
#' Prepare training data in R so that it is ready for XGBoost model fitting.
#' Meta information is stored so the exact transformation can be applied to any new data.
#' It also outputs SQL query performing the exact one-hot encoding for in-database data preparation.
#' This function performs full one-hot encoding for all the categorical features inside the training data,
#' with all NAs inside both categorical and numeric features preserved.
#' Other than outputting a matrix \code{model.matrix} which is the data after processing,
#' it also outputs \code{meta} information keeping track of all the transformation the function performs,
#' while SQL query for the transformation is kept in output \code{sql} and write to the file specified by \code{output_file_name}.
#' If \code{meta} is specified as input to the function, the transformation and the corresponding SQL query will
#' follow what is kept in \code{meta} exactly.
#' @param data Data object of class \code{data.frame} or \code{data.table}.
#' @param meta Optional, a list keeps track of all the transformation that has been taken on the categorical features.
#' @param sep Separation symbol between the categorical features and their levels, which will be the column names inside the output \code{model.matrix}, default to "_".
#' @param ws_replace Boolean indicator controls whether white-space and punctuation inside categorical feature levels should be replaced, default to TRUE.
#' @param ws_replace_with Replacing symbol, default to '' which means all white-space and punctuation should be removed.
#' @param unique_id  A row unique identifier is crucial for in-database scoring of XGBoost model. If not given, SQL query will be generated with id name "ROW_KEY".
#' @param output_file_name Optional, a file name that the SQL query will write to.
#' @param input_table_name Name of raw data table in the database, that the SQL query will select from. If not given, SQL query will be generated with table name "INPUT_TABLE".
#' @return A list of 1). \code{meta} data tracking the transformation;
#'                   2). matrix \code{model.matrix} is the data after processing which is ready for XGBoost fitting;
#'                   3). SQL query \code{sql} performing the exact one-hot encoding in the database.
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom stats contrasts
#' @importFrom stats model.frame
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom stats na.pass
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(data.table)
#' ### load test data
#' df = data.frame(ggplot2::diamonds)
#' head(df)
#' d1 = data.frame(ggplot2::diamonds)
#' d1[1,2] = NA  # NA on 1st row cut
#' d1[2,5] = NA  # NA on 2nd row depth
#' head(d1)
#' d2 = data.table(ggplot2::diamonds)
#' d2[, cut:=factor(cut, ordered=FALSE)]
#' d2[, clarity:=as.character(clarity)]
#' d2[, tsdt:=as.IDate('2017-01-05')]
#' d2[1:3, tsdt:=tsdt-1]
#' head(d2)
#' ### out is obtained for training data
#' out <- onehot2sql(df)
#' out1 <- onehot2sql(d1)  # NA is kept in the output
#' out2 <- onehot2sql(d2)  # all non-numeric features will be treated as categorical
#' ### perform same transformation for new data when meta is given
#' # test-1: new data has column class change
#' newdata = df[1:5,]
#' newdata$cut = as.character(newdata$cut)
#' onehot2sql(newdata, meta=out$meta)$model.matrix
#' # test-2: new data has NA
#' newdata = df[1:5,]
#' newdata[1,1]=NA; newdata[2,1]=NA; newdata[3,2]=NA; newdata[3,3]=NA; newdata[5,4]=NA
#' onehot2sql(newdata, meta=out$meta)$model.matrix
#' # test-3: newdata has column with new elements
#' newdata = d2[1:5,]
#' newdata[5,clarity:='NEW']; newdata[1,tsdt:=as.IDate('2017-05-01')]
#' onehot2sql(newdata, meta=out2$meta)$model.matrix
#' # test-4: newdata has new columns
#' newdata = d2[1:5,]
#' newdata[,new_col:=1]
#' onehot2sql(newdata, meta=out2$meta)$model.matrix
#' # test-5: newdata is lacking some columns
#' newdata = d2[1:5,]
#' newdata[,cut:=NULL]
#' onehot2sql(newdata, meta=out2$meta)$model.matrix

onehot2sql <- function(data, meta=NULL, sep="_", ws_replace=TRUE, ws_replace_with="",
                       unique_id=NULL, output_file_name=NULL, input_table_name=NULL) {

  ### initial setup ###
  if (is.null(unique_id)) {
    unique_id <- "ROW_KEY"
    if (!is.null(output_file_name)) {
      message("query is written to file with row unique id named as ROW_KEY")
  if (is.null(input_table_name)) {
    input_table_name <- "INPUT_TABLE"
    if (!is.null(output_file_name)) {
      message("query is written to file with input table named as INPUT_TABLE")

  ### compare with input meta if given ###
  if (!is.null(meta[['num.vec']]) | !is.null(meta[['catg.vec']])) {
    varnow.vec <- names(data)
    varinp.vec <- c(meta[['num.vec']],meta[['catg.vec']])
    var1.vec <- varnow.vec[!varnow.vec%in%varinp.vec]
    var2.vec <- varinp.vec[!varinp.vec%in%varnow.vec]
    # new colmun in current data
    if (length(var1.vec)>0) {
      if (class(data)[1]=='data.table') {
        data[, (var1.vec):=NULL]
      } else {
        data[,var1.vec] <- NULL
    # current data is lacking column
    if (length(var2.vec)>0) {
      if (class(data)[1]=='data.table') {
        data[, (var2.vec):=NA]
      } else {
        data[,var2.vec] <- NA
      warning(paste('Following columns are populated with NAs: ',
                    paste(var2.vec,collapse=', '), sep='\n'))

  ### prepare meta info ###
  class.lst <- lapply(data, class)
  #class.vec <- sapply(class.lst, function(x) paste(x,collapse=' '))
  num.vec <- names(class.lst)[class.lst%in%c('numeric','integer')]
  catg.vec <- names(class.lst)[!class.lst%in%c('numeric','integer')]
  catg.index <- which(names(data)%in%catg.vec)
  factor.index <- which(unname(sapply(class.lst, function(x) 'factor'%in%x)))

  ### add sep for catg var ###
  if (!is.null(sep)) {
    names(data)[names(data)%in%catg.vec] <- paste0(names(data)[names(data)%in%catg.vec], sep)

  ### if contrasts not given: change to factor & generate contrasts ###
  if (is.null(meta[['contrasts']])) {
    # col index to be turned into factor
    changeclass.index <- catg.index[!catg.index%in%factor.index]
    if (class(data)[1]=='data.table') {
      if (length(changeclass.index)>0) {
        data[, (changeclass.index):=lapply(.SD,as.factor), .SDcols=changeclass.index]
      contra.lst <- lapply(data[,catg.index,with=FALSE], contrasts, contrasts=FALSE)
    } else {
      if (length(changeclass.index)>0) {
        data[,changeclass.index] <- lapply(data[,changeclass.index], as.factor)
      contra.lst <- lapply(data[,catg.index], contrasts, contrasts=FALSE)

    ### if contrasts given: change to factor with forced levels ###
  } else {
    contra.lst <- meta[['contrasts']]
    if (class(data)[1]=='data.table') {
      x <- data[, catg.index, with=FALSE]
      data[, (catg.index):=lapply(seq_along(.SD),function(i)
        factor(.SD[[i]],levels=rownames(contra.lst[[names(.SD)[[i]]]]))), .SDcols=catg.index]
    } else {
      x <- data[, catg.index]
      data[,catg.index] <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(i)
    # catg feature with new level
    notin.list <- lapply(
      seq_along(x), function(i)
    notin.list <- lapply(notin.list, function(x) x[!is.na(x)])
    names(notin.list) <- paste0(catg.vec, sep)
    notin.vec <- sapply(notin.list, length)
    notin.vec <- notin.vec[notin.vec>0]

  ### generate one hot sql ###
  # catg.lvec: nlevel for each catg col
  catg.lvec <- sapply(contra.lst, nrow)
  names(catg.lvec) <- substr(names(catg.lvec),1,nchar(names(catg.lvec))-nchar(sep))
  # wsmove.lst: list of var-lvl combination pre-pos ws process
  wsmove.lst <- list(prelvl=NULL, poslvl=NULL)
  # sql.df: generate one hot sql script
  sql.df <- data.frame(matrix(1, ncol=10, nrow=sum(catg.lvec)))
  sql.df[['X1']] <- "(case when ["
  sql.df[['X3']] <- "] IS NULL then NULL when ["
  sql.df[['X5']] <- "] = '"
  sql.df[['X7']] <- "' then 1 else 0 end) AS ["
  sql.df[['X9']] <- "], \n"
  index <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(catg.lvec)) {
    itemp <- names(catg.lvec)[i]
    sql.df[['X2']][(index+1):(index+catg.lvec[i])] <- itemp
    sql.df[['X4']][(index+1):(index+catg.lvec[i])] <- itemp
    for (j in 1:catg.lvec[i]) {
      jtemp <- rownames(contra.lst[[i]])[j]
      sql.df[['X6']][index+1] <- jtemp
      if (ws_replace & grepl('[[:punct:] ]+',jtemp)) {
        jtempws <- gsub('[[:punct:] ]+',ws_replace_with,jtemp)
        wsmove.lst$prelvl <- c(wsmove.lst$prelvl, paste0(itemp,sep,jtemp))
        sql.df[['X8']][index+1] <- paste0(itemp,sep,jtempws)
        wsmove.lst$poslvl <- c(wsmove.lst$poslvl, paste0(itemp,sep,jtempws))
      } else {
        sql.df[['X8']][index+1] <- paste0(itemp,sep,jtemp)
      index = index + 1
  sql.df[['X9']][index] <- "] \n"
  sql.df[['X10']] <- paste0(sql.df[['X1']],sql.df[['X2']],sql.df[['X3']],sql.df[['X4']],
  onehot_sql <- paste0("SELECT ", unique_id, ", ", "[",
                       paste(num.vec,collapse='], ['), "], \n",
                       "FROM ", input_table_name)
  if (!is.null(output_file_name)) {
    sink(output_file_name,type = "output")

  ### model matrix ###
  data.mat <- model.matrix(~., model.frame(~., data, na.action=na.pass),
  attr(data.mat,'assign') <- NULL
  attr(data.mat,'contrasts') <- NULL
  if (exists("notin.vec")) {
    if (length(notin.vec)>0) {
      for (i in 1:length(notin.vec)) {
                 grep(names(notin.vec)[i],colnames(data.mat))] <- 0
  # replace white-space within colnames
  if (ws_replace & length(wsmove.lst$prelvl)>0) {
    keepname.vec <- colnames(data.mat)[!colnames(data.mat)%in%wsmove.lst$prelvl]
    wsmove.lst$prelvl <- c(wsmove.lst$prelvl, keepname.vec)
    wsmove.lst$poslvl <- c(wsmove.lst$poslvl, keepname.vec)
    colnames(data.mat) <- wsmove.lst$poslvl[match(colnames(data.mat),wsmove.lst$prelvl)]
  # reorder cols
  data.mat <- data.mat[,order(colnames(data.mat))]

  ### output ###
  out.lst <- list()
  out.lst[['meta']] <- list('num.vec'=num.vec, 'catg.vec'=catg.vec,
  out.lst[['model.matrix']] <- data.mat
  out.lst[['sql']] <- onehot_sql


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xgb2sql documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:09 p.m.