
Defines functions Pextinct

Documented in Pextinct

#' Cumulative probability of extinction at the end of the simulation
#' \code{Pextinct} calculates the cumulative probability of extinction at the by
#' calculating the proportion of runs in which a population goes extinct for
#' each scenario.
#' \code{Pextinct} then compares each scenario by calculating the strictly
#' standardised mean difference (SSMD, Zhang 2007) and reports this statistic
#' with its associated p values. Raw data are also reported.
#' @param data The long format of run (lrun, the second element) of the output
#'   from \code{collate_run}
#' @inheritParams pairwise
#' @return A list with two elements, a table (\code{data.table}) with the mean
#'   Probability of extinction and its SD, the SSMD and its associated p-value
#'   for each scenario and population, and a table (\code{data.table}) with each
#'   iteration where extinction is coded as one (and zero for no extinction)
#' @references Zhang, X. D. 2007. A pair of new statistical parameters for
#'   quality control in RNA interference high-throughput screening assays.
#'   Genomics 89:552-561.
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using Pacioni et al. example data. See ?pac.run.lhs for more details.
#' data(pac.run.lhs)
#' Pext <- Pextinct(pac.run.lhs[[2]], project='Pacioni_et_al',
#'   scenario='ST_Classic', ST=TRUE, save2disk=FALSE,
#'   dir_out='DataAnalysis/Pextinct')
Pextinct <- function(data, project, scenario, ST = FALSE, save2disk = TRUE, dir_out = "DataAnalysis/Pextinct") {
    # Dealing with no visible global variables
    YrExt <- NULL
    Ext <- NULL
    Pext <- NULL
    SD <- NULL
    SSMD <- NULL
    base <- NULL
    SDbase <- NULL
    pvalues <- NULL
    Scenario <- NULL
    Iteration <- NULL
    Population <- NULL
    . <- NULL
    fname <- if (ST) 
        paste(project, "_", scenario, sep = "") else project
    data <- data.table(data)
    if (ST) 
        scenario <- grep("(Base)", data[, unique(Scenario)], value = TRUE)
    setkey(data, YrExt)
    data[!.(NA), `:=`(Ext, 1)]
    data[.(NA), `:=`(Ext, 0)]
    extTable <- data[, .(Pext = mean(Ext), SD = sd(Ext)), by = .(Scenario, Population)]
    setkey(extTable, Scenario)
    Base <- extTable[scenario, .(Pext, SD), by = Population]
    setnames(Base, c("Pext", "SD"), c("base", "SDbase"))
    extTable <- merge(extTable, Base, by = "Population")
    extTable[, `:=`(SSMD, (base - Pext)/sqrt(SD^2 + SDbase^2))]
    extTable[, `:=`(pvalues, vortexR::pval(SSMD))]
    if (save2disk) {
        df2disk(extTable, dir_out, fname, ".PextTable")
        df2disk(data, dir_out, fname, ".withExt")
    return(list(PextTable = extTable, datWithExt = data))

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vortexR documentation built on April 14, 2020, 7:23 p.m.