
## Six parameter simple model r s lambda beta gamma and alpha

#' Fitting routine for the 2-process, 6-parameter vitality model (all ages). 
#' Based on code by D.H. Salinger, J.J. Anderson and O. Hamel (2003).
#' "A parameter fitting routine for the vitality based survival model."
#' Ecological Modeling 166(3): 287--294.
#' @param time Vector. Time component of data: Defaults to \code{0:(1-length(sdata))}.
#' @param sdata Required. Survival or mortality data.  The default expects cumulative 
#'        survival fraction.  If providing incremental mortality fraction 
#'        instead, use option: datatype = "INC". 
#'        The default also expects the data to represent full mortality. 
#'        Otherwise, use option: rc.data = T to indicate right censored data.
#' @param rc.data Optional, boolean. Specifies Right Censored data.   If the data does not 
#'        represent full mortality, it is probably right censored.  The default 
#'        is rc.data = F.  A third option is rc.data = "TF".  Use this case to add
#'        a near-term zero survival point to data which displays nearly full 
#'        mortality ( <.01 survival at end).  If rc.data = F but the data does
#'        not show full mortality, rc.data = "TF" will be 
#'        invoked automatically. 
#' @param se Optional, boolean. Calculates the standard errors for the MLE parameters.
#'        Default is FALSE. Set equal to the initial study population to 
#'        compute standard errors. 
#' @param datatype Optional. Defaults to \code{"CUM"} for cumulative survival fraction data.
#'        Use \code{"INC"} - for incremental mortality fraction data. 
#' @param ttol Optional. Stopping criteria tolerance.  Default is 1e-6.
#'        Specify as ttol = .0001. If one of the liklihood plots (esp. for "k") does not look optimal, 
#'        try decreasing ttol.   If the program crashes, try increasing ttol.
#' @param init.params Optional. Please specify the initial param values.
#'        specify \code{init.params = c(r, s, lambda, beta, gamma, alpha)} in that order
#'        (eg. init.params = c(.1, .02, .3, 0.12, .1, 1)).
#' @param pplot Optional, boolean. Plots of cumulative survival for both data and fitted curves?
#'        Default \code{TRUE}. \code{FALSE} Produce no plots. A
#'        A third option:  \code{pplot = n}  (n >= 1) extends the time axis of 
#'        the fitting plots (beyond the max time in data).  For example: 
#'        \code{pplot = 1.2} extends the time axis by 20%. Note:  the incremental 
#'        mortality plot is a continuous representation of the appropriately-
#'        binned histogram of incremental mortalities.
#' @param Iplot Optional, boolean. Incremental mortality for both data and fitted curves?
#'        Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param Mplot Optional, boolean. Plot fitted mortality curve? Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param tlab Optional, character. specifies units for x-axis of plots.  Default is "years".
#' @param silent Optional, boolean. Stops all print and plot options (still get most warning and all 
#'          error messages) Default is \code{FALSE}.  A third option, \code{"verbose"} also 
#'          enables the trace setting in the ms (minimum sum) S-Plus routine.
#' @export 
#' @return vector of final MLE r, s, lambda, beta, gamma, alpha estimates.
#'     standard errors of MLE parameter estimates (if se = <population> is specified).
vitality.6p <- function(time = 0:(length(sdata)-1), 
                         init.params = FALSE,
                         lower = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                         upper = c(100,50,100,50,50,10),
                         rc.data = FALSE, 
                         se = FALSE, 
                         datatype = c("CUM", "INC"), 
                         ttol = 1e-6, 
                         pplot = TRUE, 
                         Iplot = FALSE, 
                         Mplot = FALSE, 
                         tlab = "years", 
                         silent = FALSE) {
    #  --Check/prepare Data---
  in.time <- time
  dTmp <- dataPrep(time, sdata, datatype, rc.data)
  time <- dTmp$time
  sfract <- dTmp$sfract
  x1 <- dTmp$x1
  x2 <- dTmp$x2
  Ni <- dTmp$Ni
  rc.data <- dTmp$rc.data
    time <- time[-1]
    sfract <- sfract[-1]
    x1 <- c(x1[-c(1,length(x1))], x1[1])
    x2 <- c(x2[-c(1,length(x2))], 0)
    Ni <- Ni[-1]
    rc.data <- rc.data[-1]
    #  --Produce initial parameter values---
    if(length(init.params) == 1) {  
        ii <- indexFinder(sfract, 0.5)
        if (ii == -1) {
            warning("ERROR: no survival fraction data below the .5 level.\n
                    Cannot use the initial r s l b g a estimator.  You must supply initial r s l b g a estimates")
        else rsk <- c(1/time[ii], 0.01, 0.1, 0.1, .1, 1)  
    } else {                      # use user specified init params
        rsk <- init.params
    if (rsk[1] == -1) {
    if (silent == FALSE) {
        print(cbind(c("Initial r", "Initial s", "Initial lambda", "Initial beta", "Initial gamma", "Initial alpha"), rsk))
    #  --create dataframe for sa---
    dtfm <- data.frame(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, Ni = Ni)
    #  --run MLE fitting routine---   
    # --conduct Newton-Ralphoson algorithm directly --
    fit.nlm <- nlminb(start = rsk, objective = logLikelihood.6p, lower = lower,
                      upper = upper, xx1 = x1, xx2 = x2, NNi = Ni)
    # --save final param estimates---
    r.final <- fit.nlm$par[1]
    s.final <- abs(fit.nlm$par[2])
    lambda.final <- fit.nlm$par[3]
    beta.final <- fit.nlm$par[4]
    gamma.final <- fit.nlm$par[5]
    alpha.final <- fit.nlm$par[6]
    mlv <- fit.nlm$obj  
    if (silent == FALSE) {print(cbind(c("estimated r", "estimated s", "estimated lambda",
                                        "estimated beta", "estimated gamma", "estimated alpha", "minimum -loglikelihood value"),
                                      c(r.final, s.final, lambda.final, beta.final, gamma.final, alpha.final, mlv)))}
    #  == end MLE fitting == = 
    #  --compute standard errors---
    if (se != FALSE) {
        s.e. <- stdErr.6p(r.final, s.final, lambda.final, beta.final, gamma.final, alpha.final, x1, x2, Ni, se)  
        if (silent == FALSE){print(cbind(c("sd for r", "sd for s", "sd for lambda", "sd for beta", "sd for gamma", "sd for alpha"), s.e.))}  
    #  --plotting and goodness of fit---
    if (pplot != FALSE) {
        plotting.6p(r.final, s.final, lambda.final, beta.final, gamma.final, alpha.final, mlv, time, sfract, x1, x2, Ni, pplot, Iplot, Mplot, tlab, rc.data)
    # ............................................................................................
    # --return final param values---
    sd <- 5   #significant digits of output
    if(se != F ) {
        params <- c(r.final, s.final, lambda.final, beta.final, gamma.final, alpha.final)
        pvalue <- c(1-pnorm(r.final/s.e.[1]), 1-pnorm(s.final/s.e.[2]), 1-pnorm(lambda.final/s.e.[3]), 1-pnorm(beta.final/s.e.[4]), 1-pnorm(gamma.final/s.e.[5]), 1-pnorm(alpha.final/s.e.[6]))
        std <- c(s.e.[1], s.e.[2], s.e.[3], s.e.[4], s.e.[5], s.e.[6])
        out <- signif(cbind(params, std, pvalue), sd)
    else {
        return(signif(c(r.final, s.final, lambda.final, beta.final, gamma.final, alpha.final), sd))

#' @param xx age
#' @param r.final r estimate
#' @param s.final s estimate
#' @param lambda.final lambda estimate
#' @param beta.final beta estimate
#' @param gamma.final gamma estimate
#' @param alpha.final alpha estimate
SurvFn.in.6p <-function(xx,r,s) 
  #  The cumulative survival distribution function.
  # pnorm is: cumulative prob for the Normal Dist.
  tmp1 <- sqrt(1/yy) * (1 - xx * r)    #  xx=0 is ok.  pnorm(+-Inf) is defined
  tmp2 <- sqrt(1/yy) * (1 + xx * r)
  # --safeguard if exponent gets too large.---
  tmp3 <- 2*r/(s*s)
  if (tmp3 >250) {   
    q <-tmp3/250 
    if (tmp3 >1500) {
      q <-tmp3/500
    valueFF <-(1.-(pnorm(-tmp1) + (exp(tmp3/q) *pnorm(-tmp2)^(1/q))^(q)))#*exp(-lambda*exp(-1/beta)/(r/beta)*(exp(r*xx/beta)-1) +gamma/alpha*(exp(-alpha*xx)-1))
  } else {
    valueFF <-(1.-(pnorm(-tmp1) + exp(tmp3) *pnorm(-tmp2)))#*exp(-lambda*exp(-1/beta)/(r/beta)*(exp(r*xx/beta)-1)+ gamma/alpha*(exp(-alpha*xx)-1)) 
  if ( all(is.infinite(valueFF)) ) {
    warning(message="Inelegant exit caused by overflow in evaluation of survival function. Check for right-censored data. Try other initial values.")

#' @param xx age
#' @param r.final r estimate
#' @param s.final s estimate
#' @param lambda.final lambda estimate
#' @param beta.final beta estimate
#' @param gamma.final gamma estimate
#' @param alpha.final alpha estimate
SurvFn.ex.6p <-function(xx,r,s,lambda,beta,gamma,alpha) 
  #  The cumulative survival distribution function.
  alpha <- 1/alpha # need this for inverse in child mortality component added 9-16-2014
  # pnorm is: cumulative prob for the Normal Dist.
  tmp1 <- sqrt(1/yy) * (1 - xx * r)    #  xx=0 is ok.  pnorm(+-Inf) is defined
  tmp2 <- sqrt(1/yy) * (1 + xx * r)
  # --safeguard if exponent gets too large.---
  tmp3 <- 2*r/(s*s)
  if (tmp3 >250) {   
    q <-tmp3/250 
    if (tmp3 >1500) {
      q <-tmp3/500
    #valueFF <- exp(-lambda*exp(-1/beta)/(r/beta)*(exp(r*xx/beta)-1) +gamma/alpha*(exp(-alpha*xx)-1))
    valueFF <- exp(-lambda*exp(-1/beta)/(r/beta)*(exp(r*xx/beta)-1) +alpha*gamma*(exp(-xx/alpha)-1))
  } else {
    #valueFF <-exp(-lambda*exp(-1/beta)/(r/beta)*(exp(r*xx/beta)-1)+ gamma/alpha*(exp(-alpha*xx)-1))
    valueFF <-exp(-lambda*exp(-1/beta)/(r/beta)*(exp(r*xx/beta)-1)+ alpha*gamma*(exp(-xx/alpha)-1)) 
  if ( all(is.infinite(valueFF)) ) {
    warning(message="Inelegant exit caused by overflow in evaluation of survival function. Check for right-censored data. Try other initial values.")

#' Plotting function for 2-process vitality model. 4-param
#' None.
#' @param r.final r estimate
#' @param s.final s estimate
#' @param lambda.final lambda estimate
#' @param beta.final beta estimate
#' @param gamma.final gamma estimate
#' @param alpha.final alpha estimate
#' @param mlv TODO mlv
#' @param time time vector
#' @param sfract survival fraction
#' @param x1 Time 1
#' @param x2 Time 2
#' @param Ni Initial population
#' @param pplot Boolean. Plot cumulative survival fraction?
#' @param Iplot Boolean. Plot incremental survival?
#' @param Mplot Boolean. Plot mortality rate? 
#' @param tlab Character, label for time axis
#' @param rc.data Booolean, right-censored data?
plotting.6p <- function(r.final,
                         rc.data) {
    # --plot cumulative survival---
    if (pplot != FALSE) {
        ext <- max(pplot, 1)
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
        len <- length(time)
        tmax <- ext * time[len]
        plot(time, sfract, xlab = tlab, ylab = "survival fraction",
             ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(time[1], tmax), col = 1)
        xxx <- seq(0, tmax, length = 200)
        lines(xxx, SurvFn.6p(xxx, r.final, s.final, lambda.final, beta.final, gamma.final, alpha.final), col = 2, lwd=2)
        lines(xxx, SurvFn.in.6p(xxx, r.final, s.final), col=3, lwd=2, lty=3)
        lines(xxx, SurvFn.ex.6p(xxx, r.final, s.final, lambda.final, beta.final, gamma.final, alpha.final), col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
        title("Cumulative Survival Data and Vitality Model Fitting")
        legend(x="bottomleft", bty="n", legend=c("Total", "Intrinsic", "Extrinsic"), lty=c(1,3,2), lwd=c(2,2,2), col=c(2,3,4))
    if ( Mplot != FALSE) {
      lx <- round(sfract*100000)
      lx <- c(lx,0)
      ndx <- -diff(lx)
      lxpn <- lx[-1]
      n <- c(diff(time), 1000)
      nax <- .5*n
      nLx <- n * lxpn + ndx * nax
      mu.x <- ndx/nLx
      mu.x[length(mu.x)] <- NA
#         qx <- Ni/sfract
#         mu.x <- 2 * qx/(2 - qx)
        ext <- max(pplot, 1)
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
        len <- length(time)
        tmax <- ext * time[len]
        xxx <- seq(0, tmax, length = 200)
        mu.i <- mu.vd1.6p(xxx, r.final, s.final)
        mu.e <- mu.vd2.6p(xxx, r.final, lambda.final, beta.final, gamma.final, alpha.final)
        mu.ea <- mu.vd3.6p(xxx, r.final, lambda.final, beta.final)
        mu.ec <- mu.vd4.6p(xxx, gamma.final, alpha.final)
        mu.t <- mu.vd.6p(xxx, r.final, s.final, lambda.final, beta.final, gamma.final, alpha.final)
        plot(time, mu.x, xlim = c(time[1], tmax), xlab = tlab, ylab = "estimated mortality rate", log = "y",
             main = "Log Mortality Data and Vitality Model Fitting", ylim=c(min(mu.x, mu.t,na.rm=T),max(mu.x, mu.t,na.rm=T)))
        #plot(xxx, mu.t, xlim = c(0, tmax), xlab = tlab, ylab = "estimated mortality rate", log = "y",
        #    type = "l")
        lines(xxx, mu.t, lwd=2, col=2)
        lines(xxx, mu.i, col = 3, lty = 3, lwd=2)
        lines(xxx, mu.ea, col=4, lty=2, lwd=2)
        lines(xxx, mu.ec, col=5, lty=4, lwd=2)
        legend(x="bottomright", legend=c("data (approximate)", expression(mu[total]),expression(mu[i]),expression(mu["e,a"]),expression(mu["e,c"])), lty=c(NA,1,3,2,4), pch=c(1,NA,NA,NA,NA), col=c(1,2,3,4,5), lwd=c(1,rep(2,4)), bty="n")
    # --Incremental mortality plot
    if (Iplot != FALSE) {
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
        ln <- length(Ni)-1
        x1 <- x1[1:ln]
        x2 <- x2[1:ln]
        Ni <- Ni[1:ln]
        ln <- length(Ni)
        #scale <- (x2-x1)[Ni == max(Ni)]
        scale <- max( (x2-x1)[Ni == max(Ni)] )
        ext <- max(pplot, 1)
        npt <- 200*ext
        xxx <- seq(x1[1], x2[ln]*ext, length = npt)
        xx1 <- xxx[1:(npt-1)]
        xx2 <- xxx[2:npt]
        sProbI <- survProbInc.6p(r.final, s.final, lambda.final, beta.final, gamma.final, alpha.final, xx1, xx2)
        ytop <- 1.1 * max(max(sProbI/(xx2-xx1)), Ni/(x2-x1)) * scale		
        plot((x1+x2)/2, Ni*scale/(x2-x1), ylim = c(0, ytop), xlim = c(time[1], ext*x2[ln]),
             xlab = tlab, ylab = "incremental mortality")
        title("Probability Density Function")
        lines((xx1+xx2)/2, sProbI*scale/(xx2-xx1), col=2)

#' The cumulative survival distribution function for 2-process 6-parameter
#' None.
#' @param xx vector of ages
#' @param r r value
#' @param s s value
#' @param lambda lambda value
#' @param beta beta value
#' @param gamma gamma value
#' @param alpha alpha value
#' @return vector of FF?
SurvFn.6p <- function(xx,r,s,lambda,beta,gamma,alpha){
    alpha <- 1/alpha # need this for inverse in child mortality component added 9-16-2014
    yy <- s^2*xx
    # pnorm is: cumulative prob for the Normal Dist.
    tmp1 <- sqrt(1/yy) * (1 - xx * r)    #  xx = 0 is ok.  pnorm(+-Inf) is defined
    tmp2 <- sqrt(1/yy) * (1 + xx * r)
    # --safeguard if exponent gets too large.---
    tmp3 <- 2*r/(s*s)
    if (tmp3 > 250) {   
        q <- tmp3/250 
        if (tmp3 > 1500) {
            q <- tmp3/500
        valueFF <-(1.-(pnorm(-tmp1) + (exp(tmp3/q) *pnorm(-tmp2)^(1/q))^(q)))*exp(-lambda*exp(-1/beta)/(r/beta)*(exp(r*xx/beta)-1) +alpha*gamma*(exp(-xx/alpha)-1)) # This requires 1/alpha
    } else {
      valueFF <-(1.-(pnorm(-tmp1) + exp(tmp3) *pnorm(-tmp2)))*exp(-lambda*exp(-1/beta)/(r/beta)*(exp(r*xx/beta)-1)+ alpha*gamma*(exp(-xx/alpha)-1)) 
    if ( all(is.infinite(valueFF)) ) {
      warning(message="Inelegant exit caused by overflow in evaluation of survival function. Check for right-censored data. Try other initial values.")

#' Calculates incremental survival probability for 2-process 6-parameter r, s, lambda, beta, gamma, alpha
#' None
#' @param r r value
#' @param s s value
#' @param lambda lambda value
#' @param beta beta value
#' @param gamma gamma value
#' @param alpha alpha value
#' @param xx1 xx1 vector
#' @param xx2 xx2 vector
#' @return Incremental survival probabilities.
survProbInc.6p <- function(r, s, lambda, beta, gamma, alpha, xx1, xx2){
    value.iSP <- -(SurvFn.6p(xx2, r, s, lambda, beta, gamma, alpha) - SurvFn.6p(xx1, r, s, lambda, beta, gamma, alpha))
    value.iSP[value.iSP < 1e-18] <- 1e-18   # safeguards against taking Log(0)

#' Gives log likelihood of 2-process 6-parameter model
#' None
#' @param par vector of parameter(r, s, lambda, beta, gamma, alpha)
#' @param xx1 xx1 vector
#' @param xx2 xx2 vector
#' @param NNi survival fractions
#' @return log likelihood
logLikelihood.6p <- function(par, xx1, xx2, NNi) {
    # --calculate incremental survival probability--- (safeguraded > 1e-18 to prevent log(0))
    iSP <-  survProbInc.6p(par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4], par[5], par[6], xx1, xx2)
    loglklhd <- -NNi*log(iSP)

#' Standard errors for 6-param r, s, lambda, beta, gamma, alpha
#' Note: if k <= 0, can not find std Err for k.
#' @param r r value
#' @param s s value
#' @param k lambda value
#' @param u alpha value (corresponding to beta?)
#' @param g, gamma value
#' @param a, alpha value
#' @param x1 age 1 (corresponding 1:(t-1) and 2:t)
#' @param x2 age 2
#' @param Ni survival fraction
#' @param pop initial population (total population of the study)
#' @return standard error for r, s, k, u.
stdErr.6p <- function(r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni, pop) {	
    #a <- 1/a #???
    LL <- function(va, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni) {logLikelihood.6p(c(r+va, s+vb, k+vc, u+vd, g+ve, a+vf), x1, x2, Ni)}
    #initialize hessian for storage
    hess <- matrix(0, nrow = 6, ncol = 6)
    #set finite difference intervals
    h <- .001
    hr <- abs(h*r)
    hs <- h*s*.1
    hk <- h*k*.1
    hu <- h*u*.1
    hg <- h*g*.1
    ha <- h*a*.1
    #Compute second derivitives (using 5 point)
    # LLrr
    f0 <- LL(-2*hr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f1 <- LL(-hr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f2 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f3 <- LL(hr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f4 <- LL(2*hr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    fp0 <- (-25*f0 +48*f1 -36*f2 +16*f3 -3*f4)/(12*hr)
    fp1 <- (-3*f0 -10*f1 +18*f2 -6*f3 +f4)/(12*hr)
    fp3 <- (-f0 +6*f1 -18*f2 +10*f3 +3*f4)/(12*hr)
    fp4 <- (3*f0 -16*f1 +36*f2 -48*f3 +25*f4)/(12*hr)
    LLrr <- (fp0 -8*fp1 +8*fp3 -fp4)/(12*hr)
    # LLss
    f0 <- LL(0, -2*hs, 0, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f1 <- LL(0, -hs, 0, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    # f2 as above
    f3 <- LL(0, hs, 0, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f4 <- LL(0, 2*hs, 0, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    fp0 <- (-25*f0 +48*f1 -36*f2 +16*f3 -3*f4)/(12*hs)
    fp1 <- (-3*f0 -10*f1 +18*f2 -6*f3 +f4)/(12*hs)
    fp3 <- (-f0 +6*f1 -18*f2 +10*f3 +3*f4)/(12*hs)
    fp4 <- (3*f0 -16*f1 +36*f2 -48*f3 +25*f4)/(12*hs)
    LLss <- (fp0 -8*fp1 +8*fp3 -fp4)/(12*hs)
    # LLkk
    f0 <- LL(0, 0, -2*hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f1 <- LL(0, 0, -hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    # f2 as above
    f3 <- LL(0, 0, hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f4 <- LL(0, 0, 2*hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    fp0 <- (-25*f0 +48*f1 -36*f2 +16*f3 -3*f4)/(12*hk)
    fp1 <- (-3*f0 -10*f1 +18*f2 -6*f3 +f4)/(12*hk)
    fp3 <- (-f0 +6*f1 -18*f2 +10*f3 +3*f4)/(12*hk)
    fp4 <- (3*f0 -16*f1 +36*f2 -48*f3 +25*f4)/(12*hk)
    LLkk <- (fp0 -8*fp1 +8*fp3 -fp4)/(12*hk)
    # LLuu
    f0 <- LL(0, 0, 0, -2*hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f1 <- LL(0, 0, 0, -hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    # f2 as above
    f3 <- LL(0, 0, 0, hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f4 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 2*hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    fp0 <- (-25*f0 +48*f1 -36*f2 +16*f3 -3*f4)/(12*hu)
    fp1 <- (-3*f0 -10*f1 +18*f2 -6*f3 +f4)/(12*hu)
    fp3 <- (-f0 +6*f1 -18*f2 +10*f3 +3*f4)/(12*hu)
    fp4 <- (3*f0 -16*f1 +36*f2 -48*f3 +25*f4)/(12*hu)
    LLuu <- (fp0 -8*fp1 +8*fp3 -fp4)/(12*hu)
    # LLgg
    f0 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, -2*hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f1 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, -hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    # f2 as above
    f3 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f4 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, 2*hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    fp0 <- (-25*f0 +48*f1 -36*f2 +16*f3 -3*f4)/(12*hg)
    fp1 <- (-3*f0 -10*f1 +18*f2 -6*f3 +f4)/(12*hg)
    fp3 <- (-f0 +6*f1 -18*f2 +10*f3 +3*f4)/(12*hg)
    fp4 <- (3*f0 -16*f1 +36*f2 -48*f3 +25*f4)/(12*hg)
    LLgg <- (fp0 -8*fp1 +8*fp3 -fp4)/(12*hg)
    # LLaa
    f0 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2*ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f1 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    # f2 as above
    f3 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    f4 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2*ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    fp0 <- (-25*f0 +48*f1 -36*f2 +16*f3 -3*f4)/(12*ha)
    fp1 <- (-3*f0 -10*f1 +18*f2 -6*f3 +f4)/(12*ha)
    fp3 <- (-f0 +6*f1 -18*f2 +10*f3 +3*f4)/(12*ha)
    fp4 <- (3*f0 -16*f1 +36*f2 -48*f3 +25*f4)/(12*ha)
    LLaa <- (fp0 -8*fp1 +8*fp3 -fp4)/(12*ha)
    #-------end second derivs---
    # do mixed partials (4 points)
    # LLrs
    m1 <- LL(hr, hs, 0, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(-hr, hs, 0, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(-hr, -hs, 0, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(hr, -hs, 0, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLrs <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*hr*hs)
    # LLrk
    m1 <- LL(hr, 0, hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(-hr, 0, hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(-hr, 0, -hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(hr, 0, -hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLrk <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*hr*hk)
    # LLru
    m1 <- LL(hr, 0, 0, hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(-hr, 0, 0, hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(-hr, 0, 0, -hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(hr, 0, 0, -hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLru <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*hr*hu)
    # LLrg
    m1 <- LL(hr, 0, 0, 0, hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(-hr, 0, 0, 0, hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(-hr, 0, 0, 0, -hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(hr, 0, 0, 0, -hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLrg <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*hr*hg)
    # LLra
    m1 <- LL(hr, 0, 0, 0, 0, ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(-hr, 0, 0, 0, 0, ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(-hr, 0, 0, 0, 0, -ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(hr, 0, 0, 0, 0, -ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLra <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*hr*ha)
    # LLsk
    m1 <- LL(0, hs, hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(0, -hs, hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(0, -hs, -hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(0, hs, -hk, 0, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLsk <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*hs*hk)
    # LLsu
    m1 <- LL(0, hs, 0, hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(0, -hs, 0, hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(0, -hs, 0, -hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(0, hs, 0, -hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLsu <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*hu*hs)

    # LLsg
    m1 <- LL(0, hs, 0, 0, hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(0, -hs, 0, 0, hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(0, -hs, 0, 0, -hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(0, hs, 0, 0,-hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLsg <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*hg*hs)

    # LLsa
    m1 <- LL(0, hs, 0, 0, 0, ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(0, -hs, 0, 0, 0, ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(0, -hs, 0, 0, 0, -ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(0, hs, 0, 0, 0, -ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLsa <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*ha*hs)
    # LLku
    m1 <- LL(0, 0, hk, hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(0, 0, hk, -hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(0, 0, -hk, -hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(0, 0, -hk, hu, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLku <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*hu*hk)
    # LLkg
    m1 <- LL(0, 0, hk, 0, hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(0, 0, hk, 0, -hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(0, 0, -hk, 0, -hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(0, 0, -hk, 0, hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLkg <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*hg*hk)
    # LLka
    m1 <- LL(0, 0, hk, ha, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(0, 0, hk, -ha, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(0, 0, -hk, -ha, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(0, 0, -hk, ha, 0, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLka <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*ha*hk)
    # LLug
    m1 <- LL(0, 0, 0, hu, hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(0, 0, 0, -hu, hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(0, 0, 0, -hu, -hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(0, 0, 0, hu, -hg, 0, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLug <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*hg*hu)
    # LLua
    m1 <- LL(0, 0, 0, hu, 0, ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(0, 0, 0, -hu, 0, ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(0, 0, 0, -hu, 0, -ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(0, 0, 0, hu, 0, -ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLua <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*ha*hu)
    # LLga
    m1 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, hg, ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m2 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, -hg, ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m3 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, -hg, -ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    m4 <- LL(0, 0, 0, 0, hg, -ha, r, s, k, u, g, a, x1, x2, Ni)
    LLga <- (m1 -m2 +m3 -m4)/(4*ha*hg)
    diag(hess) <- c(LLrr, LLss, LLkk, LLuu, LLgg, LLaa)*pop
    hess[2, 1] = hess[1, 2] <- LLrs*pop
    hess[3, 1] = hess[1, 3] <- LLrk*pop
    hess[4, 1] = hess[1, 4] <- LLru*pop
    hess[5, 1] = hess[1, 5] <- LLrg*pop
    hess[6, 1] = hess[1, 6] <- LLra*pop
    hess[3, 2] = hess[2, 3] <- LLsk*pop
    hess[4, 2] = hess[2, 4] <- LLsu*pop
    hess[5, 2] = hess[2, 5] <- LLsg*pop
    hess[6, 2] = hess[2, 6] <- LLsa*pop
    hess[4, 3] = hess[3, 4] <- LLku*pop
    hess[5, 3] = hess[3, 5] <- LLkg*pop
    hess[6, 3] = hess[3, 6] <- LLka*pop
    hess[5, 4] = hess[4, 5] <- LLug*pop
    hess[6, 4] = hess[4, 6] <- LLua*pop
    hess[6, 5] = hess[5, 6] <- LLga*pop
    hessInv <- solve(hess)
#     hessian.i <- fdHess(pars=c(r,s,k,u,g,a), fun=logLikelihood.6p, xx1=x1, xx2=x2, NNi=Ni)$Hessian
#     hessInv <- solve(hessian.i)
    #compute correlation matrix:
    sz <- 6
    corr <- matrix(0, nrow = sz, ncol = sz)
    for (i in 1:sz) {
        for (j in 1:sz) {
            corr[i, j] <- hessInv[i, j]/sqrt(abs(hessInv[i, i]*hessInv[j, j]))
    if ( abs(corr[2, 1]) > .98 ) {
		WARNING: parameters r and s appear to be closely correlated for this data set.  
                s.e. may fail for these parameters.     ")
	  if (  sz == 6 && abs(corr[3, 1]) > .98 ) {
  	WARNING: parameters r and lambda appear to be closely correlated for this data set.  
	          s.e. may fail for these parameters.     ")
	  if (  sz == 6 && abs(corr[4, 1]) > .98 ) {
  	WARNING: parameters r and beta appear to be closely correlated for this data set.  
                s.e. may fail for these parameters.     ")
	  if (  sz == 6 && abs(corr[5, 1]) > .98 ) {
  	WARNING: parameters r and gamma appear to be closely correlated for this data set.  
                s.e. may fail for these parameters.     ")
	  if (  sz == 6 && abs(corr[6, 1]) > .98 ) {
  	WARNING: parameters r and alpha appear to be closely correlated for this data set.  
	          s.e. may fail for these parameters.     ")
    if (  sz == 6 && abs(corr[3, 2]) > .98 ) {
		WARNING: parameters s and lambda appear to be closely correlated for this data set.  
                s.e. may fail for these parameters.     ")
    if (  sz == 6 && abs(corr[4, 2]) > .98 ) {
		WARNING: parameters s and beta appear to be closely correlated for this data set.  
                s.e. may fail for these parameters.     ")
	  if (  sz == 6 && abs(corr[5, 2]) > .98 ) {
  	WARNING: parameters s and gamma appear to be closely correlated for this data set.  
                s.e. may fail for these parameters.     ")
	  if (  sz == 6 && abs(corr[6, 2]) > .98 ) {
		WARNING: parameters s and alpha appear to be closely correlated for this data set.  
                s.e. may fail for these parameters.     ")
    se <- sqrt(diag(hessInv))
    #  Approximate s.e. for cases where calculation of s.e. failed:
    if( sum( is.na(se) ) > 0 ) {
        seNA <- is.na(se)
        se12 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(1, 2)	, c(1, 2) ])))
        se13 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(1, 3)	, c(1, 3) ])))
        se14 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(1, 4)  , c(1, 4) ])))
        se15 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(1, 5)  , c(1, 5) ])))
        se16 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(1, 6)  , c(1, 6) ])))
        se23 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(2, 3)	, c(2, 3) ])))
        se24 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(2, 4)	, c(2, 4) ])))
        se25 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(2, 5)  , c(2, 5) ])))
        se26 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(2, 6)  , c(2, 6) ])))
        se34 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(3, 4)	, c(3, 4) ])))
        se35 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(3, 5)  , c(3, 5) ])))
        se36 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(3, 6)  , c(3, 6) ])))
        se45 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(4, 5)  , c(4, 5) ])))
        se46 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(4, 6)  , c(4, 6) ])))
        se56 <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess[c(5, 6)  , c(5, 6) ])))
        if(seNA[1]) {
            if(!is.na(se12[1]) ){
                se[1] = se12[1]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter r is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se13[1])){
                se[1] = se13[1]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter r is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se14[1])){
                se[1] = se14[1]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter r is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se15[1])){
              se[1] = se15[1]
              warning("  * s.e. for parameter r is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se16[1])){
              se[1] = se16[1]
              warning("  * s.e. for parameter r is approximate.    ")
            else warning("  * unable to calculate or approximate s.e. for parameter r.    ")
        if(seNA[2]) {
            if(!is.na(se12[2]) ){
                se[2] = se12[2]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter s is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se23[1])){
                se[2] = se23[1]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter s is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se24[1])){
                se[2] = se24[1]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter s is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se25[1])){
              se[2] = se25[1]
              warning("  * s.e. for parameter s is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se26[1])){
              se[2] = se26[1]
              warning("  * s.e. for parameter s is approximate.    ")
            else warning("  * unable to calculate or approximate s.e. for parameter s.    ")
        if(seNA[3]) {
            if(!is.na(se13[2]) ){
                se[3] = se13[2]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter lambda is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se23[2])){
                se[3] = se23[2]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter lambda is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se34[1])){
                se[3] = se34[1]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter lambda is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se35[1])){
              se[3] = se35[1]
              warning("  * s.e. for parameter lambda is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se36[1])){
              se[3] = se36[1]
              warning("  * s.e. for parameter lambda is approximate.    ")
            else warning("  * unable to calculate or approximate s.e. for parameter lambda.    ")
        if(seNA[4]) {
            if(!is.na(se14[2]) ){
                se[4] = se14[2]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter beta is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se24[2])){
                se[4] = se24[2]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter beta is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se34[2])){
                se[4] = se34[2]
                warning("  * s.e. for parameter beta is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se45[1])){
              se[4] = se45[1]
              warning("  * s.e. for parameter beta is approximate.    ")
            else if(!is.na(se46[1])){
              se[4] = se46[1]
              warning("  * s.e. for parameter beta is approximate.    ")
            else warning("  * unable to calculate or approximate s.e. for parameter beta.    ")
        if(seNA[5]) {
          if(!is.na(se15[2]) ){
            se[5] = se15[2]
            warning("  * s.e. for parameter gamma is approximate.    ")
          else if(!is.na(se25[2])){
            se[5] = se25[2]
            warning("  * s.e. for parameter gamma is approximate.    ")
          else if(!is.na(se35[2])){
            se[5] = se35[2]
            warning("  * s.e. for parameter gamma is approximate.    ")
          else if(!is.na(se45[2])){
            se[5] = se45[2]
            warning("  * s.e. for parameter gamma is approximate.    ")
          else if(!is.na(se56[1])){
            se[5] = se56[1]
            warning("  * s.e. for parameter gamma is approximate.    ")
          else warning("  * unable to calculate or approximate s.e. for parameter gamma.    ")
        if(seNA[6]) {
          if(!is.na(se16[2]) ){
            se[6] = se16[2]
            warning("  * s.e. for parameter alpha is approximate.    ")
          else if(!is.na(se26[2])){
            se[6] = se26[2]
            warning("  * s.e. for parameter alpha is approximate.    ")
          else if(!is.na(se36[2])){
            se[6] = se36[2]
            warning("  * s.e. for parameter alpha is approximate.    ")
          else if(!is.na(se46[2])){
            se[6] = se46[2]
            warning("  * s.e. for parameter alpha is approximate.    ")
          else if(!is.na(se56[2])){
            se[6] = se56[2]
            warning("  * s.e. for parameter alpha is approximate.    ")
          else warning("  * unable to calculate or approximate s.e. for parameter alpha.    ")

#' Intrinsic cumulative survival distribution
#' None
#' @param xx vector of ages
#' @param r r value
#' @param s s value
#' @return Cumulative survival distribution
SurvFn.h.6p <- function(xx, r, s)
  #  The cumulative survival distribution function.
  # pnorm is: cumulative prob for the Normal Dist.
  tmp1 <- sqrt(1/yy) * (1 - xx * r)    #  xx=0 is ok.  pnorm(+-Inf) is defined
  tmp2 <- sqrt(1/yy) * (1 + xx * r)
  # --safeguard if exponent gets too large.---
  tmp3 <- 2*r/(s*s)
  if (tmp3 >250) {   
    q <-tmp3/250 
    if (tmp3 >1500) {
      q <-tmp3/500
    valueFF <-(1.-(pnorm(-tmp1) + (exp(tmp3/q) *pnorm(-tmp2)^(1/q))^(q)))
  } else {
    valueFF <-(1.-(pnorm(-tmp1) + exp(tmp3) *pnorm(-tmp2)))
  if ( all(is.infinite(valueFF)) ) {
    warning(message="Inelegant exit caused by overflow in evaluation of survival function. Check for right-censored data. Try other initial values.")

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