Man pages for Albluca/rRoma
An r implementation of ROMA

CompareAcrossSamplesCompare ROMA scores across samples from different populations
ConvertModuleNamesConversion between gene naming convenctions and organisms of...
ConvertNamesConversion between gene naming convenctions and organisms
DetectOutliersDetect outliers
FixPCSignCorrect the sign of the principal component
GetCombReturns all groups
GetSingleReturn its input if it is a single value, else return NA
GetTopContribGet the top contributing genes per geneset
InferBinaryWeigthInfer weigths from expression data
PCrRoma.RPerform PcROMA on a datasets
Plot.GenesetsPlot genesets information
PlotGeneWeightPlot gene weigth across selected samples
PlotOnACSNProject ROMA results onto ACSN maps
PlotPCProjectionsPlot PC projections score across selected samples
PlotRecurringGenesPlot the weigth of genes appearing across multiple genesets
PlotSampleProjectionsPlot sample score across selected samples
ReadGMTFileLoad a GMT file from a file
rRoma.RPerform ROMA on a datasets
SelectFromInternalDBReturn a an internal DB using the provided search string
SelectFromMSIGdbReturn a subset of Msigdb containing the provided search...
SelectGeneSetsSelect genesets accoding to specific conditions
Albluca/rRoma documentation built on May 5, 2019, 1:35 p.m.