#' @title Create networks from social media data
#' @description This function creates networks from social media data as produced from \code{\link{Collect}}.
#' \code{Create} is the final step of the \code{\link{Authenticate}}, \code{\link{Collect}} and \code{Create}
#' workflow.
#' There are four types of networks that can be created from collected data: \code{activity}, \code{actor},
#' \code{twomode} or \code{semantic}.
#' For \code{activity} networks refer to \code{\link{Create.activity.twitter}}, \code{\link{}}
#' and \code{\link{Create.activity.reddit}} for parameters and usage.
#' For \code{actor} networks refer to \code{\link{}}, \code{\link{}} and
#' \code{\link{}}.
#' For \code{twomode} and \code{semantic} networks refer to \code{\link{Create.twomode.twitter}} and
#' \code{\link{Create.semantic.twitter}} functions for parameters and usage respectively.
#' @param datasource Collected social media data of class \code{"datasource"} and \code{socialmedia}.
#' @param type Character string. Type of network to be created, can be \code{"activity"}, \code{"actor"},
#' \code{"twomode"} or \code{"semantic"}.
#' @param ... Optional parameters to pass to functions providied by supporting R packages that are used for social media
#' network creation.
#' @export
Create <- function(datasource, type, ...) {
# searches the class list of datasource for matching method
UseMethod("Create", type)
#' @export
Create.default <- function(datasource, type, ...) {
# check datasource
if (is.list(datasource) && ("tweets" %in% names(datasource))) {
if (check_df_n(datasource$tweets) < 1) {
stop("Datasource passed to Create is invalid or empty.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (check_df_n(datasource) < 1) {
stop("Datasource passed to Create is invalid or empty.", call. = FALSE)
# check if network type is a character string
if (!is.character(type)) {
stop("Create network type should be a character string.", call. = FALSE)
# check if function exists for network type
# todo: perhaps search create methods so this can be extensible
func_name <- paste0("Create", ".", type)
if (!exists(func_name, where = asNamespace("vosonSML"), mode = "function")) {
stop("Unknown network type passed to create.", call. = FALSE)
# add social media type to value class list
class(type) <- append(class(type), type)
# call create again
Create(datasource, type, ...)
#' @title Create activity networks from social media data
#' @noRd
#' @method Create activity
#' @export
Create.activity <- function(datasource, type, ...) {
msg <- f_verbose(check_dots("verbose", ...))
UseMethod("Create.activity", datasource)
#' @noRd
#' @export
Create.activity.default <- function(datasource, type, ...) {
stop("Unknown datasource passed to create activity network.", call. = FALSE)
#' @title Create actor network from social media data
#' @noRd
#' @method Create actor
#' @export <- function(datasource, type, ...) {
msg <- f_verbose(check_dots("verbose", ...))
UseMethod("", datasource)
#' @noRd
#' @export <- function(datasource, type, ...) {
stop("Unknown datasource passed to create.", call. = FALSE)
#' @title Creates a semantic network from social media data
#' @noRd
#' @method Create semantic
#' @export
Create.semantic <- function(datasource, type, ...) {
msg <- f_verbose(check_dots("verbose", ...))
UseMethod("Create.semantic", datasource)
#' @noRd
#' @export
Create.semantic.default <- function(datasource, type, ...) {
stop("Unknown datasource passed to create semantic network.", call. = FALSE)
#' @title Create 2-mode networks from social media data
#' @noRd
#' @method Create twomode
#' @export
Create.twomode <- function(datasource, type, ...) {
UseMethod("Create.twomode", datasource)
#' @noRd
#' @export
Create.twomode.default <- function(datasource, type, ...) {
stop("Unknown datasource passed to create twomode network.", call. = FALSE)
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