#' Creates a gt object from a dataframe
#' @param x A dataframe.
#' @param delim Delimiter.
#' @param style Named list that specifies how to style the different parts of
#' the gt or flextable table generated. Accepted style entries are: title,
#' subtitle, header, header_name, header_level, column_name, group_label, and
#' body.
#' Alternatively, use "default" to get visOmopResults style, or NULL for
#' gt/flextable style.
#' Keep in mind that styling code is different for gt and flextable. To see
#' the "deafult" style code use `tableStyle()`.
#' @param na How to display missing values.
#' @param title Title of the table, or NULL for no title.
#' @param subtitle Subtitle of the table, or NULL for no subtitle.
#' @param caption Caption for the table, or NULL for no caption. Text in
#' markdown formatting style (e.g. `*Your caption here*` for caption in
#' italics).
#' @param groupColumn Specifies the columns to use for group labels.
#' By default, the new group name will be a combination of the column names,
#' joined by "_". To assign a custom group name, provide a named list such as:
#' list(`newGroupName` = c("variable_name", "variable_level"))
#' @param groupAsColumn Whether to display the group labels as a column
#' (TRUE) or rows (FALSE).
#' @param groupOrder Order in which to display group labels.
#' @param colsToMergeRows Names of the columns to merge vertically
#' when consecutive row cells have identical values. Alternatively, use
#' "all_columns" to apply this merging to all columns, or use NULL to indicate
#' no merging.
#' @return gt object.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' Creates a flextable object from a dataframe using a delimiter to span
#' the header, and allows to easily customise table style.
#' @return A gt table.
#' @export
gtTable <- function(x,
delim = "\n",
style = "default",
na = "-",
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
groupColumn = NULL,
groupAsColumn = FALSE,
groupOrder = NULL,
colsToMergeRows = NULL) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft(when = "0.4.0", what = "gtTable()", with = "formatTable()")
x |>
type = "gt",
delim = delim,
style = style,
na = na,
title = title,
subtitle = subtitle,
caption = caption,
groupColumn = groupColumn,
groupAsColumn = groupAsColumn,
groupOrder = groupOrder,
merge = colsToMergeRows
gtTableInternal <- function(x,
delim = "\n",
style = "default",
na = "-",
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
groupColumn = NULL,
groupAsColumn = FALSE,
groupOrder = NULL,
merge = NULL
) {
# Package checks
# na
if (!is.null(na)){
x <- x |>
dplyr::across(dplyr::where(~is.numeric(.x)), ~as.character(.x)),
dplyr::across(colnames(x), ~ dplyr::if_else(, na, .x))
# Spanners
if (length(groupColumn[[1]]) != 0) {
nameGroup <- names(groupColumn)
x <- x |>
!!nameGroup, groupColumn[[1]], sep = "; ", remove = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE
groupLevel <- unique(x[[nameGroup]])
if (!is.null(groupOrder)) {
if (any(!groupLevel %in% groupOrder)) {
"x" = "`groupOrder` supplied does not macth the group variable created based on `groupName`.",
"i" = "Group variables to use in `groupOrder` are the following: {groupLevel}"
} else {
groupLevel <- groupOrder
x <- x |>
dplyr::mutate(!!nameGroup := factor(.data[[nameGroup]], levels = groupLevel)) |>
dplyr::arrange_at(nameGroup) |>
gtResult <- x |>
gt::gt(groupname_col = nameGroup, row_group_as_column = groupAsColumn) |>
gt::tab_spanner_delim(delim = delim) |>
gt::row_group_order(groups = groupLevel)
} else {
gtResult <- x |> gt::gt() |> gt::tab_spanner_delim(delim = delim)
# Header style
spanner_ids <- gtResult$`_spanners`$spanner_id
style_ids <- lapply(strsplit(spanner_ids, delim), function(vect){vect[[1]]}) |> unlist()
header_id <- grepl("\\[header\\]", style_ids)
header_name_id <- grepl("\\[header_name\\]", style_ids)
header_level_id <- grepl("\\[header_level\\]", style_ids)
if (length(c(header_id, header_name_id, header_level_id)) == 0) {
columnHeader <- TRUE
colum_header_id <- which(grepl("\\[header\\]|\\[header_level\\]|\\[header_name\\]", colnames(x)))
} else {
columnHeader <- FALSE
colum_header_id <- numeric()
# column names in spanner
header_level <- all(grepl("header_level", lapply(strsplit(colnames(x)[grepl("header", colnames(x))], delim), function(x) {x[length(x)]}) |> unlist()))
if (sum(header_id) > 0 & "header" %in% names(style)) {
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$header,
locations = gt::cells_column_spanners(spanners = spanner_ids[header_id])
if (!header_level) {
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$header,
locations = gt::cells_column_labels(columns = which(grepl("\\[header\\]", colnames(x))))
if (sum(header_name_id) > 0 & "header_name" %in% names(style)) {
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$header_name,
locations = gt::cells_column_spanners(spanners = spanner_ids[header_name_id])
if ("header_level" %in% names(style)) {
if (sum(header_level_id) > 0) {
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$header_level,
locations = gt::cells_column_spanners(spanners = spanner_ids[header_level_id])
if (header_level) {
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$header_level,
locations = gt::cells_column_labels(columns = which(grepl("\\[header_level\\]", colnames(x))))
if ("column_name" %in% names(style)) {
col_name_ids <- which(!grepl("\\[header\\]|\\[header_level\\]|\\[header_name\\]", colnames(x)))
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$column_name,
locations = gt::cells_column_labels(columns = col_name_ids)
if (columnHeader & length(colum_header_id) > 0) {
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$column_name,
locations = gt::cells_column_labels(columns = colum_header_id)
# Eliminate prefixes
gtResult$`_spanners`$spanner_label <- lapply(gtResult$`_spanners`$spanner_label,
gsub("\\[header\\]|\\[header_level\\]|\\[header_name\\]|\\[column_name\\]", "", label)
gtResult <- gtResult |> gt::cols_label_with(columns = tidyr::contains("header"),
fn = ~ gsub("\\[header\\]|\\[header_level\\]", "", .))
# Our default:
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = gt::cell_text(align = "right"),
locations = gt::cells_body(columns = which(grepl("\\[header\\]|\\[header_level\\]|\\[header_name\\]|\\[column_name\\]", colnames(x))))
) |>
style = gt::cell_text(align = "left"),
locations = gt::cells_body(columns = which(!grepl("\\[header\\]|\\[header_level\\]|\\[header_name\\]|\\[column_name\\]", colnames(x))))
) |>
style = list(gt::cell_borders(color = "#D3D3D3")),
locations = list(gt::cells_body(columns = 2:(ncol(x)-1)))
# Merge rows
if (!is.null(merge)) {
gtResult <- gtMergeRows(gtResult, merge, names(groupColumn), groupOrder)
# Other options:
## na
# if (!is.null(na)){
# # gtResult <- gtResult |> gt::sub_missing(missing_text = na)
# }
## caption
gtResult <- gtResult |>
caption = gt::md(caption)
## title + subtitle
if(!is.null(title) & !is.null(subtitle)){
gtResult <- gtResult |>
title = title,
subtitle = subtitle
if ("title" %in% names(style)) {
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$title,
locations = gt::cells_title(groups = "title")
if ("subtitle" %in% names(style)) {
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$subtitle,
locations = gt::cells_title(groups = "subtitle")
## title
if(!is.null(title) & is.null(subtitle)){
gtResult <- gtResult |>
title = title
if ("title" %in% names(style)) {
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$title,
locations = gt::cells_title(groups = "title")
## body
if ("body" %in% names(style)) {
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$body,
locations = gt::cells_body()
## group_label
if ("group_label" %in% names(style)) {
gtResult <- gtResult |>
style = style$group_label,
locations = gt::cells_row_groups()
gtStyleInternal <- function(styleName) {
styles <- list (
"default" = list(
"header" = list(gt::cell_fill(color = "#c8c8c8"),
gt::cell_text(weight = "bold", align = "center")),
"header_name" = list(gt::cell_fill(color = "#d9d9d9"),
gt::cell_text(weight = "bold", align = "center")),
"header_level" = list(gt::cell_fill(color = "#e1e1e1"),
gt::cell_text(weight = "bold", align = "center")),
"column_name" = list(gt::cell_text(weight = "bold", align = "center")),
"group_label" = list(gt::cell_fill(color = "#e9e9e9"),
gt::cell_text(weight = "bold")),
"title" = list(gt::cell_text(weight = "bold", size = 15, align = "center")),
"subtitle" = list(gt::cell_text(weight = "bold", size = 12, align = "center")),
"body" = list()
if (!styleName %in% names(styles)) {
cli::cli_inform(c("i" = "{styleName} does not correspon to any of our defined styles. Returning default style."))
styleName <- "default"
gtMergeRows <- function(gt_x, merge, groupColumn, groupOrder) {
colNms <- colnames(gt_x$`_data`)
colsToExclude <- c("group_label", paste(groupColumn, collapse = "_"))
if (merge[1] == "all_columns") {
if (length(groupColumn) == 0) {
merge <- colNms[!colNms %in% colsToExclude]
} else {
merge <- colNms[!colNms %in% c(groupColumn, colsToExclude)]
# sort
ind <- match(merge, colNms)
names(ind) <- merge
merge <- names(sort(ind))
for (k in seq_along(merge)) {
if (k > 1) {
prevMerged <- mergeCol
prevId <- prevMerged == dplyr::lag(prevMerged) & prevId
} else {
prevId <- rep(TRUE, nrow(gt_x$`_data`))
col <- merge[k]
mergeCol <- as.character(gt_x$`_data`[[col]])
mergeCol[] <- "-"
if (length(groupColumn) == 0) {
id <- which(mergeCol == dplyr::lag(mergeCol) & prevId)
} else {
groupCol <- apply(gt_x$`_data`[, groupColumn, drop = FALSE], 1, paste, collapse = "_")
lagGroupCol <- dplyr::lag(groupCol)
id <- which(groupCol == lagGroupCol & mergeCol == dplyr::lag(mergeCol) & prevId)
gt_x$`_data`[[col]][id] <- ""
gt_x <- gt_x |>
style = list(gt::cell_borders(style = "hidden", sides = "top")),
locations = list(gt::cells_body(columns = col, rows = id))
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