
Defines functions get_traitlist_headers add_season_numplot_prefix ec_filter_data ec_clean_header smart_colbind arrange_nutfert arrange_by_pattern dt_inputs add.col get_fctlvl_values map_level_values map_fgroup_values map_values map_singleform_values getAddInputId getDateInput getTrtInputs append_col

Documented in add.col append_col dt_inputs getAddInputId getDateInput get_fctlvl_values getTrtInputs map_fgroup_values map_level_values map_singleform_values map_values

# The original version of this function is
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15956931/how-to-add-a-new-column-between-other-dataframe-columns
# We make some modification to use in the context of fbdesign/hidap
#'Append column using position.
#'@description Insert column between columns based on positions.
#'@param x data frame.
#'@param cols column to insert into data frame.
#'@param after the inserted column would be located after `(i)` position. `If \code{after=1}, the column will be located in the 2nd position.

append_col <- function(x, cols, after=length(x)) {
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  if (is.character(after)) {
    ind <- which(colnames(x) == after)
    if (any(is.null(ind))) stop(after, "not found in colnames(x)\n")
  } else if (is.numeric(after)) {
    ind <- after
  stopifnot(all(ind <= ncol(x)))
  cbind(x, cols)[, append(1:ncol(x), ncol(x) + 1:length(cols), after=ind)]

#' Get treatment and factor inputs from design of experiments
#'@description Insert column between columns based on positions.
#'@param group group
#'@param subgroup subgroup
#'@param fct factor
#'@param dfr data frame with the inputs

getTrtInputs <- function(group, subgroup, fct, dfr){

  gp <-	  group #group
  sgp <-	subgroup #subgroup
  fct <-	fct #factor
  lblFct <- paste(gp, fct, sep = "_")

  if( !is.null(gp) ||  !is.null(sgp) || !is.null(fct) ){

    dfTrt <- dfr
    if(fct == "Start date" ){
      lvl <- dfTrt[[fct]]
    } else if( fct == "End date"){
      lvl <- dfTrt[[fct]]
    } else{
      lvl<- dfTrt[["text"]]
  } else {
    lblFct <- ""
    lvl <- ""
  out <- list(label = lblFct, level= lvl)


#' Get clean dates from shiny inputs
#' @param input_date input date
#' @export
getDateInput<- function(input_date){

    input_date <- ""

#' Get input id derived from AddButton event 
#' @author Omar Benites
#' @param addId character vector input id(s)
#' @param pattern character pattern to replace
#' @param replacement character value to replace some pattern
#' @export
getAddInputId <- function(addId = "", pattern= "FA_", replacement=""){
  out <- str_replace_all(addId, pattern = pattern, replacement = replacement)

#' Get user's values from single input forms
#' @param input \code{input} Character or shiny input variable (\code{input$id}), conjointly, with the id. Ex. \code{input$FundingAgencyName}
#' @param input_other \code{input} In case of having \code{Other} as entry value in the combo box. Ex. input$projLeadEnt == "Other"
#' @param type \code{character} Three type of inputs: \code{select} for select and selectize inputs, \code{date} for date inputs, and \code{text}, for text input
#' @param default \code{character} vector Value b
#' @param multiple \code{logical} \code{TRUE} for multiple input values, otherwise \code{FALSE}   
#' @param collapsed \code{logical} \code{TRUE} to separate
#' @param format \code{character} Export \code{vector} or \code{dataframe }
#' @param label \code{character} label name that appears in the user interface
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
#' @export 

map_singleform_values <- function(input, input_other, type= c("select","combo box","date","text","text input", "numeric"), 
                                  default=NULL, multiple=FALSE,collapsed= FALSE, format = c("vector","data.frame"), 
                                  label = "Label"){
  format <- match.arg(format)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  #Type of input
  if(type=="select" || type=="combo box"){
      if(is.null(input) || length(input)==0 || all(is.na(input))){
        input<- ""  
          input <- default
      } else if(length(input)==1 && input=="Other"){ #for single input values
        input<- input_other
      } else {
        input<- input
  else if(type =="date"){
        if(length(input)==0 || is.null(input) || is.na(input) ){
              input <- ""
        } else {
              input<- paste(input) #cast from date to character
  else if(type =="text" || type =="text input") {
        if(length(input)==0 || is.null(input) || is.na(input) ){
          input <- ""
        } else {
          input<- str_trim(input, side = "both") #trim whitespaces from string chains
  else if(type =="numeric"){
    if(is.null(input) || length(input)==0 || is.na(input)){
      input <- ""
    } else {
      input <- as.character(input)
  ##collapse values
    res <- paste(input, collapse = ", ")
  else {
    res <- paste(input)
  #output format
    res<- res
    label <- rep(label, length(res))
    res <- data.frame(res) %>% tibble::add_column(label ,.before = 1)

#' Mimic the functionality of map functions and transform inputs by applying a function to each element and returning a vector the same length as the input.
#' @param input shinyInput input values from server side 
#' @param id_chr character character pattern id
#' @param id_rand character vector character random id
#' @param format character object format to be exported. "vector" for vector data structure or "data.frame" for data frame structure 
#' @param lbl characer Optional argument, in case format = "data.frame"
#' @importFrom plyr compact
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
#' @export
map_values <- function(input, id_chr="", id_rand, 
                       format = c("vector","data.frame"), lbl = NULL){
  format <- match.arg(format)
  funAgenVals <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(id_rand))
  for(i in id_rand){

    if(is.null(input[[paste0(id_chr, i)]])){
        if(is.null(input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i)]])){
          funAgenVals[[i]]<- "---"
        else if(input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i)]]=="CGIAR center" ){
          funAgenVals[[i]] <-  map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("tLeadCenter_", i)]],
                                                     input_other = "",
                                                     type = "select", format="vector")
        else if(input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i)]]!="CGIAR center"){
          funAgenVals[[i]]<- "---" 
      else if(id_chr=="tLeadContCRP_"){
        if(is.null(input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i)]])){
          funAgenVals[[i]]<- "---" 
        else if(input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i)]]=="CGIAR center" ){
          # case 6: projLeadEnt=="Other", lead_org_type_1_=="Other"
          funAgenVals[[i]] <-  map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("tLeadContCRP_", i)]],
                                                     input_other = "",
                                                     type = "select", format="vector")
        else if(input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i)]]!="CGIAR center"){
          funAgenVals[[i]]<- "---" 
      else {
          funAgenVals[[i]] <- ""
    else if (input[[paste0(id_chr, i)]]=="Other"){
      #special cases 1 (for Project Lead) : projLeadEnt ==
        funAgenVals[[i]] <-  map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i,"_","other")]], 
                                                   input_other = "",
                                                   type = "select", format="vector")
        # else  if(id_chr=="tLeadCenter_" && input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i)]]=="Other"){
        #   funAgenVals[[i]]<- "---"
        # }
        # funAgenVals[[i]] <-  map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("lead_org_type_1_", i)]],
        #                                            input_other = input[[paste0("lead_org_type_1_", i,"_","other")]],
        #                                            type = "select", format="vector")
      # } else if(id_chr=="tLeadCenter_" && input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i)]]=="Other"){
      #   # case 6: projLeadEnt=="Other", lead_org_type_1_=="Other"
      #   funAgenVals[[i]] <-  map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("leadNameOther_", i)]],
      #                                              input_other = "",
      #                                              type = "select", format="vector")
      # } 
      # else if(id_chr=="tLeadCenter_" && input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i)]]=="CGIAR center" ){
      #   # case 6: projLeadEnt=="Other", lead_org_type_1_=="Other"
      #   funAgenVals[[i]] <-  map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("tLeadCenter_", i)]],
      #                                              input_other = "",
      #                                              type = "select", format="vector")
      #   #funAgenVals[[i]]<- "----"
      # }
      # else if(id_chr=="tLeadContCRP_" && input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i)]]=="CGIAR center" ){
      #   # case 6: projLeadEnt=="Other", lead_org_type_1_=="Other"
      #   funAgenVals[[i]] <-  map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("tLeadContCRP_", i)]],
      #                                              input_other = "",
      #                                              type = "select", format="vector")
      # }
      else if(id_chr== "int_cropCommonName_"){
         if(!is.null(input[[paste0("int_cropCommonName_", i)]])){
           if(input[[paste0("int_cropCommonName_", i)]]=="Other"){
             funAgenVals[[i]] <-input[[paste0("int_cropCommonName_", i,"_other")]]
      } else if(id_chr== "rel_cropCommonName_"){
        if(!is.null(input[[paste0("rel_cropCommonName_", i)]])){
          if(input[[paste0("rel_cropCommonName_", i)]]=="Other"){
            funAgenVals[[i]] <-input[[paste0("rel_cropCommonName_", i,"_other")]]
      } else { # Otherwise, user select : "Others"
        funAgenVals[[i]] <- input[[paste0(id_chr, i, "_other")]]  
          if(is.null(funAgenVals[[i]])){ #special cases 1 :  #in case we have another NULL value
            funAgenVals[[i]] <-  ""   
    #projLeadEnt_==NULL, lead_org_type_==NULL, lead_org_type_1_, lead_org_type_1_WEGQHZCJ_other
    else {
      funAgenVals[[i]] <- input[[paste0(id_chr, i)]]
          funAgenVals[[i]] <- ""
        }else {
          funAgenVals[[i]] <- setdiff(funAgenVals[[i]], "")
    # if(id_chr=="tLeadCenter_" && input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_", i)]]=="Other"){
    #   funAgenVals[[i]]<- "---"
    # }
    #SPECIAL CASE: id_chr ="designFieldbook_fundAgencyType_name_" && input[["designFieldbook_fundAgencyType_"]]=="CGIAR"
    #When user select CGIAR center in Funding agency type select combo
    if(id_chr=="designFieldbook_fundAgencyType_name_") { 
      #special cases 3 (get Experiment, lead organization name): projLeadEnt == "Other" && tLeadCenter=="NULL
      if(!is.null(input[[paste0("designFieldbook_fundAgencyType_",i)]])) {
        if(input[[paste0("designFieldbook_fundAgencyType_",i)]]=="CGIAR center"){
          funAgenVals[[i]] <- map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("designFieldbook_fundAgencyType_cgiar_", i)]],
                                                    input_other = "None",
                                                    type = "select", format="vector",default = "None")
     }  #Specia
    #SPECIAL CASE:  (get Experiment, lead organization name): projLeadEnt == "Other" && tLeadCenter=="NULL
    if(!is.null(input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_",i)]] )) { 
      #special cases 3 (get Experiment, lead organization name): projLeadEnt == "Other" && tLeadCenter=="NULL
      if( input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_",i)]]=="Other" &&  id_chr=="tLeadCenter_"){
        funAgenVals[[i]] <- "---"
    #CASO: When person affiliation is equal to Other and then write the Other value
    #if(!is.null(input[[paste0("person_affiliation_",i)]] )) { 
      #special cases 3 (get Experiment, lead organization name): projLeadEnt == "Other" && tLeadCenter=="NULL
      # if( id_chr=="person_affiliation_" && input[[paste0("person_affiliation_",i)]]=="Other"){
      #   funAgenVals[[i]] <- map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("affiliation_name_", i,"_","other")]], 
      #                                             input_other = "",
      #                                             type = "select", format="vector") 
      # }
    #CASO: When person affiliation is equal to Other and then write the Other value
    if(!is.null(input[[paste0("person_affiliation_",i)]] )) { 
      #special cases 3 (get Experiment, lead organization name): projLeadEnt == "Other" && tLeadCenter=="NULL
      #When id_chr=="affiliation_name_" and Person affiliation is different from "other"
      if( input[[paste0("person_affiliation_",i)]]!="Other" &&  id_chr=="affiliation_name_"){
          funAgenVals[[i]] <- map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("affiliation_name_", i)]], 
                                                    input_other =  "",
                                                    type = "select", format="vector") 
      else if( input[[paste0("person_affiliation_",i)]]=="Other" &&  id_chr=="person_affiliation_"){
        funAgenVals[[i]] <- map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("person_affiliation_", i,"_","other")]], 
                                                  input_other =  input[[paste0("person_affiliation_", i,"_","other")]],
                                                  type = "select", format="vector") 
          #funAgenVals[[i]] <- "Other"
          # funAgenVals[[i]] <-   map_singleform_values(input = "Other", #input[[paste0("person_affiliation_", i,"_","other")]],
          #                                             input_other = "",
          #                                             type = "select", format="vector")
      #When id_chr=="affiliation_name_" and person affiliation is "Other"
    #Deprecated case: SPECIAL CASE:  id_chr="tLeadCenter_" y projecLeadEnt=="Other" in EXPERIMENT LEAD BOX
    # if( id_chr=="tLeadCenter_") { 
    #   #special cases 3 (get Experiment, lead organization name): projLeadEnt == "Other" && tLeadCenter=="NULL
    #   if(input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_",i)]]=="Other"){
    #     funAgenVals[[i]] <-  map_singleform_values(input = input[[paste0("leadNameOther_", i)]],
    #                                                input_other = "",
    #                                                type = "select", format="vector",default = "None")
    #   }
    # }  
    #Special cases 4 (get Experiment, lead organization name): projLeadEnt == NULO &  id_chr=="tLeadCenter_" & tLeadCenter=="NULL
    if(length(input[[paste0("projLeadEnt_",i)]])==0 && id_chr=="tLeadCenter_") {
       #special cases 5: if id="tLeadCenter", projLeadEnt=0
       print("case 5")
       funAgenVals[[i]] <- "" #input[[paste0(id_chr, i)]]
  funAgenVals <- plyr::compact(funAgenVals) #remove NULL values frm List
  res <-unlist(funAgenVals) #unlist and get input values
  #print("fun agel vals")
    res<- res
  if(format=="data.frame") {
    res <- as.data.frame(res,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) %>% as.tibble() #tibble::rownames_to_column()
    label<- paste(lbl, 1:nrow(res))
    res <- tibble::add_column(res , label,.before = 1) #add label column in the second position

#' Mimic the functionality of map functions and transform factor-group inputs into data frame
#' @param input shinyInput input values from server side 
#' @param id_chr character character pattern id
#' @param id_rand character vector character random id
#  @param format character object format to be exported. "vector" for vector data structure or "data.frame" for data frame structure 
#' @param lbl characer Optional argument, in case format = "data.frame"
#' @export

map_fgroup_values <- function(input, id_chr ="sel_factor_", id_rand,  lbl = "Factor " ){
  designVals <- data.frame(gr1= NA, gr2= NA, gr3= NA)
  for(i in 1:length(id_rand)){
    for(j in 1:3){
      if(is.null(input[[paste0(id_chr, id_rand[i], "_", j)]])){
        designVals[i,j] <- "-" #empty values
      } else {
        designVals[i,j] <- input[[paste0(id_chr, id_rand[i], "_", j)]]
  lbl <- paste(lbl, 1:nrow(designVals)) 
  designVals <- tibble::add_column(designVals , lbl, .before = 1)
  names(designVals)<- c("NUM","GROUP","SUBGROUP","FACTOR")

#' Mimic the functionality of map functions and transform level inputs into data frame
#' @param input shinyInput input values from server side 
#' @param allinputs reactive shiny object that return a data frame with all the shiny inputs
#' @param isf character If \code{isf=="yes"} is full factorial, otherwise \code{isf=="no"} is for non-full factorial
#' @param id_type_dt data.frame Table with type of Factor and types of input form: \code{combo box}, \code{text input}, and \code{date}  
#  @param id_chr character character pattern id
#' @param id_rand character vector character random id
#  @param format character object format to be exported. "vector" for vector data structure or "data.frame" for data frame structure 
#' @param ntrt If \code{isf=="no"}, introduce the number of treatments in non-full factorials arragements.
#' @param lbl characer Optional argument, in case format = "data.frame"
#' @export

map_level_values <- function(input, allinputs, isf=c("yes","no"), id_type_dt, #id_chr= c("levels_", "select_factor_treatment_"),
                             id_rand, ntrt=2, lbl= "f"){
  #levelVals <- vector(mode = "list")
  isf <- match.arg(isf)
  id_type <- id_type_dt[,"FORM"] #get column with type of input form
  #id_gf3 <- id_type_dt[,""]
  fct <- id_type_dt[,"FACTOR"] #get vector with selected factors
  #id_chr<- match.arg(id_chr)
    levelVals <- vector(mode = "list")  
    levelVals_s <- levelVals_e <- levelVals
    numlvl <- c()
    datelevelVals <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(id_rand)){
      numlvl <- input[[paste0("numLevels_", id_rand[i])]]   #number of levels
      #for(j in 1:length(id_type)){
        if(is.na(id_type[i]) || is.null(id_type[i])){
          levelVals[[i]] <- "-"
        else if(id_type_dt$GROUP[i]=="Soil fertility"){
            if(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i]=="Number of fertilizer applications"){
              levelVals[[i]] <- paste(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i], id_rand[i])
            } else if(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i]=="Nutrient element application rate") {
              levelVals[[i]] <- paste(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i], id_rand[i])
            } else if(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i]=="Fertilizer product application rate"){
              levelVals[[i]] <- paste(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i], id_rand[i])
            } else{
              levelVals[[i]] <- paste("Fertilizer product application rate", id_rand[i])
        else if(id_type[i]=="combo box" || id_type[i]=="text input"){
            id_chr <- "levels_"
            if(is.null(input[[paste0(id_chr, id_rand[i])]] )){
              levelVals[[i]] <- "-"
            } else {
              levelVals[[i]] <- input[[paste0(id_chr, id_rand[i])]]
        else if(id_type[i]=="date" && fct[i]=="Start date" && !is.null(numlvl) ){
            id_chr_s <- "factor_start_date_"
                for(k in 1:numlvl){ 
                       if(is.null(input[[paste0(id_chr_s, id_rand[i],"_",k)]])){
                         #print("no pasa")
                         #print(input[[paste0(id_chr_s, id_rand[i],"_",k)]]) 
                         datelevelVals[k] <- "-"
                       } else {
                         #print(input[[paste0(id_chr_s, id_rand[i],"_",k)]])
                         datelevelVals[k] <- as.character(input[[paste0(id_chr_s, id_rand[i],"_",k)]])
            levelVals[[i]] <- datelevelVals 
        else if(id_type[i]=="date" && fct[i]=="End date" && !is.null(numlvl)) {
              id_chr_e <- "factor_end_date_" 
                   for(k in 1:numlvl){ 
                           if(is.null(input[[paste0(id_chr_e, id_rand[i],"_",numlvl)]])){
                              datelevelVals[k] <- "-"
                           } else {
                              datelevelVals[k] <- as.character(input[[paste0(id_chr_e, id_rand[i],"_",numlvl)]])
              levelVals[[i]] <- datelevelVals 
  # id_chr<-"input_factor_treatment_"
    #non full factorial
    dtnoflvl <- data.frame()
    for(i in 1:length(id_rand)){
      for(j in 1:ntrt){
        if(is.na(id_type[i]) || is.null(id_type[i])){ #in case of missing values or not mapped values
          #id_chr<- "select_factor_treatment_" #by default
          id_chr <- NULL
        else if(id_type[i]=="date"){
          #id_chr<- "date_factor_treatment_"
        else if(id_type[i]=="text input"){
          #id_chr<- "input_NFF_"
        else if(id_type[i]=="combo box"){
          #id_chr<- "select_factor_treatment_"
        if(is.null(input[[paste0(id_chr, id_rand[i], "_", j)]]) || is.null(id_chr) ){
          dtnoflvl[i,j] <- "-"
        }  else if(id_type_dt$GROUP[i]=="Soil fertility"){
              if(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i]=="Number of fertilizer applications"){
                dtnoflvl[i,j] <- paste(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i], id_rand[i])
              } else if(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i]=="Nutrient element application rate") {
                dtnoflvl[i,j] <- paste(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i], id_rand[i])
              } else if(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i]=="Fertilizer product application rate"){
                dtnoflvl[i,j] <- paste(id_type_dt$FACTOR[i], id_rand[i])
              } else{
                dtnoflvl[i,j] <- paste("Fertilizer product application rate", id_rand[i])
        } else {
          dtnoflvl[i,j] <- map_singleform_values(input[[paste0(id_chr, id_rand[i], "_", j)]], type =  id_type[i])

    out <- t(dtnoflvl) %>% as.tibble()  #transpose and make a list
    nms <- paste0(lbl, 1:ncol(out)) #header's name
    names(out)<- nms
    out<- out %>% as.list()


#' Get factor and levels from design interface and type of factorial
#' @param input shinyInput Variable defined in \code{server(input,output)}
#' @param designVars reactiveValues  Reactive expression that contains all the ID's related to add, delete and remove buttons. 
#' @param tf character type of factorial. \code{yes} equivalent to full-factorial arragement, otherwise, \code{no} is equivalent to non-full factorial
#' @export
get_fctlvl_values <- function(input, designVars, tf= c("yes","no")){
  tf <- match.arg(tf) #type of factorial (full or non-full)
  #Type of design
  if(tf=="yes"){ #full factorial arragement
    id_ff_rand <- getAddInputId(designVars$ids_FULL, "FF_", "") 
    nf <- length(id_ff_rand)
    #factors and levels
    fg <- map_fgroup_values(input= input, id_chr ="sel_factor_", id_rand = id_ff_rand, lbl = "Factor")
    flvl <- map_level_values(input= input, isf = tf, id_chr ="levels_", id_rand = id_ff_rand, lbl= "Level")
    #fb <- try(fb$book)
  if(tf=="no"){ #non full-factorial design
    id_nff_rand <- getAddInputId(designVars$ids_NFULL, "NFF_", "") 
    nf <- length(id_nff_rand)
    #factors and levels
    #fg <- map_fgroup_values(input= input, id_chr ="sel_factor_", id_rand = id_nff_rand, lbl = "Factor") 
    fg <- map_fgroup_values(input= input, id_chr ="sel_factor_", id_rand = id_nff_rand, lbl = "Factor") 
    flvl <- map_level_values(input= input, isf=tf, id_chr ="select_factor_treatment_", id_rand = id_nff_rand, 
                             ntrt = ntrt, lbl= "f")
  #TODO: hacer una sola lista y cambiar los nombres de los items con fg$lbl
  out<- list(fg=fg, lvl=flvl, nf= nf)

#' Add columns to data frames with different sizes
#' @param dt data frame 
#' @param new.col vector New column to add into the data frame
#' @references https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2004-October/059752.html

add.col<-function(dt, new.col) {
  cbind(dt, new.col)

#' Add columns to data frames with different sizes
#' @param dt data frame 
#' @param dt_other vector New column to add into the data frame
#' @author Omar Benites

dt_inputs<- function(dt, dt_other){
  for(i in 1:nrow(dt)){
    if(dt[i,"values"]=="Other" || dt[i,"values"]=="other" ){
      dt[i,"values"] <-  dt_other[i,"values"]
      dt[i,"values"]<- dt[i,"values"]

# Arrange data.frame by pattern
arrange_by_pattern <- function(data, pattern){
  if(nrow(data)>0 && length(pattern)>0){
    dt <-  list() #data.frame()
    #pattern <- c("MORIBVKI","JVCBBMVG","POBNRFFA")
    for( i in 1:length(pattern)){
      #dt<- rbind(dt, data %>% filter(str_detect(id, pattern[i])))
      dt[[i]] <- data %>% filter(str_detect(id, pattern[i])) #rbind(dt, data %>% filter(str_detect(id, pattern[i])))
    dt <- data.table::rbindlist(dt, fill=TRUE) %>% as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  } else {
    dt <- data.frame()

# Arrange whole nutrient and fertilizer matrix by pattern
arrange_nutfert<- function(data){
  data <- data %>% mutate(num_col = str_remove_all(id,"_")) %>% 
                   mutate(num_col = gsub(pattern = "[^0-9.-]",replacement = "", num_col )) 
  data$num_col <- as.numeric(data$num_col)
  data <- data[order(data$num_col),]

#Smart Bind data frames by columns
# ... data frames to bind them in one data.frame 
smart_colbind <- function(...){
 dt_list<- list(...)
 # #Remove/Clean all the list (or clean) that are equal to zero
 dt_list<- rlist::list.clean(dt_list, function(x) length(x) == 0)
 dt <- dplyr::bind_cols(dt_list)
 dt<- dt %>%  dplyr::mutate_all(as.character)

#Clean header for experiment conditions data frames
ec_clean_header <- function(dt){

  dt$`Fieldbook download`<-NULL
  dt$`Other - specify`<-NULL
  dt$`Factor?` <- NULL
  dt$Is_Factor <- NULL
  dt$v1<- dt$v2 <- dt$v3<- NULL
  dt$`Fieldbook download`<- dt$`Other - specify`<- dt$Observation<- dt$Fieldbook_download<-  NULL
  dt$`Factor?`<-dt$`Reorganisation of all the variables (see GitHub 112 for the mock-up)`<- NULL
  dt$temp <- NULL
  dt$`Factor Id`<- NULL
  dt$Var.8 <- NULL
  dt$X17<- dt$X19 <-  dt$X20 <- dt$X21 <- dt$X22 <- dt$X23 <-NULL
  dt$Measurement_3 <- NULL
  #dt <- dt %>% dplyr::select(-starts_with("NA."))

#Filter data for experiment conditions
ec_filter_data <- function(dt){
  dt <- dt %>% filter(TraitName!="")
  #dt <- dt %>% filter(Fieldbook_download!="")
               #filter(Fieldbook_download!="Residue_management_end_date") %>% 
  # if(is.element("Fieldbook_download", names(dt))){
  #   dt <- dt %>% mutate(TraitName=Fieldbook_download)
  # } else{
  #   dt
  # }

# Function to attach underscore and hashtag
# dt: data frame with the crop measurement table to add number of season and plots
add_season_numplot_prefix<- function(dt){
  if(!is.null(dt) && nrow(dt)!=0){
    dt$NumberofMeasurementsPerSeason <- as.numeric(dt$NumberofMeasurementsPerSeason)
    dt$NumberofMeasurementsPerPlot <- as.numeric(dt$NumberofMeasurementsPerPlot)
    season_idx <- which(dt$NumberofMeasurementsPerSeason<=0)
    nplot_idx <-  which(dt$NumberofMeasurementsPerPlot<=0)
    #out2<- list()
      dt$NumberofMeasurementsPerSeason[season_idx]<- 1
      dt$NumberofMeasurementsPerPlot[nplot_idx]<- 1
    out <- list()
    #Number of instaces per seasons
    for(i in 1:nrow(dt)) {
        out[[i]] <- dt$TraitName[i]
      } else {
        out[[i]]<- paste(dt$TraitName[i],1:dt$NumberofMeasurementsPerPlot[i],sep="__")   
      out<- unlist(out)
      out2<- list()
      for( i in 1:nrow(dt)){
          out2[[i]] <- out[[i]]
        } else {
          out2[[i]]<- sort( as.vector(outer(1:dt$NumberofMeasurementsPerSeason[i], out[[i]], paste, sep=":")))
      out<- unlist(out2)
  else {

#Function to get exportable headers in TraitLis
#soilData: LOGICAL,  TRUE (if user select Soil data ), FALSE (if user do not select TraitData)
get_traitlist_headers <- function(soilData=TRUE){
    lbl_traitlist_dt <- c("Crop","Group","Subgroup","Measurement","TraitName",
                          "TraitUnit", "TraitLevel", "NumberofMeasurementsPerSeason","NumberofMeasurementsPerPlot",
                          "Timing", "TimingValue",	"SoilDepth",	"DepthUnit",
  } else {
    lbl_traitlist_dt <- c("Crop","Group","Subgroup","Measurement","TraitName",
                          "TraitUnit", "TraitLevel", "NumberofMeasurementsPerSeason","NumberofMeasurementsPerPlot",
                          "Timing", "TimingValue", "TraitAlias",

#Replicate rows of data.frame function
#sapply(df, rep.int, 2) %>% as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) method 2
AGROFIMS/agdesign documentation built on June 11, 2020, 12:02 p.m.