
Defines functions predict.cv.vennLasso predict.vennLasso

Documented in predict.cv.vennLasso predict.vennLasso

#' Prediction for Hierarchical Shared Lasso
#' @param object fitted vennLasso object
#' @param newx new matrix for predictions
#' @param group.mat A matrix of the group memberships for now. Ignore the rest:
#' A list of length equal to the number of groups containing vectors of integers
#' indicating the variable IDs for each group. For example, groups=list(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(3,4,5)) specifies
#' that Group 1 contains variables 1 and 2, Group 2 contains variables 2 and 3, and Group 3 contains
#' variables 3, 4, and 5. Can also be a matrix of 0s and 1s with the number of columns equal to the
#' number of groups and the number of rows equal to the number of variables. A value of 1 in row i and
#' column j indicates that variable i is in group j and 0 indicates that variable i is not in group j.
#' @param s lambda value for the predictions. defaults to all values computed in the vennLasso object
#' @param use.refit Should the refitted beta estimates be used for prediction? Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE
#' then the beta estimates from the model refit on just the selected covariates are used
#' @param type type of predictions to be made. \code{type = "median"} is for the median survival time and 
#' \code{type = "survival"} is for the predicted hazard function
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to vennLasso
#' @return predictions or coefficients
#' @import Rcpp
#' @import methods
#' @import Matrix
#' @import survival
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats vcov
#' @importFrom stats glm
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @importFrom stats binomial
#' @rdname predict
#' @export
predict.vennLasso <- function(object, newx,
                              group.mat, s = NULL, use.refit = FALSE,
                              type = c("link", "response", "coefficients", "nonzero", "class", "nvars", "median", "survival"),
    if(!match(type,c("coefficients","nonzero","nvars"),FALSE))stop("You must supply a value for 'newx'")
  if( (type == "median" || type == "survival") & object$family != "coxph") stop("Median option is only available for cox model")
  #  ###we augment the lambda sequence with the new values, if they are different,and refit the model using update
  #  lambda=object$lambda
  #  which=match(s,lambda,FALSE)
  #  if(!all(which>0)){
  #    lambda=unique(rev(sort(c(s,lambda))))
  #    object=update(object,lambda=lambda)
  #  }

  if (all(is.na(object$beta.refit)) & use.refit)
      use.refit <- FALSE
      warning("no refitted estimates were computed for this model, defaulting to non-refit coefficients")

  # only compute if newx needed
      n.obs <- nrow(newx)
      stopifnot(nrow(group.mat) == n.obs)
      M <- object$n.combinations
      combin.mat <- object$condition.combinations

      data.indices <- vector(mode = "list", length = M)
      if (!is.null(n.obs)){
          group.vec <- apply(group.mat, 1, FUN=function(x) {paste(x,collapse = "")})
      } else {
          group.vec <- paste(group.mat,collapse = "")
          n.obs <- 1

      ind.2.remove <- NULL
      for (c in 1:M) {
        data.indices[[c]] <- which(group.vec == paste(combin.mat[c,], collapse = ""))
        if (length(data.indices[[c]]) == 0) {
          ind.2.remove <- c(c, ind.2.remove)
      Mnew <- M
      # remove combinations that have no observations
      if (!is.null(ind.2.remove)) {
        data.indices[ind.2.remove] <- NULL
        Mnew <- length(data.indices)
        #combin.mat <- combin.mat[-ind.2.remove,]

      ###Check on newx
      if(inherits(newx, "sparseMatrix"))newx=as(newx,"dgCMatrix")


  if (use.refit)
      a0 = t(as.matrix(object$intercept.refit))
  } else
      a0 = t(as.matrix(object$intercept))

  rownames(a0) = "(Intercept)"
  #  vnames=dimnames(nbeta)[[1]]
  #  dimnames(nbeta)=list(NULL,NULL)
  #  lambda=object$lambda
  #  lamlist=lambda.interp(lambda,s)
  #  nbeta=nbeta[,lamlist$left,drop=FALSE]*lamlist$frac +nbeta[,lamlist$right,drop=FALSE]*(1-lamlist$frac)
  #  dimnames(nbeta)=list(vnames,paste(seq(along=s)))

  #nbeta <- cbind(rep(a0, nrow(object$beta)), object$beta)
  #colnames(nbeta)[1] <- "(Intercept)"
  if (use.refit)
      nbeta <- object$beta.refit
  } else
      nbeta <- object$beta

  dimnames(nbeta) = list(NULL, NULL, NULL)

    lambda  = object$lambda
    lamlist = lambdaInterp(lambda,s)
    nbeta   = nbeta[,,lamlist$left,drop=FALSE] * lamlist$frac + nbeta[,,lamlist$right,drop=FALSE] * (1-lamlist$frac)
    a0      = a0[,lamlist$left, drop=FALSE] * lamlist$frac + a0[,lamlist$right, drop=FALSE] * (1-lamlist$frac)
    dimnames(nbeta) = list(object$combin.names, object$var.names, paste(seq(along = s)))
    nlam <- length(s)
  } else {
    dimnames(nbeta) = list(object$combin.names, object$var.names, paste(seq(along = object$lam)))
    nlam <- length(object$lam)

  if (type == "coefficients")
  if (type == "nonzero")
      stop("nonzero not properly working yet")
      nonzeroCoeff(nbeta[,,,drop=FALSE],bystep = TRUE)
      #colnames(nbeta)[1] <- "(Intercept)"

  ## and NA variables are due to missingness in a strata. set to zero
  nbeta[is.na(nbeta)] <- 0

  if (type == "nvars")
      ## returns number of nonzero coefficients
      ## for each strata for each lambda
      return(apply(nbeta, c(1,3), function(xx) sum(xx != 0)))

  nfit <- matrix(NA, ncol = nlam, nrow = n.obs)
  for (c in 1:Mnew)
      # make sure observations with each combination of
      # conditions are predicted with the correct coefficients.
      # data.indices cbind(rep(a0, nrow(object$beta)), object$beta)

      if (!object$one.intercept & (object$family != "coxph"))
          if (n.obs == 1)
              nfit[data.indices[[c]],] <- c(1, newx) %*%
          } else
              nfit[data.indices[[c]],] <- cbind2(1, newx[data.indices[[c]],]) %*%
      } else
          if (n.obs == 1)
              nfit[data.indices[[c]],] <- c(1, newx) %*%
              rbind(as.vector(a0), matrix(nbeta[c,,],ncol=dim(nbeta)[3]))
          } else
              nfit[data.indices[[c]],] <- cbind2(1, newx[data.indices[[c]],]) %*%
                    rbind(as.vector(a0), matrix(nbeta[c,,],ncol=dim(nbeta)[3]))

  #  if(missing(offset))stop("No offset provided for prediction, yet used in fit of hierSharedLasso",call.=FALSE)
  #  if(is.matrix(offset)&&dim(offset)[[2]]==2)offset=offset[,2]
  #  nfit=nfit+array(offset,dim=dim(nfit))
  if (object$family == "gaussian") {
  } else if (object$family == "binomial") {
  } else if (object$family == "coxph") {
      eta <- apply(nfit,2,function(t){pmin(t,50)})
      if (type =='link') return(drop(eta))
      if (type =='response') return(drop(exp(eta)))

      if (!is.null(s)) {
          W <- lamlist$frac*object$W[,lamlist$left,drop=FALSE] + (1-lamlist$frac)*object$W[,lamlist$right,drop=FALSE]
      } else {
          W <- object$W[,,drop=FALSE]
      #if (type == 'survival' & ncol(W) > 1) stop('Can only return type="survival" for a single lambda value')
      #if (type == 'survival') val <- vector('list', length(eta))
      if (type == 'median') val <- matrix(NA, nrow(eta), ncol(eta))
      hazard <- NULL
      if (type == 'survival' | type == 'median'){
      for (j in 1:ncol(eta)) {
          # Estimate baseline hazard
          w <- W[,j]
          r <- rev(cumsum(rev(w)))
          base_hazard <- ifelse(object$status, 1/r, 0)
          tmp <- exp(-cumsum(base_hazard))
 #         temp <- (1-as.matrix(exp(eta[,j]))%*%t(as.matrix(base_hazard))) * ((1-as.matrix(exp(eta[,j]))%*%t(as.matrix(base_hazard))) > 0)
 #         hazard[[j]] <- t(apply(temp,1,cumprod))
          hazard[[j]] <- matrix(0, length(eta[,1]), length(tmp))
          for (i in 1:length(eta[,j])){
              hazard[[j]][i,] <- tmp^(exp(eta[i,j]))
              if(sum(is.infinite(hazard[[j]]))>0) print("Find infinity")
              if(sum(is.na(hazard[[j]]))>0) print("Find NA")
              if(hazard[[j]][i,1]==0) print("eta is too big")
          x <- c(0, object$time)
          if (type == 'median') {
              for (i in 1:nrow(eta)) {
              #if (type == 'survival') val[[i]] <- approxfun(x, S, method='constant')

                  if (any(hazard[[j]][i,] < 0.5)) {
                      val[i,j] <- x[min(which(hazard[[j]][i,] < .5))]
                  } else {
                      val[i,j] <- max(x)
      if (type == 'survival') {
           val <- hazard
      if (type == 'median') val <- drop(val)

#' Prediction for Cross Validation Hierarchical Lasso Object
#' @param object fitted cv.vennLasso object
#' @param newx new matrix for predictions
#' @param group.mat A matrix of the group memberships for now. Ignore the rest:
#' A list of length equal to the number of groups containing vectors of integers
#' indicating the variable IDs for each group. For example, groups=list(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(3,4,5)) specifies
#' that Group 1 contains variables 1 and 2, Group 2 contains variables 2 and 3, and Group 3 contains
#' variables 3, 4, and 5. Can also be a matrix of 0s and 1s with the number of columns equal to the
#' number of groups and the number of rows equal to the number of variables. A value of 1 in row i and
#' column j indicates that variable i is in group j and 0 indicates that variable i is not in group j.
#' @param s lambda value for the predictions. defaults to all values computed in the vennLasso object
#' @param use.refit Should the refitted beta estimates be used for prediction? Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE
#' then the beta estimates from the model refit on just the selected covariates are used
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to predict.vennLasso
#' @return predictions or coefficients
#' @import Rcpp
#' @method predict cv.vennLasso
#' @export
predict.cv.vennLasso <- function(object, newx, group.mat, s = c("lambda.min"), use.refit = FALSE, ...)
    if(is.numeric(s)) lambda <- s
            s      <- match.arg(s)
            lambda <- object[[s]]
    else stop("Invalid form for s")
    predict(object$vennLasso.fit, newx, group.mat, s = lambda, use.refit = use.refit, ...)

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vennLasso documentation built on July 1, 2020, 7:11 p.m.