
Defines functions RsdCal

RsdCal = function(file, batch = TRUE, DistPattern = TRUE, output = TRUE) {
    # xr <- read.csv(file, sep=',', header=TRUE)
    xr = file
    # xr = xr[,-1]
    xs = xr[, 3:ncol(xr)]
    if (batch) {
        x = cbind(xr[, 2], xr[, 1], xs)
        x.nn = x
        sorted = x.nn[order(x.nn[, 1]), ]
        g = c()
        for (i in 1:nrow(sorted)) {
            if (any(g == sorted[i, 1])) {
                g = g
            } else {
                g = matrix(c(g, sorted[i, 1]), ncol = 1)
        dirout.g = paste(getwd(), "/tmp", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:nrow(g)) {
            vuota <- c()
            fin = matrix(rep(NA, ncol(sorted)), nrow = 1)
            for (j in 1:nrow(sorted)) {
                if (sorted[j, 1] == i) {
                  vuota <- as.matrix(sorted[j, ], nrow = 1)
                  rownames(vuota) = rownames(sorted)[j]
                  fin = rbind(fin, vuota)
            nam = paste("r", i, sep = ".")
            n = matrix(fin[-1, ], ncol = ncol(sorted))
            n.x = matrix(n[, -1], ncol = ncol(sorted) - 1)
            colnames(n.x) = colnames(x.nn[, 2:ncol(x.nn)])
            name = as.matrix(assign(nam, n.x))
            outputfileg = paste("r.", i, ".csv", sep = "")
            write.csv(name, paste(dirout.g, outputfileg, sep = "/"), row.names = FALSE)
        dirout.w = paste(getwd(), "/statTarget/shiftCor/RSDresult", sep = "")
        NoF = nrow(g)
        nrow = dim(xr)[2] - 2
        batchQC <- matrix(rep(NA), ncol = NoF, nrow = nrow)
        for (i in 1:NoF) {
            ni = paste("r.", i, ".csv", sep = "")
            pwdi = paste(getwd(), "/tmp/", ni, sep = "")
            I = read.csv(pwdi, header = TRUE)
            I = I[, -1]
            bS = t(bStatCor(I)[nrow(bStatCor(I)), ])
            bS = as.matrix(bS)
            batchQC[, i] = bS
        bSall = t(bStatCor(xs)[nrow(bStatCor(xs)), ])
        batchQC <- cbind(batchQC, bSall)
        rownames(batchQC) <- NULL
        colnames(batchQC) <- NULL
        ########### RSDdist########################## message('Summary QC distribution of the CV in each batch and
        ########### all batch (last one):')
        distout <- matrix(rep(NA), nrow = NoF + 1, ncol = 20)
        for (i in 1:(NoF + 1)) {
            valueB <- batchQC[, i]
            Batchdist <- sapply(seq(0, 95, 5), function(x) {
                sum(valueB * 100 <= x + 5, na.rm = TRUE) * 100/length(valueB)
            distout[i, ] <- matrix(Batchdist, 1)
        colnames(distout) <- paste("CV", "<", seq(5, 100, 5), "%", sep = "")
        rownames(distout) <- paste("Batch", "_", seq(1, nrow(distout), 1), sep = "")
        rownames(distout)[nrow(distout)] <- "Total"
        if (DistPattern) {
        # return(distout)
        if (output) {
            RSDdist_CV = paste("RSDdist_QC_stat", ".csv", sep = "")
            write.csv(distout, paste(dirout.w, RSDdist_CV, sep = "/"))
            RSD_all = paste("RSD_all", ".csv", sep = "")
            write.csv(bSall, paste(dirout.w, RSD_all, sep = "/"))
        tmpfile = paste(getwd(), "/tmp/", sep = "")
        unlink(tmpfile, recursive = TRUE)
    } else {
        bSall = t(bStatCor(xs)[nrow(bStatCor(xs)), ])
13479776/statTarget documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 1:58 p.m.