
Defines functions empty_columns filter_empty_columns split_to_vector add_borno_columns check_pdfs check_excel create_metadata convert_file add_population select_portions convert_to_long add_metadata convert_files file_update folder_update

Documented in add_metadata add_population check_excel check_pdfs convert_file convert_files convert_to_long create_metadata file_update folder_update

#'detect empty columns
empty_columns <- function(.data){
  #return true if all is empty
  !(all(is.na(.data))|all(.data == ""))

#'Filtering empty columns
#'Filtering on empty columns
filter_empty_columns <- function(.data){
  #that its
  Filter(empty_columns, .data)

#'Split a character to vector

split_to_vector <- function(.character){
  stringr::str_split(.character, "\\s", simplify = TRUE) %>%

#'Creating the header of the final data-frame
add_borno_columns <- function(.data, reg_exp = "location|cas|disease|year|week|annex"){
  colnames(.data) <- internal_data$headers

  #filtering on unwanted lines
  .data[!grepl(reg_exp, .data$location, ignore.case = TRUE), ]

#'A little function to check if a file is a pdf and return a stop otherwise
#'@param .file_path the path to the pdf file
check_pdfs <- function(.file_path){
  if(!all(grepl("\\.pdf$", .file_path))){
    stop("A non pdf file found")

#'A little function to check if the file has an excel extension
#'@param .file_path the path to the excel file
check_excel <- function(.file_path){
  if(!all(grepl("\\.xlsx$", .file_path))){
    stop("A non excel file not found. Excel files should have .xlsx extension.")

#' Extracting the metadata from one pdf file.
#'@param .file_path A character vector of length one, indicating the path to a pdf file
#'@param is_excel A logical, checking whether metadata should be
#'extracted from an excel file or not. Default to false
#'@return A tibble
#'@importFrom magrittr %>%
#'@importFrom stringr str_squish
#'@importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#'@importFrom stringr str_remove
#'@importFrom stringr str_extract
#'@importFrom stringr str_split
#'@family Extracting functions
create_metadata <- function(.file_path, is_excel = FALSE){

    metadata <- NULL

    file_name <- tolower(basename(.file_path)) %>%
      str_squish() %>%
      str_replace_all("\\s|-+|_+", "-") %>%
      str_replace_all("-+", "-") %>%
      str_remove("^[^w]+") %>%

    year <- str_extract(file_name, "\\d{4}")

    month <- grep(str_extract(file_name, "[a-z]+$"),
                  month.name, ignore.case = TRUE)
    #start and end of the period
    start_end <- file_name %>%
      str_remove("(-\\D+)$") %>%
      str_extract("(\\d{2}-\\d{2})$") %>%
      str_split("-", simplify = T) %>%

    metadata[1] <- str_extract(file_name, "w\\d{2}")
    metadata[2] <- paste(year, month, start_end[1], sep = "-")
    metadata[3] <- paste(year, month, start_end[2], sep = "-")

  #reading the table
  raw_text <- pdftools::pdf_text(.file_path)

  metadata <- stringr::str_extract(raw_text, internal_data$week_expression) %>%
    filter_empty_columns() %>%
    stringr::str_squish() %>%
    stringr::str_split("\\s", simplify = TRUE) %>%

  #removing the from and to.
  #The first element is the week, the second one is the from and the third
  #one is the path
  metadata <- metadata[!grepl("from|to", metadata, ignore.case = TRUE)]

  #final metadata
  dplyr::tibble(path = .file_path,
                week = stringr::str_remove_all(metadata[1], "\\D"),
                from = metadata[2],
                to = metadata[3],
                year = metadata[3]) %>%
                     function(x) stringr::str_extract(x, "\\d{4}") %>%
                       as.numeric()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at("week", as.numeric)

#' Converting one PDF text into tibble format
#' @param .file_path A character vector of length one. The path to a pdf file
#' @param is_excel A logical. Testing if we should update from excel or pdf file
#' @return A tibble
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @export
#' @family  Extracting functions
convert_file <- function(.file_path, is_excel = FALSE){

    #checking if I should have a preprocessing step or not.
    working_data <- read_excel(.file_path, sheet = 2)

    #removing the pcode from the data
    colnames(working_data) <- colnames(working_data) %>%
      tolower() %>% trimws()
    working_data <- working_data[, !grepl("pcode", colnames(working_data))]

    #read with pdftools
    table_test <- pdftools::pdf_text(.file_path)
    #split a each line
    table_test <- stringr::str_split(table_test, pattern = "\\n")
    #At this step, I have two list and only the firs element contains interesting
    table_test <- table_test[[1L]]
    #removing repetiting splaces
    table_test <- purrr::map(table_test, stringr::str_squish)
    #split each line to a vector
    table_test <- purrr::map(table_test, split_to_vector)
    # creating the final table
    working_data <- table_test %>%
      filter_empty_columns() %>%

    #adding final columns
    working_data %>%
      add_borno_columns() %>%
      dplyr::mutate(path = .file_path) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) %>%

#'Add the population Data to the final data
#'@param .data A tibble
#'@param pop_data A tibble with two columns (`location` and `population`). See the
#'    `borno_pop` format.
#'@return A tibble
#'@importFrom magrittr %>%
#'@family add functions
add_population <- function(.data, pop_data = borno_pop){

  #checking the colnames of pupulation data
  if(any(colnames(pop_data) != c("location", "population"))){
    stop('colnames of population data shoud be: c("location", "population")')

  .data  %>%
    #filtering the location not wanted
                     dplyr::any_vars(. != "Uba" & . != "Kusar")
    #correcting some lga names to fit the population data
    dplyr::mutate_at("location", function(x) gsub("^Askira$", "Askira-Uba", x)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at("location", function(x) gsub("^Kwaya$", "Kwaya-Kusar", x)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at("location", function(x) gsub("/", "-", x)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at("location", function(x) stringr::str_squish(x)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at("location", function(x) gsub("\\s", "-", x)) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(pop_data, by = "location")

#'Selecting a portion of the data and turn it to long format using my scheme
#'@importFrom rlang !!!
#'@importFrom magrittr %>%
select_portions <- function(.data, select = internal_data$selecting_vector, .part = "cases"){

  #defining quosures for dealing with names in the function
  to_select <- rlang::enquos(select)
  value_name <- paste("number", .part, sep = "_")

  .data %>%
    dplyr::select(!!!to_select, dplyr::ends_with(.part)) %>%
    tidyr::gather(key = "events", value = !!value_name,
           dplyr::ends_with(.part)) %>%
                     function(x) stringr::str_remove(x, paste("(_", .part, ")$", sep = ""))

#'Converting data to long format
#'@param .data A tibble
#'@return A tibble
#'@importFrom magrittr %>%
#'@family Extracting Functions
convert_to_long <- function(.data){

  #number of cases
  nb_cases <- .data %>% select_portions()
  #number of deaths
  nb_deaths <- .data %>% select_portions(.part = "death")

  dplyr::left_join(nb_cases, nb_deaths, by = internal_data$joining_vector)


#'Adding metadata to raw_data

#'@param .data A tibble
#'@param .metadata A tibble, metadata of the file (s)
#'@importFrom magrittr %>%
#'@family add functions
add_metadata <- function(.data, .metadata){
  #adding the metadata
  .data %>%
    #left_join with metadata
    dplyr::left_join(.metadata, by = "path") %>%
    dplyr::select(-"path") %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(dplyr::ends_with("cases")), as.numeric) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(dplyr::ends_with("death")), as.numeric)


#'Converting all pdfs withing a folder to a data.frame
#'@param .folder_path A character vector of length one, path to the folder of
#'@param keepwide Logical. Should we keep final wide or long format?
#'@param is_excel Logical. Should we use excel folder or pdf folder.
#'@return A tibble
#'@importFrom magrittr %>%
#'@importFrom magrittr %<>%
#'@family Extracting functions
convert_files <- function(.folder_path, keepwide = FALSE, is_excel = FALSE){

  #listing all the pdf files in the folder
  files <- list.files(.folder_path, full.names = TRUE)

  #check if all file names are pdfs.
  if(!is_excel) purrr::map(files, check_pdfs)

  #creating the metadata
  metadata <- purrr::map_dfr(files,
                             function(x) create_metadata(x, is_excel = is_excel))

  #creating the tables from the raw files
  raw_table <- purrr::map_dfr(files,
                              function(x) convert_file(x, is_excel = is_excel))

  #adding the metadata
  raw_table  %<>% add_metadata(metadata)

  #adding the population_data
  raw_table  %<>% add_population()

  #converting to long format and adding some variables
  if(keepwide) return(raw_table)

  #the user can decide whether to keep the wide format or not
  raw_table  %>% convert_to_long()


#'Update historic data using one file
#'@param .file_path A character vector of length One, path to one pdf file
#'@param keepwide Logical Should we keep final long or wide format?
#'@param update Logical. Update with historical data or not?
#'@param is_excel Logical. Should we update with excel or pdf file?
#'@return A tibble with updated data
#'@importFrom magrittr %>%
#'@importFrom magrittr  %<>%
#'@family update functions
file_update <- function(.file_path, keepwide = FALSE, update = TRUE,
                        is_excel = FALSE){

  #be sure to have a pdf
  if(!is_excel) check_pdfs(.file_path)

  #creating the raw_table
  raw_table <- convert_file(.file_path, is_excel = is_excel)

  #creating the metadata
  raw_table  %<>%  add_metadata(create_metadata(.file_path, is_excel = is_excel))

  #adding the population
  raw_table  %<>% add_population()

  #converting to long format and adding some variables such as attack rate and

  #the user can decide whether to keep the wide format or not
  if(!keepwide) raw_table   %<>%  convert_to_long()

  #Now I will check if the user wants raw_tabe without updating or not
  if(!update) return(raw_table)

  #returning the raw historic data with updated data
  if(keepwide) return(historic_wide_data %>%
                        dplyr::bind_rows(raw_table) %>%

  #the default behaviour is to update long data and return it
  historic_long_data %>% dplyr::bind_rows(raw_table) %>% dplyr::distinct()


#'Update historic data using a folder
#'@param .folder_path A character vector of length one, path to the foler with files
#'@param keepwide logical. Should we keep final long or wide format?
#'@param update Logical. Update with historical data or not?
#'@param is_excel Logical. Use a folder of excel files or not.
#'@return A tibble with updated data
#'@importFrom magrittr %>%
#'@importFrom magrittr  %<>%
#'@family update functions

folder_update <- function(.folder_path, keepwide = FALSE, update = TRUE,
                          is_excel = FALSE){

  new_data <- convert_files(.folder_path, keepwide = keepwide,
                            is_excel = is_excel)
  #make update or not
  if(!update) return(new_data)
  #keep wide format or not
  if(keepwide) return(historic_wide_data %>%
                        dplyr::bind_rows(new_data) %>%
  #default behaviour
  historic_long_data %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows(new_data) %>%

AKYves/upbornr documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 4:08 a.m.