#' Generate a virtual species distribution from a Between Component Analysis
#' of environmental variables
#' A Between Component Analysis is similar to a PCA, except that two sets of
#' environmental conditions
#' (e.g. current and future) will be used. This function is useful to generate
#' species designed to test the extrapolation capacity of models, e.g.
#' for climate change extrapolations
#' @param raster.stack.current a SpatRaster object, in which each layer
#' represent an environmental
#' variable from the "current" time horizon.
#' @param raster.stack.future a SpatRaster object, in which each layer
#' represent an environmental
#' variable from a "future" time horizon.
#' @param rescale \code{TRUE} of \code{FALSE}. Should the output suitability
#' raster be
#' rescaled between 0 and 1?
#' @param niche.breadth \code{"any"}, \code{"narrow"} or \code{"wide"}. This
#' parameter
#' defines how tolerant is the species regarding environmental conditions by
#' adjusting
#' the standard deviations of the gaussian functions. See details.
#' @param means a vector containing two numeric values. Will be used to define
#' the means of the gaussian response functions to the axes of the BCA.
#' @param sds a vector containing two numeric values. Will be used to define
#' the standard deviations of the gaussian response functions to the axes of
#' the BCA.
#' @param bca a \code{bca} object. You can provide a bca object that you
#' already computed yourself with
#' \code{\link[virtualspecies]{generateSpFromBCA}}
#' @param sample.points \code{TRUE} of \code{FALSE}. If you have large
#' raster files then use this parameter to sample a number of points equal to
#' \code{nb.points}. However the representation of your environmental variables
#' will not be complete.
#' @param nb.points a numeric value. Only useful if \code{sample.points = TRUE}.
#' The number of sampled points from the raster, to perform the PCA. A too small
#' value may not be representative of the environmental conditions in your
#' rasters.
#' @param plot \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, the generated
#' virtual species will be plotted.
#' @note
#' To perform the BCA, the function has to transform rasters into matrices.
#' This may not be feasible if the chosen rasters are too large for the
#' computer's memory.
#' In this case, you should run the function with \code{sample.points = TRUE}
#' and set the number of points to sample with \code{nb.points}.
#' @details
#' This function generates a virtual species distribution by computing a Between
#' Component Analysis based on two different stacks of environmental variables.
#' The response of the species is then simulated along the two first axes of
#' the BCA with gaussian functions in the
#' same way as in \code{\link{generateSpFromPCA}}.
#' A Between Component Analysis is used to separate two sets of environmental
#' conditions.
#' This function proceeds in 4 steps:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{A Principal Component Analysis is generated based on both set of
#' environmental conditions}
#' \item{A BCA of this PCA is generated using the function
#' \code{\link[ade4:bca]{bca}}
#' from package \code{ade4}. Note that at this step we choose one random point
#' from \code{raster.stack.future},
#' and we use this single point as if it was a third set of environmental
#' conditions for the BCA. This trick allows us to subtly change the shape of
#' the bca in order to
#' generate different types of conditions.}
#' \item{Gaussian responses to the first two axes are computed}
#' \item{These responses are multiplied to obtain the final environmental
#' suitability}}
#' If \code{rescale = TRUE}, the final environmental suitability is rescaled
#' between 0 and 1,
#' with the formula (val - min) / (max - min).
#' The shape of gaussian responses can be randomly generated by the function
#' or defined manually by choosing
#' \code{means} and \code{sds}. The random generation is constrained
#' by the argument \code{niche.breadth}, which controls the range of possible
#' standard deviation values. This range of values is based on
#' a fraction of the axis:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{"any"}: the standard deviations can have values from 1\% to
#' 50\% of axes' ranges. For example if the first axis of the PCA ranges from
#' -5 to +5,
#' then sd values along this axis can range from 0.1 to 5.
#' }
#' \item{\code{"narrow"}: the standard deviations are limited between 1\% and
#' 10\% of axes' ranges. For example if the first axis of the PCA ranges from
#' -5 to +5,
#' then sd values along this axis can range from 0.1 to 1.
#' }
#' \item{\code{"wide"}: the standard deviations are limited between 10\% and
#' 50\% of axes' ranges. For example if the first axis of the PCA ranges from
#' -5 to +5,
#' then sd values along this axis can range from 1 to 5.
#' }
#' }
#' If a \code{bca} object is provided, the output bca object will contain the
#' new environments coordinates along the provided bca axes.
#' @return a \code{list} with 4 elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{approach}: the approach used to generate the species,
#' \emph{i.e.}, \code{"bca"}}
#' \item{\code{details}: the details and parameters used to generate the
#' species}
#' \item{\code{suitab.raster.current}: the virtual species distribution, as a
#' SpatRaster object containing the
#' current environmental suitability}
#' \item{\code{suitab.raster.future}: the virtual species distribution, as a
#' SpatRaster object containing the
#' future environmental suitability}
#' }
#' The structure of the virtualspecies object can be seen using \code{str()}
#' @import terra
#' @export
#' @author
#' Robin Delsol, Boris Leroy
#' Maintainer: Boris Leroy \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{generateSpFromFun}} to generate a virtual species with
#' the responses to each environmental variables.\code{\link{generateSpFromPCA}}
#' to generate a virtual species with
#' the PCA of environmental variables.
#' @examples
#' # Create two example stacks with four environmental variables each
#' a <- matrix(rep(dnorm(1:100, 50, sd = 25)),
#' nrow = 100, ncol = 100, byrow = TRUE)
#' env1 <- c(rast(a * dnorm(1:100, 50, sd = 25)),
#' rast(a * 1:100),
#' rast(a),
#' rast(t(a)))
#' names(env1) <- c("var1", "var2", "var3", "var4")
#' plot(env1) # Illustration of the variables
#' b <- matrix(rep(dnorm(1:100, 25, sd = 50)),
#' nrow = 100, ncol = 100, byrow = TRUE)
#' env2 <- c(rast(b * dnorm(1:100, 50, sd = 25)),
#' rast(b * 1:100),
#' rast(b),
#' rast(t(b)))
#' names(env2) <- c("var1", "var2", "var3", "var4")
#' plot(env2) # Illustration of the variables
#' # Generating a species with the BCA
#' generateSpFromBCA(raster.stack.current = env1, raster.stack.future = env2)
#' # The left part of the plot shows the BCA and the response functions along
#' # the two axes.
#' # The top-right part shows environmental suitability of the virtual
#' # species in the current environment.
#' # The bottom-right part shows environmental suitability of the virtual
#' # species in the future environment.
#' # Defining manually the response to axes
#' generateSpFromBCA(raster.stack.current = env1, raster.stack.future = env2,
#' means = c(-2, 0),
#' sds = c(0.6, 1.5))
generateSpFromBCA <- function(raster.stack.current,
rescale = TRUE,
niche.breadth = "any",
means = NULL,
sds = NULL,
bca = NULL,
sample.points = FALSE,
nb.points = 10000,
plot = TRUE)
if(inherits(raster.stack.current, "Raster")) {
raster.stack.current <- rast(raster.stack.current)
if(inherits(raster.stack.future, "Raster")) {
raster.stack.future <- rast(raster.stack.future)
if(!(inherits(raster.stack.current, "SpatRaster"))){
stop("raster.stack.current must be a SpatRaster object")
if(!(inherits(raster.stack.future, "SpatRaster"))){
stop("raster.stack.future must be a SpatRaster object")
if(!all((names(raster.stack.future) %in% names(raster.stack.current)))){
stop("The variables names in raster.stack.future must be the same as ",
"variables names in raster.stack.current")
if(global(app(raster.stack.current, sum) == app(raster.stack.future, sum),
fun = sum, na.rm = TRUE) == ncell(raster.stack.current)){
stop("Please provide two different rasters")
{stop("nb.points must be a numeric value corresponding to the number of",
" pixels to sample from raster.stack.current ",
"and from raster.stack.future")}
env.df.current <- spatSample(raster.stack.current, size = nb.points,
na.rm = TRUE)
env.df.future <- spatSample(raster.stack.future , size = nb.points,
na.rm = TRUE)
} else
message("Reading raster values. If it fails for very large rasters, use",
" arguments 'sample.points = TRUE' and define a number of",
" points to sample with 'nb.point'.")
# if(canProcessInMemory(raster.stack.current, n = 4)){
env.df.current <- values(raster.stack.current)
env.df.future <- values(raster.stack.future)
env.df.current <- env.df.current[-unique(which(,
arr.ind = T)[, 1]), ]
env.df.future <- env.df.future[-unique(which(,
arr.ind = T)[, 1]), ]
# } else
# {
# stop("Your computer does not have enough memory to extract all the values from raster.stack.current.
# Use the argument sample.points = TRUE, and adjust the number of points to use with nb.points.
# More details in ?generateSpFromBCA")
# }
if(!all(class(bca) %in% c("between", "dudi"))) {
stop("Please provide an appropriate bca object (output of bca()) to make the bca plot.")
if(any(!(names(bca$tab) %in% names(raster.stack.current)))){
stop("The variables used to make the bca must be the same as variables names in raster.stack.current")
if (is.null(bca$cent) | is.null(bca$norm) ){
stop("Please provide an appropriate bca object (output of generateSpFromBCA) to make the bca plot.")
between.object <- bca
sel.vars <- names(raster.stack.current)
} else
sel.vars <- names(raster.stack.current)
xpoint <- sample(nrow(env.df.future), 1)
env.df <- rbind(env.df.current,
env.df.future[xpoint, ],
deparse.level = 0)
condition <- as.factor(c(rep('Current', nrow(env.df.current)),
rep('Future' , nrow(env.df.future )), "X"))
message(" - Perfoming the between component analysis\n")
pca.object <- ade4::dudi.pca(env.df, scannf = F, nf = 2)
between.object <- ade4::bca(pca.object, condition, scannf = F, nf = 2)
between.object$xpoint <- xpoint
between.object$cent <- pca.object$cent
between.object$norm <- pca.object$norm
stop("A two dimension BCA can not be performed with provided rasters stack")
message(" - Defining the response of the species along the axis\n")
{stop("Please provide numeric means for the gaussian function to compute ",
"probabilities of presence")}
if(!is.vector(means) | length(means) != 2)
{stop("Please provide a vector with 2 means for the gaussian function ",
"(one for each of the two between axes)")}
} else
means <- between.object$ls[sample(1:nrow(between.object$ls), 1), ] #[1, ]
means <- c(mean1 = means[1, 1],
mean2 = means[1, 2])
{stop("Please provide numeric standard deviations for the gaussian function to compute probabilities of presence")}
if(!is.vector(sds) | length(sds) != 2)
{stop("Please provide a vector with 2 standard deviations for the gaussian function (one for each of the two pca axes)")}
if(any(sds < 0))
{stop("The standard deviations must have a positive value!")}
message(" - You have provided standard deviations, so argument niche.breadth will be ignored.\n")
} else
# Defining a range of values to determine sds for the gaussian functions
axis1 <- c(min = max(min(between.object$ls[, 1]),
quantile(between.object$ls[, 1], probs = .25) -
5 * (quantile(between.object$ls[, 1], probs = .75) -
quantile(between.object$ls[, 1], probs = .25))),
max = min(max(between.object$ls[, 1]),
quantile(between.object$ls[, 1], probs = .75) +
5 * (quantile(between.object$ls[, 1], probs = .75) -
quantile(between.object$ls[, 1], probs = .25))))
axis2 <- c(min = max(min(between.object$ls[, 2]),
quantile(between.object$ls[, 2], probs = .25) -
5 * (quantile(between.object$ls[, 2], probs = .75) -
quantile(between.object$ls[, 2], probs = .25))),
max = min(max(between.object$ls[, 2]),
quantile(between.object$ls[, 2], probs = .75) +
5 * (quantile(between.object$ls[, 2], probs = .75) -
quantile(between.object$ls[, 2], probs = .25))))
# Random sampling of parameters
if(niche.breadth == "any")
sds <- c(sd1 = sample(seq((axis1[2] - axis1[1])/100,
(axis1[2] - axis1[1])/2, length = 1000), 1),
sd2 = sample(seq((axis2[2] - axis2[1])/100,
(axis2[2] - axis2[1])/2, length = 1000), 1))
} else if (niche.breadth == "narrow")
sds <- c(sd1 = sample(seq((axis1[2] - axis1[1])/100,
(axis1[2] - axis1[1])/10, length = 1000), 1),
sd2 = sample(seq((axis2[2] - axis2[1])/100,
(axis2[2] - axis2[1])/10, length = 1000), 1))
} else if (niche.breadth == "wide")
sds <- c(sd1 = sample(seq((axis1[2] - axis1[1])/10,
(axis1[2] - axis1[1])/2, length = 1000), 1),
sd2 = sample(seq((axis2[2] - axis2[1])/10,
(axis2[2] - axis2[1])/2, length = 1000), 1))
} else
stop("niche.breadth must be one of these: 'any', 'narrow', 'wide")
message(" - Calculating current suitability values\n")
rasters.env.current <- app(raster.stack.current[[sel.vars]],
fun = function(x, ...) {
.pca.coordinates(x, pca = between.object,
na.rm = TRUE, axes = c(1, 2))
suitab.raster.current <- app(rasters.env.current,
fun = function(x, ...) {
.prob.gaussian(x, means = means, sds = sds)
message(" - Calculating future suitability values\n")
rasters.env.future <- app(raster.stack.future[[sel.vars]],
fun = function(x, ...) {
.pca.coordinates(x, pca = between.object,
na.rm = TRUE, axes = c(1, 2))
suitab.raster.future <- app(rasters.env.future ,
fun = function(x, ...) {
.prob.gaussian(x, means = means, sds = sds)
between.env.current <- .pca.coordinates(env.df.current,
pca = between.object, na.rm = TRUE)
between.env.future <- .pca.coordinates(env.df.future ,
pca = between.object, na.rm = TRUE)
between.object$ls <- rbind(between.env.current,
between.env.future) )
max_ <- max(global(suitab.raster.current, "max", na.rm = TRUE)[1, 1],
global(suitab.raster.future, "max", na.rm = TRUE)[1, 1])
min_ <- min(global(suitab.raster.current, "min", na.rm = TRUE)[1, 1],
global(suitab.raster.future, "min", na.rm = TRUE)[1, 1])
suitab.raster.current <-
(suitab.raster.current - min_) / (max_ - min_)
suitab.raster.future <-
(suitab.raster.future - min_) / (max_ - min_)
message(" The final environmental suitability was rescaled between 0 and",
"1. To disable, set argument rescale = FALSE")
} else {
max_ <- NA
min_ <- NA
stack.lengths <- c(nrow(env.df.current), nrow(env.df.future))
results <- list(approach = "bca",
details = list(variables = sel.vars,
bca = between.object,
rescale = rescale,
axes = c(1, 2),
means = means,
sds = sds,
max_prob_rescale = max_,
min_prob_rescale = min_,
stack.lengths = stack.lengths),
suitab.raster.current = wrap(suitab.raster.current,
proxy = FALSE),
suitab.raster.future = wrap(suitab.raster.future,
proxy = FALSE))
class(results) <- append("virtualspecies", class(results))
message(" - Ploting response and suitability\n")
op <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
# layout(matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2, c(1, 1, 2, 3 )))
# plotResponse(results, no.plot.reset = T)
stac <- c(suitab.raster.current,
names(stac) <- c("Current", "Future")
col = viridis::viridis(10))
# image(suitab.raster.current, axes = T, ann = F, asp = 1,
# las = 1, col = rev(terrain.colors(12)))
# legend(title = "Pixel\nsuitability", "right", inset = c(-0.14, 0),
# legend = c(1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0),
# fill = terrain.colors(6), bty = "n")
# title("Current environmental suitability of the virtual species")
# image(suitab.raster.future, axes = T, ann = F, asp = 1,
# las = 1, col = rev(terrain.colors(12)))
# legend(title = "Pixel\nsuitability", "right", inset = c(-0.14, 0),
# legend = c(1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0),
# fill = terrain.colors(6), bty = "n")
# title("Future environmental suitability of the virtual species")
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