
Defines functions included_n significant_n missing_n expected_n file_drawer_ration Soric ODR EDR ERR print.estimates.zcurve is.zcurve .rXdn .rXd .r2d .get_missing_N .get_expected_N .get_file_drawer_R .get_Soric_FDR .get_estimates .get_ERR .get_EDR .get_pop_weights .p_to_z .solve_power_to_z power_to_z z_to_power

Documented in EDR ERR expected_n file_drawer_ration included_n is.zcurve missing_n ODR power_to_z print.estimates.zcurve significant_n Soric z_to_power

#### helper tools for export

#' @title Compute power corresponding to z-scores
#' @description A function for computing power of two-sided tests
#' corresponding to z-scores for a given significance level.
#' \code{alpha} (or corresponding cut-off z-score \code{a})
#' @param z A vector of z-scores
#' @param alpha Level of significance alpha
#' @param a Or, alternatively a z-score corresponding to \code{alpha}
#' @param two.sided Whether directionality of the effect size should be taken into account.
#' @export z_to_power
#' @examples # mean powers corresponding to the mean components of KD2
#' z_to_power(0:6, alpha = .05)
z_to_power  <- function(z, alpha = .05, a = stats::qnorm(alpha/2,lower.tail = FALSE), two.sided = TRUE){
  if(!all(sapply(z, function(x)x >= 0)))stop("z must be >= 0")
  if(a  < 0)stop("a must be >= 0")
  if(is.null(a) & is.null(alpha))stop("Either 'alpha' or 'a' must be provided")
  if(is.null(alpha) & !is.null(a))alpha <- stats::pnorm(a, lower.tail = FALSE)*2
  if(alpha < 0 | alpha > 1)stop("alpha must be >= 0 & <= 1")
    return(1 - stats::pnorm(a, z, 1) + stats::pnorm(-a, z, 1))    
    return(1 - stats::pnorm(a, z, 1))    

#' @title Compute z-score corresponding to a power
#' @description A function for computing z-scores of two-sided tests
#' corresponding to power \code{power} for a given significance level 
#' alpha \code{alpha} (or corresponding cut-off z-statistic \code{a}).
#' @param power A vector of powers
#' @param alpha Level of significance alpha
#' @param a Or, alternatively a z-score corresponding to \code{alpha}
#' @param two.sided Whether directionality of the effect size should be taken into account.
#' @param nleqslv_control A named list of control parameters passed to the 
#' \link[nleqslv]{nleqslv} function used for solving the inverse of 
#' \link[=z_to_power]{z_to_power} function.  
#' @export power_to_z
#' @examples # z-scores corresponding to the (aproximate) power of components of EM2
#' power_to_z(c(0.05, 0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 0.80, 0.974, 0.999), alpha = .05)
power_to_z  <- function(power, alpha = .05, a = stats::qnorm(alpha/2,lower.tail = FALSE), two.sided = TRUE,
                        nleqslv_control = list(xtol = 1e-15, maxit = 300, stepmax = .5)){
  if(a  < 0)stop("a must be >= 0")
  if(is.null(a) & is.null(alpha))stop("Either 'alpha' or 'a' must be provided")
  if(is.null(alpha) & !is.null(a))alpha <- stats::pnorm(a, lower.tail = FALSE)*2
  if(alpha < 0 | alpha > 1)stop("alpha must be >= 0 & <= 1")
  if(!all(sapply(power, function(x)x >= alpha & x <= 1)))stop("power must be >= alpha & <= 1")
  sapply(power, function(pow)nleqslv::nleqslv(.5, .solve_power_to_z, power = pow, a = a, two.sided = two.sided, control = nleqslv_control)$x)

.solve_power_to_z <- function(x, power, a, two.sided){
  y = numeric(1)
  y = z_to_power(z = x, a = a, two.sided = two.sided) - power

### internal tools for the results computation
.p_to_z     <- function(p){
  if(!all(sapply(p, function(x)x >= 0 & x <= 1)))stop("p-values must be >= 0 & <= 1")
  stats::qnorm(p/2, lower.tail = F)
.get_pop_weights <- function(weights, mu, a){
  scaling_power <- c(z_to_power(mu, a = a), 1)
  pop_weights   <- (weights + weights*(1-scaling_power)/(scaling_power)) / sum(weights + weights*(1-scaling_power)/(scaling_power))
.get_EDR    <- function(power, pop_weights){
  sum(pop_weights * power)
  # 1/sum(weights / power) # old formula based on estimated weights
.get_ERR    <- function(power2, power1, pop_weights){
  sum(pop_weights * power2 * power1) / sum(pop_weights * power2)
  # sum(weights * power)  # old formula based on estimated weights

.get_estimates <- function(mu, weights, prop_high, sig_level, a){
  power2  <- c(z_to_power(z = mu, alpha = sig_level), 1)                     # power - two-sided
  power1  <- c(z_to_power(z = mu, alpha = sig_level, two.sided = FALSE), 1)  # power - one-sided
  weights <- c(weights*(1-prop_high), prop_high)          # estimated weights
  pop_weights <- .get_pop_weights(weights, mu, a)         # transformed into the overall weights
  EDR <- .get_EDR(power2, pop_weights)
  ERR <- .get_ERR(power2, power1, pop_weights)
  Z0  <- weights[1]

  estimates <- c(
    "ERR" = ERR,
    "EDR" = EDR,
    "Z0"  = Z0

# additional functions for summary computation
.get_Soric_FDR     <- function(EDR, sig_level){
  ((1/EDR) - 1)*(sig_level/(1-sig_level))
.get_file_drawer_R <- function(EDR){
.get_expected_N    <- function(EDR, N_sig){
  .get_file_drawer_R(EDR)*N_sig + N_sig
.get_missing_N     <- function(EDR, N_sig, N_obs){
  .get_expected_N(EDR, N_sig) - N_obs

# rounding for plot
.r2d  <- function(x)format(round(x, 2), nsmall = 2)
.rXd  <- function(x,X)format(round(x, X), nsmall = X)
.rXdn <- function(x,X)as.numeric(.rXd(x,X))

### the exported function

#' @title Reports whether x is a zcurve object
#' @param x an object to test
#' @export is.zcurve
is.zcurve  <- function(x){
  inherits(x, "zcurve")

#' Prints estimates from z-curve object
#' @param x Estimate of a z-curve object
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @method print.estimates zcurve
#' @export print.summary.zcurve
#' @rawNamespace S3method(print, estimates.zcurve)
#' @seealso [zcurve()]
print.estimates.zcurve <- function(x, ...){
  est_names  <- names(x[1:(length(x)-1)])
  est_values <- .rXdn(unlist(x[1:(length(x)-1)]), x$round.coef)
  names(est_values) <- est_names

#' @title z-curve estimates
#' @description The following functions extract estimates 
#' from the z-curve object.
#' @param object the z-curve object
#' @param round.coef rounding for the printed values
#' @export ERR
#' @export EDR
#' @export ODR
#' @export Soric
#' @export file_drawer_ration
#' @export expected_n
#' @export missing_n
#' @export significant_n
#' @export included_n
#' @name zcurve.estimates
#' @details Technically, ODR, significant n, and included n 
#' are not z-curve estimates but they are grouped in this 
#' category for convenience.
#' @seealso [zcurve()]

#' @rdname zcurve.estimates
ERR   <- function(object, round.coef = 3){
  if(!is.zcurve(object))stop("The functions requires an 'zcurve' object.")

  sum <- summary(object)$coefficients

  val <- list()
  val[["Estimate"]] <- sum["ERR",1]
    val[["l.CI"]] <- sum["ERR", "l.CI"]
    val[["u.CI"]] <- sum["ERR", "u.CI"]

  val[["round.coef"]] <- round.coef
  class(val) <- "estimates.zcurve"
#' @rdname zcurve.estimates
EDR   <- function(object, round.coef = 3){
  if(!is.zcurve(object))stop("The functions requires an 'zcurve' object.")
  sum <- summary(object)$coefficients
  val <- list()
  val[["Estimate"]] <- sum["EDR",1]
    val[["l.CI"]] <- sum["EDR", "l.CI"]
    val[["u.CI"]] <- sum["EDR", "u.CI"]
  val[["round.coef"]] <- round.coef
  class(val) <- "estimates.zcurve"
#' @rdname zcurve.estimates
ODR   <- function(object, round.coef = 3){
  if(!is.zcurve(object))stop("The functions requires an 'zcurve' object.")
  sum <- summary(object)$model
  prt <- stats::prop.test(sum$N_sig, sum$N_all)
  val <- list()
  val[["Estimate"]] <- unname(prt$estimate)
  val[["l.CI"]] <- unname(prt$conf.int[1])
  val[["u.CI"]] <- unname(prt$conf.int[2])

  val[["round.coef"]] <- round.coef
  class(val) <- "estimates.zcurve"
#' @rdname zcurve.estimates
Soric <- function(object, round.coef = 3){
  if(!is.zcurve(object))stop("The functions requires an 'zcurve' object.")
  sum <- summary(object, all = TRUE)$coefficients
  val <- list()
  val[["Estimate"]] <- sum["Soric FDR",1]
    val[["l.CI"]] <- sum["Soric FDR", "l.CI"]
    val[["u.CI"]] <- sum["Soric FDR", "u.CI"]
  val[["round.coef"]] <- round.coef
  class(val) <- "estimates.zcurve"
#' @rdname zcurve.estimates
file_drawer_ration <- function(object, round.coef = 3){
  if(!is.zcurve(object))stop("The functions requires an 'zcurve' object.")
  sum <- summary(object, all = TRUE)$coefficients
  val <- list()
  val[["Estimate"]] <- sum["File Drawer R",1]
    val[["l.CI"]] <- sum["File Drawer R", "l.CI"]
    val[["u.CI"]] <- sum["File Drawer R", "u.CI"]
  val[["round.coef"]] <- round.coef
  class(val) <- "estimates.zcurve"
#' @rdname zcurve.estimates
expected_n         <- function(object, round.coef = 0){
  if(!is.zcurve(object))stop("The functions requires an 'zcurve' object.")
  sum <- summary(object, all = TRUE)$coefficients
  val <- list()
  val[["Estimate"]] <- sum["Expected N",1]
    val[["l.CI"]] <- sum["Expected N", "l.CI"]
    val[["u.CI"]] <- sum["Expected N", "u.CI"]
  val[["round.coef"]] <- round.coef
  class(val) <- "estimates.zcurve"
#' @rdname zcurve.estimates
missing_n          <- function(object, round.coef = 0){
  if(!is.zcurve(object))stop("The functions requires an 'zcurve' object.")
  sum <- summary(object, all = TRUE)$coefficients
  val <- list()
  val[["Estimate"]] <- sum["Missing N",1]
    val[["l.CI"]] <- sum["Missing N", "l.CI"]
    val[["u.CI"]] <- sum["Missing N", "u.CI"]
  val[["round.coef"]] <- round.coef
  class(val) <- "estimates.zcurve"
#' @rdname zcurve.estimates
significant_n      <- function(object){
  if(!is.zcurve(object))stop("The functions requires an 'zcurve' object.")
  sum <- summary(object)$model
  val <- list()
  val[["N"]] <- sum$N_sig
  val[["round.coef"]] <- 0
  class(val) <- "estimates.zcurve"
#' @rdname zcurve.estimates
included_n         <- function(object){
  if(!is.zcurve(object))stop("The functions requires an 'zcurve' object.")
  sum <- summary(object)$model
  val <- list()
  val[["N"]] <- sum$N_used

  val[["round.coef"]] <- 0
  class(val) <- "estimates.zcurve"

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zcurve documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:21 p.m.