#' Compute mean and sd and put together with the ± symbol.
#' @param x Data for computation.
#' @param roundDig Number of relevant digits for roundR.
#' @param drop0 Should trailing zeros be dropped?
#' @param groupvar Optional grouping variable for subgroups.
#' @param range Should min and max be included in output?
#' @param rangesep How should min/max be separated from mean+-sd?
#' @param add_n Should n be included in output?
#' @param add_n Should n be included in output?
#' @param .german logical, should "." and "," be used as bigmark and decimal?
#' @return character vector with mean ± SD, rounded to desired precision
#' @examples
#' # basic usage of meansd
#' meansd(x = mtcars$wt)
#' # with additional options
#' meansd(x = mtcars$wt, groupvar = mtcars$am, add_n = TRUE)
#' @export
meansd <- function(x, roundDig = 2, drop0 = FALSE, groupvar = NULL,
range = FALSE, rangesep = " ", add_n = FALSE, .german = FALSE) {
out <- ""
if (length(na.omit(x)) > 0) {
if (is.null(groupvar)) {
meansd <- cbind(
mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
sd(x, na.rm = TRUE),
min(x, na.rm = TRUE),
max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
ncol = 4, byrow = FALSE
meansd[1:2] <- meansd[1:2] |>
roundR(level = roundDig, drop0 = drop0, .german = .german)
meansd[3:4] <- meansd[3:4] |>
roundR(level = roundDig, drop0 = drop0, .german = .german)
} else {
meansd <- matrix(c(
by(x, groupvar, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
by(x, groupvar, sd, na.rm = TRUE),
by(x, groupvar, min, na.rm = TRUE),
by(x, groupvar, max, na.rm = TRUE)
ncol = 4, byrow = FALSE
) |>
na_if(Inf) |>
meansd[, 1:2] <- meansd[, 1:2] |>
roundR(level = roundDig, drop0 = drop0, .german = .german)
meansd[, 3:4] <- meansd[, 3:4] |>
# as.numeric() |>
roundR(level = roundDig, drop0 = drop0, .german = .german)
meansd <- meansd |>
cbind(by(x, groupvar, function(x) {
out <- paste(meansd[, 1], meansd[, 2], sep = " \u00B1 ")
if (range) {
out <- paste0(
out, rangesep, " [",
apply(matrix(meansd[, 3:4], ncol = 2), 1, paste,
collapse = " -> "
), "]"
) # \u22ef
if (add_n) {
out <- paste0(
out, rangesep, " [n=",
meansd[, 5], "]"
) # \u22ef
} # }
#' Compute median and quartiles and put together.
#' @param x Data for computation.
#' @param nround Number of digits for fixed round.
#' @param probs Quantiles to compute.
#' @param qtype Type of quantiles.
#' @param roundDig Number of relevant digits for roundR.
#' @param drop0 Should trailing zeros be dropped?
#' @param groupvar Optional grouping variable for subgroups.
#' @param range Should min and max be included in output?
#' @param rangesep How should min/max be separated from mean+-sd?
#' @param rangearrow What is put between min -> max?
#' @param prettynum logical, apply prettyNum to results?
#' @param .german logical, should "." and "," be used as bigmark and decimal?
#' @param add_n Should n be included in output?
#' @return character vector with median \code{[1stQuartile/3rdQuartile]}, rounded to desired precision
#' @examples
#' # basic usage of median_quart
#' median_quart(x = mtcars$wt)
#' # with additional options
#' median_quart(x = mtcars$wt, groupvar = mtcars$am, add_n = TRUE)
#' data(faketrial)
#' median_quart(x=faketrial$`Biomarker 1 [units]`,groupvar = faketrial$Treatment)
#' @export
median_quart <- function(x, nround = NULL, probs = c(.25, .5, .75),
qtype = 8, roundDig = 2, drop0 = FALSE,
groupvar = NULL, range = FALSE, rangesep = " ",
rangearrow = " -> ",
prettynum = FALSE, .german = FALSE, add_n = FALSE) {
out <- " "
bigmark <- ifelse(.german, ".", ",")
decimal <- ifelse(.german, ",", ".")
if (length(na.omit(x)) >= 1) {
if (is.null(groupvar)) {
quart <- matrix(
stats::quantile(x, probs = c(probs, 0, 1), na.rm = TRUE, type = qtype),
ncol = length(probs) + 3
} else {
quart <- matrix(
by(x, groupvar, quantile,
probs = c(probs, 0, 1), na.rm = TRUE,
type = qtype
ncol = length(probs) + 2, byrow = TRUE
quart <- cbind(
x, groupvar, function(x) {
if (is.null(nround)) {
colcount <- ncol(quart)
quart[, 1:(colcount - 3)] <- roundR(quart[, 1:(colcount - 3)],
level = roundDig, drop0 = drop0, .german = .german
quart[, (colcount - 2):(colcount - 1)] <-
roundR(as.numeric(quart[, (colcount - 2):(colcount - 1)]),
level = roundDig, drop0 = drop0, .german = .german
if (prettynum) {
# quart <- apply(quart,1:2,function(x){
# formatC(as.numeric(x),
# digits = roundDig-1,
# format = 'f',
# big.mark = bigmark,
# decimal.mark = decimal,
# preserve.width = 'common',drop0trailing = FALSE)})
} else {
quart[, -ncol(quart)] <- round(quart[, -ncol(quart)], nround)
if (prettynum) {
quart <- apply(quart, 1:2, function(x) {
digits = nround,
format = "f",
big.mark = bigmark,
decimal.mark = decimal,
preserve.width = "common", drop0trailing = FALSE
out <- str_glue("{quart[,2]} ({quart[,1]}/{quart[,3]})")
if (range) {
out <- str_glue("{out}{rangesep} [\\
if (add_n) {
out <- str_glue("{out}{rangesep} [n={quart[,length(probs)+3]}]")
out <- as.character(out)
#' Compute mean and standard error of mean and put together with the ± symbol.
#' \code{meanse} computes SEM based on Standard Deviation/square root(n)
#' @param x Data for computation.
#' @param roundDig Number of relevant digits for roundR.
#' @param drop0 Should trailing zeros be dropped?
#' @param mult multiplier for SEM, default 1, can be set to
#' e.g. 2 or 1.96 to create confidence intervals
#' @return character vector with mean ± SEM, rounded to desired precision
#' @examples
#' # basic usage of meanse
#' meanse(x = mtcars$wt)
#' @export
meanse <- function(x, mult = 1, roundDig = 2, drop0 = FALSE) {
m <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
s <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(length(na.omit(x)))
ms <- roundR(c(m, s * mult),
level = roundDig, drop0 = drop0
out <- paste(ms[1], ms[2], sep = " \u00B1 ")
#' Compute standard error of median.
#' \code{medianse} is based on \code{\link{mad}}/square root(n)
#' @param x Data for computation.
#' @return numeric vector with SE Median.
#' @examples
#' # basic usage of medianse
#' medianse(x = mtcars$wt)
#' @export
medianse <- function(x) {
mad(x, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(length(na.omit(x)))
#' Compute standard error of median
#' \code{se_median} is based on \code{\link{mad}}/square root(n)
#' (Deprecated, please see \link{medianse}, which is the same but named more consistently)
#' @param x Data for computation.
#' @return numeric vector with SE Median.
#' @examples
#' # basic usage of se_median
#' \dontrun{
#' se_median(x = mtcars$wt)
#' }
#' @export
se_median <- function(x) {
mad(x, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(length(na.omit(x)))
#' Compute confidence interval of median by bootstrapping.
#' \code{median_cl_boot} computes lower and upper confidence limits for the
#' estimated median, based on bootstrapping.
#' @param x Data for computation.
#' @param conf confidence interval with default 95%.
#' @param type type for function
#' @param nrepl number of bootstrap replications, defaults to 1000.
#' @return A tibble with one row and three columns: Median, CIlow, CIhigh.
#' @examples
#' # basic usage of median_cl_boot
#' median_cl_boot(x = mtcars$wt)
#' @export
median_cl_boot <- function(x, conf = 0.95, type = "basic", nrepl = 10^3) {
x <- na.omit(x)
lconf <- (1 - conf) / 2
uconf <- 1 - lconf
bmedian <- function(x, ind) median(x[ind], na.rm = TRUE)
bt <- boot::boot(x, bmedian, nrepl)
bb <-, type = type)
Median = median(x, na.rm = TRUE),
CIlow = quantile(bt$t, lconf),
CIhigh = quantile(bt$t, uconf)
#' Rename output from \link{median_cl_boot} for use in ggplot.
#' \code{median_cl_boot_gg} computes lower and upper confidence limits for the
#' estimated median, based on bootstrapping, using default settings.
#' @param x Data for computation.
# #' @param conf confidence interval with default 95%.
# #' @param type type for function
# #' @param nrepl number of bootstrap replications, defaults to 1000.
#' @return A tibble with one row and three columns: y, ymin, ymax.
#' @examples
#' # basic usage of median_cl_boot
#' median_cl_boot_gg(x = mtcars$wt)
#' @export
median_cl_boot_gg <- function(x){
out <- median_cl_boot(x = x) |>
#' Compute absolute and relative frequencies.
#' \code{cat_desc_stats} computes absolute and relative frequencies for
#' categorical data with a number of formatting options.
#' @param source Data for computation. Previously "quelle".
#' @param separator delimiter between results per level, preset as ' '.
#' @param return_level Should levels be reported?
#' @param ndigit Digits for rounding of relative frequencies.
#' @param groupvar Optional grouping factor.
#' @param singleline Put all group levels in a single line?
#' @param percent Logical, add percent-symbol after relative frequencies?
#' @param prettynum logical, apply prettyNum to results?
#' @param .german logical, should "." and "," be used as bigmark and decimal?
#' Sets prettynum to TRUE.
#' @param quelle deprecated, retained for compatibility, use 'source' instead.
#' @return
#' Structure depends on parameter return_level:
#' if FALSE than a tibble with descriptives, otherwise a list with two tibbles
#' with levels of factor and descriptives.
#' If parameter singleline is FALSE (default), results for each factor level is
#' reported in a separate line, otherwise they are pasted.
#' Number of columns for result tibbles is one or number of levels of the
#' additional grouping variable.
#' @examples
#' cat_desc_stats(mtcars$gear)
#' cat_desc_stats(mtcars$gear, return_level = FALSE)
#' cat_desc_stats(mtcars$gear, groupvar = mtcars$am)
#' cat_desc_stats(mtcars$gear, groupvar = mtcars$am, singleline = TRUE)
#' @export
cat_desc_stats <- function(source=NULL, separator = " ",
return_level = TRUE,
ndigit = 0,
groupvar = NULL,
singleline = FALSE,
percent = TRUE,
prettynum = FALSE,
.german = FALSE,
quelle=NULL) {
if(!is.null(quelle)) {
source <- quelle
percent <- ifelse(percent, "%", "")
bigmark <- ifelse(.german, ".", ",")
decimal <- ifelse(.german, ",", ".")
if (!is.factor(source)) {
# if(is.numeric(source)) {
# source<-factor(source,
# levels=sort(unique(source)),
# labels=sort(unique(source)))
# } else {
source <- factor(source)
level <- levels(source) |> enframe(name = NULL)
if (singleline) {
level <- paste(levels(source), sep = "", collapse = separator)
if (is.null(groupvar)) {
tableout <- matrix(table(source),
nrow = length(levels(source)),
byrow = FALSE
colnames(tableout) <- "abs"
pt_temp <- round(
100 * prop.table(tableout),
if (.german) {
prettynum <- TRUE
if (prettynum) {
pt_temp <- formatC(pt_temp,
digits = ndigit,
format = "f",
big.mark = bigmark,
decimal.mark = decimal,
preserve.width = "common", drop0trailing = FALSE
tableout <- formatC(tableout,
digits = 0,
format = "f",
big.mark = bigmark,
decimal.mark = decimal,
preserve.width = "common"
ptableout <- matrix(paste0(
" (",
percent, ")"
nrow = length(levels(source)),
byrow = FALSE
colnames(ptableout) <- "rel"
} else {
tableout <- matrix(unlist(by(source, groupvar, table)),
nrow = length(levels(source)),
byrow = FALSE
colnames(tableout) <- glue::glue("abs{levels(factor(groupvar))}")
pt_temp <- round(100 * prop.table(tableout, margin = 2), ndigit)
if (prettynum) {
pt_temp <- formatC(pt_temp,
digits = ndigit,
format = "f",
big.mark = bigmark,
decimal.mark = decimal,
preserve.width = "common", drop0trailing = FALSE
tableout <- formatC(tableout,
digits = 0,
format = "f",
big.mark = bigmark,
decimal.mark = decimal,
preserve.width = "common"
ptableout <- matrix(
" (", pt_temp,
percent, ")"
nrow = length(levels(source)),
byrow = FALSE
colnames(ptableout) <- glue::glue("rel{levels(factor(groupvar))}")
zvalue <- purrr::map2(tableout, ptableout, glue::glue) |>
as.character() |>
nrow = length(levels(source)),
byrow = FALSE
) |>
as_tibble(.name_repair = "minimal")
if (is.null(groupvar)) {
colnames(zvalue) <- "desc"
} else {
colnames(zvalue) <- glue::glue("desc{levels(factor(groupvar))}")
if (singleline) {
zvalue <- purrr::map(zvalue,
.f = function(x) {
glue::glue_collapse(x, sep = separator)
) |>
levdesstats <- list(level = level, freq = zvalue)
if (return_level == TRUE) {
} else {
#' Compute absolute and relative frequencies for a table.
#' \code{cat_desc_table} computes absolute and relative frequencies for
#' categorical data with a number of formatting options.
#' @param data name of data set (tibble/data.frame) to analyze.
#' @param desc_vars vector of column names for dependent variables.
#' @param round_desc number of significant digits for rounding of descriptive stats.
#' @param singleline Put all group levels in a single line?
#' @param spacer Text element to indent levels and fill empty cells,
#' defaults to " ".
#' @param indentor Optional text to indent factor levels
#' @return
#' A tibble with variable names and descriptive statistics.
#' @examples
#' cat_desc_table(
#' data = mtcars, desc_vars = c("gear", "cyl", "carb"))
#' cat_desc_table(
#' data = mtcars, desc_vars = c("gear", "cyl", "carb"), singleline = TRUE)
#' @export
cat_desc_table <- function(data, desc_vars,
round_desc = 2,
singleline = FALSE,
spacer = " ", indentor='') {
freq <-
.f = function(x) {
return_level = FALSE, singleline = singleline,
ndigit = round_desc
) |>
levels <-
.f = function(x) {
singleline = singleline
) |>
out <- tibble(
Variable = character(), desc_all = character())
for (var_i in seq_along(desc_vars)) {
if (!singleline) {
out_tmp <- add_row(out[0,],
Variable = c(
desc_all = c(spacer, freq[[var_i]][[1]])
out <- rbind(out,out_tmp)
} else {
out_tmp <- add_row(out[0,],
Variable = paste(
desc_all = freq[[var_i]][[1]]
out <- rbind(out,out_tmp)
#' Compute coefficient of variance.
#' \code{var_coeff computes relative variability as standard deviation/mean *100}
#' @param x Data for computation.
#' @return numeric vector with coefficient of variance.
#' @examples
#' var_coeff(x = mtcars$wt)
#' @export
var_coeff <- function(x) {
return(sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) / mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) * 100)
#' Standard Error of Mean.
#' \code{SEM} computes standard error of mean.
#' @param x Data for computation.
#' @return numeric vector with SEM.
#' @examples
#' SEM(x = mtcars$wt)
#' @export
SEM <- function(x) {
return(sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(length(na.omit(x))))
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