
Defines functions show_in_excel is.rserver o read.cb yread yread_tsv

Documented in o read.cb show_in_excel yread yread_tsv

#' @rdname yread
#' @export
yread_tsv <- function(file, reader = utils::read.delim, 
                params = list(),
                cache_dir = tempdir()
            ) {
    # e.g. params = list(sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
        reader = reader, 
        params = params,
        cache_dir = cache_dir

#' read file with caching
#' This function read a file (local or url) and cache the content.
#' @title yread
#' @rdname yread
#' @param file a file or url
#' @param reader a function to read the 'file_url'
#' @param params a list of parameters that passed to the 'reader'
#' @param cache_dir a folder to store cache files
#' @return the output of using the 'reader' to read the 'file_url' with parameters specified by the 'params'
#' @author Yonghe Xia and Guangchuang Yu 
#' @importFrom fs path_join
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @export
yread <- function(file, reader = readLines, params = list(), 
                    cache_dir = tempdir()) {

    # Generate a unique cache filename based on the file URL
    cache_filename <- fs::path_join(c(cache_dir, paste0(digest::digest(file), ".rds")))
    # Check if the cached file exists
    if (file.exists(cache_filename)) {
        # If cached file exists, load and return the cached data
        cached_data <- readRDS(cache_filename)
    } else {
        # If cached file does not exist, read and cache the data
        data <- do.call(reader, args = c(file, params))
        saveRDS(data, cache_filename)

##' read clipboard
##' @title read.cb
##' @param reader function to read the clipboard
##' @param ... parameters for the reader
##' @return clipboard content, output type depends on the output of the reader
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
##' @importFrom utils read.table
##' @export
read.cb <- function(reader = read.table, ...) {
    os <- Sys.info()[1]
    if (os == "Darwin") {
        clip <- pipe("pbpaste")
    } else {
        clip <- "clipboard"
    reader(clip, ...)

##' open selected directory or file
##' @title o
##' @param file to be open; open workding directory by default
##' @return No return value, called for opening specific directory or file
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## to open current working directory
##' o()
##' }
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
o <- function(file=".") {
    os <- Sys.info()[1]
    if (is.rserver()) {
        if (dir.exists(file)) {
            stop("open directory in RStudio Server is not supported.")
        rserver_ip <- getOption("rserver_ip")
        if (!is.null(rserver_ip)) {
            rserver_port <- getOption("rserver_port") %||% '8787' 
            if (!startsWith(rserver_ip, "http")) {
                rserver_ip = paste0("http://", rserver_ip)
                           paste(rserver_ip, rserver_port, sep=":"),
        } else {
            file.edit <- get("file.edit")
    } else if (os == "Darwin") {
        cmd <- paste("open", file)
    } else if (os == "Linux") {
        cmd <- paste("xdg-open", file, "&")
    } else if (os == "Windows") {
        ## wd <- sub("/", "\\", getwd())
        ## cmd <- paste("explorer", wd)
        ## suppressWarnings(shell(cmd))
        cmd <- paste("start", file)

is.rserver <- function(){
    RStudio.Version = tryCatch(get("RStudio.Version"), error = function(e) NULL)
    if(is.null(RStudio.Version)) return(FALSE)
    if(!is.function(RStudio.Version)) return(FALSE)
    RStudio.Version()$mode == 'server'

##' Open data frame in Excel. It can be used in pipe.
##' @title show_in_excel
##' @param .data a data frame to be open
##' @return original .data
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
show_in_excel <- function(.data) {
    f <- tempfile(fileext = '.csv')
    utils::write.csv(.data, file=f)

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yulab.utils documentation built on Sept. 20, 2023, 9:06 a.m.