
Defines functions panel.polygon.zoo panel.rect.zoo panel.segments.zoo panel.text.zoo panel.points.zoo panel.lines.zoo ltext.zoo lpoints.zoo llines.zoo xyplot.tis xyplot.zoo panel.plot.custom panel.plot.default

Documented in llines.zoo lpoints.zoo ltext.zoo panel.lines.zoo panel.plot.custom panel.plot.default panel.points.zoo panel.polygon.zoo panel.rect.zoo panel.segments.zoo panel.text.zoo xyplot.tis xyplot.zoo

panel.plot.default <- function(x, y, subscripts, groups, panel = panel.xyplot,
  col = 1, type = "p", pch = 20, lty = 1, lwd = 1, ...)
  col <- rep(as.list(col), length.out = nlevels(groups))
  type <- rep(as.list(type), length.out = nlevels(groups))
  pch <- rep(as.list(pch), length.out = nlevels(groups))
  lty <- rep(as.list(lty), length.out = nlevels(groups))
  lwd <- rep(as.list(lwd), length.out = nlevels(groups))

  for(g in 1:nlevels(groups)) {
    idx <- g == unclass(groups[subscripts])
    if (any(idx)) panel(x[idx], y[idx], ...,
      col = col[[g]], type = type[[g]], pch = pch[[g]],
      lty = lty[[g]], lwd = lwd[[g]])
  .Deprecated(msg="panel.plot.default is no longer needed, just use panel.xyplot etc")

panel.plot.custom <- function(...) {
  args <- list(...)
  function(...) {
    dots <- list(...)
    do.call("panel.plot.default", modifyList(dots, args))

xyplot.its <-
xyplot.ts <-
xyplot.zoo <- function(x, data, ...)
    obj <- lattice::xyplot.ts(as.zoo(x), ...)
    obj$call <- match.call()

xyplot.tis <- function(x, data, ...)
    x <- aggregate(as.zoo(x), tis::POSIXct, identity)
    obj <- lattice::xyplot.ts(x, ...)
    obj$call <- match.call()

llines.its <-
llines.tis <-
llines.zoo <- function(x, y = NULL, ...)
    if (!is.null(y)) {
        llines(coredata(x), y = y, ...)
    } else {
        llines(coredata(time(x)), y = coredata(x), ...)

lpoints.its <-
lpoints.tis <-
lpoints.zoo <- function(x, y = NULL, ...)
    if (!is.null(y)) {
        lpoints(coredata(x), y = y, ...)
    } else {
        lpoints(coredata(time(x)), y = coredata(x), ...)

ltext.its <-
ltext.tis <-
ltext.zoo <- function(x, y = NULL, ...)
    if (!is.null(y)) {
        ltext(coredata(x), y = y, ...)
    } else {
        ltext(coredata(time(x)), y = coredata(x), ...)

panel.lines.ts <- 
panel.lines.its <-
panel.lines.tis <-
panel.lines.zoo <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- as.zoo(x)
  panel.lines(time(x), coredata(x), ...)

panel.points.ts <- 
panel.points.its <-
panel.points.tis <-
panel.points.zoo <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- as.zoo(x)
  panel.points(time(x), coredata(x), ...)

panel.text.ts <- 
panel.text.its <-
panel.text.tis <-
panel.text.zoo <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- as.zoo(x)
  panel.text(time(x), coredata(x), ...)

panel.segments.ts <- 
panel.segments.its <-
panel.segments.tis <-
panel.segments.zoo <- function(x0, x1, ...) {
  x0 <- as.zoo(x0)
  x1 <- as.zoo(x1)
  panel.segments(time(x0), coredata(x0), time(x1), coredata(x1), ...)

panel.rect.ts <- 
panel.rect.its <-
panel.rect.tis <-
panel.rect.zoo <- function(x0, x1, ...) {
  x0 <- as.zoo(x0)
  x1 <- as.zoo(x1)
  panel.rect(time(x0), coredata(x0), time(x1), coredata(x1), ...)

panel.polygon.ts <- 
panel.polygon.its <-
panel.polygon.tis <-
panel.polygon.zoo <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- as.zoo(x)
  panel.polygon(time(x), coredata(x), ...)

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zoo documentation built on April 14, 2023, 12:39 a.m.