# Wallace EcoMod: a flexible platform for reproducible modeling of
# species niches and distributions.
# xfer_area.R
# File author: Wallace EcoMod Dev Team. 2023.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of the Wallace EcoMod application
# (hereafter “Wallace”).
# Wallace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# Wallace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Wallace. If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
xfer_area_module_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- shiny::NS(id)
span("Step 1:", class = "step"),
span("Choose Study Region", class = "stepText"), br(), br(),
selectInput(ns('xferExt'), label = "Select method",
choices = list("Draw polygon" = 'xfDraw',
"User-specified polygon" = 'xfUser')),
conditionalPanel(sprintf("input['%s'] == 'xfUser'", ns("xferExt")),
label = paste0('Upload polygon in shapefile (.shp, .shx, .dbf) or ',
'CSV file with field order (longitude, latitude)'),
accept = c(".csv", ".dbf", ".shx", ".shp"), multiple = TRUE),
tags$div(title = paste0('Buffer area in degrees (1 degree = ~111 km). Exact',
' length varies based on latitudinal position.'),
numericInput(ns("userXfBuf"), label = "Study region buffer distance (degree)",
value = 0, min = 0, step = 0.5))),
conditionalPanel(sprintf("input['%s'] == 'xfDraw'", ns("xferExt")),
p("Draw a polygon and select buffer distance"),
tags$div(title = paste0('Buffer area in degrees (1 degree = ~111 km). Exact',
' length varies based on latitudinal position.'),
numericInput(ns("drawXfBuf"), label = "Study region buffer distance (degree)",
value = 0, min = 0, step = 0.5))),
actionButton(ns("goxferExtArea"), "Create"), br(),
tags$hr(class = "hrDotted"),
span("Step 2:", class = "step"),
span("Transfer", class = "stepText"), br(),
p("Transfer model to transfer extent (red) "),
title = paste0(
'Create binary map of predicted presence/absence assuming ',
'all values above threshold value represent presence. Also ',
'can be interpreted as a "potential distribution" (see ',
selectInput(ns('threshold'), label = "Set threshold",
choices = list("No threshold" = 'none',
"Minimum Training Presence" = 'mtp',
"10 Percentile Training Presence" = 'p10',
"Quantile of Training Presences" = 'qtp'))),
conditionalPanel(sprintf("input['%s'] == 'qtp'", ns("threshold")),
sliderInput(ns("trainPresQuantile"), "Set quantile",
min = 0, max = 1, value = .05)),
conditionalPanel(paste0("input['", ns("threshold"), "'] == 'none'"),
actionButton(ns('goTransferArea'), "Transfer"),
tags$hr(class = "hrDashed"),
actionButton(ns("goResetXfer"), "Reset", class = 'butReset'),
strong(" transfer extent ")
xfer_area_module_server <- function(input, output, session, common) {
spp <- common$spp
evalOut <- common$evalOut
envs <- common$envs <- common$
rmm <- common$rmm
curSp <- common$curSp
curModel <- common$curModel
logger <- common$logger
output$noThrs <- renderUI({
ns <- session$ns
req(curSp(), evalOut())
if (spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$model$algorithms != "BIOCLIM") {
h5("Prediction output is the same as Visualize component ")
observeEvent(input$goxferExtArea, {
# ERRORS ####
if (is.null(spp[[curSp()]]$visualization$mapPred)) {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error',
'Calculate a model prediction in model component before transfering.')
if (input$xferExt == 'xfDraw') {
if (is.null(spp[[curSp()]]$polyXfXY)) {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error',
paste0("The polygon has not been drawn and finished. Please use the ",
"draw toolbar on the left-hand of the map to complete the ",
if (input$xferExt == 'xfUser') {
if (is.null(input$userXfShp$datapath)) {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "Specified filepath(s) ")
if (input$xferExt == 'xfDraw') {
polyXf <- xfer_draw(spp[[curSp()]]$polyXfXY, spp[[curSp()]]$polyXfID,
input$drawXfBuf, logger, spN = curSp())
if (input$drawXfBuf == 0 ) {
logger %>% writeLog(
hlSpp(curSp()), 'Draw polygon without buffer.')
} else {
logger %>% writeLog(
hlSpp(curSp()), 'Draw polygon with buffer of ', input$drawXfBuf,
' degrees.')
polyX <- printVecAsis(round(spp[[curSp()]]$polyXfXY[, 1], digits = 4))
polyY <- printVecAsis(round(spp[[curSp()]]$polyXfXY[, 2], digits = 4))
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$drawExtPolyXfCoords <-
paste0('X: ', polyX, ', Y: ', polyY)
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$XfBuff <- input$drawXfBuf
if (input$xferExt == 'xfUser') {
polyXf <- xfer_userExtent(input$userXfShp$datapath, input$userXfShp$name,
input$userXfBuf, logger, spN = curSp())
# ERRORS ####
# Check that the extents of raster and transfer extent intersects
polyXf_sfc <- sf::st_as_sfc(polyXf) #convert poly to sfc
envs_ext <- methods::as(raster::extent(envs()),'SpatialPolygons')
envs_sfc <- sf::st_as_sfc(envs_ext) #convert envs to sfc
#set crs to match
if (sf::st_crs(polyXf_sfc) != sf::st_crs(envs_sfc)) {
sf::st_crs(polyXf_sfc) <- sf::st_crs(envs_sfc)
logger %>%
writeLog(type = 'error', 'CRS was automatically set to match environmental variables.')
if (!sf::st_intersects(polyXf_sfc, envs_sfc, sparse = FALSE)[1,1]) {
logger %>%
writeLog(type = 'error', 'Extents do not overlap.')
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$XfBuff <- input$userXfBuf
# get extensions of all input files
exts <- sapply(strsplit(input$userXfShp$name, '\\.'),
FUN = function(x) x[2])
if('csv' %in% exts) {
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$userXfExt <- 'csv'
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$userXfPath <- input$userXfShp$datapath
else if('shp' %in% exts) {
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$userXfExt <- 'shp'
# get index of .shp
i <- which(exts == 'shp')
shpName <- strsplit(input$userXfShp$name[i], '\\.')[[1]][1]
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$userXfShpParams <-
list(dsn = input$userXfShp$datapath[i], layer = shpName)
spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$xfExt <- polyXf
common$update_component(tab = "Map")
observeEvent(input$goTransferArea, {
# ERRORS ####
if (is.null(spp[[curSp()]]$visualization$mapPred)) {
logger %>%
writeLog(type = 'error',
'Calculate a model prediction in model component before transfering.')
if (is.null(spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$xfExt)) {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', 'Select transfer extent first.')
# Check that the extents of raster and transfer extent intersects
Xfer_sfc <- sf::st_as_sfc(spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$xfExt) #convert xfrExt to sfc
envs_ext <- methods::as(raster::extent(envs()),'SpatialPolygons')
envs_sfc <- sf::st_as_sfc(envs_ext) #convert envs to sfc
if (!sf::st_intersects(Xfer_sfc, envs_sfc, sparse = FALSE)[1,1]) {
logger %>%
writeLog(type = 'error', 'Extents do not overlap.')
if (is.null(envs())) {
logger %>%
type = 'error',
'Environmental variables missing. Obtain them in component 3.')
} else {
diskRast <- raster::fromDisk([[spp[[curSp()]]$envs]])
if (diskRast) {
if (class([[spp[[curSp()]]$envs]]) == "RasterStack") {
diskExist <- !file.exists([[spp[[curSp()]]$envs]]@layers[[1]]@file@name)
} else if (class([[spp[[curSp()]]$envs]]) == "RasterBrick") {
diskExist <- !file.exists([[spp[[curSp()]]$envs]]@file@name)
if (diskExist) {
logger %>%
type = 'error',
'Environmental variables missing. Please upload again.')
predType <- rmm()$prediction$notes
if (spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$model$algorithms == "BIOCLIM") {
xferArea.out <- xfer_area(evalOut = evalOut(),
curModel = curModel(),
envs = envs(),
xfExt = spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$xfExt,
alg = spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$model$algorithms,
spN = curSp())
} else {
xferArea.out <- xfer_area(evalOut = evalOut(),
curModel = curModel(),
envs = envs(),
xfExt = spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$xfExt,
alg = spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$model$algorithms,
outputType = predType,
clamp = rmm()$model$algorithm$maxent$clamping,
spN = curSp())
xferExt <- xferArea.out$xferExt
xferArea <- xferArea.out$xferArea
# generate binary prediction based on selected thresholding rule
# (same for all Maxent prediction types because they scale the same)
occPredVals <- spp[[curSp()]]$visualization$occPredVals
if(!(input$threshold == 'none')) {
if (input$threshold == 'mtp') {
thr <- stats::quantile(occPredVals, probs = 0)
} else if (input$threshold == 'p10') {
thr <- stats::quantile(occPredVals, probs = 0.1)
} else if (input$threshold == 'qtp'){
thr <- stats::quantile(occPredVals, probs = input$trainPresQuantile)
xferAreaThr <- xferArea > thr
logger %>% writeLog(hlSpp(curSp()), "Transfer of model to new area with threshold ",
input$threshold, ' (', formatC(thr, format = "e", 2), ').')
} else {
xferAreaThr <- xferArea
logger %>% writeLog(hlSpp(curSp()), "Transfer of model to new area with ",
predType, ' output.')
raster::crs(xferAreaThr) <- raster::crs(envs())
# rename
names(xferAreaThr) <- paste0(curModel(), '_thresh_', predType)
spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$xfEnvs <- xferExt
spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$mapXfer <- xferAreaThr
spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$mapXferVals <- getRasterVals(xferAreaThr, predType)
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$transfer_curModel <- curModel()
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$transfer_area <- TRUE
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$data$transfer$environment1$minVal <-
printVecAsis(raster::cellStats(xferExt, min), asChar = TRUE)
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$data$transfer$environment1$maxVal <-
printVecAsis(raster::cellStats(xferExt, max), asChar = TRUE)
if (spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$data$environment$sources == 'WorldClim 2.1') {
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$data$transfer$environment1$yearMin <- 1970
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$data$transfer$environment1$yearMax <- 2000
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$data$transfer$environment1$resolution <-
paste(round(raster::res(xferExt)[1] * 60, digits = 2), "degrees")
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$data$transfer$environment1$extentSet <-
printVecAsis(as.vector(xferExt@extent), asChar = TRUE)
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$data$transfer$environment1$extentRule <-
"transfer to user-selected new area"
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$data$transfer$environment1$sources <-
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$prediction$transfer$environment1$units <-
ifelse(predType == "raw", "relative occurrence rate", predType)
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$prediction$transfer$environment1$minVal <-
printVecAsis(raster::cellStats(xferAreaThr, min), asChar = TRUE)
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$prediction$transfer$environment1$maxVal <-
printVecAsis(raster::cellStats(xferAreaThr, max), asChar = TRUE)
if(!(input$threshold == 'none')) {
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$prediction$transfer$environment1$thresholdSet <- thr
if (input$threshold == 'qtp') {
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$transferQuantile <- input$trainPresQuantile
} else {
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$transferQuantile <- 0
} else {
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$prediction$transfer$environment1$thresholdSet <- NULL
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$prediction$transfer$environment1$thresholdRule <- input$threshold
if (!is.null(spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$model$algorithm$maxent$clamping)) {
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$prediction$transfer$environment1$extrapolation <-
spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$prediction$transfer$notes <- NULL
common$update_component(tab = "Map")
# Reset Transfer Extent button functionality
observeEvent(input$goResetXfer, {
spp[[curSp()]]$polyXfXY <- NULL
spp[[curSp()]]$polyXfID <- NULL
spp[[curSp()]]$transfer <- NULL
logger %>% writeLog("Reset transfer extent.")
save = function() {
xferExt = input$xferExt,
userXfBuf = input$userXfBuf,
drawXfBuf = input$drawXfBuf,
threshold = input$threshold,
trainPresQuantile = input$trainPresQuantile
load = function(state) {
updateSelectInput(session, 'xferExt', selected = state$xferExt)
updateNumericInput(session, 'userXfBuf', value = state$userXfBuf)
updateNumericInput(session, 'drawXfBuf', value = state$drawXfBuf)
updateSelectInput(session, 'threshold', selected = state$threshold)
updateSliderInput(session, 'trainPresQuantile', value = state$trainPresQuantile)
xfer_area_module_map <- function(map, common) {
spp <- common$spp
evalOut <- common$evalOut
curSp <- common$curSp
rmm <- common$rmm
mapXfer <- common$mapXfer
# Map logic
map %>% leaflet.extras::addDrawToolbar(
targetGroup = 'draw', polylineOptions = FALSE, rectangleOptions = FALSE,
circleOptions = FALSE, markerOptions = FALSE, circleMarkerOptions = FALSE,
editOptions = leaflet.extras::editToolbarOptions()
# Add just transfer Polygon
polyXfXY <- spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$xfExt@polygons[[1]]@Polygons
if(length(polyXfXY) == 1) {
shp <- list(polyXfXY[[1]]@coords)
} else {
shp <- lapply(polyXfXY, function(x) x@coords)
bb <- spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$xfExt@bbox
bbZoom <- polyZoom(bb[1, 1], bb[2, 1], bb[1, 2], bb[2, 2], fraction = 0.05)
map %>% clearAll() %>% removeImage('xferRas') %>%
fitBounds(bbZoom[1], bbZoom[2], bbZoom[3], bbZoom[4])
for (poly in shp) {
map %>% addPolygons(lng = poly[, 1], lat = poly[, 2], weight = 4,
color = "red",group = 'bgShp')
req(evalOut(), spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$xfEnvs)
mapXferVals <- spp[[curSp()]]$transfer$mapXferVals
rasCols <- c("#2c7bb6", "#abd9e9", "#ffffbf", "#fdae61", "#d7191c")
# if threshold specified
if(rmm()$prediction$transfer$environment1$thresholdRule != 'none') {
rasPal <- c('gray', 'red')
map %>% removeControl("xfer") %>%
addLegend("bottomright", colors = c('gray', 'red'),
title = "Thresholded Suitability<br>(Transferred)",
labels = c("predicted absence", "predicted presence"),
opacity = 1, layerId = 'xfer')
} else {
# if no threshold specified
legendPal <- colorNumeric(rev(rasCols), mapXferVals, na.color = 'transparent')
rasPal <- colorNumeric(rasCols, mapXferVals, na.color = 'transparent')
map %>% removeControl("xfer") %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = legendPal,
title = "Predicted Suitability<br>(Transferred)",
values = mapXferVals, layerId = 'xfer',
labFormat = reverseLabel(2, reverse_order = TRUE))
# map model prediction raster and transfer polygon
map %>% clearMarkers() %>% clearShapes() %>% removeImage('xferRas') %>%
addRasterImage(mapXfer(), colors = rasPal, opacity = 0.7,
layerId = 'xferRas', group = 'xfer', method = "ngb")
for (poly in shp) {
map %>% addPolygons(lng = poly[, 1], lat = poly[, 2], weight = 4,
color = "red", group = 'xfer', fill = FALSE)
xfer_area_module_rmd <- function(species) {
# Variables used in the module's Rmd code
xfer_area_knit = !is.null(species$rmm$code$wallace$transfer_area),
curModel_rmd = species$rmm$code$wallace$transfer_curModel,
outputType_rmd = species$rmm$prediction$notes,
alg_rmd = species$rmm$model$algorithms,
clamp_rmd = species$rmm$model$algorithm$maxent$clamping,
###arguments for creating extent
polyXfXY_rmd = if(!is.null(species$rmm$code$wallace$drawExtPolyXfCoords)){
printVecAsis(species$polyXfXY)} else {NULL},
polyXfID_rmd = if(!is.null(species$rmm$code$wallace$drawExtPolyXfCoords)){
species$polyXfID} else {0},
BgBuf_rmd = species$rmm$code$wallace$XfBuff,
##Determine the type of transfer extent to use correct RMD function
xfer_area_extent_knit = !is.null(species$rmm$code$wallace$userXfShpParams),
##Use of threshold for transfer
xfer_area_threshold_knit = !is.null(species$rmm$prediction$transfer$environment1$thresholdSet),
xfer_thresholdRule_rmd = species$rmm$prediction$transfer$environment1$thresholdRule,
xfer_threshold_rmd = if (!is.null(species$rmm$prediction$transfer$environment1$thresholdSet)){
species$rmm$prediction$transfer$environment1$thresholdSet} else {0},
xfer_probQuantile_rmd = species$rmm$code$wallace$transferQuantile
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