is_installed("RcppHNSW")) {
"This model requires the RcppHNSW package to be installed."
if (is.character(model$nn_method) &&
model$nn_method == "nndescent" && !is_installed("rnndescent")) {
"This model requires the rnndescent package to be installed."
if (is.null(n_epochs)) {
n_epochs <- model$n_epochs
if (is.null(n_epochs)) {
if (ncol(graph) <= 10000) {
n_epochs <- 100
} else {
n_epochs <- 30
} else {
n_epochs <- max(2, round(n_epochs / 3))
# Handle setting the random number seed internally:
# 1. If the user specifies seed = FALSE, definitely don't set the seed, even
# if the model has a seed.
# 2. If the user specifies seed = integer, then use that seed, even if the
# model has a seed.
# 3. If the user does not specify a seed, then use the model seed, if it
# exists. Otherwise don't set a seed. Also use this code path if the user
# sets seed = TRUE
if (is.logical(seed) && !seed) {
# do nothing
# handle the seed = TRUE case in this clause too
else if (is.logical(seed) || is.null(seed)) {
if (!is.null(model$seed)) {
tsmessage("Setting model random seed ", model$seed)
# otherwise no model seed, so do nothing
} else {
tsmessage("Setting random seed ", seed)
if (is.null(search_k)) {
search_k <- model$search_k
nn_index <- model$nn_index
n_neighbors <- model$n_neighbors
local_connectivity <- model$local_connectivity
train_embedding <- model$embedding
if (!is.matrix(train_embedding)) {
# this should only happen if the user set
# `n_epochs = 0, init = NULL, ret_model = TRUE`
"Invalid embedding coordinates: should be a matrix, but got ",
paste0(class(train_embedding), collapse = " ")
if (any( {
stop("Model embedding coordinates contains NA values")
n_train_vertices <- nrow(train_embedding)
ndim <- ncol(train_embedding)
row.names(train_embedding) <- NULL
# uwot model format should be changed so train embedding is stored transposed
train_embedding <- t(train_embedding)
method <- model$method
scale_info <- model$scale_info
metric <- model$metric
nblocks <- length(metric)
pca_models <- model$pca_models
if (method == "leopold") {
dens_scale <- model$dens_scale
aj <- model$ai
rad_coeff <- model$rad_coeff
if (is.null(batch)) {
if (!is.null(model$batch)) {
batch <- model$batch
} else {
batch <- FALSE
if (is.null(opt_args)) {
if (!is.null(model$opt_args)) {
opt_args <- model$opt_args
} else {
opt_args <- list()
a <- model$a
b <- model$b
gamma <- model$gamma
if (is.null(learning_rate)) {
alpha <- model$alpha
} else {
alpha <- learning_rate
if (!is.numeric(alpha) || length(alpha) > 1 || alpha < 0) {
stop("learning rate should be a positive number, not ", alpha)
negative_sample_rate <- model$negative_sample_rate
approx_pow <- model$approx_pow
norig_col <- model$norig_col
pcg_rand <- model$pcg_rand
if (is.null(pcg_rand)) {
tsmessage("Using PCG for random number generation")
pcg_rand <- TRUE
num_precomputed_nns <- model$num_precomputed_nns
binary_edge_weights <- model$binary_edge_weights
if (is.null(binary_edge_weights)) {
binary_edge_weights <- FALSE
# the number of model vertices
n_vertices <- NULL
Xnames <- NULL
if (!is.null(X)) {
if (!(methods::is(X, "data.frame") ||
methods::is(X, "matrix") || is_sparse_matrix(X))) {
stop("Unknown input data format")
if (!is.null(norig_col) && ncol(X) != norig_col) {
stop("Incorrect dimensions: X must have ", norig_col, " columns")
if (methods::is(X, "data.frame")) {
indexes <- which(vapply(X, is.numeric, logical(1)))
if (length(indexes) == 0) {
stop("No numeric columns found")
X <- as.matrix(X[, indexes])
n_vertices <- nrow(X)
if (n_vertices < 1) {
stop("Not enough rows in X")
if (!is.null(row.names(X))) {
Xnames <- row.names(X)
} else if (nn_is_precomputed(nn_method)) {
# In the case where the training model didn't use pre-computed neighbors
# we treat it like it had one block
if (num_precomputed_nns == 0) {
num_precomputed_nns <- 1
# store single nn graph as a one-item list
if (num_precomputed_nns == 1 && nn_is_single(nn_method)) {
nn_method <- list(nn_method)
if (length(nn_method) != num_precomputed_nns) {
"Wrong # pre-computed neighbor data blocks, expected: ",
num_precomputed_nns, " but got: ", length(nn_method)
if (length(n_neighbors) != num_precomputed_nns) {
"Wrong # n_neighbor values (one per neighbor block), expected: ",
num_precomputed_nns, " but got: ", length(n_neighbors)
for (i in 1:num_precomputed_nns) {
graph <- nn_method[[i]]
if (is.list(graph)) {
expected_rows = n_vertices,
expected_cols = n_neighbors[[i]], bipartite = TRUE
if (is.null(n_vertices)) {
n_vertices <- nrow(graph$idx)
if (is.null(Xnames)) {
Xnames <- nn_graph_row_names(graph)
} else if (is_sparse_matrix(graph)) {
# nn graph should have dims n_train_obs x n_test_obs
graph <- Matrix::drop0(graph)
if (is.null(n_vertices)) {
n_vertices <- ncol(graph)
if (is.null(Xnames)) {
Xnames <- colnames(graph)
} else {
stop("Error: unknown neighbor graph format")
nblocks <- num_precomputed_nns
if (!is.null(init)) {
if (is.logical(init)) {
init_weighted <- init
} else if (is.character(init)) {
init <- tolower(init)
if (init == "average") {
init_weighted <- FALSE
} else if (init == "weighted") {
init_weighted <- TRUE
} else {
stop("Unknown option for init: '", init, "'")
} else if (is.matrix(init)) {
indim <- dim(init)
xdim <- c(n_vertices, ndim)
if (!all(indim == xdim)) {
"Initial embedding matrix has wrong dimensions, expected (",
xdim[1], ", ", xdim[2], "), but was (",
indim[1], ", ", indim[2], ")"
if (any( {
stop("Initial embedding matrix coordinates contains NA values")
if (is.null(Xnames) && !is.null(row.names(init))) {
Xnames <- row.names(init)
init_weighted <- NULL
} else {
stop("Invalid input format for 'init'")
if (is.null(n_vertices)) {
stop("Failed to read input correctly: invalid input format")
if (verbose) {
x_is_matrix <- methods::is(X, "matrix")
tsmessage("Read ", n_vertices, " rows", appendLF = !x_is_matrix)
if (x_is_matrix) {
tsmessage(" and found ", ncol(X), " numeric columns", time_stamp = FALSE)
if (!is.null(scale_info)) {
X <- apply_scaling(X, scale_info = scale_info, verbose = verbose)
adjusted_local_connectivity <- max(0, local_connectivity - 1.0)
graph <- NULL
embedding <- NULL
localr <- NULL
sigma <- NULL
rho <- NULL
export_nns <- NULL
ret_nn <- FALSE
if ("nn" %in% ret_extra) {
ret_nn <- TRUE
export_nns <- list()
need_sigma <- (method == "leopold" && nblocks == 1) || "sigma" %in% ret_extra
for (i in 1:nblocks) {
tsmessage("Processing block ", i, " of ", nblocks)
if (!is.null(X)) {
if (nblocks == 1) {
Xsub <- X
ann <- nn_index
} else {
subset <- metric[[i]]
if (is.list(subset)) {
subset <- lsplit_unnamed(subset)$unnamed[[1]]
Xsub <- X[, subset, drop = FALSE]
ann <- nn_index[[i]]
if (!is.null(pca_models) && !is.null(pca_models[[as.character(i)]])) {
Xsub <- apply_pca(
X = Xsub, pca_res = pca_models[[as.character(i)]],
verbose = verbose
if (is.null(ann$type) || startsWith(ann$type, "annoy")) {
nn <- annoy_search(
k = n_neighbors,
ann = ann,
search_k = search_k,
prep_data = TRUE,
tmpdir = tmpdir,
n_threads = n_threads,
grain_size = grain_size,
verbose = verbose
else if (startsWith(ann$type, "hnsw")) {
if (is.list(model$nn_args)) {
nn_args <- model$nn_args
nn_args_names <- names(nn_args)
if ("ef" %in% nn_args_names) {
ef <- nn_args$ef
else {
ef <- 10
nn <- hnsw_search(
k = n_neighbors,
ann = ann,
ef = ef,
n_threads = n_threads,
verbose = verbose
# We use the L2 HNSW index for Euclidean so we need to process the
# distances
if (names(model$metric)[[1]] == "euclidean") {
nn$dist <- sqrt(nn$dist)
else if (startsWith(ann$type, "nndescent")) {
nn <-
k = n_neighbors,
ann = ann,
nn_args = model$nn_args,
n_threads = n_threads,
verbose = verbose
else {
stop("Unknown nn method: ", ann$type)
if (ret_nn) {
export_nns[[i]] <- nn
names(export_nns)[[i]] <- ann$metric
} else if (is.list(nn_method)) {
# otherwise we expect a list of NN graphs
nn <- nn_method[[i]]
if (ret_nn) {
export_nns[[i]] <- nn
names(export_nns)[[i]] <- "precomputed"
} else {
"Can't transform new data if X is NULL ",
"and no sparse distance matrix available"
osparse <- NULL
if (is_sparse_matrix(nn)) {
nn <- Matrix::drop0(nn)
osparse <- order_sparse(nn)
nn_idxv <- osparse$i + 1
nn_distv <- osparse$x
nn_ptr <- osparse$p
n_nbrs <- diff(nn_ptr)
if (any(n_nbrs < 1)) {
stop("All observations need at least one neighbor")
target <- log2(n_nbrs)
skip_first <- TRUE
} else {
nnt <- nn_graph_t(nn)
if (length(n_neighbors) == nblocks) {
# if model came from multiple different external neighbor data
n_nbrs <- n_neighbors[[i]]
} else {
# multiple internal blocks
n_nbrs <- n_neighbors
if ( || n_nbrs != nrow(nnt$idx)) {
# original neighbor data was sparse, but we are using dense knn format
# or n_neighbors doesn't match
n_nbrs <- nrow(nnt$idx)
"Possible mismatch with original vs new neighbor data ",
"format, using ", n_nbrs, " nearest neighbors"
target <- log2(n_nbrs)
nn_ptr <- n_nbrs
nn_distv <- as.vector(nnt$dist)
nn_idxv <- as.vector(nnt$idx)
skip_first <- TRUE
sknn_res <- smooth_knn(
nn_dist = nn_distv,
nn_ptr = nn_ptr,
skip_first = skip_first,
target = target,
local_connectivity = adjusted_local_connectivity,
n_threads = n_threads,
grain_size = grain_size,
verbose = verbose,
ret_sigma = TRUE
if (is.null(localr) && need_sigma) {
# because of the adjusted local connectivity rho is too small compared
# to that used to generate the "training" data but sigma is larger, so
# let's just stick with sigma + rho even though it tends to be an
# underestimate
sigma <- sknn_res$sigma
rho <- sknn_res$rho
localr <- sknn_res$sigma + sknn_res$rho
graph_blockv <- sknn_res$matrix
if (is_sparse_matrix(nn)) {
graph_block <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
j = osparse$i, p = osparse$p, x = graph_blockv,
dims = rev(osparse$dims), index1 = FALSE
} else {
graph_block <- nn_to_sparse(nn_idxv, n_vertices, graph_blockv,
self_nbr = FALSE,
max_nbr_id = n_train_vertices,
by_row = FALSE
if (is.logical(init_weighted)) {
embedding_block <-
train_embedding = train_embedding,
nn_idx = nn_idxv,
n_test_vertices = n_vertices,
graph = graph_blockv,
weighted = init_weighted,
n_threads = n_threads,
grain_size = grain_size,
verbose = verbose
if (is.null(embedding)) {
embedding <- embedding_block
} else {
embedding <- embedding + embedding_block
if (is.null(graph)) {
graph <- graph_block
} else {
graph <- set_intersect(graph, graph_block,
weight = 0.5,
reset_connectivity = FALSE
if (is.logical(init_weighted)) {
if (nblocks > 1) {
embedding <- embedding / nblocks
} else {
tsmessage("Initializing from user-supplied matrix")
embedding <- t(init)
if (binary_edge_weights) {
tsmessage("Using binary edge weights")
graph@x <- rep(1, length(graph@x))
if (batch) {
# This is the same arrangement as Python UMAP
graph <- Matrix::t(graph)
if (n_epochs > 0) {
graph@x[graph@x < max(graph@x) / n_epochs] <- 0
graph <- Matrix::drop0(graph)
# Edges are (i->j) where i (head) is from the new data and j (tail) is
# in the model data
# Unlike embedding of initial data, the edge list is therefore NOT symmetric
# i.e. the presence of (i->j) does NOT mean (j->i) is also present because
# i and j now come from different data
if (batch) {
# ordered indices of the new data nodes. Coordinates are updated
# during optimization
positive_head <- Matrix::which(graph != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2] - 1
# unordered indices of the model nodes (some may not have any incoming
# edges), these coordinates will NOT update during the optimization
positive_tail <- graph@i
} else {
# unordered indices of the new data nodes. Coordinates are updated
# during optimization
positive_head <- graph@i
# ordered indices of the model nodes (some may not have any incoming edges)
# these coordinates will NOT update during the optimization
positive_tail <- Matrix::which(graph != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2] - 1
n_head_vertices <- ncol(embedding)
n_tail_vertices <- n_train_vertices
# if batch = TRUE points into the head (length == n_tail_vertices)
# if batch = FALSE, points into the tail (length == n_head_vertices)
positive_ptr <- graph@p
epochs_per_sample <- make_epochs_per_sample(graph@x, n_epochs)
"Commencing optimization for ", n_epochs, " epochs, with ",
length(positive_head), " positive edges",
pluralize("thread", n_sgd_threads, " using")
method <- tolower(method)
if (method == "leopold") {
# Use the linear model 2 log ai = -m log(localr) + c
ai <- exp(0.5 * ((-log(localr) * rad_coeff[2]) + rad_coeff[1]))
# Prevent too-small/large aj
min_ai <- min(sqrt(a * 10^(-2 * dens_scale)), 0.1)
ai[ai < min_ai] <- min_ai
max_ai <- sqrt(a * 10^(2 * dens_scale))
ai[ai > max_ai] <- max_ai
method <- "leopold2"
method_args <- switch(method,
umap = list(a = a, b = b, gamma = gamma, approx_pow = approx_pow),
leopold2 = list(ai = ai, aj = aj, b = b, ndim = ndim),
full_opt_args <- get_opt_args(opt_args, alpha)
embedding <- optimize_layout_r(
head_embedding = embedding,
tail_embedding = train_embedding,
positive_head = positive_head,
positive_tail = positive_tail,
positive_ptr = positive_ptr,
n_epochs = n_epochs,
n_head_vertices = n_head_vertices,
n_tail_vertices = n_tail_vertices,
epochs_per_sample = epochs_per_sample,
method = tolower(method),
method_args = method_args,
initial_alpha = alpha / 4.0,
opt_args = full_opt_args,
negative_sample_rate = negative_sample_rate,
pcg_rand = pcg_rand,
batch = batch,
n_threads = n_sgd_threads,
grain_size = grain_size,
move_other = FALSE,
verbose = verbose,
epoch_callback = epoch_callback
embedding <- t(embedding)
if (!is.null(Xnames)) {
row.names(embedding) <- Xnames
if (length(ret_extra) > 0) {
res <- list(embedding = embedding)
for (name in ret_extra) {
if (name == "fgraph") {
res$fgraph <- graph
if (name == "sigma") {
res$sigma <- sigma
res$rho <- rho
if (name == "localr" && !is.null(localr)) {
res$localr <- localr
if (ret_nn && !is.null(export_nns)) {
res$nn <- export_nns
} else {
res <- embedding
init_new_embedding <-
weighted = TRUE,
n_threads = NULL,
grain_size = 1,
verbose = FALSE) {
if (is.null(n_threads)) {
n_threads <- default_num_threads()
avtype <- ifelse(weighted, "weighted ", "")
"Initializing by ",
"average of neighbor coordinates",
pluralize("thread", n_threads, " using")
nn_weights <- NULL
if (weighted) {
nn_weights <- graph
train_embedding = train_embedding,
nn_index = nn_idx,
n_test_vertices = n_test_vertices,
nn_weights = nn_weights,
n_threads = n_threads,
grain_size = grain_size
# Pure R implementation of (weighted) average. Superceded by C++ implementations
init_transform <- function(train_embedding, nn_index, weights = NULL) {
nr <- nrow(nn_index)
nc <- ncol(train_embedding)
embedding <- matrix(nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
if (is.null(weights)) {
for (i in 1:nr) {
nbr_embedding <- train_embedding[nn_index[i, ], ]
embedding[i, ] <- apply(nbr_embedding, 2, mean)
} else {
for (i in 1:nr) {
nbr_embedding <- train_embedding[nn_index[i, ], ]
nbr_weights <- weights[nn_index[i, ], i]
embedding[i, ] <- apply(
nbr_embedding, 2,
function(x) {
stats::weighted.mean(x, nbr_weights)
apply_scaling <- function(X, scale_info, verbose = FALSE) {
if (!is.null(scale_info[["scaled:range:min"]])) {
tsmessage("Applying training data range scaling")
X <- X - scale_info[["scaled:range:min"]]
X <- X / scale_info[["scaled:range:max"]]
} else if (!is.null(scale_info[["scaled:maxabs"]])) {
tsmessage("Applying training data max-abs scaling")
X <- scale(X, center = scale_info[["scaled:center"]], scale = FALSE)
X <- X / scale_info[["scaled:maxabs"]]
} else if (!is.null(scale_info[["scaled:colrange:min"]])) {
tsmessage("Applying training data column range scaling")
X <- sweep(X, 2, scale_info[["scaled:colrange:min"]])
X <- sweep(X, 2, scale_info[["scaled:colrange:max"]], `/`)
} else {
tsmessage("Applying training data column filtering/scaling")
X <- X[, scale_info[["scaled:nzvcols"]]]
X <- scale(X,
center = scale_info[["scaled:center"]],
scale = scale_info[["scaled:scale"]]
# Apply a previously calculated set of PCA rotations
apply_pca <- function(X, pca_res, verbose = FALSE) {
tsmessage("Applying PCA reducing to ", ncol(X), " dimensions")
if (!is.null(pca_res$center)) {
X <- sweep(X, 2, pca_res$center)
X %*% pca_res$rotation
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