
Defines functions MatH

Documented in MatH

#' Wrapper function of \code{MatH} class
#' This function create a matrix of histogram data, i.e. a \code{MatH}
#' object
#' @name MatH
#' @rdname MatH-class
#' @export
#' @param x (optional, default= an empty \code{distributionH} object) a list of
#' \code{distributionH} objects
#' @param nrows (optional, default=1)an integer, the number of rows.
#' @param ncols (optional, default=1) an integer, the number of columns (aka
#' variables).
#' @param rownames (optional, default=NULL) a list of strings containing the
#' names of the rows.
#' @param varnames (optional, default=NULL) a list of strings containing the
#' names of the columns (aka variables).
#' @param by.row (optional, default=FALSE) a logical value, TRUE the matrix is
#' row wise filled, FALSE the matrix is filled column wise.
#' @return A \code{matH} object
#' @examples
#' # bulding an empty 10 by 4 matrix of histograms
#' MAT <- MatH(nrows = 10, ncols = 4)
MatH <- function(x = NULL, nrows = 1, ncols = 1, rownames = NULL, varnames = NULL, by.row = FALSE) {
  MAT <- new("MatH",
    nrows = nrows,
    ncols = ncols,
    ListOfDist = x,
    names.rows = rownames,
    names.cols = varnames, by.row = by.row

# overriding of "[" operator for MatH object ----
#' extract from a MatH Method [
#' @name [
#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @aliases [,MatH,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
#' [,MatH-method
#' @description This method overrides the "[" operator for a  \code{matH} object.
#' @param x a \code{matH} object
#' @param i  a set of integer values identifying the rows
#' @param j  a set of integer values identifying the columns
#' @param ... not useful
#' @param drop a logical value inherited from the basic method "[" but not used (default=TRUE)
#' @return A \code{matH} object
#' @examples
#' D <- BLOOD # the BLOOD dataset
#' SUB_D <- BLOOD[c(1, 2, 5), c(1, 2)]
#' @importFrom stats variable.names
#' @export
  signature(x = "MatH"),
  function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {
    if (missing(i) && missing(j)) {
      i <- c(1:nrow(x@M))
      j <- c(1:ncol(x@M))
    else {
      if (missing(i)) i <- c(1:nrow(x@M))
      if (missing(j)) j <- c(1:ncol(x@M))
    # consider negative indexes!TO BE DONE!!
    if (min(i) <= 0 | min(j) <= 0) {
      stop("negative indexes are not allowed in subsetting [,] a MatH object")

    x@M <- matrix(x@M[i, j],
      nrow = length(i), ncol = length(j),
      dimnames = list(row.names(x@M)[i], colnames(x@M)[j])

# methods for getting information from a MatH

setGeneric("get.MatH.nrows", function(object) standardGeneric("get.MatH.nrows"))
#' Method get.MatH.nrows
#' @name get.MatH.nrows
#' @description It returns the number of rows of a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @return An integer, the number of rows.
#' @exportMethod get.MatH.nrows
#' @rdname get.MatH.nrows-methods
#' @aliases get.MatH.nrows,MatH-method

  f = "get.MatH.nrows", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object) {
#' Method get.MatH.ncols
#' @name get.MatH.ncols
#' @rdname get.MatH.ncols-methods
#' @exportMethod get.MatH.ncols

setGeneric("get.MatH.ncols", function(object) standardGeneric("get.MatH.ncols"))
#' @rdname get.MatH.ncols-methods
#' @aliases get.MatH.ncols,MatH-method
#' @description It returns the number of columns of a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @return An integer, the number of columns.
  f = "get.MatH.ncols", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object) {
#' Method get.MatH.rownames
#' @name get.MatH.rownames
#' @rdname get.MatH.rownames-methods
#' @exportMethod get.MatH.rownames
setGeneric("get.MatH.rownames", function(object) standardGeneric("get.MatH.rownames"))
#' @rdname get.MatH.rownames-methods
#' @aliases get.MatH.rownames,MatH-method
#' @description It returns the labels of the rows of a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @return A vector of char, the label of the rows.
  f = "get.MatH.rownames", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object) {
#' Method get.MatH.varnames
#' @name get.MatH.varnames
#' @rdname get.MatH.varnames-methods
#' @exportMethod get.MatH.varnames
setGeneric("get.MatH.varnames", function(object) standardGeneric("get.MatH.varnames"))
#' @rdname get.MatH.varnames-methods
#' @aliases get.MatH.varnames,MatH-method
#' @description It returns the labels of the columns, or the names of the variables, of a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @return A vector of char, the labels of the columns, or the names of the variables.
  f = "get.MatH.varnames", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object) {
#' Method get.MatH.main.info
#' @name get.MatH.main.info
#' @rdname get.MatH.main.info-methods
#' @exportMethod get.MatH.main.info
setGeneric("get.MatH.main.info", function(object) standardGeneric("get.MatH.main.info"))
#' @rdname get.MatH.main.info-methods
#' @aliases get.MatH.main.info,MatH-method
#' @description It returns the number of rows, of columns the labels of rows and columns of a \code{MatH} object.
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @return A list of char, the labels of the columns, or the names of the variables.
#' @slot nrows - the number of rows
#' @slot ncols - the number of columns
#' @slot rownames - a vector of char, the names of rows
#' @slot varnames - a vector of char, the names of columns
  f = "get.MatH.main.info", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object) {
      nrows = get.MatH.nrows(object), ncols = get.MatH.ncols(object),
      rownames = get.MatH.rownames(object), varnames = get.MatH.varnames(object)
#' Method get.MatH.stats
#' @name get.MatH.stats
#' @rdname get.MatH.stats-methods
#' @exportMethod get.MatH.stats
setGeneric("get.MatH.stats", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("get.MatH.stats"))

#' @rdname get.MatH.stats-methods
#' @aliases get.MatH.stats,MatH-method
#' @description It returns statistics for each distribution contained in a \code{MatH} object.
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param ... a set of other parameters
#' @param stat (optional) a string containing the required statistic. Default='mean'\cr
#' - \code{stat='mean'} - for computing the mean of each histogram\cr
#' - \code{stat='median'} - for computing the median of each histogram\cr
#' - \code{stat='min'} - for computing the minimum of each histogram\cr
#' - \code{stat='max'} - for computing the maximum of each histogram\cr
#' - \code{stat='std'} - for computing the standard deviatio of each histogram\cr
#' - \code{stat='skewness'} - for computing the skewness of each histogram\cr
#' - \code{stat='kurtosis'} - for computing the kurtosis of each histogram\cr
#' - \code{stat='quantile'} - for computing the quantile ot level \code{prob} of each histogram\cr
#' @param prob (optional)a number between 0 and 1 for computing the value once choosen the \code{'quantile'} option for \code{stat}.
#' @return A list
#' @slot stat - the chosen statistic
#' @slot prob - level of probability if stat='quantile'
#' @slot MAT - a matrix of values
#' @examples
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD) # the means of the distributions in BLOOD dataset
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD, stat = "median") # the medians of the distributions in BLOOD dataset
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD, stat = "quantile", prob = 0.5) # the same as median
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD, stat = "min") # minima of the distributions in BLOOD dataset
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD, stat = "quantile", prob = 0) # the same as min
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD, stat = "max") # maxima of the distributions in BLOOD dataset
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD, stat = "quantile", prob = 1) # the same as max
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD, stat = "std") # standard deviations of the distributions in BLOOD dataset
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD, stat = "skewness") # skewness indices of the distributions in BLOOD dataset
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD, stat = "kurtosis") # kurtosis indices of the distributions in BLOOD dataset
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD, stat = "quantile", prob = 0.05)
#' # the fifth percentiles of distributions in BLOOD dataset
  f = "get.MatH.stats", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object, stat = "mean", prob = 0.5) {
    r <- get.MatH.nrows(object)
    c <- get.MatH.ncols(object)
    MAT <- matrix(NA, get.MatH.nrows(object), get.MatH.ncols(object))
    rownames(MAT) <- get.MatH.rownames(object)
    colnames(MAT) <- get.MatH.varnames(object)
    for (i in 1:r) {
      for (j in 1:c) {
        if (length(object@M[i, j][[1]]@x) > 0) {
          if (stat == "mean") {
            MAT[i, j] <- object@M[i, j][[1]]@m
          if (stat == "std") {
            MAT[i, j] <- object@M[i, j][[1]]@s
          if (stat == "skewness") {
            MAT[i, j] <- skewH(object@M[i, j][[1]])
          if (stat == "kurtosis") {
            MAT[i, j] <- kurtH(object@M[i, j][[1]])
          if (stat == "median") {
            MAT[i, j] <- compQ(object = object@M[i, j][[1]], p = 0.5)
          if (stat == "quantile") {
            MAT[i, j] <- compQ(object = object@M[i, j][[1]], p = prob)
          if (stat == "min") {
            MAT[i, j] <- compQ(object = object@M[i, j][[1]], p = 0)
          if (stat == "max") {
            MAT[i, j] <- compQ(object = object@M[i, j][[1]], p = 1)
    if (stat == "quantile") {
      return(list(stat = stat, prob = prob, mat = MAT))
    } else {
      return(list(stat = stat, mat = MAT))

# methods for collating by row or by column two MatHs ----
#' Method WH.bind.row
#' @name WH.bind.row
#' @rdname WH.bind.row-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.bind.row
setGeneric("WH.bind.row", function(object1, object2) standardGeneric("WH.bind.row")) #
#' Method WH.bind.col
#' @name WH.bind.col
#' @rdname WH.bind.col-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.bind.col
setGeneric("WH.bind.col", function(object1, object2) standardGeneric("WH.bind.col")) #
#' Method WH.bind
#' @name WH.bind
#' @rdname WH.bind-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.bind
setGeneric("WH.bind", function(object1, object2, byrow) standardGeneric("WH.bind")) #
#' @rdname WH.bind.row-methods
#' @aliases WH.bind.row,MatH-method
#' @description It attaches two \code{MatH} objects with the same columns by row.
#' @param object1  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object2  a \code{MatH} object
#' @return a \code{MatH} object,
#' @examples
#' M1 <- BLOOD[1:3, ]
#' M2 <- BLOOD[5:8, ]
#' MAT <- WH.bind.row(M1, M2)
  f = "WH.bind.row", signature = c(object1 = "MatH", object2 = "MatH"),
  function(object1, object2) {
    ncol1 <- ncol(object1@M)
    ncol2 <- ncol(object2@M)
    nrow1 <- nrow(object1@M)
    nrow2 <- nrow(object2@M)
    if (ncol1 != ncol2) {
      stop("The two matrix must have the same number of columns")
    object1@M <- rbind(object1@M, object2@M)
#' @rdname WH.bind.col-methods
#' @aliases WH.bind.col,MatH-method
#' @description It attaches two \code{MatH} objects with the same rows by colums.
#' @param object1  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object2  a \code{MatH} object
#' @return a \code{MatH} object,
#' @examples
#' M1 <- BLOOD[1:10, 1]
#' M2 <- BLOOD[1:10, 3]
#' MAT <- WH.bind.col(M1, M2)
  f = "WH.bind.col", signature = c(object1 = "MatH", object2 = "MatH"),
  function(object1, object2) {
    ncol1 <- ncol(object1@M)
    ncol2 <- ncol(object2@M)
    nrow1 <- nrow(object1@M)
    nrow2 <- nrow(object2@M)
    if (nrow1 != nrow2) {
      stop("The two matrix must have the same number of rows")
    # NewMat=new("MatH", nrows=nrow1,ncols=ncol1+ncol2)
    object1@M <- cbind(object1@M, object2@M)
#' @rdname WH.bind-methods
#' @aliases WH.bind,MatH-method
#' @description It attaches two \code{MatH} objects with the same columns by row, or the same rows by colum.
#' @param object1  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object2  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param byrow  a logical value (default=TRUE) attaches the objects by row
#' @return a \code{MatH} object,
#' @examples
#' # binding by row
#' M1 <- BLOOD[1:10, 1]
#' M2 <- BLOOD[1:10, 3]
#' MAT <- WH.bind(M1, M2, byrow = TRUE)
#' # binding by col
#' M1 <- BLOOD[1:10, 1]
#' M2 <- BLOOD[1:10, 3]
#' MAT <- WH.bind(M1, M2, byrow = FALSE)
#' @seealso \code{\link{WH.bind.row}} for binding by row, \code{\link{WH.bind.col}} for binding by column
  f = "WH.bind", signature = c(object1 = "MatH", object2 = "MatH"),
  function(object1, object2, byrow = TRUE) {
    ncol1 <- ncol(object1@M)
    ncol2 <- ncol(object2@M)
    nrow1 <- nrow(object1@M)
    nrow2 <- nrow(object2@M)
    if (byrow == TRUE) {
      NewMat <- WH.bind.row(object1, object2)
    else {
      NewMat <- WH.bind.col(object1, object2)

# methods for MatH based on the L2 Wasserstein distance between distributions ----
#' Method WH.mat.sum
#' @name WH.mat.sum
#' @rdname WH.mat.sum-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.mat.sum
setGeneric("WH.mat.sum", function(object1, object2) standardGeneric("WH.mat.sum")) # ok matrix sum
#' Method WH.mat.prod
#' @name WH.mat.prod
#' @rdname WH.mat.prod-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.mat.prod
setGeneric("WH.mat.prod", function(object1, object2, ...) standardGeneric("WH.mat.prod")) # ok matrix product
#' @rdname WH.mat.sum-methods
#' @aliases WH.mat.sum,MatH-method
#' @description It sums two \code{MatH} objects, i.e. two matrices of distributions,
#' by summing the quantile functions of histograms. This sum is consistent with
#' a set of distributions equipped with a L2 wasserstein metric.
#' @param object1  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object2  a \code{MatH} object
#' @return a \code{MatH} object,
#' @examples
#' # binding by row
#' M1 <- BLOOD[1:5, ]
#' M2 <- BLOOD[6:10, ]
#' MAT <- WH.mat.sum(M1, M2)
  f = "WH.mat.sum", signature = c(object1 = "MatH", object2 = "MatH"),
  # sums two MatH, i.e.  two matrices of distributionsH
  # INPUT:

  function(object1, object2) {
    nrows1 <- nrow(object1@M)
    ncols1 <- ncol(object1@M)
    nrows2 <- nrow(object1@M)
    ncols2 <- ncol(object1@M)
    if (!identical(dim(object1@M), dim(object2@M))) {
      stop("the two matrices must be of the same dimension")
    else {
      MATS <- object1
      TMP <- new("MatH", 1, 2)
      for (r in 1:nrows1) {
        for (c in 1:ncols1) {
          TMP@M[1, 1][[1]] <- object1@M[r, c][[1]]
          TMP@M[1, 2][[1]] <- object2@M[r, c][[1]]
          TMP <- registerMH(TMP)
          MATS@M[r, c][[1]] <- new(
            (TMP@M[1, 1][[1]]@x + TMP@M[1, 2][[1]]@x),
            TMP@M[1, 1][[1]]@p,
            (TMP@M[1, 1][[1]]@m + TMP@M[1, 2][[1]]@m)
#' @rdname WH.mat.prod-methods
#' @aliases WH.mat.prod,MatH-method
#' @description It is the matrix product of two \code{MatH} objects, i.e. two matrices of distributions,
#' by using the dot product of two histograms that is consistent with
#'  a set of distributions equipped with a L2 wasserstein metric.
#' @param object1  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object2  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param ... other optional parameters
#' @param traspose1 a logical value, default=FALSE. If TRUE trasposes object1
#' @param traspose2 a logical value, default=FALSE. If TRUE trasposes object2
#' @return a matrix of numbers
#' @examples
#' M1 <- BLOOD[1:5, ]
#' M2 <- BLOOD[6:10, ]
#' MAT <- WH.mat.prod(M1, M2, traspose1 = TRUE, traspose2 = FALSE)
  f = "WH.mat.prod", signature = c(object1 = "MatH", object2 = "MatH"),
  # sums two MatH, i.e.  two matrics of distributionsH
  # INPUT:

  function(object1, object2, traspose1 = FALSE, traspose2 = FALSE) {
    if (traspose1 == TRUE) {
      # trasposing the first matrix
      object1@M <- t(object1@M)
    if (traspose2 == TRUE) {
      # trasposing the second matrix
      object2@M <- t(object2@M)
    nrows1 <- nrow(object1@M)
    ncols1 <- ncol(object1@M)
    nrows2 <- nrow(object2@M)
    ncols2 <- ncol(object2@M)
    if (ncols1 != nrows2) {
        "Fisrt matrix dimensions ", nrow(object1@M), "x", ncol(object1@M), "\n",
        "Second matrix dimensions ", nrow(object2@M), "x", ncol(object2@M), "\n"
      stop("Dimensions of matrices are not compatible")

    MAT <- matrix(0, nrows1, ncols2)
    #             cat("Fisrt matrix dimensions ", nrow(object1@M), "x", ncol(object1@M), "\n",
    #                 "Second matrix dimensions ", nrow(object2@M), "x", ncol(object2@M), "\n")
    for (r in 1:nrows1) {
      for (c in 1:ncols2) {
        for (els in 1:ncols1) {
          MAT[r, c] <- MAT[r, c] + dotpW(object1@M[r, els][[1]], object2@M[els, c][[1]])

# L2 Wasserstein basic operations and basic statistics for matrices of distributionH ----
#' Method WH.vec.sum
#' @name WH.vec.sum
#' @rdname WH.vec.sum-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.vec.sum
setGeneric("WH.vec.sum", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("WH.vec.sum")) # OK weighted sum of a vector of distributionH
#' Method WH.vec.mean
#' @name WH.vec.mean
#' @rdname WH.vec.mean-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.vec.mean
setGeneric("WH.vec.mean", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("WH.vec.mean")) # OK weighted mean of a vector of distributionH
#' Method WH.SSQ
#' @name WH.SSQ
#' @rdname WH.SSQ-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.SSQ
setGeneric("WH.SSQ", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("WH.SSQ")) # weighted de-codeviance matrix
#' Method WH.var.covar
#' @name WH.var.covar
#' @rdname WH.var.covar-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.var.covar
setGeneric("WH.var.covar", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("WH.var.covar")) # weighted variance variance matrix
#' Method WH.correlation
#' @name WH.correlation
#' @rdname WH.correlation-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.correlation
setGeneric("WH.correlation", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("WH.correlation")) # weighted corelation matrix
#' Method WH.SSQ2
#' @name WH.SSQ2
#' @rdname WH.SSQ2-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.SSQ2
setGeneric("WH.SSQ2", function(object1, object2, ...) standardGeneric("WH.SSQ2")) # weighted de-codeviance matrix
#' Method WH.var.covar2
#' @name WH.var.covar2
#' @rdname WH.var.covar2-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.var.covar2
setGeneric("WH.var.covar2", function(object1, object2, ...) standardGeneric("WH.var.covar2")) # weighted variance variance matrix
#' Method WH.correlation2
#' @name WH.correlation2
#' @rdname WH.correlation2-methods
#' @exportMethod WH.correlation2
setGeneric("WH.correlation2", function(object1, object2, ...) standardGeneric("WH.correlation2")) # weighted corelation matrix

#' @rdname WH.vec.sum-methods
#' @aliases WH.vec.sum,MatH-method
#' @description Compute a histogram that is the weighted sum of the set of histograms contained
#' in a \code{MatH} object, i.e. a matrix of histograms, consistent with
#' a set of distributions equipped with a L2 wasserstein metric.
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param ... optional arguments
#' @param w it is possible to add a vector of weights (positive numbers) having the same size of the \code{MatH object},
#' default = equal weights for all cells
#' @return a \code{distributionH} object, i.e. a histogram
#' @examples
#' hsum <- WH.vec.sum(BLOOD)
#' # generate a set of random weights
#' RN <- runif(get.MatH.nrows(BLOOD) * get.MatH.ncols(BLOOD))
#' hsum <- WH.vec.sum(BLOOD, w = RN)
#' ### SUM of distributions ----
  f = "WH.vec.sum", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object, w = numeric(0)) {
    nrows <- nrow(object@M)
    ncols <- ncol(object@M)
    nelem <- nrows * ncols
    if (missing(w)) {
      w <- rep(1, nelem)
    else {
      if (length(object@M) != length(w)) {
        stop("Wheights must have the same dimensions of the input matrix of distributions")
      if (min(w) < 0) {
        stop("Weights must be positive!!")
    w <- matrix(w, nrows, ncols)

    SUM <- new("distributionH", c(0, 0), c(0, 1))
    for (c in 1:ncols) {
      for (r in 1:nrows) {
        SUM <- SUM + w[r, c] * object@M[r, c][[1]]
#' @rdname WH.vec.mean-methods
#' @aliases WH.vec.mean,MatH-method
#' @description Compute a histogram that is the weighted mean of the set of histograms contained
#' in a \code{MatH} object, i.e. a matrix of histograms, consistent with
#' a set of distributions equipped with a L2 wasserstein metric.
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param ... optional arguments
#' @param w it is possible to add a vector of weights (positive numbers) having the same size of
#'  the \code{MatH object}, default = equal weights for all
#' @return a \code{distributionH} object, i.e. a histogram
#' @examples
#' hmean <- WH.vec.mean(BLOOD)
#' # generate a set of random weights
#' RN <- runif(get.MatH.nrows(BLOOD) * get.MatH.ncols(BLOOD))
#' hmean <- WH.vec.mean(BLOOD, w = RN)
  f = "WH.vec.mean", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object, w = numeric(0)) {
    # if (length(object@M)==1) return(object)
    # WH MEAN H qua si puo migliorare -----
    nrows <- nrow(object@M)
    ncols <- ncol(object@M)
    nelem <- nrows * ncols
    if (missing(w)) {
      w <- rep(1 / nelem, nelem)
    else {
      if (length(object@M) != length(w)) {
        stop("Wheights must have the same dimensions of the input matrix of distributions")
      if (min(w) < 0) {
        stop("Weights must be positive!!")
    w <- matrix(w, nrows, ncols)
    w <- w / sum(w)
    if (ncols == 1) {
      MEAN <- MEAN_VA(object, w)
    else {
      w2 <- colSums(w)
      w2 <- w2 / sum(w2)
      MEAN <- w2[1] * MEAN_VA(object[, 1], w[, 1])
      for (c in 2:ncols) {
        MEAN <- MEAN + w2[c] * MEAN_VA(object[, c], w[, c])
#' @rdname WH.SSQ-methods
#' @aliases WH.SSQ,MatH-method
#' @description Compute the sum-of-squares-deviations (from the mean) matrix of a \code{MatH} object, i.e.
#' a matrix of numbers, consistent with
#' a set of distributions equipped with a L2 wasserstein metric.
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param ... some optional parameters
#' @param w it is possible to add a vector of weights (positive numbers)
#' having the same size of the rows of the \code{MatH object},
#' default = equal weight for each row
#' @return a squared \code{matrix} with the weighted sum of squares
#' @examples
#' # generate a set of random weights
#' RN <- runif(get.MatH.nrows(BLOOD))
#' WH.SSQ(BLOOD, w = RN)
  f = "WH.SSQ", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object, w = numeric(0)) {
    nrows <- nrow(object@M)
    ncols <- ncol(object@M)
    nelem <- nrows * ncols
    if (missing(w)) {
      w <- rep(1, nrows)
    else {
      if (nrows != length(w)) {
        stop("Wheights must have the same length of rows of the input matrix of distributions")
      if (min(w) < 0) {
        stop("Weights must be positive!!")
    w <- matrix(w, nrows, 1)
    DEV_MAT <- SSQ_RCPP(object, w)
    # w=w/sum(w)
    # DEV_MAT=matrix(0,ncols,ncols)
    colnames(DEV_MAT) <- colnames(object@M)
    rownames(DEV_MAT) <- colnames(object@M)
    # compute the means
    # MEANS=new("MatH",1,ncols)
    # for (v1 in 1:ncols){
    #   MEANS@M[1,v1][[1]]=WH.vec.mean(object[,v1],w)
    # }
    # for (v1 in 1:ncols){
    #   for (v2 in v1:ncols){
    #     for (indiv in 1:nrows){
    #       if (v1==v2){
    #         DEV_MAT[v1,v2]=DEV_MAT[v1,v2]+
    #           w[indiv,1]*((object@M[indiv,v1][[1]]@s)^2+(object@M[indiv,v1][[1]]@m)^2)
    #       }else{
    #         DEV_MAT[v1,v2]=DEV_MAT[v1,v2]+
    #           w[indiv,1]*dotpW(object@M[indiv,v1][[1]],object@M[indiv,v2][[1]])
    #       }
    #     }
    #     if (v2>v1){
    #       DEV_MAT[v1,v2]=DEV_MAT[v1,v2]-sum(w)*dotpW(MEANS@M[1,v1][[1]],MEANS@M[1,v2][[1]])
    #       DEV_MAT[v2,v1]=DEV_MAT[v1,v2]
    #     }else{
    #       DEV_MAT[v1,v1]=DEV_MAT[v1,v1]-sum(w)*(MEANS@M[1,v1][[1]]@s^2+MEANS@M[1,v1][[1]]@m^2)
    #     }
    #   }
    # }
    # if(ncols==1){
    #   return(as.vector(DEV_MAT))
    # }
    # else
#' @rdname WH.var.covar-methods
#' @aliases WH.var.covar,MatH-method
#' @description Compute the variance-covariance matrix of a \code{MatH} object, i.e.
#' a matrix of values consistent with
#' a set of distributions equipped with a L2 wasserstein metric.
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param ... some optional parameters
#' @param w it is possible to add a vector of weights (positive numbers)
#' having the same size of the rows of the \code{MatH object},
#' default = equal weight for each row
#' @return a squared \code{matrix} with the (weighted) variance-covariance values
#' @references Irpino, A., Verde, R. (2015) \emph{Basic
#' statistics for distributional symbolic variables: a new metric-based
#' approach} Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, DOI
#' 10.1007/s11634-014-0176-4
#' @examples
#' WH.var.covar(BLOOD)
#' # generate a set of random weights
#' RN <- runif(get.MatH.nrows(BLOOD))
#' WH.var.covar(BLOOD, w = RN)
  f = "WH.var.covar", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object, w = numeric(0)) {
    nrows <- nrow(object@M)
    ncols <- ncol(object@M)
    nelem <- nrows * ncols
    if (missing(w)) {
      w <- rep(1, nrows)
    else {
      if (nrows != length(w)) {
        stop("Weights must have the same length of rows of the input matrix of distributions")
      if (min(w) < 0) {
        stop("Weights must be positive!!")
    w <- matrix(w, nrows, 1)
    w <- w / sum(w)
    COV_MAT <- WH.SSQ(object, w)
#' @rdname WH.correlation-methods
#' @aliases WH.correlation,MatH-method
#' @description Compute the correlation matrix of a \code{MatH} object, i.e.
#' a matrix of values consistent with
#' a set of distributions equipped with a L2 wasserstein metric.
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param ... some optional parameters
#' @param w it is possible to add a vector of weights (positive numbers)
#' having the same size of the rows of the \code{MatH object},
#' default = equal weight for each row
#' @return a squared \code{matrix} with the (weighted) correlations indices
#' @references Irpino, A., Verde, R. (2015) \emph{Basic
#' statistics for distributional symbolic variables: a new metric-based
#' approach} Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, DOI
#' 10.1007/s11634-014-0176-4
#' @examples
#' WH.correlation(BLOOD)
#' # generate a set of random weights
#' RN <- runif(get.MatH.nrows(BLOOD))
#' WH.correlation(BLOOD, w = RN)
  f = "WH.correlation", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object, w = numeric(0)) {
    nrows <- nrow(object@M)
    ncols <- ncol(object@M)
    nelem <- nrows * ncols
    if (missing(w)) {
      w <- rep(1, nrows)
    else {
      if (nrows != length(w)) {
        stop("Wheights must have the same length of rows of the input matrix of distributions")
      if (min(w) < 0) {
        stop("Weights must be positive!!")
    w <- matrix(w, nrows, 1)
    w <- w / sum(w)
    COV_MAT <- WH.var.covar(object, w)
    CORR_MAT <- as.matrix(COV_MAT)
    # browser()
    # a=Sys.time()
    CORR_MAT <- COV_MAT / (t(t(sqrt(diag(COV_MAT)))) %*% sqrt(diag(COV_MAT)))
    # b=Sys.time()
    # print(b-a)
    #  for (v1 in 1:ncols){
    #    for (v2 in v1:ncols){
    #      CORR_MAT[v1,v2]= COV_MAT[v1,v2]/sqrt((COV_MAT[v1,v1]*COV_MAT[v2,v2]))
    #      CORR_MAT[v2,v1]=CORR_MAT[v1,v2]
    #    }
    #  }
    #  c=Sys.time()
    #  print(c-b)
    # #
    # browser()
#' @rdname WH.SSQ2-methods
#' @aliases WH.SSQ2,MatH-method
#' @description Compute the sum-of-squares-deviations (from the mean) matrix using two  \code{MatH} objects having the same number of rows,
#'  It returns a rectangular a matrix of numbers, consistent with
#' a set of distributions equipped with a L2 wasserstein metric.
#' @param object1  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object2  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param ... some optional parameters
#' @param w it is possible to add a vector of weights (positive numbers)
#' having the same size of the rows of the \code{MatH object},
#' default = equal weight for each row
#' @return a rectangular \code{matrix} with the weighted sum of squares
#' @examples
#' M1 <- BLOOD[, 1]
#' M2 <- BLOOD[, 2:3]
#' WH.SSQ2(M1, M2)
#' # generate a set of random weights
#' RN <- runif(get.MatH.nrows(BLOOD))
#' WH.SSQ2(M1, M2, w = RN)
  f = "WH.SSQ2", signature = c(object1 = "MatH", object2 = "MatH"),
  function(object1, object2, w = numeric(0)) {
    nrows1 <- nrow(object1@M)
    ncols1 <- ncol(object1@M)

    nrows2 <- nrow(object2@M)
    ncols2 <- ncol(object2@M)

    if (nrows1 != nrows2) {
      stop("The two matrices have a different number of rows")

    if (missing(w)) {
      w <- rep(1, nrows1)
    else {
      if (nrows1 != length(w)) {
        stop("Wheights must have the same length of rows of the input matrix of distributions")
      if (min(w) < 0) {
        stop("Weights must be positive!!")
    w <- matrix(w, nrows1, 1)
    # w=w/sum(w)
    DEV_MAT <- matrix(0, ncols1, ncols2)
    rownames(DEV_MAT) <- colnames(object1@M)
    colnames(DEV_MAT) <- colnames(object2@M)

    # compute the means
    MEANS1 <- new("MatH", 1, ncols1)
    for (v1 in 1:ncols1) {
      MEANS1@M[1, v1][[1]] <- WH.vec.mean(object1[, v1], w)
    MEANS2 <- new("MatH", 1, ncols2)
    for (v2 in 1:ncols2) {
      MEANS2@M[1, v2][[1]] <- WH.vec.mean(object2[, v2], w)

    for (v1 in 1:ncols1) {
      for (v2 in 1:ncols2) {
        for (indiv in 1:nrows1) {
          DEV_MAT[v1, v2] <- DEV_MAT[v1, v2] + w[indiv, 1] * dotpW(object1@M[indiv, v1][[1]], object2@M[indiv, v2][[1]])

        DEV_MAT[v1, v2] <- DEV_MAT[v1, v2] - sum(w) * dotpW(MEANS1@M[1, v1][[1]], MEANS2@M[1, v2][[1]])
    if (ncols1 == 1 && ncols2 == 1) {
    else {
#' @rdname WH.var.covar2-methods
#' @aliases WH.var.covar2,MatH-method
#' @description Compute the covariance matrix using two  \code{MatH} objects having the same number of rows,
#'  It returns a rectangular a matrix of numbers, consistent with
#' a set of distributions equipped with a L2 wasserstein metric.
#' @param object1  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object2  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param ... some optional parameters
#' @param w it is possible to add a vector of weights (positive numbers)
#' having the same size of the rows of the \code{MatH object},
#' default = equal weight for each row
#' @return a rectangular \code{matrix} with the weighted sum of squares
#' @examples
#' M1 <- BLOOD[, 1]
#' M2 <- BLOOD[, 2:3]
#' WH.var.covar2(M1, M2)
#' # generate a set of random weights
#' RN <- runif(get.MatH.nrows(BLOOD))
#' WH.var.covar2(M1, M2, w = RN)
  f = "WH.var.covar2", signature = c(object1 = "MatH", object2 = "MatH"),
  function(object1, object2, w = numeric(0)) {
    nrows1 <- nrow(object1@M)
    ncols1 <- ncol(object1@M)

    nrows2 <- nrow(object2@M)
    ncols2 <- ncol(object2@M)

    if (nrows1 != nrows2) {
      stop("The two matrices have a different number of rows")

    if (missing(w)) {
      w <- rep(1, nrows1)
    else {
      if (nrows1 != length(w)) {
        stop("Wheights must have the same length of rows of the input matrix of distributions")
      if (min(w) < 0) {
        stop("Weights must be positive!!")
    w <- matrix(w, nrows1, 1)
    w <- w / sum(w)
    VAR_MAT <- matrix(0, ncols1, ncols2)
    rownames(VAR_MAT) <- colnames(object1@M)
    colnames(VAR_MAT) <- colnames(object2@M)

    # compute the means
    MEANS1 <- new("MatH", 1, ncols1)
    for (v1 in 1:ncols1) {
      MEANS1@M[1, v1][[1]] <- WH.vec.mean(object1[, v1], w)
    MEANS2 <- new("MatH", 1, ncols2)
    for (v2 in 1:ncols2) {
      MEANS2@M[1, v2][[1]] <- WH.vec.mean(object2[, v2], w)

    for (v1 in 1:ncols1) {
      for (v2 in 1:ncols2) {
        for (indiv in 1:nrows1) {
          VAR_MAT[v1, v2] <- VAR_MAT[v1, v2] + w[indiv, 1] * dotpW(object1@M[indiv, v1][[1]], object2@M[indiv, v2][[1]])

        VAR_MAT[v1, v2] <- VAR_MAT[v1, v2] - sum(w) * dotpW(MEANS1@M[1, v1][[1]], MEANS2@M[1, v2][[1]])
    if (ncols1 == 1 && ncols2 == 1) {
    else {
#' @rdname WH.correlation2-methods
#' @aliases WH.correlation2,MatH-method
#' @description Compute the correlation matrix using two  \code{MatH} objects having the same number of rows,
#'  It returns a rectangular a matrix of numbers, consistent with
#' a set of distributions equipped with a L2 wasserstein metric.
#' @param object1  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param object2  a \code{MatH} object
#' @param ... some optional parameters
#' @param w it is possible to add a vector of weights (positive numbers)
#' having the same size of the rows of the \code{MatH object},
#' default = equal weight for each row
#' @return a rectangular \code{matrix} with the weighted sum of squares
#' @examples
#' M1 <- BLOOD[, 1]
#' M2 <- BLOOD[, 2:3]
#' WH.correlation2(M1, M2)
#' # generate a set of random weights
#' RN <- runif(get.MatH.nrows(BLOOD))
#' WH.correlation2(M1, M2, w = RN)
  f = "WH.correlation2", signature = c(object1 = "MatH", object2 = "MatH"),
  function(object1, object2, w = numeric(0)) {
    nrows1 <- nrow(object1@M)
    ncols1 <- ncol(object1@M)

    nrows2 <- nrow(object2@M)
    ncols2 <- ncol(object2@M)

    if (nrows1 != nrows2) {
      stop("The two matrices have a different number of rows")

    if (missing(w)) {
      w <- rep(1, nrows1)
    else {
      if (nrows1 != length(w)) {
        stop("Wheights must have the same length of rows of the input matrix of distributions")
      if (min(w) < 0) {
        stop("Weights must be positive!!")
    w <- matrix(w, nrows1, 1)
    w <- w / sum(w)
    COV_MAT <- WH.var.covar2(object1, object2, w)
    CORR_MAT <- as.matrix(COV_MAT)
    # qua perde tempo
    for (v1 in 1:ncols1) {
      for (v2 in 1:ncols2) {
        CORR_MAT[v1, v2] <- COV_MAT[v1, v2] / sqrt(WH.var.covar(object1[, v1], w) * WH.var.covar(object2[, v2], w))
    if (length(CORR_MAT) == 1) {
    } else {

# Utility methods for registration of distributions ----
#' Method is.registeredMH
#' @name is.registeredMH
#' @rdname is.registeredMH-methods
#' @exportMethod is.registeredMH
setGeneric("is.registeredMH", function(object) standardGeneric("is.registeredMH")) # OK
#' @rdname is.registeredMH-methods
#' @aliases is.registeredMH,MatH-method
#' @description Checks if a \code{MatH} contains histograms described by the same number of
#' bins and the same cdf.
#' @param object A \code{MatH} object
#' @return a \code{logical} value \code{TRUE} if the distributions share the
#' same cdf, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @references Irpino, A., Lechevallier, Y. and Verde, R. (2006): \emph{Dynamic
#' clustering of histograms using Wasserstein metric} In: Rizzi, A., Vichi, M.
#' (eds.) COMPSTAT 2006. Physica-Verlag, Berlin, 869-876.\cr Irpino, A.,Verde,
#' R. (2006): \emph{A new Wasserstein based distance for the hierarchical
#' clustering of histogram symbolic data} In: Batanjeli, V., Bock, H.H.,
#' Ferligoj, A., Ziberna, A. (eds.) Data Science and Classification, IFCS 2006.
#' Springer, Berlin, 185-192.
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' ## ---- initialize three distributionH objects mydist1 and mydist2
#' mydist1 <- new("distributionH", c(1, 2, 3), c(0, 0.4, 1))
#' mydist2 <- new("distributionH", c(7, 8, 10, 15), c(0, 0.2, 0.7, 1))
#' mydist3 <- new("distributionH", c(9, 11, 20), c(0, 0.8, 1))
#' ## create a MatH object
#' MyMAT <- new("MatH", nrows = 1, ncols = 3, ListOfDist = c(mydist1, mydist2, mydist3), 1, 3)
#' is.registeredMH(MyMAT)
#' ## [1] FALSE #the distributions do not share the same cdf
#' ## Hint: check with str(MyMAT)
#' ## register the two distributions
#' MATregistered <- registerMH(MyMAT)
#' is.registeredMH(MATregistered)
#' ## TRUE #the distributions share the same cdf
#' ## Hint: check with str(MATregistered)
  f = "is.registeredMH", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  # check if all the distributions share the same cdf
  # INPUT: object11  - a vector or a matrix two distributions
  # OUTPUT: resu - a matrix of distributionH objects with
  # recomputed quantiles on a common cdf
  function(object) {
    nrows <- nrow(object@M)
    ncols <- ncol(object@M)
    ndis <- nrows * ncols
    # Check if the distribution are registered
    OK <- 1
    count <- 1
    r <- 1
    tmpcdf <- object@M[1, 1][[1]]@p
    while (OK == 1) {
      count <- count + 1
      if (count <= ndis) {
        if (!identical(tmpcdf, object@M[count][[1]]@p)) {
          OK <- 0
      else {
        OK <- 0
#' Method registerMH
#' @name registerMH
#' @rdname registerMH-methods
#' @exportMethod registerMH
setGeneric("registerMH", function(object) standardGeneric("registerMH")) # OK
#' @rdname registerMH-methods
#' @aliases registerMH,MatH-method
#' @description \code{registerMH} method registers a set of distributions of a \code{MatH} object
#' All the
#' distribution are recomputed to obtain distributions sharing the same
#' \code{p} slot. This methods is useful for using fast computation of all
#' methods based on L2 Wasserstein metric. The distributions will have the same
#' number of element in the \code{x} slot without modifing their density
#' function.
#' @param object  A \code{MatH} object (a matrix of distributions)
#' @return A \code{MatH} object, a matrix of distributions sharing the same
#' \code{p} slot (i.e. the same cdf).
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @references Irpino, A., Lechevallier, Y. and Verde, R. (2006): \emph{Dynamic
#' clustering of histograms using Wasserstein metric} In: Rizzi, A., Vichi, M.
#' (eds.) COMPSTAT 2006. Physica-Verlag, Berlin, 869-876.\cr Irpino, A.,Verde,
#' R. (2006): \emph{A new Wasserstein based distance for the hierarchical
#' clustering of histogram symbolic data} In: Batanjeli, V., Bock, H.H.,
#' Ferligoj, A., Ziberna, A. (eds.) Data Science and Classification, IFCS 2006.
#' Springer, Berlin, 185-192.
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' # initialize three distributionH objects mydist1 and mydist2
#' mydist1 <- new("distributionH", c(1, 2, 3), c(0, 0.4, 1))
#' mydist2 <- new("distributionH", c(7, 8, 10, 15), c(0, 0.2, 0.7, 1))
#' mydist3 <- new("distributionH", c(9, 11, 20), c(0, 0.8, 1))
#' # create a MatH object
#' MyMAT <- new("MatH", nrows = 1, ncols = 3, ListOfDist = c(mydist1, mydist2, mydist3), 1, 3)
#' # register the two distributions
#' MATregistered <- registerMH(MyMAT)
#' #
#' # OUTPUT the structure of MATregstered
#' str(MATregistered)
#' #   Formal class 'MatH' [package "HistDAWass"] with 1 slots
#' #   .. @@ M:List of 3
#' #   .. ..$ :Formal class 'distributionH' [package "HistDAWass"] with 4 slots
#' #   .. .. .. ..@@ x: num [1:6] 1 1.5 2 2.5 2.67 ...
#' #   .. .. .. ..@@ p: num [1:6] 0 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.8 1
#' #   ...
#' #   .. ..$ :Formal class 'distributionH' [package "HistDAWass"] with 4 slots
#' #   .. .. .. ..@@ x: num [1:6] 7 8 8.8 10 11.7 ...
#' #   .. .. .. ..@@ p: num [1:6] 0 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.8 1
#' #   ...
#' #   .. ..$ :Formal class 'distributionH' [package "HistDAWass"] with 4 slots
#' #   .. .. .. ..@@ x: num [1:6] 9 9.5 10 10.8 11 ...
#' #   .. .. .. ..@@ p: num [1:6] 0 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.8 1
#' #   ...
#' #   .. ..- attr(*, "dim")= int [1:2] 1 3
#' #   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#' #   .. .. ..$ : chr "I1"
#' #   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:3] "X1" "X2" "X3"
#' #
  f = "registerMH", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  # register a row or a column vector of qfs of distributionH:
  # if the cdf are different a a matrix resu is returned with the quantiles of the two
  # distribution computed at the same levels of a common vector of cdfs.
  # INPUT: object11  - a vector or a matrix two distributions
  # OUTPUT: resu - a matrix of distributionH objects with
  # recomputed quantiles on a common cdf
  function(object) {
    nrows <- nrow(object@M)
    ncols <- ncol(object@M)
    ndis <- nrows * ncols
    # Check if the distributions are registered
    if (is.registeredMH(object)) {
    commoncdf <- numeric(0)
    for (i in 1:nrows) {
      for (j in 1:ncols) {
        commoncdf <- rbind(commoncdf, t(t(object@M[i, j][[1]]@p)))
    commoncdf <- sort(unique(round(commoncdf, digits = 10)))
    commoncdf[1] <- 0
    commoncdf[length(commoncdf)] <- 1
    # check for tiny bins and for very long vectors of wheights

    # end of check
    nr <- length(commoncdf)
    result <- matrix(0, nr, (ndis + 1))
    result[, (ndis + 1)] <- commoncdf
    NEWMAT <- new("MatH", nrows, ncols)
    for (r in 1:nrows) {
      for (c in 1:ncols) {
        x <- compQ_vect(object@M[r, c][[1]], vp = commoncdf)
        # x=numeric(0)
        # for (rr in 1:nr){
        #   x=c(x,compQ(object@M[r,c][[1]],commoncdf[rr]))
        # }
        NEWMAT@M[r, c][[1]] <- new("distributionH", x, commoncdf)

#' Method Center.cell.MatH Centers all the cells of a matrix of distributions
#' @name Center.cell.MatH
#' @rdname Center.cell.MatH-methods
#' @exportMethod Center.cell.MatH
setGeneric("Center.cell.MatH", function(object) standardGeneric("Center.cell.MatH")) # OK
#' @rdname Center.cell.MatH-methods
#' @aliases Center.cell.MatH,MatH-method
#' @description The function transform a MatH object (i.e. a matrix of distributions),
#' such that each distribution is shifted and has a mean equal to zero
#' @param object a MatH object, a matrix of distributions.
#' @return A \code{MatH} object, having each distribution with a zero mean.
#' @examples
#' CEN_BLOOD <- Center.cell.MatH(BLOOD)
#' get.MatH.stats(BLOOD, stat = "mean")
  f = "Center.cell.MatH", signature = c(object = "MatH"),
  function(object) {
    nr <- get.MatH.nrows(object)
    nc <- get.MatH.ncols(object)
    NM <- object
    for (i in 1:nr) {
      for (j in 1:nc) {
        NM@M[i, j][[1]]@x <- NM@M[i, j][[1]]@x - NM@M[i, j][[1]]@m
        NM@M[i, j][[1]]@m <- 0
## Show overridding ----
#' Method show for MatH
#' @name show-MatH
#' @rdname show-MatH-methods
#' @docType methods
# @aliases show,distributionH-method
# @name show
# @rdname show-MatH
#' @aliases show,MatH-method
#' @description An overriding show method for a \code{MatH} object. The method returns a representation
#' of the matrix using the mean and the standard deviation for each histogram.
#' @param object  a \code{MatH} object
#' @examples
#' show(BLOOD)
#' print(BLOOD)
  signature(object = "MatH"),
  definition = function(object) {
    cat("a matrix of distributions \n", paste(
      ncol(object@M), " variables ",
      nrow(object@M), " rows \n"
    ), "each distibution in the cell is represented by the mean and the standard deviation \n ")
    mymat <- matrix(0, nrow(object@M) + 1, ncol(object@M))
    for (i in 1:ncol(object@M)) {
      mymat[1, i] <- colnames(object@M)[i]
    for (i in 1:nrow(object@M)) {
      for (j in 1:ncol(object@M)) {
        if (length(object@M[i, j][[1]]@x) == 0) {
          mymat[i + 1, j] <- paste("Empty distribution")
        else {
          if ((abs(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m) > 1e5 || abs(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m) < 1e-5) &&
            (object@M[i, j][[1]]@s > 1e5 || object@M[i, j][[1]]@s < 1e-5)) {
            mymat[i + 1, j] <- paste(
              "[m=", format(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m, digits = 5, scientific = TRUE),
              " ,s=", format(object@M[i, j][[1]]@s, digits = 5, scientific = TRUE), "]"
          if ((abs(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m) <= 1e5 && abs(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m) >= 1e-5) &&
            (object@M[i, j][[1]]@s <= 1e5 || object@M[i, j][[1]]@s >= 1e-5)) {
            mymat[i + 1, j] <- paste(
              "[m=", format(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m, digits = 5),
              " ,s=", format(object@M[i, j][[1]]@s, digits = 5), "]"
          if ((abs(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m) > 1e5 || abs(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m) < 1e-5) &&
            (object@M[i, j][[1]]@s <= 1e5 && object@M[i, j][[1]]@s >= 1e-5)) {
            mymat[i + 1, j] <- paste(
              "[m=", format(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m, digits = 5, scientific = TRUE),
              " ,s=", format(object@M[i, j][[1]]@s, digits = 5), "]"
          if ((abs(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m) <= 1e5 && abs(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m) >= 1e-5) &&
            (object@M[i, j][[1]]@s > 1e5 || object@M[i, j][[1]]@s < 1e-5)) {
            mymat[i + 1, j] <- paste(
              "[m=", format(object@M[i, j][[1]]@m, digits = 5),
              " ,s=", format(object@M[i, j][[1]]@s, digits = 5, scientific = TRUE), "]"

    rownames(mymat) <- c(
      paste(rep(" ", nchar(rownames(object@M)[1])), collapse = ""),
    write.table(format(mymat, justify = "centre"), row.names = T, col.names = F, quote = F)
if (!isGeneric("plot")) {
    function(x, y, ...) standardGeneric("plot")
#   Plot overloading ----
#' Method plot for a matrix  of histograms
#' @name plot-MatH
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot-MatH
#' @aliases plot,MatH-method
#' @description An overloading plot function for a \code{MatH} object. The method returns a graphical representation
#' of the matrix of histograms.
#' @param x a \code{distributionH} object
#' @param y not used in this implementation
#' @param type (optional) a string describing the type of plot, default="HISTO".\cr
#'  Other allowed types are \cr
#'  "DENS"=a density approximation, \cr
#'  "BOXPLOT"=l boxplot
#' @param border (optional) a string the color of the border of the plot, default="black".
#' @param angL (optional) angle of labels of rows (DEFAULT=330).
#' @examples
#' plot(BLOOD) # plots BLOOD dataset
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(BLOOD, type = "HISTO", border = "blue") # plots a matrix of histograms
#' plot(BLOOD, type = "DENS", border = "blue") # plots a matrix of densities
#' plot(BLOOD, type = "BOXPLOT") # plots a  boxplots
#' }
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @export

  signature(x = "MatH"),
  function(x, y = "missing", type = "HISTO", border = "black", angL = 330) {
    plot.M(x, type = type, border = border, angL = angL)
#' Method get.cell.MatH Returns the histogram in a cell of a matrix of distributions
#' @name get.cell.MatH
#' @rdname get.cell.MatH-methods
#' @exportMethod get.cell.MatH
setGeneric("get.cell.MatH", function(object, r, c) standardGeneric("get.cell.MatH")) # OK
#' @rdname get.cell.MatH-methods
#' @aliases get.cell.MatH,MatH-method
#' @description Returns the histogram data in the r-th row and the c-th column.
#' @param object a MatH object, a matrix of distributions.
#' @param r an integer, the row index.
#' @param c an integer, the column index
#' @return A \code{distributionH} object.
#' @examples
#' get.cell.MatH(BLOOD, r = 1, c = 1)
  f = "get.cell.MatH", signature = c(object = "MatH", r = "numeric", c = "numeric"),
  function(object, r, c) {
    nr <- get.MatH.nrows(object)
    nc <- get.MatH.ncols(object)
    r <- as.integer(r)
    c <- as.integer(c)
    if (r > nr | r < 1 | c < 1 | c > nc) {
      print("Indices out of range")
    } else {
      Dist <- object@M[r, c][[1]]

#' Method set.cell.MatH assign a histogram to a cell of a matrix of histograms
#' @name set.cell.MatH
#' @rdname set.cell.MatH-methods
#' @exportMethod set.cell.MatH
setGeneric("set.cell.MatH", function(object, mat, r, c) standardGeneric("set.cell.MatH")) # OK
#' @rdname set.cell.MatH-methods
#' @aliases set.cell.MatH,MatH-method
#' @description Assign a histogram data to the r-th row and the c-th column of a matrix of histograms.
#' @param object a distributionH object, a matrix of distributions.
#' @param mat a MatH object, a matrix of distributions.
#' @param r an integer, the row index.
#' @param c an integer, the column index
#' @return A \code{MatH} object.
#' @examples
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), p = c(0, 0.1, 0.6, 0.9, 1))
#' MAT <- set.cell.MatH(mydist, BLOOD, r = 1, c = 1)
  f = "set.cell.MatH", signature = c(object = "distributionH", mat = "MatH", r = "numeric", c = "numeric"),
  function(object, mat, r, c) {
    nr <- get.MatH.nrows(mat)
    nc <- get.MatH.ncols(mat)
    r <- as.integer(r)
    c <- as.integer(c)
    if (r > nr | r < 1 | c < 1 | c > nc) {
      print("Indices out of range")
    } else {
      mat@M[r, c][[1]] <- object
Airpino/HistDAWass documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 7:53 p.m.