
Defines functions arrange_data

Documented in arrange_data

#' arrange_data
#' Reads in a directory of VCF files and converts them into a single dataframe
#' @name arrange_data
#' @param vardir Directory path containing vcf files
#' @param reference_fasta Reference fasta file used for alignment
#' @param annotated Whether the VCF files are annotated using snpeff "yes" or "no" (default "yes")
#' @param ntlist Nucleotides (default A, T, G, C) used for finding multiple alt alleles
#' @param verbose set verbosity of the vcfR commands
#' @return A large dataframe containing information from all input VCF files
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
arrange_data = function(vardir, reference_fasta, annotated = 'yes', ntlist=c('A','G','T','C','-'), verbose = FALSE){

  fix_list = c('ChromKey','CHROM','POS','ID','REF','ALT')

  gt_list = c("ChromKey","POS","gt_AD","gt_DP")

  sizes = read_reference_fasta_dna(reference_fasta)

  filelist = Sys.glob(glue::glue("{vardir}/*.vcf"))

  message("Length of input files: ", length(filelist))

  message("Input vcf files include: ", list(filelist))

  all_files = data.frame()  # empty df to build to

  for (filename in filelist){

    samplename = basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(filename)) # grab sample name to append later

    message("Sample name is: ", samplename)

    vcf_all = vcfR::read.vcfR(file = filename, verbose = verbose)  # read in vcf file using vcfR


    if(nrow(vcf_all@gt) > 1){

      vcf_tidy = vcfR::vcfR2tidy(vcf_all, verbose = verbose)

      if (annotated == 'yes'){

        # $fix contains the INFO fields
        vcf_fix = vcf_tidy$fix %>% dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(fix_list), 'ANN')

      } else{
        # $fix contains the INFO fields
        vcf_fix = vcf_tidy$fix %>% dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(fix_list))

      # $gt contains the genotype information. grab info we want
      vcf_gt = vcf_tidy$gt %>% dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(gt_list))

      vcf_total = merge(vcf_fix, vcf_gt, by = c("ChromKey","POS"), all= TRUE)

      # if variants exist
      if (nrow(vcf_total) > 0){

        vcf_total$sample = samplename

        snp_df = vcf_total %>% dplyr::filter(REF %in% ntlist & ALT %in% ntlist) # only one ref and alt allele

        snp_df = snp_df %>% tidyr::separate(gt_AD, c("REF_COUNT","ALT_COUNT"), sep = '[,]') # IT WILL THROW AN ERROR IF THERE ARE MULT ALLELES

        mult_alt = vcf_total %>% dplyr::filter(REF %in% ntlist & !ALT %in% ntlist)  # mult alt alleles - need to use later!!

        if (nrow(snp_df) > 0){

          # one reference, one alt
          snp_df$REF_COUNT = as.numeric(as.character(snp_df$REF_COUNT))  # change to numeric to calc freq

          snp_df$ALT_COUNT = as.numeric(as.character(snp_df$ALT_COUNT))

          snp_df$REF_FREQ = snp_df$REF_COUNT/snp_df$gt_DP

          snp_df$ALT_FREQ = snp_df$ALT_COUNT/snp_df$gt_DP

          snp_df$ALT_TYPE <- ifelse(snp_df$ALT_FREQ < 0.50,

          all_files = rbind(all_files, snp_df)

        } else{message("No snps for sample: ", samplename)}

      } else{message(glue::glue("No variant data: ", samplename))}


    } else{

      vcf_tidy = vcfR::vcfR2tidy(vcf_all, info_only = TRUE, verbose = verbose)  # change into a tidy dataframe

      if (annotated == 'yes'){

        # $fix contains the INFO fields
        vcf_fix = vcf_tidy$fix %>% dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(fix_list), 'ANN')

      } else{
        # $fix contains the INFO fields
        vcf_fix = vcf_tidy$fix %>% dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(fix_list))

        gt_DP = vcfR::extract.info(x = vcf_all, element = c("DP"), as.numeric = TRUE, mask = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
        length(gt_DP) == nrow(vcf_all) # checking to make sure that these contain the same number of variants
        DP_df = data.frame(gt_DP)

        AF = vcfR::extract.info(x = vcf_all, element = c("AF"), as.numeric = TRUE, mask = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
        length(AF) == nrow(vcf_all)
        AF_df = data.frame(AF)

        vcf_fix = cbind(vcf_fix, DP_df)
        vcf_fix = cbind(vcf_fix, AF_df)

        # if variants exist
        if (nrow(vcf_fix) > 0){

          vcf_fix$sample = samplename

          snp_df = vcf_fix %>% dplyr::filter(REF %in% ntlist & ALT %in% ntlist) # only one ref and alt allele

          mult_alt = vcf_fix %>% dplyr::filter(REF %in% ntlist & !ALT %in% ntlist)  # mult alt alleles - need to use later!!

          if (nrow(snp_df) > 0){

            # one reference, one alt
            snp_df$gt_DP = as.numeric(as.character(snp_df$gt_DP))   # change to numeric to calc freq

            snp_df$ALT_FREQ = as.numeric(as.character(snp_df$AF)) # can't directly calculate AF ourselves based on depth, just have to go with what freebayes outputs

            snp_df$REF_FREQ =  as.numeric(as.character(1 - snp_df$ALT_FREQ))

            snp_df$ALT_TYPE <- ifelse(snp_df$ALT_FREQ < 0.50, "minor","major")

            all_files = rbind(all_files, snp_df)

          } else{message("No snps for sample: ", samplename)}

        } else{message(glue::glue("No variant data: ", samplename))}




  # rearranging the df
  all_files = all_files %>% dplyr::mutate(majorfreq = ifelse(ALT_TYPE == 'major', ALT_FREQ, REF_FREQ),
                                          minorfreq = ifelse(ALT_TYPE == 'minor', ALT_FREQ, REF_FREQ),
                                          major = ifelse(ALT_TYPE == 'major', ALT, REF),
                                          minor = ifelse(ALT_TYPE == 'minor', ALT, REF),
                                          majorcount = ifelse(ALT_TYPE == "major", ALT_COUNT,REF_COUNT),
                                          minorcount = ifelse(ALT_TYPE == "minor", ALT_COUNT,REF_COUNT))

  all_files = dplyr::select(all_files, c(sample,CHROM,POS,REF,ALT,ANN,

  all_files = all_files[!duplicated(all_files), ] %>% droplevels()



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vivaldi documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:20 p.m.