Man pages for xpose4
Diagnostics for Nonlinear Mixed-Effect Models

absval.cwres.vs.cov.bwAbsolute conditional weighted residuals vs covariates for...
absval.cwres.vs.predAbsolute population conditional weighted residuals vs... value of the conditional weighted residuals vs....
absval_delta_vs_cov_model_compModel comparison plots, of absolute differences in...
absval.iwres.cwres.vs.ipred.predAbsolute population weighted residuals vs population...
absval.iwres.vs.cov.bwbox and whisker plots of the absolute value of the individual...
absval.iwres.vs.idvabsolute value of the individual weighted residuals vs. the...
absval.iwres.vs.ipredAbsolute individual weighted residuals vs individual... individual weighted residuals vs individual...
absval.iwres.vs.predAbsolute individual weighted residuals vs population...
absval.wres.vs.cov.bwAbsolute weighted residuals vs covariates for Xpose 4
absval.wres.vs.idvAbsolute value of (C)WRES vs. independent variable plot in...
absval.wres.vs.predAbsolute population weighted residuals vs population... population weighted residuals vs population...
add.grid.tablePrint tables or text in a grid object
addidGeneric internal functions for Xpose 4
addit.gofAdditional goodness-of-fit plots, for Xpose 4
add.model.compAdditional model comparison plots, for Xpose 4
add_transformed_columnsColumn-transformation functions for Xpose 4
autocorr.cwresAutocorrelation of conditional weighted residuals for Xpose 4
autocorr.iwresautocorrelation of the individual weighted residuals
autocorr.wresAutocorrelation of weighted residuals for Xpose 4
basic.gofBasic goodness-of-fit plots, for Xpose 4
basic.model.compBasic model comparison plots, for Xpose 4
bootgam.printPrint summary information for a bootgam or bootscm
boot.histFunction to create histograms of results from the 'bootstrap'...
bootscm.importImport bootscm data into R/Xpose
cat.dv.vs.idv.sbCategorical observations vs. independent variable using...
categorical.tableGeneric table functions for Xpose 4
cat.pcCategorical (visual) predictive check.
change_graphical_parametersFunctions changing variable definitions in Xpose 4
change_misc_parametersFunctions changing miscellaneous parameter settings in Xpose...
change.parmChange parameter scope.
change.var.nameChanges the name of an Xpose data item
change.xlabelChanges the label of an Xpose data item
change.xvardefChange Xpose variable definitions.
check.varsData functions for Xpose 4
compute.cwresCompute the Conditional Weighted Residuals
create.mirrorFunction to create mirror plots from the generic Xpose...
createXposeClassesThis function creates the Xpose data classes (""...
create.xpose.plot.classesCreate xpose.multiple.plot class.
cwres.dist.histHistogram of conditional weighted residuals (CWRES), for...
cwres.dist.qqQuantile-quantile plot of conditional weighted residuals...
cwres.vs.covConditional Weighted residuals (CWRES) plotted against...
cwres.vs.idvPopulation conditional weighted residuals (CWRES) plotted...
cwres.vs.idv.bwBox-and-whisker plot of conditional weighted residuals vs the...
cwres.vs.predPopulation conditional weighted residuals (CWRES) plotted...
cwres.vs.pred.bwBox-and-whisker plot of conditional weighted residuals vs...
cwres.wres.vs.idvWeighted residuals (WRES) and conditional WRES (CWRES)...
cwres.wres.vs.predWeighted residuals (WRES) and conditional WRES (CWRES)...
data.checkoutCheck through the source dataset to detect problems
data_extract_or_assignExtract or assign data from an object.
db.namesPrints the contents of an Xpose data object
dOFV1.vs.dOFV2Change in individual objective function value 1 vs....
dOFV.vs.covChange in individual objective function value vs. covariate...
dOFV.vs.idChange in Objective function value vs. removal of...
dv.preds.vs.idvObservations (DV), individual predictions (IPRED) and...
dv.vs.idvObservations (DV) plotted against the independent variable...
dv.vs.ipredObservations (DV) plotted against individual predictions... variable vs individual predictions, conditioned on... variable vs individual predictions, conditioned on...
dv.vs.predObservations (DV) plotted against population predictions... variable vs population predictions, conditioned on... variable vs population predictions, conditioned on...
dv.vs.pred.ipredObservations (DV) are plotted against individual predictions...
export.graph.parExports Xpose graphics settings to a file.
export.variable.definitionsExports Xpose variable definitions to a file from an Xpose...
find.right.tableInternal functions for the VPC
GAM_summary_and_plotGAM functions for Xpose 4
gofStructured goodness of fit diagnostics.
import.graph.parImports Xpose graphics settings from a file to an Xpose data...
import.variable.definitionsImports Xpose variable definitions from a file to an Xpose...
ind.plotsObservations (DV), individual predictions (IPRED) and...
ind.plots.wres.histHistograms of weighted residuals for each individual in an...
ind.plots.wres.qqQuantile-quantile plots of weighted residuals for each...
ipred.vs.idvIndividual predictions (IPRED) plotted against the...
iwres.dist.histHistogram of individual weighted residuals (IWRES), for Xpose...
iwres.dist.qqQuantile-quantile plot of individual weighted residuals...
iwres.vs.idvIndividual weighted residuals (IWRES) plotted against the...
kaplan.plotKaplan-Meier plots of (repeated) time-to-event data stacked bar data set.
npc.coverageFunction to plot the coverage of the Numerical Predictive...
nsimExtract or set the value of the Nsim slot.
par_cov_histPlot the parameter or covariate distributions using a...
par_cov_qqPlot the parameter or covariate distributions using...
par_cov_splomPlot scatterplot matrices of parameters, random parameters or...
par_cov_summarySummarize individual parameter values and covariates
parm.vs.covParameters plotted against covariates, for Xpose 4
parm.vs.parmPlot parameters vs other parameters
pred.vs.idvPopulation predictions (PRED) plotted against the independent...
print.xpose.multiple.plotPrint an Xpose multiple plot object.
randtest.histFunction to create a histogram of results from the...
ranpar.vs.covRandom parameters plotted against covariates, for Xpose 4
read_NM_outputRead NONMEM output files into Xpose 4
read_nm_tableRead NONMEM table files produced from simulation.
read.nm.tablesReading NONMEM table files
read.npc.vpc.resultsRead the results file from a Numerical or Visual Predictive...
read.TTE.sim.dataRead (repeated) time-to-event simulation data files.
read.vpctabRead the vpctab file from PsN into Xpose
reset.graph.parResets Xpose variable definitions to factory settings
runsumPrint run summary in Xpose 4
simprazExampleFunction to create files for the simulated prazosin example...
simpraz.xpdbSimulated prazosin Xpose database.
tabulate.parametersTabulate the population parameter estimates
wres.dist.histHistogram of weighted residuals (WRES), for Xpose 4
wres.dist.qqQuantile-quantile plot of weighted residuals (WRES), for...
wres.vs.covWeighted residuals (WRES) plotted against covariates, for...
wres.vs.idvPopulation weighted residuals (WRES) plotted against the...
wres.vs.idv.bwBox-and-whisker plot of weighted residuals vs the independent...
wres.vs.predPopulation weighted residuals (WRES) plotted against...
wres.vs.pred.bwBox-and-whisker plot of weighted residuals vs population...
xlabelExtract and set labels for Xpose data items.
xp.boot.par.estCompare parameter estimates for covariate coefficients
xp.boot.par.est.corrCorrelations between covariate coefficients
xp.daic.npar.plotDistribution of difference in AIC
xp.distr.mod.sizePlot of model size distribution for a bootgam or bootscm
xp.dofv.npar.plotDistribution of difference in OFV
xp.dofv.plotOFV difference (optimism) plot.
xp.get.dispDefault function for calculating dispersion in 'xpose.gam'. plots for conditional indices plots for conditional indices rper replicate number
xp.incl.index.covPlot of inclusion index of covariates.
xp.incl.index.cov.compInclusion index individuals, compare between covariates.
xp.incl.index.cov.indIndividual inclusion index frequency plot frequency plot for combination of covariates. stability plot A plot of the inclusion frequency of...
xpose4Classic menu system for Xpose 4
xpose4-packageThe Xpose Package
xpose.ask.for.filenameFunction to ask the user for the name of a file
xpose.create.titleFunctions to create labels for plots
xpose.create.title.textCreate Xpose title text for plots.
xpose.dataCreate an Xpose data object a new graphical device for an Xpose plot.
xpose.gamStepwise GAM search for covariates on a parameter (Xpose 4)
xpose.license.citationDisplays the Xpose license and citation information
xpose.multiple.plotCreate and object with class "xpose.multiple.plot".
xpose.multiple.plot-classClass for creating multiple plots in xpose
xpose.multiple.plot.defaultXpose 4 generic function for plotting multiple lattice...
xpose.panel.bwDefault box-and-whisker panel function for Xpose 4
xpose.panel.defaultDefault panel function for Xpose 4
xpose.panel.histogramDefault histogram panel function for Xpose 4
xpose.panel.qqDefault QQ panel function for Xpose 4
xpose.panel.splomScatterplot matrix panel function for Xpose 4
xpose.plot.bwThe generic Xpose functions for box-and-whisker plots
xpose.plot.defaultThe Xpose 4 generic functions for continuous y-variables.
xpose.plot.histogramThe Xpose 4 generic functions for continuous y-variables.
xpose.plot.qqThe generic Xpose functions for QQ plots
xpose.plot.splomThe Xpose 4 generic functions for scatterplot matrices.
xpose.prefs-classClass "xpose.prefs"
xpose.printSummarize an xpose database
xpose.string.printPrint a pretty string.
xpose.VPCVisual Predictive Check (VPC) using XPOSE
xpose.VPC.bothXpose Visual Predictive Check (VPC) for both continuous and...
xpose.VPC.categoricalXpose visual predictive check for categorical data.
xpose.yscale.components.log10Functions to create nice looking axes when using Log scales.
xp.scope3Define a scope for the gam. Used as default input to the...
xsubsetExtract or set the value of the Subset slot.
xvardefExtract and set Xpose variable definitions.
xpose4 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:56 a.m.