
Defines functions create_ITSA

Documented in create_ITSA

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title
#' Estimate an effect of intervention on every Viva Insights metric in input
#' file by applying single-group Interrupted Time-Series Analysis (ITSA)
#' @author Aleksey Ashikhmin <alashi@@microsoft.com>
#' @description
#' r lifecycle::badge('experimental')
#' This function implements ITSA method described in the paper 'Conducting
#' interrupted time-series analysis for single- and multiple-group comparisons',
#' Ariel Linden, The Stata Journal (2015), 15, Number 2, pp. 480-500
#' This function further requires the installation of 'sandwich', 'portes', and
#' 'lmtest' in order to work. These packages can be installed from CRAN using
#' `install.packages()`.
#' @details
#' This function uses the additional package dependencies 'sandwich' and
#' 'lmtest'. Please install these separately from CRAN prior to running the
#' function.
#' As of May 2022, the 'portes' package was archived from CRAN. The dependency
#' has since been removed and dependent functions `Ljungbox()` incorporated into
#' the **wpa** package.
#' @param data Person Query as a dataframe including date column named `Date`.
#'   This function assumes the data format is MM/DD/YYYY as is standard in a
#'   Viva Insights query output.
#' @param before_start Start date of 'before' time period in MM/DD/YYYY format
#'   as character type. Before time period is the period before the intervention
#'   (e.g. training program, re-org, shift to remote work) occurs and bounded by
#'   before_start and before_end parameters. Longer period increases likelihood
#'   of achieving more statistically significant results. Defaults to earliest
#'   date in dataset.
#' @param before_end End date of 'before' time period in MM/DD/YYYY  format as
#'   character type.
#' @param after_start Start date of 'after' time period in MM/DD/YYYY  format as
#'   character type. After time period is the period after the intervention
#'   occurs and bounded by after_start and after_end parameters. Longer period
#'   increases likelihood of achieving more statistically significant results.
#'   Defaults to date after before_end.
#' @param after_end End date of 'after' time period in MM/DD/YYYY  format as
#'   character type. Defaults to latest date in dataset.
#' @param ac_lags_max maximum lag for autocorrelation test. Default is 7
#' @param return String specifying what output to return. Defaults to "table".
#' Valid return options include:
#'   - `'plot'`: return a list of plots.
#'   - `'table'`: return data.frame with estimated models' coefficients and
#'   their corresponding p-values You should look for significant p-values in
#'   beta_2 to indicate an immediate treatment effect, and/or in beta_3 to
#'   indicate a treatment effect over time
#' @import dplyr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @family Flexible Input
#' @family Interrupted Time-Series Analysis
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Returns summary table
#' create_ITSA(
#'   data = sq_data,
#'   before_start = "12/15/2019",
#'   before_end = "12/29/2019",
#'   after_start = "1/5/2020",
#'   after_end = "1/26/2020",
#'   ac_lags_max = 7,
#'   return = "table")
#' # Returns list of plots
#' plot_list <-
#'   create_ITSA(
#'     data = sq_data,
#'     before_start = "12/15/2019",
#'     before_end = "12/29/2019",
#'     after_start = "1/5/2020",
#'     after_end = "1/26/2020",
#'     ac_lags_max = 7,
#'     return = 'plot')
#' # Extract a plot as an example
#' plot_list$Workweek_span
#' }
#' @export

create_ITSA <-
           before_start = min(as.Date(data$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")),
           after_end = max(as.Date(data$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")),
           ac_lags_max = 7,
           return = 'table') {

    ## Check inputs types
    stopifnot(is.character(before_start)|inherits(before_start, "Date"))
    stopifnot(is.character(after_end)|inherits(after_end, "Date"))

    ## Check if dependencies are installed
    check_pkg_installed(pkgname = "sandwich")
    check_pkg_installed(pkgname = "lmtest")
    # check_pkg_installed(pkgname = "portes") # Removed from CRAN

    ## Check required columns in data
    required_variables <- c("Date",
    ## Error message if variables are not present
    ## Nothing happens if all present
    data %>%
      check_inputs(requirements = required_variables)

    before_start <- as.Date(before_start, "%m/%d/%Y")
    before_end <- as.Date(before_end, "%m/%d/%Y")
    after_start <- as.Date(after_start, "%m/%d/%Y")
    after_end <- as.Date(after_end, "%m/%d/%Y")

    dateranges <- c(before_start, before_end, after_start, after_end)

    WpA_dataset <- data %>% mutate(Date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%Y"))

    # Check for dates in data file
    all_dates_in_data_range_flag <- all((min(WpA_dataset$Date) <= dateranges)&(dateranges <= max(WpA_dataset$Date)) == TRUE)

    if (!all_dates_in_data_range_flag) {
      stop("Not all dates are found in the dataset")

    # Create variable => Period
    WpA_dataset_table <-
      WpA_dataset %>%
        Period = case_when(
          (before_start <= Date) & (Date <= before_end) ~ "Before",
          (after_start <= Date) & (Date <= after_end) ~ "After"
      ) %>% filter(Period == "Before" | Period == "After")

    WpA_dataset_table <-
      WpA_dataset_table %>% mutate(outcome = case_when(Period == "Before" ~ "0",
                                                       Period == "After" ~ "1"))

    # Create "train" data with metrics and Date columns
    train <-
      WpA_dataset_table %>%
      transform(outcome = as.numeric(outcome)) #%>%
    date_column <- train[, "Date"]
    train <- train %>% select_if(is.numeric) %>% mutate(Date = date_column)

    # Filter out rows with missing values
    train <- train %>% filter(rowSums(is.na(.[, ])) < 1)

    # Aggregate metric values at Date level
    grouped_by_Date_train <- train %>% group_by(Date)

    # Get metric names
    metric_names <- setdiff(colnames(grouped_by_Date_train), c("Date", "outcome"))

    # Create empty data.frame to save results (e.g. coefficients, p-values etc) for each metric
    results <- data.frame(metric_name=character(),

    # Create empty list to save plots
    results_plot <- list()

    # Perform ITSA for every metric in metric_names
    for(metric_name in metric_names){

      # if error_flag = True then there would be no plot generated when return = 'plot'
      error_flag <- FALSE
      # AR_flag = False indicates that lag is equal 0 otherwise it's set to True
      AR_flag <- FALSE
      # lm_train_success_flag indicates model estimation success
      lm_train_success_flag <- FALSE

      buf_trycatch <- tryCatch({

        # Create a metric time-series by averaging metric values across users
        metric_data <- grouped_by_Date_train %>% summarise_at(c(metric_name, "outcome"), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
        metric_data <- as.data.frame(metric_data)

        # Transform metric_data into ITSA format described in the paper page 485
        Date <- metric_data[,"Date"]
        Y <- metric_data[, metric_name]
        T <- seq(1:length(metric_data[,"Date"]))

        # X is dummy variable, 0 indicates pre-intervention period and 1 indicates post-intervention period
        X <-  metric_data[, "outcome"]

        num_Zeros <- length(X) - sum(X) + 1
        XT <- X*(T - num_Zeros)

        data_OLS <- data.frame(Date, Y, T, X, XT, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

        single_itsa = stats::lm(Y ~ T + X + XT, data = data_OLS)

        # Newey-West variance estimator produces consistent estimates when there
        # is autocorrelation in addition to possible Heteroscedasticity
        coeff_pvalues <- lmtest::coeftest(single_itsa,
                                          vcov = sandwich::NeweyWest(single_itsa, lag = 0, prewhite = FALSE))

        beta_2 <- round(single_itsa$coefficients[3], 3)
        beta_3 <- round(single_itsa$coefficients[4], 3)
        beta_2_pvalue <- round(coeff_pvalues[3,4], 3)
        beta_3_pvalue <- round(coeff_pvalues[4,4], 3)

        lm_train_success_flag <- TRUE

        # It is important to test for the presence of autocorrelated errors
        # when using regression-based time-series methods, because such tests
        # provide critical diagnostic information regarding the adequacy of the time-series model
        residuals <- single_itsa$residuals
        N <- length(residuals)

        # Run Ljung and Box Test to test for autocorrelation
        lb_test <- wpa::LjungBox(
          lags = seq(1, ac_lags_max),
          order = 4,
          season = 1,
          squared.residuals = FALSE

        ind_stat_significant_coeff <- which(lb_test[,'p-value'] <= 0.05)

        # LjungBox test identifies statistically significant lags then we use Newey-West method
        # (heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) covariance matrix estimators)
        # with maximum lag to estimate lm model coefficients' std errors and p-values with lags accounting
        if(0 < length(ind_stat_significant_coeff)){
          # The Newey & West (1987) estimator requires specification
          # of the lag and suppression of prewhitening
          coeff_pvalues <- lmtest::coeftest(single_itsa,
                                            vcov = sandwich::NeweyWest(single_itsa,
                                                                       lag = max(ind_stat_significant_coeff),
                                                                       prewhite = FALSE))
          AR_flag <- TRUE

        # Look for significant p-values in beta_2 to indicate an immediate treatment
        # effect, or in beta_3 to indicate a treatment effect over time
        # Yt = Beta0 + beta_1*Tt + beta_2*Xt + beta_3*Xt*Tt + epst
        beta_2 <- round(single_itsa$coefficients[3], 3)
        beta_3 <- round(single_itsa$coefficients[4], 3)
        beta_2_pvalue <- round(coeff_pvalues[3,4], 3)
        beta_3_pvalue <- round(coeff_pvalues[4,4], 3)

        buf <- data.frame(metric_name = metric_name,
                          beta_2 = beta_2,
                          beta_3 = beta_3,
                          beta_2_pvalue = beta_2_pvalue,
                          beta_3_pvalue = beta_3_pvalue,
                          AR_flag = AR_flag,
                          error_warning = "")

      error = function(c){

        error_flag <- TRUE
        buf <- data.frame(metric_name = metric_name,
                          beta_2 = ifelse(exists("beta_2", inherits = FALSE), beta_2, -1),
                          beta_3 = ifelse(exists("beta_3", inherits = FALSE), beta_3, -1),
                          beta_2_pvalue = ifelse(exists("beta_2_pvalue", inherits = FALSE), beta_2_pvalue, -1),
                          beta_3_pvalue = ifelse(exists("beta_3_pvalue", inherits = FALSE), beta_3_pvalue, -1),
                          AR_flag = FALSE,
                          error_warning = paste0('Error: ',c$message, "; lm_train_success=", lm_train_success_flag, collapse = " "))
      warning = function(c){
        buf <- data.frame(metric_name = metric_name,
                          beta_2 = ifelse(exists("beta_2", inherits = FALSE), beta_2, -1),
                          beta_3 = ifelse(exists("beta_3", inherits = FALSE), beta_3, -1),
                          beta_2_pvalue = ifelse(exists("beta_2_pvalue", inherits = FALSE), beta_2_pvalue, -1),
                          beta_3_pvalue = ifelse(exists("beta_3_pvalue", inherits = FALSE), beta_3_pvalue, -1),
                          AR_flag = AR_flag,
                          error_warning = paste0('Warning: ',c$message, "; lm_train_success=", lm_train_success_flag, collapse = " "))


      results <- rbind(results, buf_trycatch)

      # Create a metric plot with its estimated ITSA model
      # and save it in "results_plot" list. If error_flag is TRUE then
      #save "buf_trycatch" instead for logging error message
      if(return == 'plot' & !error_flag ){

        event_T <- which.max(data_OLS[, "X"] == 1 )
        hat_Y <- single_itsa$fitted.values

        before_intervention_df <- data_OLS[1:event_T,]
        before_intervention_df[event_T,"X"] <- 0

        hat_Y_before_and_at_intervention <- data.frame(DateTime = data_OLS[1:event_T, "Date"], T=data_OLS[1:event_T, "T"],Y = stats::predict(single_itsa, before_intervention_df))
        hat_Y_after_and_at_intervention <- data.frame(DateTime =data_OLS[event_T:dim(data_OLS)[1], "Date"], T=data_OLS[event_T:dim(data_OLS)[1], "T"], Y = hat_Y[event_T:dim(data_OLS)[1]])

        # Create basic graph
        p <- ggplot(data_OLS, aes(x = T, y = Y))+
          geom_point(aes(y = Y), color = "blue")+
          geom_line(data=hat_Y_before_and_at_intervention, aes(x=T, y=Y), size=1)+
          geom_line(data=hat_Y_after_and_at_intervention, aes(x=T, y=Y), size=1)

        # Calculate plotting area range and scale
        dY <- (max(data_OLS[,"Y"]) - min(data_OLS[,"Y"]))/10
        dX <- 1

        # Calculate annotation positions on the graph
        Y_at_intervention_when_no_intervention_happened <- hat_Y_before_and_at_intervention[dim(hat_Y_before_and_at_intervention)[1] ,"Y"]
        Y_at_intervention_when_intervention_happened <- hat_Y_after_and_at_intervention[1,"Y"]
        pos_y_end_beta_2 <- (Y_at_intervention_when_no_intervention_happened + Y_at_intervention_when_intervention_happened)/2
        pos_y_start_beta_2 <- pos_y_end_beta_2 + dY
        pos_x_end_beta_2 <- event_T
        pos_x_start_beta_2 <- pos_x_end_beta_2 - dX

        # Create data.frame with all the annotation info
        annotation <- data.frame(
          x = pos_x_start_beta_2 - dX,
          y = Y_at_intervention_when_intervention_happened + dY,
          label = c(paste0("beta_2=", round(beta_2, 3), collapse=" "))

        # Create final plot
        p_final <- p + ggtitle(metric_name) +
          geom_vline(xintercept=event_T, color="red", size=1) +
          annotate("segment", x = pos_x_start_beta_2, xend = pos_x_end_beta_2, y = pos_y_start_beta_2, yend = pos_y_end_beta_2, colour = "black", size=0.5, alpha=0.6, arrow=arrow())+
          annotate("segment", x = pos_x_end_beta_2, xend = pos_x_end_beta_2, y = Y_at_intervention_when_no_intervention_happened, yend = Y_at_intervention_when_intervention_happened, colour = "purple", size=2, alpha=1)+
          geom_text(data=annotation, aes( x=x, y=y, label=label), color="orange", size=5, angle=0, fontface="bold" )

        # Change the color, the size and the face of
        # the main title
        p_final <- p_final + theme(
          plot.title = element_text(color="blue", size=14, face="bold.italic"))

        # Save plot in list
        results_plot[[metric_name]] <- p_final
        results_plot[[metric_name]] <- buf_trycatch


    if(return == 'plot'){

    # Remove rownames from results
    rownames(results) <- c()

    # Return ranking table


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