
Defines functions gui_vms_view_ping

Documented in gui_vms_view_ping

#' VMS DB View Raw Ping Data GUI
#' The \code{gui_vms_view_ping} function implements the graphical user interface for the
#'  VMS DB routine to view raw ping data.
#' This function, with a VMS database,
#'  plots vessel data.
#' @param vms_db_name The path of a VMS DataBase
#' @param bathy_file_name The path of a Bathymetry file
#' @return This function does not return a value.
#' @usage gui_vms_view_ping(vms_db_name = "", bathy_file_name = "")
#' @seealso \code{\link{gui_vms_save_bat}} \code{\link{gui_vms_view_track}} \code{\link{gui_vms_view_intrp}}

gui_vms_view_ping <- function(vms_db_name = "", bathy_file_name = "") {
  vms_DB <- vms_DB$new()
  vms_DB$db <- vms_db_name
  bathy <- bathymetry$new()
  bathy$path <- bathy_file_name

  # Avvio Interfaccia

  ping_view_win <- gwindow("Ping View Device", visible = FALSE)

  big_g <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = ping_view_win)
  left_g <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = big_g)
  chk_g3 <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = left_g)
  expo_gr <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = left_g)

  vms_db_f <- gframe(text = "VMS DB file", horizontal = TRUE, container = chk_g3)
  sel_vms_f <- glabel("Select VMS DB file", container = vms_db_f)
  gimage(system.file("ico/folder-blue.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = vms_db_f,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      vms_DB$db <- gfile(
        text = "Select VMS DataBase file",
        type = "open",
        filter = list("VMS DB file" = list(patterns = c("*.vms.sqlite")))
      #            svalue(sel_vms_f) <- strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])]
      svalue(sel_vms_f) <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]])], strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])])

      incee <- sqldf("select distinct I_NCEE from ping order by I_NCEE", dbname = vms_DB$db)
      selves[] <- incee

      enabled(selves) <- TRUE
      enabled(expo_gr) <- TRUE
      enabled(bbox_exp) <- TRUE
  gimage(system.file("ico/application-exit-5.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = vms_db_f,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      vms_DB$db <- ""
      enabled(selves) <- FALSE
      enabled(expo_gr) <- FALSE
      enabled(bbox_exp) <- FALSE
      svalue(sel_vms_f) <- "Select VMS DB file"
  save_jpeg <- gbutton(text = "save jpeg", container = expo_gr, handler = function(h, ...) {
    enabled(ping_view_win) <- FALSE

    xle <- par()$pin[1]
    yle <- par()$pin[2]

    j_fil_na <- gfile(
      text = "Jpeg file path and name",
      initialfilename = "*.jpeg",
      type = "save"
    if (length(unlist(strsplit(j_fil_na, "[.]"))) == 1) {
      j_fil_na <- paste(j_fil_na, ".jpeg", sep = "")

      filename = j_fil_na,
      width = round(1000 * xle), height = round(1000 * yle),
      quality = 100, bg = "aliceblue", pointsize = 80
    par(lwd = 10)
    vnum <- svalue(selves)
    vessel <- fn$sqldf("select * from ping where I_NCEE = `vnum`", dbname = vms_DB$db)
    if (nrow(vessel) != 0) {
      xrange <- c(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(ma_lo))
      yrange <- c(svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_la))
      pingview(vessel, bathy, xrange, yrange)
    enabled(ping_view_win) <- TRUE
  export_csv <- gbutton(text = "export csv", container = expo_gr, handler = function(h, ...) {
    enabled(ping_view_win) <- FALSE
    vnum <- svalue(selves)
    vessel <- fn$sqldf("select * from ping where I_NCEE = `vnum` order by DATE", dbname = vms_DB$db)
    if (nrow(vessel) != 0) {
      csv_fil_na <- gfile(
        text = "Save vessel route as CSV file", type = "save", initialfilename = "*.csv",
        filter = list(
          "All files" = list(patterns = c("*")), "CSV files" =
            list(patterns = "*.csv")

      if (length(unlist(strsplit(csv_fil_na, "[.]"))) == 1) {
        csv_fil_na <- paste(csv_fil_na, ".csv", sep = "")

        file = csv_fil_na,
        append = FALSE,
        sep = ";",
        dec = ".",
        row.names = FALSE,
        col.names = TRUE
    enabled(ping_view_win) <- TRUE

  bbox_exp <- gexpandgroup(text = "Custom B-Box", container = left_g, horizontal = TRUE)
  bbox_lay <- glayout(container = bbox_exp)
  bbox_lay[1, 2] <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE)
  glabel("Max Lat", container = bbox_lay[1, 2])
  ma_la <- gspinbutton(from = -90, to = 90, by = 0.5, value = 0, container = bbox_lay[1, 2])
  bbox_lay[2, 1] <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE)
  glabel("Min Lon", container = bbox_lay[2, 1])
  mi_lo <- gspinbutton(from = -180, to = 180, by = 0.5, value = 0, container = bbox_lay[2, 1])
  bbox_lay[2, 3] <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE)
  glabel("Max Lon", container = bbox_lay[2, 3])
  ma_lo <- gspinbutton(from = -180, to = 180, by = 0.5, value = 0, container = bbox_lay[2, 3])
  bbox_lay[3, 2] <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE)
  glabel("Min Lat", container = bbox_lay[3, 2])
  mi_la <- gspinbutton(from = -90, to = 90, by = 0.5, value = 0, container = bbox_lay[3, 2])
  re_plot <- gbutton(text = "Custom Plot", container = bbox_exp, handler = function(h, ...) {
    vnum <- svalue(selves)
    vessel <- fn$sqldf("select * from ping where I_NCEE = `vnum`", dbname = vms_DB$db)

    xrange <- c(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(ma_lo))
    yrange <- c(svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_la))

    pingview(vessel, bathy, xrange, yrange)
  enabled(bbox_exp) <- FALSE

  chk_g4 <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, expand = TRUE, container = left_g)
  selves <- gtable(items = data.frame("Vessel" = numeric(0)), chosencol = 1, container = chk_g4, expand = TRUE, handler = function(h, ...) {
    enabled(ping_view_win) <- FALSE
    enabled(expo_gr) <- FALSE

    vnum <- svalue(selves)
    vessel <- fn$sqldf("select * from ping where I_NCEE = `vnum`", dbname = vms_DB$db)
    if (nrow(vessel) != 0) {
      span <- 0.25
      xrange <- extendrange(x = vessel["LON"], f = span)
      yrange <- extendrange(x = vessel["LAT"], f = span)
      svalue(ma_la) <- yrange[2]
      svalue(mi_lo) <- xrange[1]
      svalue(ma_lo) <- xrange[2]
      svalue(mi_la) <- yrange[1]
      pingview(vessel, bathy, xrange, yrange)
    enabled(ping_view_win) <- TRUE
    enabled(expo_gr) <- TRUE
  enabled(selves) <- FALSE
  enabled(expo_gr) <- FALSE
  cus_dep_g <- gframe(text = "Bathymetry File", horizontal = TRUE, container = left_g)
  cus_dep_lab <- glabel("Select Bathymetry File", container = cus_dep_g)
  gimage(system.file("ico/folder-download.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = cus_dep_g,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      bathy$path <- gfile(
        text = "Select Bathymetry File",
        type = "open",
        filter = list("bathy data" = list(patterns = c("*sqlitebathy.rData")))
      #            svalue(cus_dep_lab) <- paste("File: ", strsplit(bathy$path, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(bathy$path, "/")[[1]])], sep = "")

      svalue(cus_dep_lab) <- paste("File: ", ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", strsplit(bathy$path, "\\\\")[[1]][length(strsplit(bathy$path, "\\\\")[[1]])], strsplit(bathy$path, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(bathy$path, "/")[[1]])]), sep = "")

      bathy$data <- readRDS(bathy$path)
  gimage(system.file("ico/application-exit-5.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = cus_dep_g,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      bathy$path <- ""
      svalue(cus_dep_lab) <- "Select Bathymetry File"
  right_g <- gframe(horizontal = F, container = big_g, expand = T)
  theplot <- ggraphics(container = right_g, width = 600, height = 450)
  visible(ping_view_win) <- TRUE
  maps::map("world", col = "black", bg = "lightsteelblue1", mar = c(6, 6, 0, 0), fill = TRUE, interior = FALSE)
  title(main = "Ping Viewer", line = 0.3)
  title(xlab = "Lon", ylab = "Lat", line = 2)
  if (vms_DB$db != "") {
    enabled(ping_view_win) <- FALSE

    #     svalue(sel_vms_f) <- strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])]
    svalue(sel_vms_f) <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]])], strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])])

    incee <- sqldf("select distinct I_NCEE from ping order by I_NCEE", dbname = vms_DB$db)
    selves[] <- incee
    enabled(ping_view_win) <- TRUE
    #     enabled(selves) <- TRUE
    #     enabled(bbox_exp) <- TRUE
  if (bathy$path != "") {
    #   svalue(cus_dep_lab) <- paste("File: ", strsplit(bathy$path, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(bathy$path, "/")[[1]])], sep = "")
    svalue(cus_dep_lab) <- paste("File: ", ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", strsplit(bathy$path, "\\\\")[[1]][length(strsplit(bathy$path, "\\\\")[[1]])], strsplit(bathy$path, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(bathy$path, "/")[[1]])]), sep = "")

    bathy$data <- readRDS(bathy$path)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

vmsbase documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6 p.m.